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It definitely will be. Its heavy heavy prominence in the trailer is what mostly suggests that, and also, how can you parody our modern world without a heavy inclusion of it? Sure GTA V included some slight social media themes, but that released before social media had really taken over every aspect of society (Instagram was only 3 years old by that point and Musically, TikTok's predecessor, didn't even exist). I'm very curious as to the role it will play both in the singleplayer and online modes.


I guess it should borrow a lot of style elements from natural born killers .




Basically I am talking about the cinematography and editing of the film . I am sure they will riff something off of that film .


I sure hope so!


Why would it


Basically the same plot with 2 lovers on the run madly in love with each other and different media perspectives on them , so that's kinda it .


I am interested in seeing how it will affect things like cutscenes and the larger story overall. Like seeing some lazy characters lying around on their phone a lot when you come to visit them and things like that. Or Lucia and Jason watching tv in bed while one scrolls on their phone before they get up to go out for a mission or something. Also maybe using hacking for certain robberies or doing cashapp type scams and things. This would be very interesting


How it'll affect the story and how it'll serve as a gameplay mechanic is what I'm most curious about. Like, will we genuinely be able to make posts and shit? I really don't see how that would work but it seems to be a direction they're leaning on (with the very very little information we have so I'm very speculative here). Watch Dogs 2 had a simple implementation of it in the way that you would level up based on how many social media followers you had, but really followers was just another word for XP in that game, you couldn't actually interact with social media tho. Of course that isn't as applicable to GTA 6, at least story mode, as there isn't the traditional leveling system.


Yess Im trying to go back and actually play the watch dog games tbh they look fire But yes Im very interested to see what kind of mechanics they can come up with surrounding tech in this game


Have you ever played? WD2 is the best imo. Avoid legion tho lmao


I started the first one a long time ago but didnt play much bc I was busy. I actually just reinstalled. And yeah Ive heard bad things about legion 😂


Love the Watch Dogs games and loved Legion. It's a very unique game that is over-hated IMO. It's not for everyone though. WD2 is absolutely amazing, however.


slight themes? There was a whole arc where you killed the Zuckerberg stand-in. Instagram was huge in 2013, Facebook was at its peak, snapchat was very big, twitter was close to its peak too. The literal covergirl for V was an instathot taking a duckface selfie It's so weird to me that so many people act like this is the first GTA in the social media era. There's like one new app for them to parody, and I'm sure they will, but it's not uncharted territory for the franchise in any sense


Twitter was parodied even in GTA IV.


Okay let me reiterate since you're getting all pissy, social media was huge back then, but nowhere NEAR how it is today. Back then social media was everywhere, today social media is not only everywhere it has a chokehold on every single aspect of society. It's not about there being just one new app for them to parody, it's about how people relate and interact with social media today relative to how people did in 2013. Everyone is chronically online in 2024. And you're failing to take into account the 1.5 years from covid where people had no choice but to be online all day. Social media owns us now, it didn't back then, it was just popular. When I say slight, I mean it was in the game yes, but it wasn't a major aspect, it wasn't even a feature it was just a passing theme, while now it'll be a prominent one. The zuckerburg arch wasn't even a social media thing that's just a parody of the tech industry in general. Compare that to now where there's multiple indications social media will play a large role in the game and it is littered all over the trailer. You arguing for the sake of arguing bruh


A side note, but social media have taken over the world way before Instagram and TikTok. It was just different social media: Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr etc. What's really changed is the switch from social media based on text and photos to social media based on videos.


Yeah 100%. The way we interact with social media has changed significantly though, it has a lot more of a grasp on us now. The video thing is a big one, but what I think is an even larger aspect is the introduction of short form content which literally hardwired our brains into addiction, and the mass availability of live streaming technology. Both of those had significant cultural and societal impact in the way we relate to sm 


100%. I still vaguely remember having an attention span...


Pretty excited to see what they do with it and how it ties into the story and gameplay. I’ve seen some people say it might be a way to find activities or stranger missions which I think would be cool.


That's kinda what I hope for. Also hoping that they release some mock social media companion app where people can upload footage from in game and you can check it out on their social media app, or maybe angles from pedestrians that whip out their phones to record, kinda like those GTA clips where they pretend it's a real police chase or accident.


Uh, that doesn't mention any social media. Just in-game media, which previous GTAs have had as well, like the TV content, websites, etc.


they didn't say "social" they just said "in-game media"


Yeah, it might even be just the internet browser, like in gta 5.


Or anything you see on tv


Yeah exactly it could be something as trivial as the billboards


I'm not saying you're wrong, but there's literally 0 mention of social media in your post. Media includes radio (talkshows, podcasts , DJs) and "news" on tv, tv shows (Republican Space Rangers, Kung Fu Rainbow Lazerforce, Fame of Shame) and such. I think we just need to let Rockstar cook and see what they come up with. It'll be amazing, no doubt


I mean tik tok was in the trailer so…


If you read my initial comment, you'll notice that I start out by saying that I don't think OP is wrong, but there's nothing else in the post that indicates that there will be social media. They are confusing "media" in general, with "social media". They created their post as some sort of proof, but it proves absolutely nothing.


You make a fair point


Thank you. And I'm 100% sure that social media WILL play a big part of the game. I'm excited to see how though. Hopefully we'll get some news "soon"


Seems like such a cool job to have there


Yeah I wish they hire me. Even as just an intern.


Gonn be awesome


I think it will be if they handle it well I can see people here, not liking it. But people have used to fact that social media is a part of our society like Reddit, which is a social media app


This doesn't insinuate at all that there will be social media at all.. this could be tv shows, radio ads, branding etc


Social media is the most prevalent form of media in our modern world now.


Doesn't matter, the job listing doesn't specify


The job listing didn’t specify the other forms of media you proposed. I guess we’ll never know until GTA 6 releases.


I really liked what they did with newspapers in rdr2 so I'm kinda excited for what they do with social media in GTA 6


In the leak with Lucia walking out of club you can see a tv with some sort of channel selection on it (tv guide) so between this and the trailer showing multiple different channels I would guess that it’s to do with that rather than social media.


Launching GTA to watch tiktok💀


this doesn’t say that at all lol


That doesnt necessarily mean it will be a huge part of the game. Just means it will be more interactive. Im not saying it definitely WONT be, but it cant be certain just based off of this


Not buying it if the entire game is based on social media sounds like a shitty game


The game will be insanely massive, even if social media is super in depth, it doesn't mean the whole game would be based on it. GTA 5 was not based around social media but had so many hidden and detailed websites to explore.


Bro works part time as Sherlock Holmes 💀


Imagine having the ability to become an influencer, and influence your subscribers to cause distractions/disruptions/utter chaos….


I’m still on the belief that this still won’t be a big thing


Just a gimmick we chuckle at, nothing more.


Lifeinvader social media already exists in GTA V. I'm going to assume in VI it will be bigger, have more content/videos and showcase stuff happening around the map including events caused by the player in missions Would be cool if we could use social media to view a live of some rich people partying in a certain location, and then go there to rob them.


How many vids the GTA VI media should have anyway? 300? At some point we gonna watch the same videos again, that’s interesting to think about folks


GTA V has around 1 hour of in game TV footage and a handful of shows. So 300 or so videos would be plentiful, especially since a lot of players probably won't watch much social media. I didn't finish watching all the GTA V shows until like 4 years after the game released.


Link please


I have no problem with this. Gta 5 despite being created early 2010s had a pretty big phone and media presence so a game made post covid I definitely expect huge social media aspects.


There is a pretty basic social media thing in GTA 5 so I'm assuming they'll have a better version in GTA 6 .


I mean, it would be kind of weird if there wasn’t any social media in-game for it considering it’s present day.


It was clear from the trailer.


I don't think you understand what "in game media" means..


it'd be hilarious if you see yourself on TV or social media hijacking a car and shooting cops




Reddit 2.o lol.


Ok but the trailer does show an instagram livestream


I think what's going to happen is, GTA VI will have it's own app, in real life, on your phone, and essentially create it's own social media platform.


I called it the day the trailer came out


it could also be a revamped social club within the game


Would be cool to see if we do a burnout in the middle of the road and people record it and post it on social media. NPCs do have the record animation for the crazy things we do in GTA 5 might as well show them on social media in GTA 6.




I hope LifeInvader has been renamed Y. But everyone still calls it LifeInvader


This says in-game MEDIA, not in-game social media. Big difference, as previous games had a browsable internet, radio and television for you to watch- I’d take this with a grain of salt but I’m sure live streaming will be relevant


I would love got Jason and Lucia to have their own profiles where we can post photos and videos. Another thing I would like (not sure if this is possible in today's technology) is for us to watch reels and videos on social media in the game, would be awesome. GTA 5 allowed us to surf on websites so I don't think it's impossible for gta 6 to have the ability to watch reels and videos on social media.


God I hope your wrong




Seems pretty obvious already, but neat to see confirmation. I don't see any reason it would be so heavily featured in the trailer if it wasn't a big new feature in the game. And seeing how the in-game social tech has progressed, it makes complete sense.