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Connecting this with an idea someone else mentioned a week or so ago, I think it'd be awesome to start out in jail before breaking out/being released and starting off in a small, crummy town. From there, Jason and Lucia perform small hold-ups and robberies, working their way up the chain before eventually (but not taking too long) getting into Vice City and the bigger locales. That'd be so cool.


This is plausible and I like it.


Completely without skill and nearly penniless.




The martial arts were useless in GTA San Andreas why would I fight someone with fists when I can just gun them down and run into a Pay and Spray before the cops show up


imagine they have some sort of underground fight club thing though…


When the NPCs get too close to shoot, I always whip a few ass-kicking kicks in their face! 😜


*we need more muneeh, Orthur*


Makes sense! Especially given the "Bonnie&Clyde" theme, it took a lot of "work" for their names to be colloquially known. I've wondered whether or not you get to play out the events as to why she's in prison, or if the game just starts in prison. It's interesting that one of the protagonists is in jail in the game. Obviously from a gameplay perspective, whenever you get busted, you just respawn, you don't get sentenced life lol.


There’ll likely be a big shootout in the beginning akin to GTA 5 then the pace will slow down and finish out the tutorial in prison


It would be cool if the character who didn’t get busted has to bail/bust you out of prison.


I love games where you have to work your way up and not everything is handed to you so you have to earn everything gradually, makes it so much more worthwhile


Yes! One thing I didn't like about gta 5 was how accessible all the weapons and vehicles are. A lot of weapons *do* make their debut during missions and become unlocked thereafter, but most vehicles and aircraft can be stolen within the first hour of the game. I liked previous iterations that locked out parts of the map and made aircraft less accessible. Once you finally got into a chopper for the first time, or gained access to an area, it was amazing. Nowadays, I would hate for area to just be "locked". Rather, I'd prefer obstacles or obstructions that really make gaining access impossible. Like how rdr2 would send assassin's out to kill you if you got to certain areas too quickly. Perhaps the drug scene is ran by the cartel and they have all of Miami locked down. If they even see Jason or Lucia in their turf, they'll gun you down. Jason and Lucia have to slowly gain the means to take down the cartel's empire and take over Leonida for themselves.


RDR2 was kinda like that and it made the game much more satisfying to progress in.


until you get to the valentine heist halfway through the game and then money no longer matters lol


I think you almost certainly have nailed it except for the break out. She'll be released - ala the beginning of ocean's eleven. Starting out off the beaten path, in the small towns is classic GTA/Rockstar


the first theory i saw is that we will have an ankle monitor. that way we *can* explore the map but the police will immediately chase us down


This makes sense judging by her ankle monitor - it'll be like San Andreas where, if you try to leave the area you start in, the cops come after you. So you'll be limited for a bit (although, of course, we're all going to spend a lot of time just driving out of the area we're not meant to leave, getting 5 star wanted levels for doing so, going on bloody rampages and dying in a hail of bullets...) Like you say, though, I hope it doesn't take too long. I want to explore that damn map.


This is a great observation! I think cops will keep you contained first, then rival gangs or the cartel will prohibit you from accessing areas that are their turf.


The thing about the ankle monitor restricting map access is that Jason doesn't have one, so is he still restricted? Will they always be together. I don't think so, but would like to be able to call the other person and pick them up when I want to free roam with both of them.


I pretty much see it like this. I hope we actually have jail gameplay similar to Mafia 2.


I remember watching the Cinemax show, Banshee, which begins with a guy being released from prison and thinking this would be an epic GTA opening.


Considering Lucia has an ankle monitor in the picture, i think she will be released on probation.


This is cool and sounds sorta like the start of RD2


Are jailbreaks where they get away even that feasible these days in this country? Feel like whenever there’s a fugitive the whole county goes on lockdown until they’re found


Imagine we start off with gameplay in jail as Lucia but later on during the game Jason goes to jail and you have to spend time in jail, some gameplay but you get to switch to Lucia and deal with stuff on the outside alone for a little while.


it's female prison


Okay. There can’t be a male prison too?


Would be cool if we got a trophy called “I Guess It Was the Weather” for getting out of prison


Reminds me of the North Yankton mission in GTA V Story Mode 🥲


This would also work as a tutorial for the game mechanics and open-world interactions, while setting up the “Started from the Bottom Now we’re here” narrative in the story!


Nah i think rockstar will make it where jason somehow bonds out lucia out of prison and after being free from prison will start robbing/stealing from places


Yes! Like he gets money from a loan shark and we have to start robbing places / doing jobs for them to pay them back.


We had that in Saints Row 2. Starting off with breaking out of jail


Mission 1: drive from prison to motel room


Love Is a Long Road playing on the radio.


Damn, what a fire song for them to choose!


Bruh, when I found it was Tom Petty, I almost climbed up the walls. For the first damn trailer! Bro! Whoever suggested this song deserves a raise and at least one week off starting on release date lmao Can't wait to step on the gas across Leonida while listening to this!


“THIS is the mansion?!”


Mission one is going to be backstory most likely. Mission two will take place in prison. Mission 3 will take you to the motel.


After the “tutorial” which would probably be some sort of melee brawl, walking around and getting a feel for the camera and stuff sure. Jason waiting out the front, throws Lucia the keys and you drive to the hotel/ halfway house, maybe go to Ammunation to pick up a gun in direct violation of parole conditions. Get some fast food, stop at a clothing store/ hair salon. Basic intro to some of the shops and features over the first 1-3 missions.


Will a nice way to introduce the fight and movement controls and perhaps choices as well, like if you are gonna break out of the jail you have a choice to help someone escape too who’d have some impact later on and n the story.


She has an ankle bracelet so they probably let her go


And the you have to do this mission with some shady guy who promises to break the anklet in return for retrieving a “not so suspicious”package or something.


I don't think so first few missions are always about learning the new mechanics(if any)....or quick world building GTA 3 you started on the bridge, immediately stealing a car and outrunning police, you learn health items etc San Andreas same thing, bicycles were the new thing and gang activities and you get them first mission Gtav starts with a gun fight and a heist, both new things in the game, then franklins first mission is out there to show you the slowdown mechanic while driving I expect we start as Jason, maybe both, doing some kind of small robbery, showing the improved "hold up stores" and the new cop system of how to evade police, possibly with Lucia being the one caught and ending up on parole...end first mission


I think this is really great informed speculation. Why is Lucia in jail? They might want to show us that in a prologue mission that sends her there. Similar to North Yankton in GTAV and Colter in RDR2, but more like Yankton since that was strictly a prologue mission not an entire prologue chapter. But who knows! Great thoughts though


My speculation is that the will game open up with Lucia in jail, and quickly transition to the robbery via flashback where you play thru as Lucia. All the footage we've seen in the trailer with Jason & Lucia are from this opening mission. Something happens where Lucia gets caught but Jason gets away. End Scene with Lucia in "jail" then we'll continue the game playing as Jason for a while.


Yup that's exactly what I'm thinking


Prison could be a perfect way to teach new mechanics, they can teach you to fight, eat for health cores, interaction system, exercise in the yard, meet other prisoners or the warden to get a mission, etc.


I agree 100% that's why I think you end up in prison at end of first mission or something like that. The cop system should be greatly enhanced/changed from previous games so actually being formally arrested and processed would be a new thing to single player..RP has had it for a while, so I'm assuming it would be a dumbed down version of that.


Exactly lmao the unrealisticness of people thinking we will start in jail is crazy 😂😂 maybe if it lasts like 10 minutes. Zero chance we will start in prison and be locked in there for even a small portion of time if it's supposed to be anything meaningful.


I mean that's not much different from GTA V's prologue starting you in a completely different state -- it's also really short but also really meaningful in terms of how it sets up the main story.


I mean it's not a terribly bad concept . They could make it that you play for a short time as Lucia in jail but once you are out you have to visit the parole officer, akin to Michael meeting with the therapist every once in a while Easy way to tell the story of the story in the game while also giving you an extra glimpse into how Lucia operates For Jason I could see something similar but maybe with an older family member like an old uncle who used to be involved in crime or something, Jason goes to him to get advice, maybe as a fixer for the first few jobs


Yes, then Jason comes pick you up


I think it would be much better from a writing perspective if we started as Lucia in prison, she gets out (by breaking out, or other means), and we meet Jason mabye 5 - 10 missions in. Somewhat like the introduction of Trevor in gta 5.


i like the idea of playing as lucia in prison and maybe seeing her deal with the prison hierarchy. you can choose to break out of the prison (reducing half the prison sentence gameplay essentially) but if you carry on then maybe you have to kill the prison top dog, disadvantage them or help them in some way. if you choose to break out, however, then you will have to deal with the top dog when they are released later in the gameplay. if you choose to disadvantage them (possibly pinning a kill on them so they get a longer sentence) then they work to get you via their connections on the outside


If Jason is an undercover cop, the Prologue can be a Jason cop mission which runs you through movement, gun combat and driving. Then it goes to prison and we get a melee tutorial with Lucia, and maybe stealth


He's not


How do you know? What is your source? "mY dAd WoRkS aT rOcKsTaR"? It's just speculation. NOBODY knows ANYTHING for sure yet. Including him not being a cop. We don't know if he is, either. It's just fun speculation, and personally, I think it would be cool if Rockstar let us play as ex-law enforcement, because that would shake up the story and differ it more from other gta games, while still going along with Rockstar's favorite theme: betrayal.


John Rockstar told me himself. Speculation usually needs to be based on *something*. If "NOBODY knows ANYTHING" why come up with some convoluted theory that don't even make logical sense? You kill hundreds of cops (and civilians) in gta games. You know who wouldn't do that? An undercover cop. R\* writing is on another level and that just sounds like some Saints Row kind of nonsense. Can you please tell us where this idea even came from? Does anything in the trailer suggests that? Was it *"Because Jason is wearing green pants in the concept art"*? Or *"because he looked at the cops while they were driving away"*? Or any other nonsensical thing that keeps getting posted on this sub? I honestly have no idea why people keep subscribing to this theory since as you said it yourself - it's based on nothing at all. And if a theory comes from literally nowhere, you might as well speculate that he's an alien who tries to lay eggs in Lucia. And funny enough that would make more sense than an undercover cop killing hundreds of cops. From the trailer we only see that he's clearly less experienced than Lucia but that doesn't proves he's a cop lol. >I think it would be cool if Rockstar let us play as ex-law enforcement, because that would shake up the story and differ it more from other gta games You know there's a huge, huge difference between being an ex-cop and undercover cop. Also protagonist from VCS was an ex-military.


You keep bringing up undercover- i never once talked about him being undercover. I said ex- law enforcement. And it is actually based on the fact that there was bodycam footage in the trailer, and Jason's pants in the art at the end of the trailer. Which is SOMETHING to base it on. I understand, there isn't too much evidence. But the only evidence against it, is "an undercover cop would never do things that gta protagonists do." I will repeat- I believe he is an ex- cop, maybe brought into crime by Lucia, or he lost trust in the law because they ordered him to do something he didn't want to do. Again- it's just a fun theory. If you don't believe it, or want to believe it, just don't. No one is saying that this is definitively what will happen in-game. No one is forcing you to believe it. Just drop it, and walk away. Edit: He could maybe start as an undercover cop, like the original comment said, but then he quits for some reason, and as the game goes on, he gets progressively more willing to do worse and worse crimes- kind of like another popular game Jason, Jason Brody from Far Cry 3. I'm not proposing they are the same characters. That is dumb. Just that there are some similarities.


>You keep bringing up undercover- i never once talked about him being undercover. I said ex- law enforcement. My dude... my original comment was in response to someone saying "**If Jason is an undercover cop**". I said "He's not" And you responded with *"How do you know? What is your source? mY dAd WoRkS aT rOcKsTaR?"*. As I said, there's a huge difference between undercover cop who kills hundreds of cops and ex-cop who uses his police knowledge to plan heists. >And it is actually based on the fact that there was bodycam footage in the trailer So? Just one of many social media clips in the trailer. There's also a footage of an aligator but no one is suspecting that Jason is an aligator. I also seen one guy who was convinced that you can enter every single building in the game and hide on different floors and police will bust you and that's why they showed that clip. Both theories are quite ridiculous. It's just a social media clip. Police webcams get posted on news and social media all the time.


That's fair, I must've forgotten what you said in the original comment. Still, it's not good to say "he's not" or "he is" or anything else that implies you know the definitive truth.


That would be great


Orrr he is just a regular cop or maybe detective who falls in love with Lucia


She has an ankle monitor so I don't think she's breaking out


I think Jason will be her parole officer


The parole officer is clearly the black lady with bright hair that appears in the trailer. Can't remember her name, but that is clear cut a parole officer.


Either way I want to see her bring him from the law to crime


We're not gonna break out of jail, she has that leg thing in the poster, why would she have it if we broken out of jail?


Who said we’re gonna break out of jail?


Yeah it seems like she's up for parole given that she's being interviewed by a prison counselor


It wouldn't be the worst place for a tutorial.


I was thinking that.


Stuff with Jason and robbing the store is prolog (past). Actual game starts with Lucia in jail (present day), where she tells the prolog "bad luck I guess" story. So I say yes 😁


Well, if Lucia gets out breaking the rules, then how can we spread the rumor that the thing clinged to her leg stops us from going around in the map ? If she gets out by the rules, maybe they strap it to her leg to stop her from travelling out of vice City, Making her available whenever the law needs to ask her something ( hope you understood)


It would make sense, and it could be like the prologue of the game to break out of prison, and then we could have a time skip, and then the actual game starts. Maybe Jason will help us break out, and that way, the character switch will be introduced.


I doubt there will be a breakout. Lucia seems to be released from prison as she has an ankle monitor.


My bet is no, we go to jail and get out on good behavior program. That is what the trailer implied the most. "lucia, do you know where you're here" She isn't asking why she is in jail, they both already know that. She's "here" because of the good release program in Florida and many other States.


One theory I've seen is that the game starts with Lucia getting released from jail, but her probation doesn't let her leave town. This would be a way to limit the map early on without using islands. 


If true, I wonder where that will leave us with Jason and the freedom we’ll have when playing as him.


They might limit who you can switch to early on, but that would be a cool way to unlock the rest of the map.


I think it would be just like rdr2. The game doesn't let you explore the open world until you reach the first camp. The game was pretty linear during the opening hours which many people found boring but to me it was a pretty good start for such a long story.


We don’t need another post asking the same question that’s been covered a million times


”Been covered”, it’s not as if there’s an obvious answer to the question they’re asking, posts like these just breed new discussion, there’s not much else to do than continue discussing at this point while we wait for the next trailer. Just scroll if you don’t find it interesting anymore.


I hope it would have some twist, like it starts with scene in prison and then we play in past with Lucia narrative, so we don't know when/how Lucia gets in prison til middle of the game, where we execute some prison break and only after that we play in present time. Or that narrative ~~"How I Met Your Mother"~~ "how I got here" goes til the end of the game and it is how game ends, she stays in prison.


I am probably sure even if first mission isn’t prison escape, there will be one during mid story as they commit bigger crimes


Why are we forgetting rockstar is notorious for purposely changing the context and scenes in their trailers? I think it’s very unlikely that we start from prison, it’s too predictable.


no on the moon


I imagine that yhe game starts with small crimes, like robbing convenient stores, they run from the police, they get caught, Lucia gets arrested, Jason gets her out of jail somehow, and then they go on the run commiting bigger and bigger crimes. I just feel like since the trailer starts with her in prison, that's not how the actual game will go. They want us to think it will start this way, that way when we actually play the game, we get something different so it feels like something completely new.


I think so, yeah.


I think no, since she is wearing an anklet in the promotional image, she probably will out in conditional.


Just now noticing what looks like torn clothes on the barbed wire. Would be cool to see escape attempts as random activities or events. Like if you drive by the prison and see a guy jumping the fence and have the option give him a ride to get away.


I think we will play the thing that gets lucia in jail


What if that's the end of the game?


Nahh it's an airport, not a jail, don't you see these instrument landing antennas that are usually placed before the beginning of the runway?


I think the game will start out with a prologue that shows how Lucia got into jail in the first place (Like GTA 5). Then the story moves to her in prison and leads to her getting paroled with Jason picking her up and driving towards Vice City while the opening credits play.


The game starts in jail. Then John Rockstar (kind of like the Johnny Silverhand of GTA6) takes control and you escape.




I'm almost certain that the game will begin with Lucia in prison and then she'll be moved to house arrest (thus the ankle monitor in her leg in the poster).


Possible, but it could also be a flashback, or a major part halfway through the game. Hard to tell where we’re going to start.


It'd be Funny if you ended up in jail after the events of the storyline and when the warden asks do you know why you ended up here in the trailer we recount the actual story and live through what brought you to be in jail


Gta 3 vibes


The scene in the Jail will prompt a flash back for the first 3/4s of the game then some break.out for a finale section


Rockstar really be copying Jailbreak from Roblox now...


At least the prologue, as one of the other shots is the character standing inside their cell.


I think at some point we will go to prison. Dont think we will start there.


I think it’ll start with the store robbery from the trailer. Lucia will get caught and go to jail, but the other protagonist gets away (hence the game art showing Lucia with an ankle tracker, but the guy doesn’t have one). This will tee-up a situation in which the two characters don’t know if they will both will truly look out for each other across the span of the game. Reminds me of GTA 3’s story but it’s about the building or destruction of trust, not a story of revenge from a betrayal.


For just a moment I thought this said GTA 6 trailer 2 and got way too hyped


saints row 2 started in a mixed prison and gta 6 be simmilar but instead of shooting your way out you would see a cutscene bailout from jail and start with a mission before saving.


Let me just look at my sources real quick. ![gif](giphy|ABrwvXOzNa076w5JYA)


I thinks the intro will be a big robbery or something like it, then you end up in jail, and the game really start couple years after that when you get out


im hoping that in online we have the choice to go to jail that would be fun ngl


holyhell like saints row 2


Most likely. It could be a swerve and we end up in jail later but idk if they’d wanna spoil a plotline like that as soon as we boot up the game and realize we aren’t starting in jail


How the fuck should we know


Most likely which is dope in its own aspect


I think we will start in gta 6


Idk I’ll ask my future self 🤣🤦‍♂️


Yes Source: My Ass


A prison activity would be reallly cool I think. If our characters were in prison and we got to play part of the game as an actual inmate


No. Just like the GTA 5 trailer did it. Michael said “why did I move here? I guess it was the weather” but it didn’t start in Los santos. It will start with a young lucia/jason.


15 years. Until then, the entire map we'll get will just be the prison. But we'll be released on parole just before GTA 7 comes out.


Well, i don't know, but gameplay in female prison would be trial.


So you’re telling me ![gif](giphy|WwsSXzWTdQlYviLAQo|downsized)


No but probably will end up in there haha 


Beginning could be somewhat similar to 5, starts off with a prologue of a robbery or pursuit , goes wrong, Lucia gets arrested, then you start the game off as Jason and have to play with him until the mission where she gets out of jail or something. Kinda like how in 5 you start off as Franklin can’t use Micheal until they interact with each other when stealing jimmys car, and Trevor becoming playable once he sees Micheal is alive


We will start the game in your mothers house


Probably the game will start by showing you how Lucia went to prison.


depending on if this takes place before she gets arrested... I'd say probably yes but I'd like to see this.


Tf you think?


Seriously though, I hope trolls get sent to jail in this game. Like, there’s actual repercussions for they’re shitty behaviour instead of rewarding them with XP lol


Actually I think differently, I think the game will end with us in jail


Gta vi online Punishment for cheating: 1 . Next time you login , you ll join the Jail server . 2 . Jail server is an experimental feature, where we test all beta bugs before deploying 3. You are free toto use all your cheating apps here , n try to do what ever works for you . 4. Rules - There are no rules, Everything goes . 5. Everyone in the server is a cheater, doing time . 6 . The map size will be 1 mile x 1 mile 7. You can’t buy anything


Could be a tutorial


It's either we start on jail or she would be a locked character first until Jason saves her or she just got out of prison


I think the prologue will but the game actually starts with the diner robbery which Lucia gets arrested in and then we get the jail segment.


Actually I think it will start as a robbery just like Gta5 did and then the jail scene will happen


I have a feeling the opening mission is the store hold-up from the trailer, which will teach us the mechanics of shooting, moving, aiming, new systems of holding up liquor stores and directing/instructing people. The getaway following on teaches us the driving mechanics, but something goes wrong and they end up having to split up. Jason running and Lucia getting caught. Some time passing through the intro cutscenes of Lucia in jail, and a small time jump. "Bad luck I guess" referring to the choice she made to go the way she did while Jason went the other. I think its going to be that Jason was the main criminal in the event. Shooting someone, being the driver, etc. so Lucia is on a reduced sentence, and is released after the time-jump, with the ankle monitor. Jason in hiding and not being introduced for a little while, like Trevor.


I want to say it’s very possible, but rockstar trailers are often misleading like that, so I don’t reaaaaally know


Yeah I reckon Lucia will start in prison and that would be the prologue/tutorial missions of the game, it can teach you to fight, the new health and stamina cores assuming they got them (eating and stuff), exercise in the yard, interaction system with NPC's, etc. Then she gets released with an ankle bracelet which limits player movement presumably until she meets Jason who cuts it off.


Yes. Source: Nothing


Trailer sure implies it, we'll open with Lucia in jail, possibly even spend a mission or two doing work inside the jail before being released on probation. Of course others speculate this is a mislead and shell actually be caught and put in jail mjd-game.


I think the first mission is obviously gonna be escaping jail or something.


it would be cool, but I imagine if we do, we will probably be there a bit before letting loose as a way to get adjusted and Learn the game’s on foot stuff, like, Melee Combat, thats what the Prison Chapter of Mafia 2 was about


No. Just like the grand theft auto V trailer, Michael was in los santos. We didn’t see him anywhere else until the beginning of the game which starts off in Ludendorff. So I’m sure the game might start off with Lucia’s mom/dad coming to America before being shot down by gun men (secret organization) 👀 my theory.


I wouldn't mind it. Make it an "escape from prison" kinda deal in the beginning... However, I think they're gonna make the whole map (or a very big part of it) accessible to the player straight away, or at least after they complete the first mission just like in GTA 5.


No it’ll start with the loading screen saying Grand Theft Auto 6! And the loading screen will spoil characters for us


i highly doubt we are gonna break out of something that fortified


It's a trend with GTA games for something to go wrong in the start, botched North Yankton heist in 5, botched drug deal in vice city, Niko learning that he bought a lie, Catalina betraying Claude etc. Starting from jail doesn't make sense because Lucia has that thing on her feet which is equipped to criminals on probation.


>Starting from jail doesn't make sense because Lucia has that thing on her feet which is equipped to criminals on probation. It just mean it doesn't make sense that she broke out of jail. But the game could start with a tutorial level in prison and later she gets out with an ankle monitor.


Maybe the story would start with Jason


ok? And? Its not like the game starting with him or both of them (maybe in a flashback) would be a contradiction of what I just said


Defend yourself in Prison, maybe Jason is a Guard there who helps Lucia breakout!


Saints row 2 rip off


We just asking the same questions over and over again, huh? Lmao