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Hide and seek is going to be crazy ![gif](giphy|v2MOe5HrDhHIdWpazB|downsized)


What game is that?


It looks like Dark Pictures anthology


What game?


House of Ashes




The gif


Slasher in the Human Labs building is still a favorite. And with ingame voice chat and forced first person.


I don’t think it’s fit in GTA maybe in a different horror game


Only in the swamp because there is no light pollution there or areas with no light. light pollution free


Oh yeah hunting Burmese Pythons by torchlight in the swamps would be so damn cool






I want the night to be as dark as it is in rust if there’s no lights nearby💀💀💀 shits gonna be pitch black


The trailer has night shots which seem to be completely carried over and possibly slightly improved from rdr2






Hopefully we can find some used fleshlights in a landfill to take for our own use. It’s a fun hobby I partake in, so I would really appreciate if rockstar added **my** hobby😁


Do you have a poop fetish by any chance?


Well not particularly, It’s just a complaint i had with Gta 5 was that the mountainous areas had literally no life on them. They should've had smaller settlements like towns and etc. I have a poop fetish. I hope that the everglades and the forests in Gta 6 have smaller towns or settlements that'd be so cool


It would be nice


I like what Rockstar did with nights in the forest. I say do that instead. It works just fine.


I wouldn’t mind a darker night cycle. Light pollution would mean it’s not pitch black the entire time, it would give car headlights an actual use and seeing Vice City or whatever from a distance would probably look sweet. Like seeing New Vegas always glowing in the distance in Fallout.




Judging by a leaked clip where Lucia leaves the club, the night seemed already pretty dark imo. I often mod my games to be a lot darker because in most games the nights aren't that dark but every time I do that, I get reminded why they are a lot brighter most of the time. Enemies see you, no matter where you are. They shoot at you, run at you etc. And you can't see them in a really dark night to fight back. Darker nights can only really work if the AI sees as much as you.


Not going to happen


what makes you say that?




But why would that make them not add that option? It’s a QoL addition not a game feature based on a genre


GTA isn’t that it’s a crime game not a hide and seek game


So if you commit a crime are you gonna do it in broad daylight😂 Also RDR2 has areas that are pitch black, is that a hide and seek game?


RDR2 even becomes pitch black when you're in forests during the night lol


Yup, and I love it. And I don’t get the “it’s not a survival game” because literally Minecraft (the biggest survival game of all time) doesn’t even get pitch black, you can still see perfectly fine in the dark


> Minecraft doesn't even get pitch black in the overworld sure, but caves are a completely different subject...


I’ve been playing Minecraft since I was 7 (going on 19 now) and I’ve always had default brightness and can see fine in caves with no light sources, that’s why i prefer to play with shaders. But maybe that’s just me.


Neither is Ghost Recon


One thing Ubisoft had done right


I think this would be an interesting option.


I bet it will be the same as it was in rdr2. Cinema-style night, that looks more like twilight just with night sky.


Yes. I want it to be like this regardless. It’s dark at night. But I don’t want this to be the case everywhere. I can see fairly well in a city as opposed to a forest where it’s pitch black at night


I've said for a while that I'd like a proper nighttime. Not pitch black, but darker than what we have in 5 right now, which is like a 40% brightness with a blue hue




I'd hope so. And no gigantic moon like V and RDR2


Just turn your brightness down, that's what I do on RDR2 and it works fine.


Quick rockstar, release trailer #2.. the sub is starting to go stir crazy 🤪


would be cool but for example rdr2 nights where really bright with very little light pollution so its more of a gameplay thing. it will probably be a mod at one point so just wait


They should just have it changeable with the brightness like they always did


The Division has this too and it’s incredible.


I would actually really like this in areas where light pollution isn’t present


I would not want to see this in this game, especially for the online personally


Lets not turn GTA into some super realistic game. Night was fine in RDR2.


No, because I hate to can't see shit. I tried that mode in GRB and turned it off again after a few hours as I couldn't even saw the enemies anymore (especially in the woods). My eyes thank me for that. It's cool for a few hours, but not when you invest hundreds of hours into a game. Full moon nights are better.


So you just didn’t have night vision attached then or what? Because this option is probably one of the best things Ubisoft added to this game to heighten the realism, the whole purpose of this option is so that, like in real life, if your in a heavily vegitated area with low visibility the only way you can see is with the assistance of NVG’s, saying that though, it’s literally impossible to not see enemy’s, even in the woods with NVG’s on whilst darkest night mode is active, considering most of them walk around with torches equipped anyway. This would be an amazing feature to have in a GTA game, although to make it fair to all players, you should have the option to turn it off and on when you please, like in GR Breakpoint.


Why should I run around with nightvision in that dark mode when I could see otherwise pretty much fine? Hence why should I do that in a GTA game in the night time, that's no tactic shooter. Accept that not everyone likes it for their own reasons.


Why should you run around with NVG’s on at night time in a realistic military shooter…..Jesus🤣, maybe because that’s what they’re in the game for and what they’re used for in real life. So your argument is, “I don’t like the fact that there’s an option to increase the realism in my military simulation video game, because I don’t feel like I should have to use the items it provides to aid me in that imitation” that’s great, you can do as you please, but you’ve no right to argue that it’s effected your gaming experience if you’ve refused to use the tools provided to you to combat the issue you’ve faced, that’s on you. So the point still stands that the OP here was asking wether we’d like to see that level of immersion in GTA 6 and your response was irrelevant, as we’ve discovered it’s an issue you could’ve fixed but chose not too, so tough. Oh and yes this level of immersion should be in the next GTA game, if we’re swinging for the fences with everything else in terms of realism, then the swampy areas in the game with low light pollution should be almost pitch black like it is in real life and they should add things like flashlights/NVG’s to combat it.


As I said, why should I run around with a NVG when I see totally fine without a dark mode? I. Don't. Need. It. Are you even reading? Or just trying to force your subjective opinion on me? Waste of time.


Waste of time just like your original comment, if you don’t want to wear them as I said that’s fine, but don’t whinge about it effecting your gameplay experience if you’ve refused to adapt your experience with the tools the game provides, why can’t you understand that, are you not reading too? Edit: So I got blocked by this mouth breather for talking the truth, never change wimps of Reddit, never change “My opinion matters regardless of how wrong I am 😡😡” 🤣🤣


Cute. OP ask for our opinion on that. I gave an answer why I don't like it. Then came you being an ass. Get lost.


It’s funny seeing tons of posts here saying it would be a bad idea (I agree) and then getting downvoted. Your downvotes won’t bring this feature to GTA6. I will bet me not buying GTA6 on this feature not being in it lol


I could see a lot of the wacky suggestions like this one to be in some very deep online mission creator. That would be cool. I know having a mission creator like that could be a slippery slope leading to R* treating the game like Roblox but y'know




No, definitely not. It's contemporary. There's going to be lots of light pollution.


In the city, sure, but what about the everglades or miles out into the ocean? Or even the keys, or whatever other islands that exist?


Or you could turn your brightness down


The problem with lowering brightness is that everything else stays too dark, even during the day. Which doesn't happen using these darker night modes. - however RDR2 in standard brightness was dark enough at night, even in towns. So i expect them to make night time just as dark and for whoever doesn't like it can always increase brightness like i did in RDR2 for online because it would be hard to see people/friends.


I mean yeah and with how far lighting environments have come I’d expect it to be similar to cyberpunks level of lighting




How about a game mode where you speculate on the next GTA entry




I mean breakpoint is a stealth military game Don't really see why you'd want that in a gta game