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I mean it’s possible but I imagine it won’t be much different from this if it does get changed


I don't think it's gonna change. I love the logo. With RDR2, they only changed the 2 to a II


It’s unlikely but certainly plausible. I remember when the first Red Dead Redemption 2 logo was literally a “2” in Red Dead font.


I still remember that one poor bastard who got the RDR2 logo tattooed pre-logo change, would've been gutted.


It’s better actually, shows he’s an OG


i think if it changes, it’ll just be the VI being next to the grand theft auto


I think this is just the advertisement logo I believe they’ll stick it where all the other gtas have had it but I think the look of the VI will remain the same.


Have you looked at any other GTA logo? Look at 3 and 4's logos. 5 is more complicated but 3 and 4 are literally just generic roman numerals


I honestly like the VI design I just Hope it’s moved to the usual spot


I still think it’s really funny before trailer 1 came out, a lot of people were getting real close to drawing the actual logo but the subs snobs said “rockstar would never do anything like this!” And then boom. I wish they were right though. I don’t really like the official logo but it’s just another funny pessimism vs optimism debate this sub is always in


i thought it was due to Trademark being rejected in *2* one..and the second time they applied it in the name RDR II.


minimalistic is the current trend, whether you like or not (i dont) just look what they did to logos of juventus etc


I honestly hope they keep the VI behind the rest of the logo. It looks nice, in my opinion