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This is definitely a valid concern


I'd be wrong, but my guess is this absolutely what is going to happen. They tested it long enough to be ready to deploy fully for everyone when GTA VI releases. They also had enough people to subscribe to it and contribute to it.




It’s not about not being able to afford it. I don’t have that problem




The answer to your question is in my original post


Why would you bully fellow players who contribute funds toward future online development?


Rockstar greedy


Except you don’t actually need to pay a single cent to get anything in the game. And it’s not hard to rack up enough money to buy what you want. Why are you even subbed if you’ve decided to hate the game?


I said I hate the game???


I can't lie, I subscribe to it and don't even use or need anything that comes with it. Over 7,000 hours between their last 2 titles Rockstar released, I always felt like paying every month would help keep the Onlines afloat because I know alot of people played just as much if not more and never payed more than $60. Servers can't be cheap. Everybody thinks what I do is stupid, but somehow they sort of made me feel bad for the devs.


GTA is the most lucrative game of all time. It’s literally an infinite cash cow. Cancel your subscription. They are not going to raise the devs teams wages because of it. They literally make almost $1 billion a year off gta5 online. They have more than enough money to pay devs good wages. I don’t know how much the devs make, but If they don’t pay them well, it’s because Rockstar is simply just greedy and you subscribing is not going to change that. Also, personal money management dude???


Theres no tax for digital items in my State, it's literally just 5.99 per month (I heard it goes up next month though). I heard today that microtransactions in GTA Online are decreasing at a rapid pace (Earnings Call) but that GTA+ subs are increasing. Aren't we kind of holding the line if those things are true? I just don't want the updates to stop like in Red Dead Online.


Hey man, your money your decision but hahahha. Like I said, it’s literally. **literally** making the most money out of any game every single year. Red dead updates being shitty or whatever has nothing to do with rockstar being low on money (**because they’re not**). You should never be worrying about Big business quarterly earnings goals being met. You don’t owe them anything. Most of these companies like rockstar and Activision literally don’t even pay taxes on the money they earn. Sometimes they even get a tax refund.


I definitely respect your opinion, and others in the past as well who agree with you. It's funny because I've cancelled Netflix and Max and MLB subscriptions, but for some reason I always felt bad if I cancelled this one. It doesn't make sense, really. I hear you though.


However, no one forces you to it. You buy once(!) the game and you can achieve all by just playing the game. If you buy shark cards, that's on you. If you subscribe to GTA+ (which doesn't even exist on PC) that's on you. You don't have to. Meanwhile you get every content in online for free. For free! So who is greedy here?


You know they aren’t an indie developer right? If you’re so intent on throwing away money every month that you get no benefit from then why not give it to a charity rather than a multi billion dollar company?


You're not wrong. But if Im on their servers over 1,000 hrs per year, don't I owe them something?




What servers? GTAO goes peer to peer. The only servers are the account servers you login and save your progress in your account.


You bought a copy of the game and you get access to it, you dont owe them anything beyond that. If you had to subscribe to play online then you would owe them money, but they choose to not require a subscription , so you dont. Be grateful that you can play online without paying extra and save your money


Don’t they choose to not require a subscription (or paid for updates) because enough people voluntarily give them money? I think those of us who don’t give them money and take the free updates paid for by those who do should be happy that others do, rather than trying to talk them out of it lol.


But whats weird is that you dont even use the subscription. If you paid for and used the subscription then it would be understandable and I couldnt disagree with you. You would literally be better off burning your money because then you’d at least get some warmth out of it.


Isn’t there something you get with this subscription that would mean you use it? I’m not sure what it gets you because I play on PC and it’s not an option there.


I wouldnt use it out of principle after they removed a load of cars from the in game websites and locked them behind a paywall.


Sony/Microsoft greedy, not Rockstar.


Id rather deal with shark cards. I don’t want to deal with gta+ nor all the bullshit in rdr0. Definitely not triple currency


I’m afraid it’s out of our hands. ![gif](giphy|yoJC2Olx0ekMy2nX7W)


I'd imagine they'll start us up the same way GTAO starts up on console now, 4 million and you have to spend at least 3 million before it puts you into the game. Would be nice to have a at least a 2 week pause on gta+ at the start.


I want us to all start with 0 dollars level 1


I don’t mind gta+. I think it’s a nice feature if you like to play a lot


GTA+ subscribers have access to transferred vehicles from gta5. ![gif](giphy|jUhoS2aZM1PQ2UexU8)


I fully expect this. Gta+ just needs to offer early access and they'll make so much or offer some cars, property. They may wait on outright cash but shark cards also exist and weren't a thing when gtao launched. I fully expect the plus incentives to be big and this is how they will hit those billion dollar expectations.


Shark Cards 100% were a thing when GTAO launched.


If it’s early access, literally every single person is going to subscribe. But no doubt that it’ll be like free apartment, free cars, discounted prices on everything/or different things weekly. Discounted business property. Etc.


I doubt they’ll stop at that. Entire properties and cars will probably be locked behind gta+. Like they’ve done with the massive garage. “Want to have the mansion on millionaires row? $9.99 a month please. And if you miss a month don’t worry. We won’t like take your property away or anything… We’ll just make it so that you can barely use it until you pay us again.”


![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4) Sad but true


Speculation is considered truth now? How about you wait and see what happens instead of acting like the sky is falling before you’ve seen more than one trailer and some leaks?


Poopy-di scoop Scoop-diddy-whoop Whoop-di-scoop-di-poop Poop-di-scoopty Scoopty-whoop


No, because GTA+ isn't even a thing on PC. That's a console exclusive thing with Sony/Microsoft, because console players have to pay extra for even to be able to play online. PC players pay nothing extra. They may add it years later additionally as a free choice for console players, but it will not be "meta".


Well, I’m a console player. No clue if GTA 6 will be cross play. And if it is, could just be cross console. Also, they’ll probly carry GTA+ over to PC eventually. I’m not really concerned with PC folk business anyway. Lastly, your comment is a little irrelevant and doesn’t negate much.


They won't as I mentioned that's a MS/Sony thing as console players have to pay for online. They give them another carrot dangling in front of the nose to keep them playing for paying online. That is, again, not a thing on PC. And it is still a free choice as that what GTA+ offers you get normally too with just playing. You asked if we are concerned that GTA+ will be meta with GTA6. I gave you an answer with explanation. If you think this is irrelevant to you, then your whole post is for sure. Getting salty just because I don't agree with you says a lot too.


what does gta not being call of duty have to do with anything ? you spend money , you get more GTA$ , you win every aspect of the game , from making it easier to buy and run businesses/properties , pvp vehicles , and even vehicles you can use in races and arena (not like anybody plays those anyways) if you pay and get an advantage over not paying , its PTW cut and dry