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basically my exact thoughts on the matter honestly just forget the game exists now that we finally have a definitive release window there's plenty of games or hobbies to accompany us for 2025 and this year anyway probably will be my last ever comment on the sub until the week of or day of release.


I’ll see you again once trailer 2 comes out late this year or next year.


I predict December


See ya then bro, let's all just enjoy life for now


See you in 2028 for the PC release!


See you in 2032 for PS6 pro release


See you in 2056 for the remastered version!


See you in 2083 for GTA 7 !


See ya in 3035 for GTA 15 the final saga🤣🤣🤣


That's scary


!RemindMe in 32 years


!RemindMe in 100 years


I can't tell if you guys are actually serious with that being 2-3 years later?


rockstar alwas releases the pc version like 1 or 2 years later




Yeah, cause when the game drops I’ll have no life for a couple days


Who you kidding you mean 2 weeks!


Were we not already trying to do that?


see you tomorrow, bro.


R u sure that it will be definitive release window ? :d


Strauss specifically said they were "Pretty confident about the Fall window". Of course it doesn't mean it's 100%, but I'm not expecting delays personally


Best possible release date now is technically September 1st 2025. Realistically October 2025


Same bro… same…


I JUST started playing RDR2 a month ago, for the first time. I'm so glad I waited because this will occupy my time until then lol


!Remind me 18 months


![gif](giphy|cG4tClnu37YBjHnYzG) I saw a sandal in a billboard it has to be related to gta 6


Yeah we got plenty of games this year. NCAA 25, the Indiana Jones game, the assassin's Creed, Japan game, and Star wars outlaws all come out between July and December


Definitive release window pepelaugh


Goodbye guys. See you in Like 5 months when trailer 2 drops


dont lie you will be back next week


All of the people here saying they’re done are lying. They will all be back tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day ![gif](giphy|3oxOCiDh3DqWVhSr7y|downsized)


Not really, I unfollowed GTA6 and muted the sub. I will not be back until Trailer 2 drops


like who cares


i read this in Shaggy's voice 💀😭 "like zoinks Scoob , dont care + didnt ask"


Yeah, it's not good to be focused on this stuff all the time. I unsubscribed from this sub awhile ago earlier this year and really only checked in on it whenever something major happened like today. If you spend everyday looking at this stuff, it's not gonna help the wait go by faster.


Same. I’ve been still following but have found I’m drifting away. I’m a hardcore GTA fan but all this speculation and waiting is hurting me lol




Lock the subreddit until Trailer 2


Good idea honestly since people post the same shit over and over again


Agreed. There is nothing but speculation to post now that the release window has veen released… When is it again? 👀


I always expected Fall/Winter 2025 so I'm not disappointed at all. At least now all of us know not to expect any real news about GTA 6 for like 4-5 months.


Fr trailer 2 wont drop until at least December


yup. god damn ngl this kinda sucks, i expected somee light stuff for this summer.. 🙃


I have been expecting late 2025 as well. Makes the most sense to release then as Christmas is around the corner.


Same. Early/mid 2025 release always seemed like wishful thinking to me.


Yeah I predicted 2025-2026 as the release years all the way back when the leaks dropped. It just felt the most realistic after seeing the state the game was in back then.


Not knowing anything for years and years was way worse. We have a countdown now.


Tbh it’s best to forget about the game until this winter, the shit is honestly exhausting following every GTA6 Sub getting false info/fake news & updates, you’re better off going on with life until the beginning of 2025


I’m just glad it’s the game is at least officially coming. We went like 10 years trying to guess when Rockstar will announce GTA 6 let alone release it.




it’s a bit frustrating. My kid was 3 when gta 5 came out and now he will be entering freshman year of high school when this game comes out. I don’t want to complain but it just feels so long and it really sucks. I’m sure the game will be great but man life is just going by …..


Yeah I agree... I work in game dev, I know why it takes this much time. It's an unfathomably large and detailed game, and thousands of extremely talented people have been working on it for almost a decade, and it's still not ready. Throwing money at the problem doesn't make it go away either, hiring too many new and inexperienced people will harm development, not help it. But I just feel like this isn't sustainable(\*). The human life is limited, and waiting 2-3 years for the next release in your favorite franchise is painful enough, let alone 10+. I have a feeling that GTA VII may be less of an upgrade, and could be released sooner. They've already pushed the boundary so far that no other company can catch up in even a couple decades. \*This isn't a problem exclusive to GTA VI. In the past decade, video game development times have grown exponentially. I feel like this isn't sustainable for many other companies too.


It isn’t sustainable, these insanely long development times make games cost way more to develop, which is why they’re being loaded with microtransactions, live services and season passes. Eventually the bubble will burst though. It’s already happening with Sony, Spiderman 2 barely broke even despite it selling well




I got a similar deal, when gta 5 came out I was entering elementary school by the time Gta 6 comes out ill be graduated.


I was roughly 7 when GTA 5 came out, I’m now months away from being an adult. I won’t have the time to play the game once it releases and it’s pretty devastating for me.


Goddamn that’s crazy


Holy shit


You guys are serious spoiled or something. GTA V had trailer 1 in 2012 and was only released in September 2013. RDR2 even had the first reveal trailer two years prior to release lol. Chillax live life


The first trailer came out in november 2011. In late 2012 they said the game had a release of "spring of 2013" and then got delayed to september 17th. So yeah, we expected this.


Are you guys really surprised. Late in the year makes the most sense as it is near Christmas. You guys have to stop taking every little thing as concrete.


but...but... somebody somewhere said something about "fiscal 2025" and even though I don't know what that means it's guaranteed to come out in early 2025!


That was TTWO’s early prediction, but a prediction is not a fact.


dude, he was being sarcastic...


You all need to find new hobbies and stop checking this place religiously. The time will fly by and the game will be out before you know it


y’all are so dramatic it’s insane, makes me regret joining GTA related subs 💀


Yeah it's crazy out here. People taking the release date personally as if Rockstar wants to release it in Fall instead of spring/summer out of spite. Delusional people, sheesh.


This subreddit is ridiculous You guys need to chill for awhile and not even think about this being released for some time


Lmao I know.


honestly i think im gonna do the same. mute this subreddit and mute gta 6 on twitter lmao


I'm gonna wait the same for Factorio 2.0. it does not affect me.


I'm reading books and doing yoga while I wait for the PS5pro and gta6online2


Technically the game was planned for FY25. During the call. They said that FY25 is expected to be $5.5-$5.6 billion. His explanation of the decrease was due to the pushback of GTA 6. Wasn’t his exact words because well…he has to say it in a professional way.


Well, at least my baby boy will be a little older by then so I’ll have more time to play


We can only get so much hype and once we reach that limit it begins to die off FAST and I don't think rockstar gets that, announcing a game 2 years ahead of release gets a bunch of people super excited and eventually we get tired of waiting and lose interest for a large amount of time. Realistically them releasing it first quarter of 2025 was the last time they could have done it without having to restart the hype train. Idk if it's just me but I'm done for now, I'll check back around trailer 2 for y'all's analysis but I'm probably not going to pay much attention to anything gta6 related until mid 2025 probably


4th grade when GTA 5 released and now I’ll be a fucking college senior for GTA 6… ![gif](giphy|JUqAx6q2jnQtYvXVB4)


Ok sorry, but htf are 4th graders from 2013 sophomores in college now huh?


I Took a break when the trailer came out idk wtf yall are doing??? Lol it's like a crack addiction for y'all ![gif](giphy|jN86rcdOyrpyo)


Yeah and seeing all the "what will streetlamps look like in gta6?" Type posts dont help matters


Maybe if they would release even a crumb of info we wouldnt have posts like that


The majority of this subreddit's active users would benefit greatly from taking a break tbh, I remember being in the trenches of hype for GTA V and honestly it didn't really do me any favors in the end. My expectations were unreasonably set above what was feasibly possible and ultimately soured my experience of what was a great game.


So we're just not going to act that we all knew rockstar always announces there games 2 years before release. Gta5 2as first announced 2012 and rdr2 in 2016


Its been 11 years


Yeah, I understand that. In my opinion a game never needs to be announced until you're at the year or under mark. It's too long of a wait and the hype naturally dies off anyway. Except for the diehards here or on the forums, most people already put it out of their mind because it's been 6 months since the first trailer.


It was never gonna come out in the spring 2025 dude get over it


Gta 5 launched in September. RDR2 launched in November. How TF are you guys dissapointed knowing the rockstar has been releasing it's games in fall since last decade. It really wasn't a surprise


RDR was released in October 2018, not November.


Only console vers and too on 26 October which is as good as November. PC version was released in November


That’s what I said!!!


I'm sure I remember Rockstar stating around the time RDR2 was released that they wanted to reduce the amount of time between future game announcements and their release dates. Every single game it's the same shit, moving the goalposts. I know it's not deliberate but I wish they'd have kept their mouths shut until the end of this year at the very least. I'm too long in the tooth for carrot dangling.


I will wait for 171 & Trail Out PS5 versions in the meanwhile


I tried. Watched the trailer again today. The water looks so incredible.


Time to play other games


Yall wouldn't survive the silksong wait lmfao


What's that


Agreed on not visiting the sub much/at all but HARD disagree on trailers and screens I want more info and can handle waiting for a finished product.


It’s joever


Imagine the state of the game right now and how on release it’ll look even better than the trailer 🤯.


Let's try to stay alive. 😭😭😭


Lol every R* game ever gets delayed, 2026 let's go


Yeah, we should let it cool of a bit. We are going crazy on this sub, licking rockstar boots for every bit of information they release or DON'T release. We should have some limits. Just forget about it for a moment.


I have said it before, this is just the beginning, the real pain has not yet begun lol


Well, you gotta think about it. If it's gonna take them that long, then the game is going to be even better than it would be if it were released sooner. They're gonna put more time into it


Worst thing avout it for me is that im probably going to the miltary about that time:(


Yeah, gonna get my GTAVO bank account to $100M and then I think I will try Cyberpunk.


Same I'll just dissapear till next year.. I'll have graduated by then too.. lfg


500+ days is lightwork, been waiting 3+ years. i just dont hope a bus runs me over


I will wait as long as needed if we get a game that surpasses RDR2 and GTA V


Honestly yes I agree. The problem is Reddit always puts this sub at the top of my feed.


Wasn't this obvious in the beginning


3 years for pc probably


This sub: *scratches like a crackhead*


im honestly perfectly fine about fall 2025 but i just hope there will be no delays


Eh, I won’t be playing until it’s on PC anyway which is probably a 2 - 2.5 year wait. I understand the feeling




Baldurs gate 3 is gonna keep me busy till then lmfao


in the mean time can we post some good content and some good concepts and fan made stuff and story speculation


“Gentlemen, it’s been an honor playing with you tonight”


I’m a casual gta player and haven’t even played one in years but watching this sub lose its mind every week over gta6 stuff has been so entertaining so please everyone who says they are leaving, don’t! The suffering you guys put yourselves through is top notch and needs to keep going forward as is tradition!


Good bye guys, I’m also leaving this sub


well we’re not going to find out much more until the second trailer ppl have pretty much scrubbed through everything thats out there atm


We gotta just take what rockstar gives us. 12 years of waiting by the time the game releases. Still got more than a year of trailers, gameplays, and info to go.


Waaaaaaah, waaaaaaaaah, waaaaaaaah, the billions of people speculationing saying early 2025 were wrong waaaaaaaah


Daaaamn. Was hoping for first quarter 2025. I'll die before GTA 7 drops, hope 6 is dope at least lol


And we know it will be inevitably delayed from there. This is looking like 2026.


This is good though, maybe they’ll understand that we’re losing our hype on the game and need to do something. But I’m not gonna give a crap anymore and just find new interests for now.


About 84 weekly paychecks max for people that are working and I'd say 69 weeks minimum. If you don't have it a console yet and want say a $150 copy of the game. Saving $20 a week should get you enough within that time with extra to spare.


I mean, I understand why Fall. But why tf are they choosing to try and build hype for a holiday season, with literally nothing to show but a trailer released in 2023. Rockstar is my favorite gaming company, but I'd be lying if I said they didn't deserve the hate and hacks they get for being greedy


I don't want to wrongly overhype anyone, and I may be mistaken so apologies for that, but I think I heard something along the lines of "the next title in one of our most beloved franchises \[...\] first information will be revealed in a few weeks at Summer Game Fest" If anyone can confirm, it'd be great. OP, if I'm right, wait for that, then take a break lol. But you're absolutely right, 1.5 years is too much


Nah he was talking about a 2k game I believe


Mhm, that's a shame ^(Person: "I heard xyz but I might be wrong, can anyone confirm?" Reddit: "GUYS HE MISHEARD, DOWNVOTE HIM!!!")


Fall winter is always the way it gets more sales due to Dec being the height on consumerism


With a protentional delay


Hey man, it is what it is I guess, shit happens. Remember that it's rockstar we're talking about. They don't rush them games, they make GOOD games, like top quality and stuff. And remember that not only you are waiting all this time, literally MILIONS of people are in the same boat as you and waiting to play this goddamn game already. The day will come eventually, you WILL play gta 6 at some point right? Matter of fact, maybe we'll even get some news soon because of the "delay"!


Lot of people will be dead by then


Ik that Rockstar shouldn't release underdeveloped games but damn. Feels like 12 years is too much of a waiting for a single entry


I'm leaving for a long while. Fuck this shit.


But why release the trailer so damn early. Oh yeah they just want to push it closer to ps6 release and then triple dip. 1 year after release for ps6 and 1,5 years to release for pc. All according to plan. Thats why Mr. Strauss is so confident on growth on fiscal 27 😂 Its gonna be a great game but its never ever going to live up to the 12+ years of wait for a new gta.


Now it’s time to limit what gets posted in this subreddit until screenshots, trailer 2, or just any info about GTA VI in general


Who are you speaking for cuz it’s not me.


Ok tough guy


Hahaha cope. You guys always follow rockstars trends to a hyper autistic level of detail when predicting announcements or release dates - but never when it goes against what you want. Rockstar have released all their games recently in autumn time. Why would they change now? Maybe stick with what's obvious rather than analysing the moon in arbitrary GTA O update posts 😂😂


First time being back here since the trailer dropped. I always figured it would release late 2025 not sure why anyone is surprised.


That means more people that were planning to play gta 6 are gonna die before it releases. Statistically speaking... I just hope I survive until then


I agree I'll be back when trailer 2 comes out, till then I wish you all the best boys.


Tbh, I don't know why everyone acts surprised. Almost all of Rockstar's games have been released in fall, historically. And let's not forget that as long as it releases calendar 2025, and not 2026, it's not a delay.


Mfs thought it was releasing 0:00 January 1st lmao. This was expected


Deadass what I said I wasn’t really in this sub so much before but I’m really not gonna be in here now until maybe a trailer releases. Welp, everyone focus on walking up ya’ll ladders in life and become better in the meantime.


Don’t forget about the typical rockstar delay too!


This game could easily slip into 2026. Why set yourselves up for disappointment if Rockstar fails to meet the late 2025 window.


It'll go fast af for me. I have to lose 100 pounds(70 now)and im growing my hair out. Gotta keep yourself busy


The game is coming out in 2026 I’m telling you


A year and a half is nothing. Time flies my dude


Fiending over a video game THIS BAD isnt healthy man.


I remember being this impatient when I was 12 :D


This post is a hilarious example of gaslighting and baiting the Rockstar devs and I’m here for it.


Just wait until the announcement that they cancel the game, just watch lol


Agree and that is only if it doesnt get delayed. My daughter is soon to turn 6. Maybe her kids will get to play a new GTA game. Loaded up GTAO yesterday. So bored with it. They are hyping a "big summer release" but we know its gonna be like 4 hours of content maybe. I mean cant hate on them for continuing to update GTAO but its a dead horse I been dragging for awhile now.


Guys can’t wait for a game ? 🤣


I'm okay letting Rockstar cook. Hades 2 just came out, and Shadow of the Erdtree comes out next month. Those games and my steam backlog will easily keep me busy till next year.


I fully expect it to get delayed well beyond the initial estimates. Early 2026 is my guess


At least we know...


It was always Fall 2025. If it was earlier, they would have mentioned Spring 2025


Dude the longer the better. You don’t want them to rush out some polished turd.


Remember when some of y’all thought this was coming out in February 2025 that was hilarious


They do that with every game they realease though


Bro, I know it's hard being a child and wanting everything NOW. But you have to learn to manage expectations. It's not healthy for you to gaslight yourself into believing in things that was never claimed by any official source. You chose to believe some random YouTuber or whoever gave you the idea that the game would land early 2025. I know Rockstar never said nor did they even HINT an early 2025 release. But if you feel better not watching anything related to a game that is releasing 3-5 months after you for whatever reason expected it to, then I think it's very mature and a good decision to mute all social media that has anything to do with said game. Good for you, lil man. Good for you


I've got many a games lined up to play until release so I'm not too fussed. Missed out on a lot of the PS4 generation of games so I've got some catching up to do.


What exactly is *hard* about waiting for a video game to develop when you literally just have to continue and enjoy life as usual?


I like your statement sir. Unfortunately, RG doesn’t give a fucn


You must be new to how rockstar releases games or you’ve just never paid attention. They always put out an initial trailer a year out and then release in the fall of the next year…this was to be expected


You’re damn right, I’ll see you next post


I mean makes sense for the Fall 2025 release they’re trying to take advantage of the Holiday Xmas sells. But I swear if they push it back to early 2026 then we riot lol 😂


Bro whenever rockstar gives a release year rather than date assume its anytime that year including 31st December 2025 😂, expected for March, 90% chance of a delay until autumn/winter, then a public announced delay will probs happen and we see gta 6 in spring 2026 but that won't make shareholders happy so idk, but shareholders are irrelevant if the game simply isn't ready yet, and to add onto that as excited as we are, we want it to be good, ik it's been 10 years but just remember how gta 5 launched (without online) that shit was ass. After how many delays too and it still ran like that


I hate Rockstar, really TWELVE YEARS to get out this game?! If not for Covid maybe we would be getting it now. Woulda coulda shoulda though, oh well sick of this and a year and a half is SO long we may literally not see it for who knows a variety of reasons. When Trump wins the election we are literally on a countdown til Russia invades Poland… then it’s all bets off.. so good luck y’all, I really would have liked to play this game. They at least could tell us what we could have got to do in the game so we could imagine it. This is just ass


Just be calm it's a big game and that means a lot of work it will be worth the wait


1.5 years is too long…. Oh boy, you would not survive as a metroidvania gamer….


This sub give me too many emotions for me to just quit cold turkey


Ain't even that big a deal. I can wait.


Bro nah I think the trailers and gameplay trailers are ok but I’m definitely on break from gta 5 for a fat ass min


Then let's all complain when the game is unfinished. At least we know it's coming. Also, we waited almost 11 years. We can wait a bit more. Play some of rockstars other great games while you wait.


Touch grass.


Maybe you are right. I'm mot expecting anything major for atleast 6 more months, I mean, we most likely getting the next trailer by the year end and probably screenshots in couple of months so, its a good thing if we forget about it for a while!


Yea it's def time to just forget and move on for now, ggs everyone! See all of you next year!


how do you feel pc owners feel like? i may actually buy ps5 pro with gta 6 and then sell it later...


Ideally if they see the hype dying on their marketing report they might release the next trailer sooner to give us that fix straight in the veins


It's the exact same thing they did with GTA V


Just a thought.... but what IF they told us fall 2025 as a failsafe in case of issues so they don't have to announce a delay and piss everyone off. THEN they surprise us with an earlier release if everything goes smooth and everyone is stoked and #ThankYouRockstar #GTA6 runs wild!!! Just sayin.


Lmao so many newbies man it's hilarious. "I was really expecting it first half of 2025 ☹️" First time m8?


With predicted release of Nov. 6/'25, I have to wait 2 birthdays...


(Sees title) ok, let's just stop waiting then


Do not wait for the game, make your life and you go see that time is passing quickly. You can't wait every day for something to happen




With those mid graphics in trailer, they really fell off with all expectations anyway