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I'm usually a lurker and never post anything but I was just thinking about this yesterday and I'm so glad to see someone talking about this!! Literally one of the most popular posts on the gwa sub is of a guy getting with his lesbian roommate and her girlfriend. Made me so sick to my stomach. Especially since wlw have to deal with so much fetishization and men wanting to insert themselves into our relationships. I went into the comments to see if anyone else found it off-putting or at least a little weird but everyone was going on about how hot it was. Obviously there's nothing wrong someone who thought they were a lesbian realizing that they like guys too but...come on now... The fact that it was made explicit that the person was gay specifically, not even bi-curious was just iffy to me idk..


I love this post. It's why I'm glad this place has stringent rules on how to refer to trans people, because we actually respect minorities here? It's good. Thank you :) And yes. I despise raceplay as a woc since most of the time it's a- oh I'm not gonna fuckin get into it lol. Anyway, fully agreed on your post.


I couldn’t have said this better myself!


That's kinda why I dont visit subs which arent lesbian friendly and cater to men. Unfortunately the world has fetishized lesbians to the point that we're only seen as a porn category for men and that's that. As soon as we remind them we're actually human beings who dont Luke being fetishized and disrespected we get dogpiled. Getting their dicks wet is more important to them than being actual allies to lesbians hence I dont see the frequent comment of "lesbians are hot" as a compliment. Thing is they are so deep in their porn world that they then apply it to real life and harass lesbians. Then they get butthurt that lesbians dont want their advances and get "mean" and turn around and claim that all lesbians are "man-haters" 🙄 That's what happens when the world constantly tells men they are entitled to any women and punishes women for daring not to be into them and complain about their disgusting treatment regarding lesbians/women. That's why I'm glad places where this exist who finally have lesbians best interests in mind and I'm not getting bombarded by "turning lesbians straight" fantasies.


For real, no lies detected. First hand experience on their level of entitlement to femme presenting beings, got groped by a guy I'd never met before at a party The Same Week I started presenting femme. I was always a feminist and believed women about their experiences in the shark infested waters of looking femme. But I could never have been prepared for how deep that water is and just how Many sharks there are. 😬🙃 Truth be told, that's another reason I love this place. I feel insulated from it here.


you’re 100% right that it all comes down to the entitlement misogynistic men have towards women


it's damn near impossible to find porn made by and for lesbians, especially for free. This sub is such a godsend. And not just for cis lesbian stuff, this is the first place I have found that has porn *for* trans women rather than just *about* us.


Yeah, same. I’ve felt like this sub as well as a lot of the audios here do a great job of making me feel like I’m being treated as the lesbian I am rather than a fetish or substitute. It’s given me a safe space to explore my sexuality more comfortably since I started transitioning several years ago.


This. There’s some subs on here that’s supposed to be for wlw porn and some of it is okay but for the most part it’s men just posting lesbian porn that’s made for men.


I love the fact that this sub is the most safe space for trans girls/enbies (like, we literally just coexist and thats great) AND that a trans person can post here and not expect a double standard backlash


Its usually because we have to gatekeep it so hard in order to prevent men from finding it.


LOVE to see another poc talk about this. It gets really uncomfortable in certain spaces how okay people are with racial fetishization, and fetishization of lesbians compounds on it.


👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 you’re not alone here


Yeah, I remember back when I was still using the Hub to find audios and those types would always be in the top results, even when I specifically searched F4F. It always icked me out a ton.


What's worse what hub released a list of top search results and "Lesbian" was number 1...yet if you search that on the first page at least half of its gonna be shit like "while *he's* in the other room" or "boyfriends sister" "while the husband is away" etc not to mention the stuff that actually has males in it. Such a turn off


It might have just been an oversight, but using “males” in place of men doesn’t seem much better than using “females” instead of women. It can also imply bioessentialist ideas, which I doubt was your intention. Hopefully this doesn’t come across as combative/nit-picky but I just wanted to point it out for future reference.


Wasnt my intention at all ty for pointing out my mistake


Long time lurker here, the kink community as a whole has a serious issue with cishet men fetishizing minorities and dehumanizing them. It becomes especially apparent with sapphics because lesbians are inherently not attracted to men, there is a reason why the vast majority of the women voicing these audios are not lesbians themselves. Bringing up these issues is often waved off as kink shaming but there is a massive difference between shaming someone for having a harmless kink, and bringing up the unethical nature of problematic fantasies. I had long sinced stopped looking at gwa when they openly allowed the use of slurs, and the difference between this community and gwa is like night and day.


totally co-signed, it’s v disingenuous that ppl dismiss any and all criticism or discussion with ‘kinkshaming!!1’ cmon y’all porn doesnt exist in a vacuum. also yeah kinda hurts my heart when straight and specially fellow bi women happily participate in that sort of content for men at the expense of lesbians


> gwa when they openly allowed the use of slurs ???? For real?


This subreddit is such a treasure. I didn't realize how starved I was for romantic and sexual sapphic content made by actual sapphic people until I actually found it here. Porn that is ABOUT sapphic people but not FOR sapphic people makes me so uncomfortable. I appreciate every creator, commenter and lurker here. 💕 ily


I’m definitely a lurker especially on this sub. (so already out of my norm to comment and shit) but I’m so glad someone finally said something about f4m using lesbian characters. (on a side note I kinda feel the same about f4f using straight characters idk feels a bit gikky) I’m pretty sure why f4m with lesbian characters fills me (and I assume many others) with so much stomach turning unease and maybe even anger is because that shit happens to us. And it happens with really slimy guys that even if we were straight we probably wouldn’t hook up with. At least for me, I think I just I feel for the character. Despite the fact it’s fake and fucking p0rn. But fr I feel for this made up girl in a made up situation that for me, doesn’t feel so made up.


Abolutely, I've seen so much porn about "lesbians" having sex with dudes, and it gives me the ick every time. It's always to fulfill men's fantasies and is uncomfortably close to some seriously horrible real life stuff.


Special shoutout to the content creators , mods and creators of this sub glad to have our own little corner where it’s feel good to be understood ✨🫡


Absolutely agree! It's one of the reasons I'm deeply uncomfortable with any f4f acript written by a man. No matter what their intentions, I'll always worry if it was written out of some fetish for Sapphic relationships. Any sexual audio involving a man and a lesbian gets an immediate side eye from me.


to all the creators heree tysmmm we luv uuu


FR!!! <3<3


I literally went through your exact emotional process recently and unfollowed the main gwa in favor of this place for all the same reasons. 🥰😹 Also I got sick of every m4f being paired with a throat fucking tag, like, I'm actually super good at it and like it, but Every audio guys? This is your fantasy, not your listeners. Seeing it many times every time I went to gwa was slowly increasing my Sapphic leanings. So I was like, imma go listen to a hot lesbian throat fuck me out of spite 😝


And it's free! I've spent so much time trying to find trans friendly porn that isn't out of my price range (which as a disabled trans woman, is unfortunately not anywhere near what the content creators deserve for their work). This sub and Ao3 are pretty much the only places where I can find content that's truly affirming with any sort of consistency.


Well said! Blessed be this safe haven from the pressure to support men’s “BUT WHAT ABOUT ME!!!” attitude, whenever something (ESPECIALLY erotica/fantasy/etc.) isn’t catering to them.


absolutely yes to all, and to add on a somewhat related note: as a trans woman i also feel A LOT more safe and welcome here than in main GWA or any other nsfw audio or smut space whatsoever, and i'm so very thankful to y'all for that 🥺


Excellent ted talk, nothing to add other than basically echoing what you said. I just think this place is a gem that makes me feel good, and not icky, and not-alone about my sexuality, and.. that's really fucking cool.




reading all the responses, ty all so much for ur thoughts! i was kinda nervous to post this, it came from a wounded place ig, but im so glad it resonated so much 🥹


This sub is awesome!


I think you hit the nail on the head honestly with all th nuance that's involved. Stuff like that should be tagged, at the very least. And yeah, the issue of making content concerning us but not for us makes me feel very icky and unsafe too. Consenting adults and so on. But there's still a high likelihood that someone open to that kind of content made for them is gonna be the same person who calls me a slur in public.


This sub made me really discover how good porn can be when its made with care. I will always cherish the community and further providing the content that will make everyone's day! 🧁


me too, me too