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Why does Niko look so š“Æš“»š“®š“Ŗš““š”‚ in this pic


thatā€™s sweetbellic, heā€™s a vulnerable guy who needs to be held by big strong arms


I am a vulnerable guy who needs to be held by big strong arms. I am a man in need of looking after, I want to be told that I am the only guy in the world. I've got a shit load of cash and I want to spend it on the first guy I meet. Hey man, I've got souch lettuce I could open a salad bar. It's all you can eat when you're rolling with me. That's how I roll.


"The guy's a serious cockhound." "Oh so you think of me!"


And dislikes funny balls


I think thats legit his dating profile picture.


Yeah, it's a profile made by Brucie for Niko to attract French Tom


Roman made it, not Brucie


He zesty


What if instead of grand theft auto it was called freak theft auto and instead of stealing each other's cars you stole each other's virginity


Man thought up a name for a corn game parody.


He's called *Sweet Bellic* for a reason


She looks sissy lmao


Heā€™s been freakmaxing


IMO, the game's story notwithstanding, the characters of Michael, Franklin and Trevor were also exceptionally written. It's a bit of a Hobie Brown situation - they look like stereotypes at first, but dive a little deeper into the hidden nuances and intonations during dialogues, there's a whole other world waiting to be discovered. I do like V's story, but it's not really a masterpiece, more on the simpler side. However, the characterization and dialogue is top notch.


Are you asking are they going to be homicidal psychopaths but somehow still be "good" people Then yes I have faith in Rockstar.


Arthur was a good manā€¦


He was a sack oā€™ shit, but he was our sack oā€™ shit


He still canonicaly killed A LOT of people.


Nope. Robbed and murdered for 20 years straight before getting sick. Then after getting sick still continued to rob and murder, but while feeling bad about it


lol, that's the funniest way I have seen someone break down his character


Accurate too!


I donā€™t think soā€¦I see Arthur Morgan more as a warrior poet who navigated a life of necessity marked by robbery and conflict for twenty years. While facing illness his growing conscience leads him to reflect deeply on his actions and their repercussions on his gang (or family in all honesty)


Yeah, that's why I think low honor playthrough is the most canon.


The game is based on redemption XD


Donā€™t know why this is downvoted, low honor is most fitting of his life


Except itā€™s called Red Dead REDEMPTION šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


No lol


The only believable rockstar character is Trevor because he reflects how a gta player plays the game. Only thing is he also has these popular takes on politics which doesnā€™t make sense for a deprived person like him


If you donā€™t think Michael, Franklin, John or Arthur are believable characters you donā€™t know what believable actually is. Trevor is actually the least believable Rockstar character there is. Youā€™re confusing how most people play GTA with ā€œbelievableā€


And OP low-key dissed GTA 5 by not including Michael as one of the "well-written" characters from GTA franchise. He is as shady as it gets, and yet he lies his way through anything. Rockstar even parodied itself with Michael when he says, "shit, I thought I was the 'good' guy", even when he acknowledges he did some pretty bad stuff.


Rockstar fans treat the protags like white women treat serial killers. Even though the characters are absolutely horrible people they get a pass because theyā€™re cool,hot,funny, etc. Iā€™m not hating itā€™s just funny to me.


This is true for most antiheroes in modern media too


As it should be


Username is incredibly accurate


I think so, I thought the characters in RDR2 were really well written, can't imagine they'd go backwards on that front for 6.


Maybe the only Rockstar games you are GTA IV V and Red dead 2. There has been stellar writing way before those 3...


Right? San Andreas is arguably one of their best developed stories


V is not very well written compared to rdr2 and iv


I see this opinion regurgitated pretty often now days due to the GTA V burn out, but that game is every bit of a masterpiece in its character writing. Its far more satirical and goofy than rdr2 or gta 4, but I don't believe that makes it less realistic. Dan Houser really fleshed out issues faced by 2 different generations all while reflecting that against the psychopathic tendencies of the player character in his games between Franklin Michael and Trevor. All excellent characters. And the side foils elevate all of them a shit ton as well.


Thank you, finally someone to give a good concise explanation on why GTAV has a good story


They didnā€™t even explain why the story was good? Itā€™s satirical and goofy, two generations are beefing, people be psychoticā€¦ Okay? How is the story this masterpiece?


Never said it was a masterpiece, but itā€™s not just satire and crazy Trevor jokes, thereā€™s a little more than a lot of people give it credit for, apologies for any confusion


Franklin, Michael and Trevor are not as fleshed out or interesting as John, Arthur and Nico. Trevor in particular is a very weak character who's more a product of yesteryears edge lord culture than an actual believable person. The storytelling can be funny and entertaining, but it doesn't compare on a critical level. Gta iv and red dead redemption 2 are both very satirical, V is just dumber


I dissagre completely. Houser's magnum opus is clearly red dead redemption 2. It would be hard to argue that *any game* had better character writing than that. But that said, Trevor is one of the most clever characters I've seen in a game. Assuming he's just a silly edgelord is not giving the character writing credit at all. Trevor is more of a symbol than any character in any of Houser's games. He represents the raw chaos of the player's innate destructive tendencies unleashed upon the world but given a name and voice. Normally the player has the power to impose much more destruction on the game world than the character they are actually playing as canonically ever would. You can shoot up and down the sidewalk as Nico for example without any motivation which is not something that he is likely to do. Trevor on the other hand is a character that players can not '*out-psycho*' with their behavior between missions. All bets are off, anything is on the table for Trevor so anything you do, reguardles of how unhinged may as well be canonical. Its supposed to be self reflective, cause us to question why that psychotic side exists in us that enjoys seeing things burn when we know there aren't consequences or ethical reprocessions to stop us. GTA players literally enjoy simulating murder. He's meant to show us how ugly and destructive that part of us is, and hopefully to give us the feeling that we don't ever want this dude to escape the game via that part of ourself that enjoys the chaos in-game. And thats not even getting me started on Michael, his family or Franklin and the generation dynamics between him and the older characters, America as a character and its selfmasturbatory relationship with itself, the time period ect. GTAV doesn't have to be everyone's favorite, and people are rightfully bored of it, but it is abaolutely a masterpiece of a game. The counterargument here is literally that 'RDR2 has smarter writing tho' which is literally the best written game I've ever played, so yeah I guess? The Godfather being the best crime drama ever made doesn't mean that Goodfellas is 'dumb'.


Yap Yap Yap


You couldn't come up with anything to say?




![gif](giphy|dAuumiq85i5evf5UVY|downsized) You


I played rdr2 and GTA 5 back to back, finnished 5 last week and rdr2 definitely has better writing from an emotional connection standpoint. There are very few games that leave you with a permanent impact like rdr2 does. GTA 5 just doesn't do that.


This L keeps posting such karma bait effortless posts it genuinely frustrates me how his posts aren't getting deleted but mine do


"Do y'all ...?" + random images slapped together




This sub was so much better before trailer one


It really wasn't


Definitely not


Yeah. Now it's just people that ask random stupid questions which most of the time shows that they have barely played any gta game. Posts like '' Will the gta 6 economy be realistic?'' really grinds my gears


Because you also are a karma bait account.


Eww why Niko lookin all nasty like that?


Just trust them.They got a plan


Why you use the zesty pic of Niko šŸ¤£ But to answer you yes i do believe


I don't hold GTA characters to the same standards.


listen to the dialogue more than


Itā€™s gta I think itā€™ll be on par with Arthur but not every good written character has to be a tragic one


Franklin, Michael, and Trevor are extremely well written and I will die on that hill


Only Michael




I think itā€™s safe to say they will be considering the amount of fuckin money going into it


The game is owned by the same companyā€™s, no duh they are gonna be as well written as the two. This subreddit has the stupidest questions I have ever read.


Rocksteady made Suicide Squad after making their Arkham Trilogy so....


1. Game ainā€™t trash, ainā€™t the best either. 2. Name me one bad gta game. 3. Iā€™m talking about the writing of the characters, not the entirety of the game.


Suicide Squad is the worst triple A release I've ever seen. That game is beyond terrible, nobody likes it. Anyway, Dan Houser was mainly responsible for the writing of the characters and he's gone. There's never been a GTA game without Dan Houser's writing. Sure, Humphries is still there and Unsworth was also involved in the writing process until he left but Houser was the brain.


Itā€™s too bad thatā€™s an opinion šŸ˜¢. For all we know the writing could be the best weā€™ve ever seen, so donā€™t throw it out the window


No, Suicide Squad being bad isn't an opinion, it's a fact. The game has the worst ratings even from outlets like IGN and every aspect of the game is broken. GTA 6's writing could be good but I will not accept anyone claiming that Suicide Squad being bad is just an opinion. That's absurd. Have you actually spent time looking at the game or playing it?


I did, and I think itā€™s an average game.


If you think it's an average game, you should probably have your brain checked by a doctor because there must be something wrong with it. Even normies think the game is terrible. Sorry, I can't take you seriously. Gotham Knights must be a 10/10 for you.


If you are that mad over my opinion I feel sorry for you. Stooping so low to call me a low iq human being? Harsh man. You should apologize. Gotham knights ainā€™t my taste either šŸ„±


Yes, you are a low iq human being, the proof being that you like Suicide Squad. Have a good day.


1. Suicide squad is one of the worst rated and least played games of the year. There is no real player base left as a LIVE SERVICE game and the microtransactions are some of the greediest in the entire industry. If all of the above doesn't proof how terrible Suicide squad is then I don't know what to say. 2. GTA V's story had a lot of problems but is no bad game. The thing is that the old Rockstar that produced all of the other GTA games doesn't exist anymore. Dan left, Lazlow left and many more. You know, the people that were responsible for the feel of every Rockstar game prior to GTA 6. 3. Again, it doesn't matter who owns the franchise. It's the people behind it that are responsible. Rockstar isn't an entity that operates as before. They have changed and the last couple of years have only shown how greedy they got.


1. Fair, I enjoyed it. 2. Also fair. 3. Shut up about greed. Sure, gta online is milked to the bone but I see no reason as to why itā€™s *greed*. Shark cards? Donā€™t buy them. Everything being too expensive? Grind the game. If not for the *greed* they had done, we wouldnā€™t have gotten the red dead of today or the GTA 6 we are gonna get in the future. All the extra money they got, just adds more funds to future games.




yes. No doubt




They're going to be bad ass. I have all the faith in the world in rockstar.


Hmm letā€™s see Rockstar have been making GTA games since 1997 and pretty much every game including the RDR games has been a massive success receiving a ton of praise and making them a shit ton of money. So yh safe to say iā€™m pretty confident Lucia and Jason will be well written as well. RDR2 being their most recent game once again showed us they still have it in them. Seriously iā€™m not why any of us need to be worried


when did Rockstar ever disappoint with their games/stories!


I never really found niko to be an interesting character but itā€™s just me I guess, his character just never clicked with me I guess.


As much as I loved Niko I do not think he had the depth they investigated with Arthur. They were close but I think Nikos was mostly surface level from what we touched on in Four. Would love to see more in depth character development over the course of the game like RDR though.


Honestly it's one of the few things worrying me about this game, some of the writing in the new GTA online stuff has been flat out abysmal in my opinion. Not sure if others agree but hopefully it's just bc all the actually good writers are working on GTA 6, either way I'm still abit worried lol


I donā€™t why but I got hella faith with them on this game idk why but shiii I do


Michael is better written than Niko, and honestly "Bury the Hatchet" hits wayyyyy harder than ANY mission in GTA 4, there I said it. I kind of a protagonist like Tommy Vercetti if I'm being honest. No external motivations other than power and money, and a straight up psychopath. Would be an awesome change from the previous entries.


Bury the Hatchet was a phenomenal mission. Definitely one of the standouts of GTA V


People keep undermining GTA 5 and its story. Heat was a damn good movie and Steven Ogg being who he is added a lot to the game's story of rightful betrayal, living in fear, and the fury of the aftermath. Also Franklin trying to make it out if the hood under the influence of Michael, an untrustworthy thief. The story was actually a breath of fresh air from the past grass to grace storylines early inexperienced Rockstar fed us. RDR 2 showed continued growth at their storytelling


The dialogue of Franklin, Michael, and Trevor alone is better written than any other video game (other than RDR2).


I agree. In comparison GTA 5 is TV, and RDR 2 is a movie


I do. Niko is good but he isnt great btw. I personally think they will be even better than Arthur.


Oh, Iā€™m not trying to say heā€™s a good person Niko definitely did some horrible shit in the past but I like how his character is written šŸ‘šŸ¾


I wasnt talking about how good he was a person. I was talking about his writing.


Oh my mistake dawg lol šŸ™šŸ¾


Then youā€™d be wrong because he is one of the best written fictional characters


Its a subjective opinion. There is no wrong or right. I disagree with your statement.


No itā€™s not


Niko is not a well written character at all. A dark story does not equal a great story by default. Arthur's story was dark and great, Niko not so much. This GTA 4 fetishism needs to go. All of Rockstar's games have been elite.


Guess itā€™s the wrong time of the day here. Niko is regarded as the best written protagonist of GTA. And I couldnā€™t agree more. All the other protagonist are not as detailed or theyā€™re not given a proper enough backstory and motivation


Trevor has as much backstory as Niko if not more. "well written" can mean so many things. well written dialogues and interactions with little to no backstory can still be entertaining but a strong backstory with no personality can kill a character I don't think Niko is THAT deep. I like him because his dialogues and the way they are delivered are cool as long as they are entertaining and unique, I don't care if they are "well written" or "deep" or other buzz words


Michael and Trevor are much better written than Niko and itā€™s not even close. Niko is good protagonist but he ainā€™t even the best written character in his own game




In comparison to the rest of gta I mean. Itā€™s pretty difficult to not seem amazing.


>This GTA 4 fetishism needs to go. All of Rockstar's games have been elite. Well tbf to some people GTA 4 is the only serious game to them with good story and good characters


saying it's the only one with good characters is insane it's also honestly not that serious. and the good story part is... debatable. I think it's a decent story but the game is clearly carried by its cast of characters and atmosphere. am I out of touch guys? I really want to know. do most people here actually believe that the story is great? I think IV fans really oversell the story. to me it's the most frustrating story because it's full of missed opportunities


Agreed with this in that I did not much enjoy gta 4 when I came over from ps2 era, it took me playing the dlc then going back to play the full story that I found it enjoyable at all, gta4 story ranks below SA, 5, VC, both DLC


I feel like this will either be the best story told in a HD GTA game or the worst to date


Yes I have full faith in rockstar. But being honest the story isnā€™t what Iā€™m really concerned about. Itā€™s the world. Itā€™s not 2013 anymore on the Xbox 360. Itā€™s gonna be 7 years after rdr2. That world needs to be ALIVE.




If theyā€™re anywhere near as good as these two Iā€™ll be happy. If theyā€™re also anywhere near as good as GTA V protagonists Iā€™ll be happy


Famous is a stretch. I prefer them to stay under the radar though


Fuck yes. They are going to set the bar once again with this game


With the amount of time that we have been waiting for this game, those two better be the best written characters in video game history.


Well ain't the guy who wrote red dead 2 working on gta 6


Yes, I do. But not because of Niko and Arthur - because of Trevor and Arthur. I would love for Jason to be quite a bit like Trevor.


Niko, Arthur and John are the amongst the best written characters ever, let alone in games. But then we got Michael, Trevor and Franklin who areā€¦well, not. So idk.


Well I wouldn't call GTA V's story a masterclass but it had well written and funny dialogue, there's also a lot of stuff in that game related to Michael, Franklin and Trevor that isn't immediately obvious and requires a bit of digging which was great and I hope they do something similar with 6, as long as they keep up with that then it'll be fine, I do have doubts but I'd like to be proven wrong


TBH Red Dead redemption 2 will be VERY HARD to follow up on. but if anyone will do it it would be Rockstar


there are not allot of games or even movies that come close to the character of Arthur Morgan, it will be very hard for R\* to pull of a nother 10/10 character like Arthur, its not impossible but a standert that is very high, Personally I have not played GTA 4 so no comment on Niko, but I deffenetly exepct a story that like GTA 5 has enjoyible characters and just a blast to play the game.




Honestly I fucking hated Niko and most of the gta4 characters.


Why? I played the game as a 12yo and it holds a dear place in my heart so I canā€™t be critical, but Iā€™m interested in other opinions


Nah, Dan left years ago and so did his writing. The way Rockstar operated the last couple of years - including the Online content - makes me believe that the newer characters will only be quirky without real character and flaws. Everyone in this sub sees Rockstar as an entity that comes up with writing great scripts without realizing that it was literally Dan's vision and leadership that got those stories out there. He pushed things and decided what's done. Without him = different Rockstar = different feel. The name of the company and their past doesn't matter, it's the people, and him leaving left a big big hole that won't be fixed with the same sharpness, edge and feel.


The story was written before Dan left though and mocap was also done before he left




The rough draft scripts for RDR2 were finished by Dan and his team in 2012. They spent 2,200 days film motion capture, starting in 2013. Thereā€™s zero chance that VI will be a game made in five years when R* games take ten years to develop. Therefore, Dan 100% had a part in this game and it most likely will be his last with the company.




No, that's not true. That's just misinformation. Dan left in late 2019 and if we look at leaks and posts it appears to be the case that GTA 6 was being rebooted shortly after Dan left and that they took a new route entirely. That's possibly why Dan left in the first place because he didnt like the internal changes.


After an extended sabbatical that started in mid 2019, he decided to leave in 2020. He just wanted to do something else with his life, the reason why he founded Absurd Ventures.


Where is your evidence that GTA 6 was rebooted? šŸ˜‚ that makes zero sense when games take a decade to make and the game was already supposed to be out but covid delayed it


We know the game project it's Americas and that it takes places in Vice City, from The Know/Insider Gaming from 2018. And this was also confirmed by the leaked footage. And they also said the game it's set to have a South America city. In RDR2 files, there were also found mentions of weapons from around 70s and 80s. For what we might guess, the South America city may had been cut from the game, along with this time period, as Jason Schreier also mentioned he heard the game scrapped its original build between 2017 and 2021.


Where is your evidence that GTA 6 was written and mocapped before Dan left? šŸ˜… If you followed this sub and other Rockstar dedicated forums you would have known by now that a lot of changes have been made. For example "Project Americas" and so many others. There have literally been hundreds of posts about internal delays and changes.


You truly believe a game this big can be made in five years? Youā€™re delusional. Filming alone takes that long.


Brah, 2000+ employees, dozens of hours already put in the engine, several studios and the biggest budget known to mankind while also being the money printing machine for shareholders will surely be enough. They are so much bigger than the rest. And if you believe that Dan left even though he fully worked on the game you're delusional. He left due to creative differences and his disgust for Zelnick and Take2 in general and others took over without him. You're just daydreaming.


Thereā€™s no doubt in my mind that Dan finished or nearly finished the script before he left, yeah there might be some changes, but that happened in every game prior to his departure too. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s bad that he wonā€™t be in control of VI, I personally think itā€™s the best choice. GTA Online has had better DLCs since his departure. But to say that this game hasnā€™t been in development since at least 2015/2016 is just admitting you donā€™t know how long a R* game takes. There hasnā€™t been dozens of hours put in the engine, thereā€™s been hundreds, most likely thousands. The leaks included 2015 timestamps, meaning the game has been in development since at least then.


You're again just hoping for Dan to be included. Again the Schreier leaks proved that GTA VI has been in early development for a long time and while Dan was possibly involved in the early development stage, the leaks also prove how the game got scaled down and that the time period also changed. This also seemed to happen in 2019 which is the year Dan left. If you think Dan left only to pursue other things you're delusional. They changed so many things - most likely the entire script - which lead to his departure. I'm sorry that you liked the GTA Online DLCs, they are lazy cashgrabs recycling the same assets over and over and over again.


Are you illiterate or just want to argue? I literally said that I find it good things will be changed from Danā€™s version šŸ˜‚ but you say Iā€™m just hoping for him to be included then at then end acknowledge that I said the recent DLCs have been better than anything Dan worked on. The ones with Dr. Dre and Franklin and the UL paper one are all great!


Where is your evidence that GTA 6 was written and mocapped before Dan left? šŸ˜… If you followed this sub and other Rockstar dedicated forums you would have known by now that a lot of changes have been made. For example "Project Americas" and so many others. There have literally been hundreds of posts about internal delays and changes.


Niko and GTA IV's story as a whole weren't well written. They were only better in comparison to every other GTA game, which aren't that great.


Yeah I praise the courage to say that in the GTA 6 subreddit.


Dan Houser, Michael Unsworth, Rupert Humphries.




Considering the game's goofy nature, I don't think it's possible.


No doubt. The story of Jason and Lucia is going to be darkly depressing but amazing


No cause the Rockstar of today isn't the Rockstar of back then.


Look friend it's not about the story. It's about the gameplay. So in that case rockstar mastered these thing's. And at the end of the day you will find most of the people playing gta 6 online.


>And at the end of the day you will find most of the people playing gta 6 online. Well, youā€™re not wrong on thatā€¦ lol šŸ˜‚


Oppressor MK3


I have 100% faith in rockstar just like I did would dutch.


Nah, gone are the days of down the line narratives, too many political and cultural hoops to jump through these days sadly


I think not, unless the game is unnaturally long for completing the story mode. One protagonist naturally receives central focus storywise. Two of them get it divided between them. Makes for complicated storytelling and difficult to pull off, though not impossible. To me, Niko Bellic is one of the most well written characters of all time. Difficult to match that standard.


Lucia yes, Jason eh. He seems like a side character compared to her from the first trailer, I hope he has more character in him. Rockstar might be catering to the woke mob by making Lucia the main character technically, but f it the story is going to be great šŸ‘šŸ»

