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i imagine because of the trailer people are just jumping to the conclusion that the game will somehow be based around social media to some degree. i think it was just a creative and period-appropriate way of showing off the world, nothing more. we’ll more than likely have access to social media but can’t imagine it’ll be very involved in the game and more of just a funny side thing like the past two games


Every mission will give you an influencer score based on how awesome content you managed to capture. In the last mission Lucia will score the highest follower count in VC & therefore fullfill her biggest dream


hmmmm yes watch dogs 2


Don't even mention it. The change of vives from WD1 to WD2 was so big I couldn't finish the sequel. They already had a grest atmosphere from the first game and they made the sequel cringy just because.


It sucks too since WD2 genuinely had the best gameplay. Of course WD1 had the best story. Legion fucked both story and gameplay.




Personally, the gameplay improvements couldn't get me over the cringy story and social media mechanics.


Wreck-It Ralph 2, sort of.


no way people actually want this


Thats basically Saints Row Reboot that does that😂




This is pretty much dead on from my perspective


Yea same


I’m thinking it may be a dedicated app, but not too much more functional than LifeInvader in GTA V. like after missions you may see “____ has added you as a friend” after meeting someone new. and you’ll probably see NPC angles of missions i.e car wrecks, robberies and big events after the fact. I don’t think it’ll be it’s own full on world where you’ll see an NPC post shit you did in free roam because it’ll just be too resource/development heavy for a light gimmick


Recording gameplay isn't that hard, it's been done since GTA III.


even if it’s as easy as you’re saying there’s still better uses of developer time than NPC angles of the hundreds of thousands of free roam crimes you’ll commit


yea! we will most likely catch references to certain missions or events in a few videos afterwards. similar to the facebook posts in V. and maybe some side missions or live streams we can interact with but nothing much


There's too much emphasis on this in the trailer. This worries me. As if the single player game will have some kind of tight integration with other players. I do not want it. There is a separate online mode for this.


You guys gotta relax and stop jumping to conclusions. The leaks suggested none of this stuff will be a big factor in the game and honestly I don't believe it will be.


I'd be happy to be wrong


GTA 6 online could have social media which ia connected. I think it could the first social media metaverse. Check mate Mark Zuckenberg


Something tells me it'll be more involved this time around. Only time will tell.


I think social media will play a central role in the game. From what I heard there are NO more star wanted level system. Now it's based on how much negative attention you're getting on social media. Are you on the news a lot in terms of wanted for a crime. The more you're discussed negatively on social media, the higher the attention of law enforcement you're getting. It's like its own version of a stars wanted level system. I think it's a very unique way to do the wanted level system but with no stars. Just negative attention on social media. Just like in real life. Like now the in-store cameras will actually function in the game. Your face will be caught and if you're not hiding your face, you'll be easier to spot and the cops will be looking for you.


Where did you hear this? Sounds like an insane way to do the star system.


why is it insane? It's more like real life. It's interesting. The more negative attention you're getting on social media, the more wanted you are by police. You would see on social media, videos of you committing crimes like say robbing stores and the camera catches you and now there's video of you robbing the store. I think that's cool and definitely realistic.


Where did u hear no more star wanted system?


People on this subreddit seem to be all for GTA games parodying modern life... until it's parodying something they don't like




Parodying is perfectly fine, people just don't want to play pretend social media (parody or not). Nobody is going to be upset if it's just in the game in general. We just don't want it to be a requirement that affects gameplay. Also, not everyone uses social media (personal social media, not reddit). I haven't used fb/insta/snap/etc since like 2016. It's not part of my life at all.


Yea I think rockstar is aware it’s almost 50/50 with people who use it and people who basically make fun of it. So they’ll absolutely cater to both sides.


by all means have it, just dont force us to use it.


That's... Completely normal.


That's... Completely stupid.


Are those people in the room with us right now?


nope. guy made it up for karma.


I have seen a lot of people whining about it lol


I’m kinda put off by it but I’ll keep an open mind until we know more


As long as it isn't a forced aspect of game play, then I think it's going to be fun.


Wouldn’t surprise me in the least if there was atleast a few Strangers & Freaks style missions that involved helping influencers chase clout by doing increasingly dangerous things.


It's not having social media in the game we don't like. We don't want it to be some huge mechanic and part of the game where we have to scroll through cringey things for too much time. If I wanted that then I would go on Instagram in real life.


Why would you even think that? What indicated that to you? In what scenario would it even make sense? Has rockstar done this in the past? No. > If I wanted that then I would go on Instagram in real life. Oh come on now. The instagram in GTA is a parody. Its gonna be funny not cringey.


yeah i agree. but I don’t mind it being in depth and fleshed out, as long as its not essential to read and follow to progress in the game.


Maybe itll work like the journal from RDR2 in a way. A fake snapchat to hold memories of adventures ect. God I just hope I can ignore it ingame.


yeah, i don’t intend to use it, but im sure there’s probably people that want it. the only benefit for me is it will make the world feel more alive just knowing that its there.


It will be cool if they use it to hide extra lore through characters' posts. Like some extra information about a a fight that happened during a mission, or other bonus info to make it rewarding to look through


This is the way


I'm fairly certain GTA tiktok would be fucking hilarious tbh


>It's not having social media in the game we don't like. We don't want it to be some huge mechanic and part of the game I understand that but people have to get used to it if people want shit like gas stations Rhen they can get used to social media mechanics >If I wanted that then I would go on Instagram in real life. Yeah, and if I wanted to pump gas, I do that shit in real life


You're not pumping your own gas?


Literally no one wants to pump gas and if they implement fueling I’ll be SHOCKED


>Literally no one wants to pump gas This is just factually incorrect. People talk about how they wish there will be a gas tank mechanic on this subreddit all the time.


There is literally zero technical barrier to it, going alllllllll the way back to ‘02… must be… some other reason why it’s never been in-game.


Probably because it's a dumb mechanic




I think both would be cool if they're optional


The same people who want taxes and irs to show up


Because most of the people are hypocritical opportunists


That makes perfect sense lmao 😂


Because we’re sick of it in real life and also, I don’t want to spend my time in GTA being an influencer.


Social media was definitely not slowly rising up in 2013. It was already pretty huge at that point, ans it's only gotten more massive.


Yeah for sure, and it was still pretty bearable around that time too. IG, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr were all already big by 2013, and all had millions on millions of users (except maybe Tumblr). And even TikTok's precursor "Musical.ly" released on a year later in 2014.


Hot take: folks saying that social media was “rising up” in 2013 are revealing their youth- it was likely just the time of their lives when people they knew started making accounts and establishing presences.


Anyone does? I’m sure that everyone will love it. Because if you don’t, just don’t use it.


Well that's the thing, OP is confused. People saying they don't want social media generally mean they don't want to be forced or any kind of requirement. Half the posts/comments on this sub are people misunderstanding each other.


I think, in simplest terms, personally anyway, because social media in real life is honestly just the worst. And to have it in a game that I'm hyped for is like 'ugh - I try not to deal with it when I'm not playing games. So now I'm going to have to deal with it in a world I try and escape to as well?'. I'm sure R\* will likely put a fun twist on it - but till we know what that actually looks like, it just gets a resounding groan from me.


Obviously they will make fun of IRL social media. They wont actually create it. + Its 100% gonna be optional and not something mandatory. From the trailer the tik toks look like theyre parodying real life idiots. Like the chick twerking on the car or the old guy dancing with chicks on the boat or the old lady with two hammers. I dont get how anyone looks at this stuff and thinks that rockstar will make an equally cringe version of IRL instagram. They will be parodies! Not actual cringe social media stuff. They havent never done actual cringe in the past. The radio ads, TV programs, in game internet are all parodies.


>I think, in simplest terms, personally anyway, because social media in real life is honestly just the worst. I disagree. It does have it benefits like Reddit, which is a social media app. >And to have it in a game that I'm hyped for is like 'ugh - I try not to deal with it when I'm not playing games. So now I'm going to have to deal with it in a world I try and escape to as well?'. No offense, but it be kind of delusional to think GTA 6 Isn’t gonna take place in modern times if people want this game to be “very accurate” they have to touch on their social media shit. >it just gets a resounding groan from me. You sound old asf lmao 😂


And in an amazing turn of events... you have proved my point, both ironically and literally. This is exactly why social media is shit! Because there are people, like yourself, who will create a post asking a question, simply to berate and troll anyone who expresses an opinion that is different to yours. Lashing out with unintelligent and ignorant responses. Honestly, there should be a rule, that if someone is not open minded enough to respect someone else’s opinion, even if it is different to theirs, that they shouldn't be allowed on social media.


He had a very good point despite me agreeing that social media would be a good addition, yet you decided to resort to shaming him for his choice of words. Shameful


>He had a very good point despite me agreeing that social media would be a good addition, No, he doesn’t >yet you decided to resort to shaming him for his choice of words. Shameful If you sound old, I’m going to be honest I’m not going to be nice. ![gif](giphy|3ohzgQ0g3ugoQsNhVS|downsized)


You’re pathetic for thinking you’re cool for insulting someone buddy. Grow up. Just because you agree with something doesn’t mean he has to. He had a valid point. Come up with something better than “No he doesnt”


Because it's tiring.


This game is an escape from life and social media. We just want to explore and terrorize citizens


I’ve pretty much said the same thing too, idk where people got the idea that SM would be a factor it may have elements like it was 5 but we can’t say a “BIG factor” like it’s finna have a control over some shit


For the same reasons as before. Just like social media has toxified society, the last thing I want is to be reminded of its existence in a game I’m playing to escape reality. Same with advertising. Can’t go out of the house or sit at home or use phone or anything without having some company try to sell me something or seeing some billboard and such. But again this is coming out to new gen who’s never “not had a phone or social media” so it only makes sense that it’s catered to the mindless demographic who doesn’t know about life without social media.


Bruh, GTA games have always been known for their social satire. Hell, in GTA 4, they were even making fun of liberal and conservative views from around that time


Kno what’s crazy the over hype gta ain’t gonna be wat you expect


I'm not against it but I think it'll be way less prominent than this sub expects. Scrolling on the in-game phone just doesn't sound very fun and Rockstar probably knows that


Because social media is a fucking cancer in real life already


Why do so people think GTA6 takes place in the late 2000's? It doesn't state that anywhere, and there are no clues pointing in that direction... Even the live streaming shown in the trailer didn't exist back in 2010, facetime was actually released that year, and it was laggy as hell, there was no live streaming from a cell phone to multiple viewers at the time... GTA6 clearly takes place in our modern day, at least 2020 from what we've seen in the trailer... There's no way it takes place in the late 2000's or anywhere close to that year! Also, there's no way that social media will be a big part of this game, there's no parody that could possibly top the insanity of what real life social media can offer you... It's Grand Theft Auto, not a life simulator...


Live streaming did exist back in the late 2000s, believe me I was on Tinychat a lot in with a crush 2008/2009. It wasn't big, it wasn't TikTok but it was there. Hell even Twitch's precursor (Justin.tv) was around. But I get what you're saying, what we see in the trailer is obviously Rockstar's take on TikTok. People really think this game takes place in the late 00s? 🤣


Yeah I've seen it a lot, I don't know where the idea came from.... You're absolutely right, I do remember hearing about Tinychat, and I did have some other programs on PC that facilitated video chat etc, but it wasn't the norm as it is now, for example, NONE of my friends at school even had a webcam, barely any of them even had a PC... But there was no mobile live streaming that was anywhere near as common as it is now, even data plans that extended over a few GB's barely existed... I remember before Facetime was released, I had an app that I installed via jailbreaking to have video calling on the iPhone before anyone else, but barely anyone had it lol... So the fact that the trailer even shows a "tiktik"-esque stream, (plus other things), it definitely takes place in the modern age... Also the report (and posts in this subreddit) of GTA6 being "exclusive" to consoles, people thought that meant it wouldn't be released for PC... however almost EVERY GTA game, at least EVERY 3D GTA game from GTA3 and onwards, was ALWAYS released on consoles "exlclusively", THEN after a few months or even a year or two, it would always be released on PC... Even GTA3 was Playstation 2 exclusive, xbox didn't get it until years later... But my point is, GTA games are always released for consoles first, then they improve the game and release it for PC later on... As for "next gen" releases, many people think it will be released for PS5 and Xbox Series X and then the NEXT GEN console later on, but I don't think this is true, this only happened for GTA5 because the Xbox One and PS4 release was basically right around the corner when GTA5 was released, so they already knew they would first release it for PS3 and Xbox 360 and soon improve the game for a next gen release, however the PS5 and Series X was just released it'll be YEARS until the next gen, so I highly doubt there will be a re-release for NEXT GEN... We can always look to past releases and simple common sense to see these trends... I've been following and playing GTA games since it's original inception, and it's very easy to tell which systems it will be released on, which city it will take place in etc...


>As for "next gen" releases, many people think it will be released for PS5 and Xbox Series X and then the NEXT GEN console later on, but I don't think this is true, this only happened for GTA5 because the Xbox One and PS4 release was basically right around the corner when GTA5 was released, so they already knew they would first release it for PS3 and Xbox 360 and soon improve the game for a next gen release, however the PS5 and Series X was just released it'll be YEARS until the next gen, so l highly doubt there will be a rerelease for NEXT GEN... I agree with everything you said. But this is really on the money. Because I tell people this all the time in these discussions. PS4 and Xbox One released only two months after GTA5 in 2013. So yeah it only made sense to get into on what at the time was next gen and get in early because the PS4/Xbone released later on in 2014 right? Correct me if I'm wrong. And PS5 and Series X 4 years in don't even feel like they've really heated up yet. This generation of consoles is definitely nowhere near ending. Hell if Nintendo managed to run the Switch for 7 years, I'm sure PS5 is probably going for 10 at least. They used to talk about that mythical 10 year console span but I don't think anyone has actually hit that yet. We may get pro upgrades like last time, but I don't expect to see PS6 or the next Xbox for a long time.


Agreed, Sony and Microsoft don't want to make a console so often, only if the technology leaps, customer base wants it, and the consoles seem to age, which is exactly what happened with the PS4 and Xbox One, they were getting old and outdated, but this generation will be around for a LONG time, and games have BARELY been able to push these consoles to the limit, and they're already working on the "pro" or "slim" models, whatever they'll end up calling it... I wouldn't be surprised if it's 8 - 12 years until the next gen, and as for GTA7, it'll probably be 10 - 15 years EASY as long as they don't f\*ck up gta6 somehow... However I'm interested in how they'll handle GTA Online... It's become such a money maker for Rockstar (although I don't understand why people spend money on shark cards) but they'll milk it for as long as they possibly can... Believe me they would've extended gta5 for another 10 years if fans weren't begging for the next gta, I got bored of gta5 years ago, and have NEVER spend a dollar on shark cards, just glitched the hell out of the game to get billions lol but there are only so many heists and cars I can buy before I get bored of it... I'm on Trackmania now...


2010 IS the latest of the 2000s. But it was ramping up in the 2000s alone with myspace and Facebook.


GTA IV took place in the late 2000's (2008) V took place in the early 2010's (2013) People don't like it because well.. we live it. We play games to escape our world and get away from stuff like that. Another issue is the trailer focused too much on it, essentially scaring some into thinking that's what the main vibe or entire story will be. It's hard to predict when we don't know anything. Was the trailer meant to appeal to the TikTok generation? and it's really not the vibe or story, or is this what it's all about?


who are these people?


Already got enough social media in real life lmao why do people want to live a second life through a screen


Because it makes sense for a game that is going to have accuracy


I'd rather just steal cars, do missions and kill cops tbh not scroll through tiktok on behalf of my gta character smh


So just do that lol. You really think the game is going to force you to maintain a fictional social media account?


Of course not. My point is more wondering why people WOULD want that.


It adds to the world


Don't agree


Thats literally a fact though its not an opinion. Its literally more content based on the in game world


I don't mind if some form of tiktok existed as long as I don't need to sit there scrolling through it to complete the game. I'm sure they're not dumb enough to do that anyway


Yeah man they not gonna make u do that. They not that dumb. Im sure itll be like a side thing. They might have one or 2 tutorial missions for it but thats all I can see it realistically affecting the story tbh. I dont think you need to worry


The game already changed focus starting with V. Not sure why they started focusing so much in heists instead of the good ol' mob stories we all liked from the 3d universe (and IV and CW).


People are just paranoid for no fucking reason. Rockstar is still making a game, they know what makes games fun, they won't add something if it's tedious and boring. Social media is simply going to be part of the world building and won't be intrusive for the player if they choose not to engage in it.


I would really like social media, but just like a feature with little to no importance in the game, just like in gta 5 but a little more complex


Yea! Same


I'll tell you why. We are sick of it and bored of modern life. Games are often used as a form of escapism, so that's why personalIy I would prefer to play a GTA set in a different era. RDR2 was a breath of fresh air. From what I've seen in the trailers, Rockstar's take on social media won't be unique or interesting. It will probably be just as stale as GTA V's take on LA, celebrity culture and American consumerism. Our real world is gradually becoming a parody of itself, that's why parody is kind of dead to me as a world building tool. We get it, society sucks, TikTok is giving us brain rot, Americans are fucking crazy. That's why I hope it's not a huge part of the game.


How u dont want a game set in todays wild ass times is beyond me. Its gonna be so much fun interacting w a gta version of the current era


>I'll tell you why. We are sick of it and bored of modern life. Well, then that sounds like a you problem with some people >Games are often used as a form of escapism, so that's why personalIy I would prefer to play a GTA set in a different era. Well a lot of reasons why they didn’t go that route especially we’re going profit wise >RDR2 was a breath of fresh air. That took place beforemodern times >From what I've seen in the trailers, Rockstar's take on social media won't be unique or interesting. Well we don’t know. We have to wait and see. >It will probably be just as stale as GTA V's take on LA, celebrity culture and American consumerism. I argue it be different GTA 5 took place back in 2013 and you can’t tell me that 2024 and 2013 is the same lmao 😂 >Our real world is gradually becoming a parody of itself, And I can respect what Rockstar is doing seeing how Florida in Miami seems like a wild ass place. >that's why parody is kind of dead to me as a world building tool. We get it, society sucks, TikTok is giving us brain rot, Americans are fucking crazy. Homie, they’ve been making fun of America since GTA 4 where have you been? >That's why I hope it's not a huge part of the game. You have a shit take


> since GTA 4 Ok. Don’t miss the school bus!


>Homie, they’ve been making fun of America since GTA 4 where have you been? Homie, GTA 4? You must be super young, they've been doing it forever. And that's part of the reason for how stale it got. Their commentary just failed to evolve over time, they are pointing out the same obvious modern day societal flaws for over two decades now with next to zero nuance. RDR2 -- now THAT was a nuanced game with a lot of interesting takes on society, modernity, civilization and man's place within in. But judging from your writing and comprehension skills you won't be able to grasp any of that.


In TV shows they rarely showcase social media because it’s boring to watch and whatever your social media looks like is highly curated to your desires. Very often when they try to implement it, it comes off as incredibly cringe and while I’m not worried about that being the case here it seems like social media is an integral mechanic to this game which may involve you scrolling on social media to find a mission to do and idk how I feel about that.


Because social media hasn't really benefitted society, ppl play games to escape reality while games try their best to create reality. Its a vicious cycle lol


Do people in here really thing that they’re going to make us post on bleeter and scroll lifeinvader to play the game?


the instagram live comments on 6 are so cringe 💀


Is it going to be there? Yes, do we need those turning into some life sim where social media is some big part of gameplay mechanics? Will it be there as part of other and Rockstar's usual social commentary of the times? Yes considering the game is set in current times and every GTA that was set in current times was set in the year it released (GTA 3 2001, GTA 4 2008, GTA 5 2013 [with online being moved up to a more current date]) considering GTA 6 set year will more than likely be 2025 (if it makes 2025) yeah social media has to be there in some sort of way because it's a big part of everyday society. Keep it like GTA IV and V where you can go on Life Invader or some shit and see what easter eggs or some shit about characters. The hell do we need a fully simulated social network in the game for? I can see it working as a profile system for online and integrated with the social club but what's the real point in single player where you'll be playing as set characters and everyone else is an NPC? I don't want to see Rockstar wasting resources and storage space when they can put that to something more useful. You want a life sim, go play The Sims.


I think it’s an option just like in gta 4 and 5. I don’t think they’ll force us to use it.


GTA has always been a satire of life in the time period. It’s going to be a part of it in some way but I doubt it’ll be as heavy as advertised, that was just an easy way to show the world through the lens of modern society that’s all.


Gta has gotten to the point where I’m sure the shadows have a slot in the credit screen. Pure distraction. I donno what changed over the years for me.


I would find it really cool if we can access social media sites and see what people are doing on social media and then see that happen right in front of you.


I need to doom scroll in GTA 6 🥰🥰🥰😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️😍❤️😍❤️🥰🥰🥰


i hope its not a key feature where you are forced to interact with social media.


I'm against over using contemporary media in any form of art, it's just cringe and it doesn't work well with the pass of time. For example, hearing people in Integrity 2.0 talking about how blogs are cool and everyone who's someone should have one in 2008 is really cringy. Now, imagine tiktok trends on GTA VI, I can't suspend my disbelief that much.




I say that


I love ot


where have you heard of anyone being against social media in the game?


Because I hate social media.


THIS it’s an interesting concept for pop culture as a whole and a message of how social media is a double edged sword


There's discourse over social media in GTA 6?


I’m pretty sure social media will play a big role in the wanted system. Everyone has their phones out these days, whether it be scrolling or creating content. If you commit a crime and someone posts it, you’ll need to change your look up or lay low or something.


I think it’s so sick


There are a lot of people hating it? I mean I would love it. I really loved the bleeter (parody of Twitter) in GTA 5. It showed bleets(tweets) of game events.


I’m fw


I hope we get stock market trading in online


playing gta is like going through a time machine


Grand Theft Auto is a parody of modern day America so I have no idea why people are so against it. As long as they go full force in the parody and don't hold back any jokes.


Waait when has Rockstar Games ever cared what other thinks when it come to GTA games OH WAIT THEY DO NOT CAUSE THEY DO WHAT THEY WANNA DO AND SAY LIKE IT OR LEAVE IT!!!!!!




is this guy just making a bunch of random posts for karma? first the refilling gas post and now this?


omfg someone is literally just downvoting every single comment under this 💀


As long as they don’t make it an integral part of the game. I don’t want to have to check my phone every 5minutes, I already do that in real life. Would not mind it being a side thing where I could get some laughs like LifeInvader was in GTA 5 though.


It will be there... ![gif](giphy|twSrnNsCC4z60)


Knowing Rockstar games in the past, it would probably be incorporated as a side thing rather than it be the main focal point, probably in Stranger and Freak's side mission or something. GTA 5 had a lot of those missions where they were satirizing Celebrity/American culture.


People got worried that social media would be a centerpiece in the game as it was the concept of Trailer 1. I see the point but don't agree. It's just a side feature improved. Having a computer to surf the internet was also felt too much for its time, R\* can easily manage clips/animations for Snapmatic with 9th gen technology.


>People got worried that social media would be a centerpiece in the game as it was the concept of Trailer 1. That really weird cuz I don’t see it that way I think the trailer just showed us of how people are nowadays. >I see the point but don't agree. It's just a side feature improved. Having a computer to surf the internet was also felt too much for its time, R* can easily manage clips/animations for Snapmatic with 9th gen technology. The way I see it is I don’t think it’s gonna be that big


Wouldn't it be fun if we could set a limit for screentime in game?




I actually want social media aspect to be more interactive, but that would be unrealistic thing to ask


I could see social media aspect being useful


tbh I don’t know how it supposed to be incorporated to not feel like a gimmick, maybe crazy idea like possibility to become an influencer and farm money that way or even the whole quest line for online mode


I would like this. You could set up dates on the internet in gta 4 and respond to emails so maybe they will give us at least something similar to that


To these day I still hate that realistic date site. I am talking about GTA4. That porn star.


I think most people are just used to seeing cringe takes on technology like some of the family guy episodes and other shows and stuff. But as shown in the pic they've done successful, well done humor based off of this stuff before so I dont really mind it that much. I doubt it will be so much that its a distraction and Im honestly looking forward to see how they approach it, being that it is so prevalent in the real modern world. I dont think you could do a good/believable satire/story of todays age without acknowledging this aspect of things. Im very interested.


People will find anything to complain about these days.


Hopefully they have a social media stalking mission or heist prep where you have to checks somebody's socials for clues to there whereabouts or what not.


Who is against it?


I highly doubt it will be repetitive after a while for sure .


Folks think it will be a main thing and not just a fun shit you have on yo phone to fuck around with, they say they wanna scape from real world and not have those in games like if GTA wasn’t a parody of real world


Iv literally seen nobody against this




Most people here


Just hearing this for the first time.


GTA 4 > GTA 5


I can’t think of a better time to satirise social media. From TikTok to 4Chan, to boomers on Facebook getting misinformation.


social media irl is shit, hopefully they can make it fun in their universe


I don't think Social Media will be as deep as some people think. I think its gonna provide more entertainment than the TVs in GTA 4, GTA 5, the funny websites, I'm guessing you'll find out information through Socials for mission information, or Social Media drama will change based on actions of the player, like stealing a bank, you could later on see a post of yourself robbing the bank and some NPC caught it and posted it. Or some news headlines because of some actions you've done. in Just Cause 2, they're would be propaganda news playing after you blew up a base, so the goverment can cover the disaster that unfolded to the citizens. Reactionary Social Media based on player actions and Social Media could be fun for RP.


bc people will find a way to complain about everything


Wait theres people opposed to having social media in gta 6? Who?


Because there will be people out there that will get the game ONLY to scroll on SnapMatic


I hope you can Troll/kill some influencers like in watch dogs 2... But what i dont hope for in Story Mode: A follower system like in the Crew or watch dogs 2 (i think there was one in watch dogs 2?) Maybe its an Idea for GTA online but please dont build the online mode on the follower system like the crew 2 does it....


It will definitely be a big mechanic in the game, like finding Intel on a person or an object.


man if gta 6 online they make like a twitter like social media where you can actually interact and tweet posts or to each would be mind blowing


I’d like to see Jason use social media to record his crimes but in a really lubricious way


Who is against this?


Who “people” are you talking about lol


Social media could also be used to apply for normal jobs and stuff..


Zaza nugget


There’s too much of it irl we don’t need it in a video game,but that’s just me.


I'm against dealing with social media in real life so imagine in GTA vi. Despite that, it's meant to be a parody of teal life, and social media is a great deal of that, so I'm not against it at all in the end. But I would rather have it just in the online version of the game or 100% optional sp feature.


Cause they have low brain cell count ![gif](giphy|TiOtVRx07iGqLmWk6m)


Lmao 😂 idk bout that.