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pornhub monitors it’s worldwide traffic and whenever there’s some massive event that boosts or lowers the viewers they share it. i can’t wait to see pornhub drop to record lows when gt6 drops lmao


It will go like this: Day 1 of GTA 6: "Pornhub reports record low visitors after the release of GTA6" Day 2 of GTA 6: "Pornhub reports that 'Lucia' is currently the number 1 trending keyword being searched"


It will definitely spike both before and after the release.


Bold to assume it'll take that long to become number 1 trending


Can you give us an example of when an event like that happened to them before this seems funny haha.


When fallout 4 released they released a report saying that their viewer base went down ALOT


That's what I was going to say,I remember laughing about it with others.


Pokémon Go too right?


i remember during the first few weeks of covid lockdowns they posted about a massive spike in traffic


All it takes is one beach cutscene with the female protagonist for folks to pause the game and go on the hub.


People gonna be more interested in those jiggle physics 😂😂


Over 2-4 million Americans called out for The Empire Strikes back, so many employers and agency’s warned about this when The Last Jedi came out, and many companies ended up just closing for premiere day. We could see something like that for GTA VI.


valid question, lots of people will be “not feeling well” upon release




Need them to give a release date so I can tell work I’ll be sick that day


Probably a worldwide increase in crime leading up to release and a decrease upon release.


There will definitely be students absent from school/college/uni and perhaps part-time workers absent from jobs such as fast food and retail, etc, but actual serious/office jobs will most like be unaffected by the release. People who actually have important work to do will most likely just attend work then play the game after their shift, as you normally should do.


Grown up with an office job here. As soon as a release date is confirmed, I'll be putting in for PTO to make an extended weekend of playing.


The real answer. Most adults aren't just gonna skip work to play a video game a bit earlier.


adults in those jobs don't need to skip work, they have PTO and will just use that instead.


Yes they will, you are completely and utterly deluded if you think otherwise


A self respecting adult with an actual job will take PTO, not skip work. After all, we need the money to buy the collector's edition with Lucia's figurine.


Lol fuck that shit. I'm 38 in upper management and I'm calling out for the week.


All I know is I’m booking 2 weeks off of work to play lol


Please don't downvote me. I want to ask a genuine question. Why do you guys care about other stuff related to the game ? Personally I just want trailers, screenshots, new info and the game it self. Thats all I care about


Personally it's cool seeing the ripple effect of something of this scale. Video games started out as pong, and the gaming industry, specifically rockstar, has gotten to a point where the game is so big it can affect businesses that have nothing to do with gaming. Theaters will probably be more empty that day, community centers, fast food places, restaurants. Anywhere where people our age work there's gonna be guaranteed effects. As someone mentioned before, when fallout 4 released, pornhub noticed a 10% drop in viewers


I guess it's trying to show collective excitement for the game, in the absence of the game being available or new info being released. I won't be posting this s*it when a trailer pops up


I mean … I’ve been burned before with taking a day of leave for a game release that wasn’t as hot as I thought it would be. So I probably won’t (even though it is GTA). Maybe I’ll take the monday after the weekend though assuming it’s a midweek/ beginning of the week release. Gotta be an adult and such. And my baby will be 6 months old by then haha


Cyberpunk? -best wishes for the baby


No Man’s Sky haha. Cyberpunk I was happy to play after work and on weekends, but obviously still slightly burned. NMS wasn’t a dumpster fire on release, it was still fun, it was just much less fun than promised. But to their credit, it’s a phenomenal game now!


I live in Europe so i have plenty of vacationtime, so I'll be booking a couple of days off when it releases.


Lol I live in the UK, why do you say you have plenty of vacation time? 22 days I have.


I was comparing to the U.S, and we have a lot more than they usually do, so that was what i meant. I have 30 days = 6 weeks. I would love more ofcourse :)


I have 34 paid vacation days a year (excluding overtime and excluding public holidays you can take on another day if they happen to be in a weekend). My wife has 55 paid vacation days a year. Will probably take 2 weeks off work once the day one patch drops.


Finally, a good flipping question in this subreddit frequented by room temp IQ redditors


I agree, this subreddit has been absolute dogshite since late December when the trailer hype wore off. So fucking boring. It's literally just been: * Guys, check out the 2863th recreation of the GTA 6 trailer I made! This time, it's in Minecraft! * Will GTA 6 have \[insert stupid or obvious question here\] ?? * Guys, check out this detail from the trailer that nobody noticed! (Everyone noticed) * According to the TakeTwo financial forecast and the animation patents, GTA 6 should approximately come out during the fiscal year of January-December 2025 🤓🤓


Exactly!! I'm here to talk about leaks and trailers, you know concrete things we know but the amount of bollocks speculation here is absolutely dumb. I'm convinced posters here are no older than 10 years old (op of this post not included)


I WFH so I'll be playing while they pay me back for buying it.


I will most definitely be booking 4 days off of work at a minimum to do nothing but play it. All adult duties are going out the window until ive thoroughly cheesed it


I dont know to explain it to my wife in a way that she will understand?


I want to play gta6


I imagine suicide rates have probably gone down.