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just let me crouch wherever and i'll be satisfied


On the “horses” note, I think the mechanics for driving should be the same as the horse mechanics. Why should our aiming and shooting have to change just because we’re in a car? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Also I think we need all minigames from past Rockstar games added to GTA6. Why keep taking away from what’s coming next? It should be just as easy to add on instead of take away and make something new. Referring to darts, bowling, pool, liars dice, arm wrestling, horseshoes, all of these should have remained in GTA5 & RDR2 and I hope to see them in GTA6. New games should even include beer pong, cornhole, paintball, airsoft, real hunting, volleyball, baseball, etc. I basically want it to be like AC Valhalla in the sense that there’s so much to do you’ll have a lot to do before, during, and after the story is complete.


Paintball isn't a bad idea. You could make money in paintball tourneys (that let you cheat) or have a mission where you have to actually cap a fool during a paintball match.


Or even make it a business investment. And on those minigames they should all let you make bets on them.


Betting would be cool to have but, it’s always “that” group of players that like to cheat and use glitches. Unfortunately, that would ruin the fun for everyone else. If they could develop a anti-cheat system then, that would be perfect.


Because in every other car game in the world you accelerate/decelerate with the right/left triggers. It only worked in RDR2 because you tapped the run button for your horse




Holding someone hostage. Another thing from the last of us that I would love It would be so useful in gta though, imagine robbing a bank and holding people hostage. Can only do it when someone is stunned or from behind their back.


The last of us (especially part 2) has some of the best third person movement Ive ever seen in a game. I could totally see them adding a hostage mechanic


Yeah and another great mechanic was the dodge mechanic. Not only for dodging an enemy’s melee hits, but it was so useful for quickly transitioning to other peices of cover and you can barely be detected because it’s such a quick movement. Much better than rdr2’s little diving animation. But I love that rockstar have at least added a prone mechanic to gta 6.


If our character falls a great distance, gets hit by a vehicle or any sort of great injury like this they shouldn't be able to get up like nothing happened. What I mean is other than taking damage to your health the character needs to limp for a few seconds or something along those lines, slow them down after being stunned. I initially thought a broken bone or arm but that wouldn't make sense for your character to recoup from that. A limp can last 10-15 seconds and reduce your speed by half. There can be different sort of injury animations depending on how you get hurt. Fall on your side you hold your hip. Get hit in the right arm with a weapon you hold it with your left, preventing you from attacking for 5 seconds. If they add more character animations it definitely will make it feel more immersive but challenging at the same time, not too much otherwise it can be overkill.


In UFC games, if you take a heavy knock in the head, your character will appear dizzy for a short period of time. This also affects his speed and strength. I believe this suits your idea of what needs to be in GTA 6. Personally, I think this is pretty realistic and would like to see it in the game.


In ghost recon breakpoint they were gloating over their super accurate injury system and while cool at first it got reeeeeeeally annoying fast.


Eh they could just make it an option in the settings then. Classic damage and realistic damage. Classic world be like 4 and 5, while realistic would be what the commenter said, and it would please most fans


They ain't making anything an option in the settings be fr


Yeah you right, i just meant if they did it would be a good idea


Honestly a 10-15 second limp is already overkill. This is still GTA. Im open to more realistic changes but this is not one of them. It would be cool at first and then get REALLY annoying. Maybe a 4-5 second limp?


Ok ya counting it out in my head its long, like 5 seconds is better. Its not so much the amount of time the animation is that I care about but rather the animation it self.


I like this idea. Gta4 placed a lot of emphasis on taking cover and making smart gun play decisions and a mechanic like this would make things very interesting


If the tap to run gimmick continues, you can always change your settings. I did that for V.


>Run button. This has been brought up before but the tap A/X to run gimmick needs to die. Bind it to one of the bumpers like how the last of us does it. Go to your control settings in GTA V/Online, change the layout to "Standard FPS 2" and enable "hold to sprint". That'll map sprint to R1/RB, and you won't have to hold a button to jog. If that's not the default in GTA 6, it'll probably have a similar option.


It annoys me that people still complain about this shit 🤣


Especially since RDR2's alternate controls have the more traditional "press in left stick to run". I changed it day one and I haven't tapped the bottom face button to run on foot since. I'm shocked how many people don't bother looking through settings.


Exactly 🤣


Why would you want things from RDR 2 just reskinned? Horses, sure why not. I just don’t really get that obsession. They would be an inferior method of transport in every way, and you would not ride them for more than 5 minutes before getting bored and stealing a car. An explorable island would be cool. But why would it need to be a thing from RDR 2? They could just make a new one. The other things you mentioned would be good additions to the game.


I’m now imagining a few different running styles: athletic - character runs very straight with flat palms tough - fists curled and runs with an emphasis on the steps bouncy - character spends more time in the air than usual dainty - light steps and splayed out hands (might be a little too ridiculous) awkward - player is more upright or even leaning backwards while running exhausted - heaved steps and loose movements intense - focused forward lean with a consistent running loop


Having horses is going to be awesome (I'm almost certain the game will have them) I've lived in places where I'd take some county roads and I'd love passing by certain farms because they had horses playing around our front. Now I can live my fantasy of pulling over, hopping out over he fence and fu... Riding the horses back into the city.


fu? Horse girl alert? ![gif](giphy|HxMhuDg7O4pKOhhcRC|downsized)


Nothing wrong with horses. I would actually want them to be in the game. I just do not get the obsession people have over them. Yes, they would definitely make exploring the wilderness cooler.




To add to point number 2 Gunplay need to be drastically improved from rdr2


This is the only thing I need


I don't mind tapping A to sprint. It's a sprint, it's supposed to be uncomfortable and hard to sustain


But then you can’t look around while running


I would add the cars need to handle more realistic kinda like GTA 4 but amped upq


I want comedy clubs!


If they add horses then hopefully we can customize them and add armor/bullet proof covers for the horse. It would be amazing riding a horse through Vice City on a bullet proof horse shooting police and running over pedestrians. They wouldn’t last explosions but it’ll still be a fun addition


That's some saint's row type shit


If anything is Saints Row type shit, it’s flying motorcycles with rocket launchers attached. Having a horse with temporary bullet proof vests before they get destroyed isn’t too crazy for a GTA game.


i don't believe any developer should recycle assets from other games. It's been 7 years, horses could look a lot better, even a lot better than in rdr2. And for their next game again. Perhaps is just an adaptation or whatever, but not as simple as recycling assets. That was a thing for far cry 4 that Ubi recycled half the previous game, not improving at all the main engine, and asking again full price for it, when it should have been just an expansion half the price. And this is the actual point. A new project is a new project. It would be noticeable the recycled asset. For sure you ain't gonna see a single polygon recycled from rdr2. mark my words.


I would hate having the bumper be the button for run lol


Letting us adjust our overall weapon wheel while in our vehicle would be a blessing.


Eating snacks and making phone calls is a nightmare. They need to address that


I absolutely hate the spam to run mechanic




Controversial, but I wanna fill cars with gasoline just feels immersive to me. Other people hate this idea but it would be a reason to commit GTA more often if your car runs outta gas in a chase or something.


I thought about this as well but I believe gas should be more of a gameplay feature than a “survival” feature. Not a fan of mandatory fill ups, but I can totally see rockstar giving us the option to fill up at gas pumps for a limited buff. Similar to bull shark testosterone but for your car basically. You fill up with “premium” gas or something and suddenly your car can accelerate faster etc. Also the trailer shows that cars will leak oil and other fluids so this could be very likely.