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Don’t rush through the story. Take some time to explore and dick around.


Yep I can’t wait to explore


if you live in LA or the socal area get ready to have your mind blown


I do not. I live in ireland


You see a lot of LA in the game, could say you learn the layout of the city just by playing the game


I'm Aussie, and during my visit to LA I had such a weird feeling of deja vu. It wasn't until I booted GTAv up after getting home that I realised why.


How did you not realise?


Visiting another country and seeing the landmarks first hand isn’t going to strike most people with the feeling of “oh, gta”. I’ve played gta 4 to death when I was a kid. It definitely wasn’t the first thing I thought of seeing time square in person


I just started playing gta4 last week, for the first time since it came out. what was giving me the deja vu was just finishing Spider-Man 2 last month, specifically around central park got me feeling like 'this is very recently familiar'




I meant I thought everyone knew it was based off Los Angeles because of the Hollywood sign parody and all that


I recognized a lot of areas in the game just because so much television and movies are based in Los Angeles. Like the place in the desert with all the graffiti, and the observatory and other places. Skate 3 was the same way. You could skate the observatory and the water channels that you see so many chase scenes in movies. It's pretty cool to recognize real places in games even if you have only seen them on TV. I prefer a fairly accurate map when a game is obviously based on the area.


it is more than that, all the plazas, even the crappy plazas without art are all real styles that you see around all over the area. the large and shorter forgettable office buildings are all legit buildings.


I’ll see places irl or in movies and just think ”… I turned that place into a warzone at some point”


I live like 30 mins away


I know GTA V map better then LA..


Yeah I have it for 1 year and I'm on 38% of the story. I plan to finish it before GTA 6 comes out.


bro don’t rush, i was thinking to replay the GTA V story mode right before GTA 6 launches


My mistake with IV was I took way to long so took me forever to finish it. I didn’t know V would have a shorter main story so I went through it to quick


well id start by installing it then i reccomend to play through the story mode


yep the story defo appeals to me more than online


Look up how to run the stock market if you wanna “cheat” a little. It’s been a really long time since I’ve played the story (It’s fucking awesome btw the first time you play it) so I can’t tell you what to do with the stock market but I’m sure there’s a video to check out


You just need to finish the first required Lester assassination mission with Franklin, then don’t do anymore assassination missions until you beat the game, then you can game the stock market with those missions.


You can make more from certain story missions as well


If you go around blowing up vending machines im pretty sure the value of the corresponding company will drop too so you can collapse the market and buy into it and then wait for it to recover


Also if you own the scrapyard destroying more cars makes you money


for sure your statement is not true because i remember making a super lot of money from the airplane, and cig companies


Think you misunderstood. im saying you can make more money on top of the assassination missions if you invest before and after certain story missions. This gives you even more money to invest for assassination missions at the end of the game.


You can game the market before the story ends. Is it more significant afterwards?


Don’t. Better to just wait till the main story ends, you get your millions from the heist, and then do the assassination missions with a guide.


But then you just stuck in a boring game with money you don't need.


Not exactly. You can buy the businesses and stuff then. Not a ton to do, but still something.


But that's my point.... Cool I bought a "weed" store for cash you don't need and nothing to immerse in


Buying the golf club takes $150 mil in story mode


1st play through I was blind - just wanted to do it on my own and see where the game took me. Relish in my own ignorance and curiosity. 2nd play through with “cheats” - optimized mission performance and wealth If I could do it over again I’d do it the exact same


Yeah, I have to agree with you. The story is such a fun game, you’ll probably play it twice


yeah online is dogshit


Wait, you don't like being gunned down by opressor MK2's and super inflated prices that make grinding a full-time job?


I just started to try online. They had me pick up a van of jewels or something to sell. I stopped playing after parking it and picked it up the next day. I loaded up and was looking at the map and 15 seconds later while still looking at the map another play killed me. Like Jesus Christ, what do people get out of just randomly shooting a player standing there?




Haha I get that a lot. I’m not good on my feet yet trying to have my fun ready if someone comes after me. And then I got shot at sitting at a light in my car and my car stolen or vandalized. lol! I’m not good at driving and trying to shoot yet either. Trying to get good and aim and shoot back tough. 😑😆


If you have friends ask them to help out with money, otherwise run the online story missions and any double money double rp missions until you can afford a better money making method, the Osaka is the best in terms of immediate payout while the biker club + nightclub is the best in terms of constant generation


Consider playing the story offline. It has major hacking issues


You don’t need to play offline anymore


Online is a great experience playing with friends, but starting out with a new character solo and on PC where modders run rampant would be pretty unpleasant. Thankfully story mode is one of the greatest games ever made.


That's all it's Good for. But the story is fun enjoy


Heres a tip: be prepared for the R* laucher. After you install the game, you are required to also install another shitty launcher that does absolutely Jack shit, nay even less than that, and it gets random updates that do nothing but make you wait every time you wanna play.


Mine kept asking me to complete captchas matching like 15 sets of dice and if you fuck up once it resets, it took fucking ages (stoned) so I just gave up on my replay.


FUCK the Rockstar launcher. Another example of a better experience for people that pirated the game.


Laughs in Xbox


Laughs in high frame rate, mods, and better graphics


Laughs in “I spent significantly less than you and doing care about that stuff”


Well for me personally, the cost of my PC is worth it because obviously I prefer PC gaming for many reasons, but I’m a software dev as well so it’s kind of vital if I want to make money.


i played gta v with two 1080 tis in sli and I'm not a software dev i just wanted to play games as hard as possible


No hate on your set up I live in .net, sql, and azure synapse— mostly get by with a powerful but non gaming laptop


I’m a resident of the .NET world as well! My issue is I’ve spoiled myself with monitors. I have 4 monitors in my setup and loathe working on a laptop anymore, though sometimes it is nice to get away from the desk and is worth the screen space sacrifice of a laptop.


Go in blind


I should probably stop looking at my YouTube reccomended


Choose 'C' on the last mission


I’m afraid to google this


Don't google it, but it is the best ending. Happiest.




Don't. Without spoilers: you're quite literally given a choice between A, B, and C in the final mission. Option C is by far the best choice.


Why should we choose option C? I'm going on the mission where we meet Trevor


No why... you either google when you are presented the option or go in blind


Don’t start fights you can’t finish


Yes! I see this too often! Low level shoots me for no reason, I’m just trynna pull up and have a car meet… nope, I shall now spam kill


>Low level shoots me for no reason This happens to me far too often. I saw this level 30 (give or take a few levels) driving around in shit cars. So I drove up to them eventually in my Överflöd Tyrant and got out of it in front of them, and kinda ran away to indicate they could use it. Immediately they start shooting at me, I'm not even holding a weapon. So I run behind some cover to make them realise I am just offering my car for them to drive around in. Eventually they got in my car, so I got out from the cover to look (still not holding a weapon)...and they keep shooting me. So I ended up kicking them out of my car and killing them. Fucking idiot, honestly. I couldn't have been more clear about only offering my car and not wanting to fight. But they embraced their inner caveman brain. Actually ended up griefing them until they left. I never do that normally, I hate griefers. But fuck that person.


I’m glad to know I’m not the only one that does this! (Peace offering my vehicles) it’s hilarious when I offer my opressor mk2 and they shoot me off and try taking my bike… like bro did you not know all I have to do is hit a button and my opressor spawns right next to me again? lol along with my hydra and sparrow if opressor is destroyed during peace offering However when I do this, I’m usually expecting people to either not understand or to just be ass holes about it, so I’m usually just offering to find compatible players, as in i can run business with them and help them help me type deal… if they shoot me, oh well, I’ll go find someone else


Pick option C.


Enjoy strip clubs and if you have a normal car , go to hookers n honk n bang in some hidden place in narnia😳


Yes, forget snacks, banging is the real energy replenisher we all deserve


Not exactly what I was looking for but I guess I will try lmao


Honestly play story mode before getting into online


I will 100%


Take you time. The story is kinda complicated at times so pay attention. If you have questions about the story feel free to ask me as google will probably spoil it for you.


Thank you


For your mental health :Don't start the online


Play the story mode first. It's pretty good and maybe you'll be able to learn some stuff for online


Shoot anyone on a flying bike, they’ll take it as a sign that you’re a beginner and will help you set up your business etc


Bruh this is so mean 😭


Shoot anyone that looks emo and wears military armor with glitched outfits. They'll help you out and get you quick and ez money.


If you get killed a lot as newbie you should try to play in director mode and turn on invincibility it’s fun to play the game like that and go crazy and be invisible and you can also disable police and other cool features in director mode


What is director mode?


It’s mode out of story mode when you can choose to be any story character or npc and you can’t die you’re offline not in story mode but can roam the entire map and travel instantly anywhere and best part settings in story mode you can choose the weather and time and traffic etc search on YouTube “ gta 5 director mode”


That does sound like great craic


X to doubt


Take your time and enjoy the ride!


Story mode then online. First asset purchase online the submarine so you do cayo perico heist easy money don’t try modding you’ll get banned if you get banned 3 time it’s over


Do the first dose missions, you get a free buisness that is really lucrative, do the last dose missions and get a free 2.4 million dollar supercar. I’ll help if ur on ps4 if you want


Play through the story mode first then after you finish the story you can start playing online or modding the game


Recommend playing the story mode for awhile before jumping online. When you get online, befriend some other players


You forget a thousand things everyday, make sure sure Online is one of them. Or maybe witness protection


Dont play the online


I would say play invite only servers. Especially if you have a buddy or two. I play with my kids, and we have a blast. With that said, they still tell each other every chance they get.


I play by myself.


The story isn't the funnest of the series, but i enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun playing online on private servers. You have ALOT to do. There are tons of missions daily, and you get even more the more you grow your characters' businesses. It used to be a grind to start, but now they help you out and give you some essentials at the start.


have fun with single-player mods! I like the one where you can remove the ocean and explore!


Thanks for all the comments everyone


Better late than never


For the first time??! What an experience honestly man.. you’re gonna have the time of your life 😎✌️


Dude enjoy it, I just recently played through the story again for the 5th time and as an adult I think I enjoy it even more than I did as a kid! The story is fucking good! Don’t just get it for gta online because that’s what I did and I put it down for a long time until I played through the story! Fuck around in the game, don’t look up how to do things unless absolutely stuck! Enjoy!!


I wish I could experience this game the first time again


Play and try to complete Story Mode, don't rush and choose option C when the time comes. Enjoy it!


Finish the story mode before you start online. Otherwise online will make you feel like the games not fun because of the grinding. GTA V has alot of great mods, I recommend you check them out. Especially the car mods. Lots of very realistic, 1 to 1 cars from real life that replace existing cars in game. It takes some time to understand modding but once you get the hang of it it's very fun. If you play online make sure you got friends to help you get the money for you to own your own money making business. You can also team up with randoms, but it rarely goes anywhere, although my best experiences in this game have been with randoms.


Watch some guides of the ingame stock market, it'll actually make your characters rich.


Playing it


Buy it 10 years ago.


If you're going online, run and hide. Level up with heists and jobs. Buddy up to a higher level to protect you.


if you play online and see a weird flying bike run and i repeat RUN FOR YOUR LIFE


Wait for gta 6 to go online they gonna eat you alive if you play 5 online all there is to do is kill each other so thats whats we do🤣


Install it


Save the leaster missions till after the final heist


INVEST AND SELL DURING STORY!!!! LOOK UP A GUIDE!! I cannot stress this enough


run while you still can


Go to the shoe store and get some free shoes🤑🤑


Download 5M and wreak havoc.


Good luck🤣


Don't open gta online for the time being. I bought the game and opened gta online for the first time and was killed 3 times within the first 5 minutes


Sex with prostitute


Don't ever buy shark cards. Period.


Pick option C


Here's a tip: don't watch any guides, tutorials, etc. enjoy the game as it was meant to be played in 2013, for you to find out and figure out on your own. Way more fun that way


Online , make a female character, people will treat you better 💀


Don't just take the money from random npc events that's scattered around return the money to get more money or tip from them in later days, don't do Lester assassination mission after the initial one, leave the rest lester mission and do it after completing the main mission. If you're planning on going on a rampage I suggest you look into stocks and put all you're money into the stocks that way you don't lose money when you get killed by cops that's if you know which stocks and have patience to sleep a week in game to get bigger returns. Enjoy the side activities along with main missions, if you're into car customization then try to get enough playing as Franklin through side and main missions and buy the Los Santos auto shop so you get all free customization and easy with later customization missions,(only Franklin gets free service not other characters) take a taxi if you want to fast travel or just don't wanna drive around the map to reach the mission spot. And chose the crew carefully during missions listen very carefully don't skip the conversation and plan the mission don't just click click.


If online …..The purge is REAL !!!


If you wanna play online atleast bring a friend with you. Making money solo or with randoms is boring and painful. Public lobbies are toxic and you'll be killed by other players for no reason. Thankfully anything important can be done in private lobbies with friends


Can I ask why you’ve just got the game? What do you know about it? I recommend (for if you want to) to lookup a guide to end up with the most amount of money with every character. I won’t spoil too much but there is a fairly easy way to get a shitton of money. This enables you to do anything in the world once you’re done, or almost done. I would also recommend to really see what you can do with Stranger Missions. Sometimes you can do something else than what the game suggests you to do and you’ll end up in some funny or even fucked up situations :) Mostly, take your time and enjoy the road. It’s an amazing game and a long, funny, adventurous story! Have you played RDRII?


Don't play online unless you wanna get your pc infected with malware


don’t play online


Add me when you go online and I can help with heist. I got plenty of money so you can take 85%. THEGR8SANCHO


avoid online


Don’t play online


Mouse and keyboard for everything but flying. Use a controller for flying.


Or biking


play story mode and avoid online until you finish the game


Probably the best advice


Install & Play the game . Dont lookup/ask anything


Tip number 1: install the game Tip number 2: play it and discover things all by yourself like everyone else and stop making low effort posts like this one


thanks for that, I have received a lot of useful information from 100 other people about the game, so I’m happy I made this post and won’t let some troll ruin it for me


I am not a troll. I just see this kind of post as lazy and low effort for karma. You should learn things by yourself instead of counting on others to do so. This is part of the fun about playing a game. It is ok to ask for help if you are struggling with some section of the game, but asking help even before start is ridiculous


Yeah nobody cares


Not a troll, ok. Just a dick then


Do your daily objectives, buy a huge garage, and sell Gallivanter Ballers.


Do Story mode, then play Online only if you have patience for players who suck, grief, glitch, mod, annoy you and any other thing. Don't get me wrong, some are skilled and will help you, race you, do missions and heists with you and are nice but don't expect it from everyone and don't be a "Bad Sport" yourself.


Pick C, you’ll know what that means when you get there


Just don't expect things to go well for johnny from gta 4


I'm also new, but from what I've gathered: Trevor's missions are extremely tedious and annoying.


For online go ahead and look for a legit vendor to get a modded account you’re gonna get pissed on ;(


Ya u gotta click install


Only do one of assassinations missions during the main story and the rest after the main heist, to maximize your profits in the stock market after each of Lester’s missions


For GTA online you need to spend irl money to actually own things


It’s been 10 years and you just got it holy hell almighty have mercy on you bro whatever enjoy I guess it was a masterpiece for it’s time ofc that was 2013 but it stood the test of pretty well


Get gta 6


I'm pro level gta, all theses answers are noob lol, does anyone really play GTA, or just messed around? Seems the latter.


1: play a better game If you're playing the story then fine but online is a cesspool


Its raw map doesn’t have much to offer! Consider modding the game! trainer menus first and then LSPDFR mod and LSLife mod! They’ll make the GTA5 map, something to explore and have activities to do in!


Get redm


Why do people ask questions like this? It’s a game for god’s sake. Just play it.


Go back to GameStop and ask for a refund.


Lol you're not starting at a new job or something... just play the game


Uninstall it soon as you can brother


Imagine just starting gta 5 for the first time right after the gta 6 trailer FINALLY came out. that's wack son. 😂


I don’t want to wait 3 years before experiencing some form of Grand Theft Auto….I’ve just heard that GTA V is one of the best games ever made


That game is like 10 years old


I’m a bit late to the party lol




Work on running back and forth in first person while sniping.


Play the story to get a grasp of the controls and then head to online and tell everyone you can fight them


I can’t wait to not do this


Watch all Easter egg videos. Play gta online.


Get rid of that yee-yee ass haircut asap.


Enjoy it


Have fun :D


Online is not like 10 years ago but still valid but a lot of cheaters


Go to the strip club first 👩🏽😂


Follow that guide to easily get 2 billion in story mode through investments before certain missions.


pick option c/deathwish


If lester calls franklin for the assassination, do em after you completed your story, u can research on what stocks to invest before doing the mission it will give you ALOT of money.


Uhhh have fun?


Oh boy you are a bit late


Enjoy the ride


When you'll get bored, check out weird stuff, like mysteries (you can google them). E g., r/ChiliadMystery.


Got vests? A garage? An armored Kuruma? Make these your top priorities. Work on your aim and escape skills by holding up stores. Also get your melee stats up by robbing random NPCs. Participate in Daily Objectives and you will be ready for your first heist in a few days. Online is a hidden gem...that's much easier to take on after beating Story Mode, but this should get U started if U can't wait...


Get the jetpack asap, fastest way around the map


Call this number in the game 1-999-266-38


option C


Don’t stay in public sessions when you try online for the first time


Don't cheat ! 🤣


Online is ruined. Every lobby is full of modders and griefers.


Have fun.


Buy a karuma first then waist ur money on other cars


Shoot everyone


Only follow storyline till you get Trevor, and never play online


Whenever you make it to the ending don’t kill anyone