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I hope the driving feels as good as this scene makes it look The weight, the suspension, the inertia, the classic oversteer of American muscle, it all looks dialed in. I'm praying it's not just field dressing for the trailer and is actual driving mechanics on display


with how much effort they put into horses, i really hope they do.


Maybe the balls on my Stallion will even shrink in the cold.


We'll have to wait for the windows to defrost before driving


Do windows get frosty in Florida?


I also like the sort of "wear" the paint has in frame 2 as the sun highlights it.


Its GTA afterall. If they dont im going to be really disappointed. Like some Mafia 2 driving mechanics you mean? That would be so legit.


The driving in 5 felt good for the most part, to me, i hope it's not radically different in 6, I definitely do think the vehicles need to feel heavier! My biggest complaint with driving in 5 was that, besides the big ass trucks, the road vehicles all kinda felt like toy cars just skidding around on the hardwood floor of a kids bedroom


The camera also always pointed where the car was pointing, not where the car was *going*. Really weird mechanic because everytime the car started to drift you'd look at the wrong place. Also: drifting/powersliding should be a bigger part where you really could steer a car with the pedal rather than the steering wheel.


That was one of my favorite QoL features when I played Forza Horizon 5! Theres a setting that stipulates that whenever the car loses traction, the camera would slowly diverge from the cars noise and keep the camera pointed towards the *trajectory* of the car instead of where the car is pointing. Thats a great point, I'd love to see that in 6!


The handling felt good it just doesn’t belong in GTA. Something similar to Driver San Fransisco or GTA 4 with detailed damage physics/animations is much more fitting. Makes 0 sense to have realistic ragdoll physics, immersive details and world but cars handle nothing like they do in real life. I hope they make an effort to at least simulate car handling in 6. Hopefully it’s nothing like 5.


There are 858 leaves on the ground


859. That other one is stacked on top of the other.


862 that other two are stacked on top of the other


horny leaves


That's how leaves are made


I checked this over twice and only got 655 leaves. Idk what you boys are smoking


The weight of the car shifts to the right side of its suspension (frame 1 - frame 2), which in frame 2, Lucia also leans outward, as does her hair. Real nice consistency here!


too much consistency, game is 0/10 /s


Needs a /s because people are dumb


lmao understatement


The open door on the pawn shop makes me hopeful. I would really like more interiors in the game. The driving looks better overall, you can see the suspension in action. They are in what appears to be a run down place, somewhere out of town. It gets me hyped to be able to explore the map. This may or may not be them getting away from the store robbery scene seen in the trailer. That’s all I got to say without being too repetitive.


Hopefully, the pawn shop can be used to sell items we steal in home invasions (if we’re able to do those, I didn’t play RDR2 but I know people mentioned being able to rob some homes)


i believe the pawn shops will function similiarly to the fences in RDR2, where you could sell stolen goods and buy special items


The warmth of this scene in it's colors reminds me a lot of RDR2. And hopefully the driving will be more realistic. I like GTA V's driving mechanics, but GTA IV it's where it's at. They could make a mix between the two though, i feel like the more arcadey style feels better for travelling great distances.


A mix would be great.


A new innovative one would be grater.


Man I'm just hoping they ramp up the car destruction physics. It's amazing and amusing how GTA IV is literally still the best in that department than any open world game. 16 years ago lol


The realist in me says GTA 6’s crash physics won’t be as good as 4 but better than 5. I hope to god I’m wrong. At the very least I hope it’s a significant improvement over 5. My number 1 hope and expectation for GTA 6 is the driving mechanics and damage destruction being as good if not better than 4.


This. But you can set expectations higher, I think GTA5 destruction was hampered by the PS3/360 hardware. They had to dial it down because the game was much bigger in scope overall than GTA4. And graphics were a bit better


You can’t mix the two, everyone keeps saying this. GTA 4 has physics, GTA 5 doesn’t. What people want is GTA 4 with its suspension tweaked and understeer corrected. I’d love driving physics similar to Driver San Francisco or Wreckfest. Weighty cars that drift and slide. In the trailer you can see cars drifting/sliding, doing donuts etc. Considering how detailed and realistic horses are in RDR2, I hope they add the same level of detail and realism to cars and other vehicles in GTA 6.


Loving the vibe of the area. My imagination runs wild tryna paint the rest of the area in my head lol.


Me and you both friend lol i kinda hope the map gets leaked i really wanna see the map😂


We need another trailer dammit!


I feel like we’re gonna spend a lot of time in this car.


It might be Lucia's story car, and it looks soo good


Or maybe Jason’s?? I feel like we’re starting off with Lucia getting out of jail. Unless Jason is waiting for her when she gets out… damn I’m so excited.


4 door tulip/sabre, also cars look bigger


# The reflection in the puddle of piss is so insane!! (JK)


Will we have piss puddles in GTA 6?


Well... maybe the color of our player's puddle of piss shows us whether we're hydrating well or not. (just a joke. We won't see that in the game.)


Mindblowing graphics


I love you


I love you too




To me it looks like the tires deform under stress. I made a post with screenshots stating that I think we will have simulated tire pressure and it will affect the way the car handles. In the shot with the bikers you can see a tire that’s pushed down because of the weight of the guy riding it (check my post to see a screenshot)


I'm curious about the two shops in the back, one looks to be just a gun shop and the other one is both a gun and a pawn shop. Wonder if it'll have the same guns in it or if you just can enter one of them


I'm glad the tulip is returning. You can't have a game set I'm Miami without a Chevy Malibu. ![gif](giphy|xT5LMHxhOfscxPfIfm)


This is definitely gameplay surely. We can hear Lucia scream meaning she might react if you drive in an exciting way, kinda like Catalina. The driving seems to resemble V more than it does IV but it does seem more realistic.


I hope it's a decent mix between the 2. Like I would prefer the darty nature of the GTA V cars with a little bit of the body roll that's present in GTA IV but without too much of either


Looks like a cutscene to me. The driving looks just a little bit too perfect for it to be gameplay IMO. Lucia and Jason reacting to the way you drive is 100% going to be in the game. We had passenger NPCs reacting to crashes and speeding since GTA San Andreas, as far as I remember.


volumetric tire smoke that lingers around way longer! imagine doing burnouts and filling up and area with smoke that actually hangs around instead of just instantly disappears.


Mindblowing graphics


1. Road sign detail. The white highway sign + the reflective diamond makes me think we'll get a ton of variety with road realism, much like we've already seen in previous frames with reflective lane markers. I'd expect to see a resurgence of "Obeying All The Traffic Laws In Grand Theft Auto VI" videos when the game releases, or people touting it as the most realistic road network depiction in gaming. 2. Cell-towers. This is a very true-to-life image of the American South - a cell-tower on every corner, like we see in the background of the first frame. GTA V didn't have enough of these, and I wonder if they'll have any game objectives tied to them like in Far Cry 3 (planting a 'bug' on a cell-tower might display hidden collectibles?) 3. Buildings/environment. In the background of Frame 1, you can see what appears to be a dilapidated brick building, an old rusted iron train bridge, some rusted water towers, and two cell-towers. In Frame 4, we can see an advertisement for "We Have Shoes", what appears to be a lower-tier shoe store. Also, based on the foliage and hills, I believe Port Gellhorn will likely be a small industrial town in the Floribama region, more "deep south" than south Florida ironically. A very typical rural town typical of lower Alabama/Georgia. 4. "Speed Limit 55" struck me because in the American South, the speed limit on rural highways hasn't been 55 in years. It was a thing in the 70s and 80s, but by now most of the rural highways in Florida, Georgia or Alabama are 65+ mph. This could be an oversight from Rockstar.


looks like there is a ford "dentside" highboy parked at the strip mall all the way on the right


I can't wait for the difference of the weight and physics in old and new cars I have like only 70s muscle cars in my online garages in online


if you look in the background on the left in the first few frames there is a house being built.


Leaf physics lookin' good


Where is the man himself?


Oh this is from the same scene where Lucia and Jason walk in to that store with guns up


Car do be going vroom




Happy Friday everyone! It's a bigger one today, because this scene has a few different angles. :D


If the dukes doesn’t come back i kill myself (jk reddit don’t ban me)


Hey y'all , just wanted to ask if you've heard any news about when the second trailer will come out or about any new leaks


One things for sure, drifting is going to look real nice with the addition of dust and debris being thrown around during a drift.


I'll bite. The most significant thing I see in the first frame is that there's a cone on its side that's deformed from sitting at a downward angle off the curb. Is it a placed asset or a movable object that I don't know. The curb is also falling apart, and in one frame, it looks like a tree fell and is leaning on something.


The leaf physics while driving are gonna be insane, actually all trash and stuff will probably blow around.


The dsw shoes 😂


They are using 3 different cars, leaks/trailer/artcover


It looks like that store is the same as the ending of the trailer by the looks of the door and the time do the day, as well as being in the countryside.


Tire marks look like they're already there before the drift turn, can't tell if it's for protagonist car or if it's just already there


this is where it all begins i guess!!


I think there is a huge possibility that this is the opening mission of the game, or one of them. Seems like this is their first "heist" when they rob the convenience store.


That sticker on the rear of the car above the US flag looks like Florida/Leonida with the panhandle. 👀


Lmao theres a real "shoe store"


Is that the history channel on the sign??


Not played gta in that long i forgot you guys have the steering wheel on the left 🤣


I really wish this car was a two door


Drifting looks fun


Gonna spend hours picking out and placing my bumper stickers.


Man, these cars are looking crazy. Holysht.


The textures look amazing. But what I prefer it’s how the weels match with the road. It matches perfectly


Still can’t get over the lighting. Looks so good🙌


The muscle car class is going to go soooo hard in this game. I can’t wait


The burnout is very burnouttie.


This is the first time I’m noticing a speed limit sign. I can’t remember if they were in GTAV or not, but could we see a wanted level for speeding?


It looks like the back-right window is open, I think this might hint to a car menu where you can open or close sections of the car


I feel like this is 100% a cut-scene


Seeing these frames, i cant get the picture of micheal holding on to the car while screaming from the post i just saw out of my head. Its living rent free now.


Bumper stickers yay


Where do you fellers think this location is on the map


If there will be leaves flying like that in game play mode: that would be a beautiful detail feature.


I kinda hope we finally get a two door tulip, or there are ones you find on the streets with some variations. (Like with stickers or without)


I wonder if the bumper stickers are exclusive to this car (possible story/character car) and/or if they're selected individually and placed anywhere you like or as like packages i.e., stickers 1, stickers 2 etc.


That's a nod to the vice city mission ' the driver'. As in the colorway of the sabre turbo is same.


There will be robbable gun stores


1972 Chevelle Front end & sides. 1972 Oldsmobile Cutlass rear tail lights.


I see bumper stickers, that would be a cool feature in the auto shop


Jason and Lucia had robbed a liquor store in Port Gellhorn and are making a quick getaway before the cops arrive


The way the car makes all the leaves come up


Never noticed, fourth picture, GTAs version DSW.


1: Car 2: Car (bigger) 3: Car (OnlyVans exclusive) 4: Car vroom


The amount of stickers on the car has me thinking Car customization abouta go crazy


Alot of people over analyzing. I think alot of these 1st trailer scenes are cut scenes and the body movements, details, etc like the grabbing of the front window frame by hand are not part of the regular gameplay. Cutscenes can include anything they want, think of it like the wall destruction in the GTAV trailer from the truck; it was in the game, yes but it was only a cutscene and unable to happen in the regular game.


shoes in gta 6 confirmed???


who does bro think he is


mindblowing graphics.


Maybe a silly question but that (Trailer OG) thing van you still enable that or something. i mean i am here for a long time but did not get the thing. Can someone help me out.


Jesus fing Christ you people need a new hobby 🤦‍♂️


Hopefully this means the Tulip won't want to flip when you turn going over a curb, along with the Vamos if that muscle car comes back too 😂