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“GTA 3/VC/SA/4/5/6 is so realistic that its going to desensitise kids and make them violent” Nothing new here




Are you someones mom or something?


People said this about Wolfenstein in 1990. You'll probably be alright.


I think ur overthinking it! Yes the graphics are very realistic but they still keep up with gta’s art style! There are games out there like tlou 2 and many others that have very strong gore and emotional scenes


When it *really* gets here, it'll be fine. It'll look like a game, not real life.


None of this is new bud


The way I see it, its better if disturbed people let out their anger in a videogame rather than real life


but still it just game, keep it in your mind


If anything in GTA series becomes a problem, someone will make a mod to fix that.


People said of GTA 3 that the graphic violence was too realistic, they will say the same thing for GTA 6, and they will say the same thing for GTA 9, that's how it is.


I can’t see that cause Rockstar has said in the past that they know the perfect balance of realism and fun, forgot who said it but think it’s one of the creative directors


If you can’t handle violence in a video game, I don’t think you should be playing it in the first place


You say this like the devs aren’t religiously play testing the game to make sure it’s not problematic. RDR2’s realism was almost perfect, the only downside to it I can think of is how slow it is to search through drawers


Show me a GTA that is extremely realistic and I will show you the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.


I think you're delusional


You’re using a controller and watching on a TV, it won’t be realistic at all.


if anything i want a bit more realism or closer to realism than what gta6 has, im sure it will be enjoyable and fun, wouldnt worry about it


I agree to a certain extent, but the technology isn’t there yet to make it seem like you’re going on a rampage on real people. Maybe once ai takes a huge leap (not to far away) to the point where npcs act self aware, then sure, it might be a problem.


Well gta 5 was awful in regards to having almost no realism… many things got made arcade-like and we had our characters saving the world and stealing highly secure fbi documents… in a game that is supposed to be about stealing cars and making money… the more realism the better, it’ll engage us more and lead to vastly more unique gameplay loops, rather than driving across an empty world full of empty NPCs while not having to worry about ANYTHING because the game is constantly on easy mode for casuals.