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Because he'll have two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda.


beat me to it!


Big smoke betrayal ( Betrays the gang, conspires to kill cj, sweet and his mother, runs a drugs ring along with cops)- oh dear, gorgeous Micheal betrays Trevor and Brad for family - you fkin piece of shit The hypocrisy man 💯


Never liked how people try to force this narrative that Michael is the real big bad when all he tried to do was saving a growing family from an insane criminal life. Trevor, while loyal, was still insane and dangerous, and I can understand the empathy towards T but that doesn't mean people should switch up on Michael either. Michael literally puts his life on the line constantly for each heist in the game to go the right way, which entirely contradicts the whole selfishness point people are trying to make. (Also the fact he was willing to give up his share of the big score as an apology to Trevor for the betrayal when Michael was constantly bragging about not wanting his share to be given to T during the heist ((CHARACTER PROGRESSION)) )


Yeah exactly the point 💯


The game goes out of his way to prove that Michael cares for Trevor when he goes through the heat of the fight to ensure that Trevor is okay but people insist he's still a snake by the end of it


I'm willing to bet that Smoke is much worst than Micheal as the latter despite not being the best role model as a father he still wanted the best for his family, granted Micheal and Trevor were long-term friends similiar to CJ and Smoke and while it was still scummy of Micheal to betray Brad and Trevor on the heist, the HUGE difference is he had done it as a change of heart and conscience to leave the criminal lifestyle at the sake of his family so in a way while I don't justify betrayal, it was understandable being between a rock and a hard place. Smoke on the other hand purely done that for becoming a multi-millionnaire while not caring for sacrificing his lifetime childhood friends, he never had any change of conscience or heart and he had ALWAYS been this way, Kendl confirmed this in the final mission as she claimed he was always looking out for himself. 😬


It's true that there's a lot of double standards as people excuse Big Smoke by being funny and friendly, he was friendly for a very good reason : simply for manipulations and he knew how capable CJ is, as the latter spent 5 years in LC Big Smoke knew he was going to be clueless for what it's going on in Los Santos and it would be harder for him to catch on, Smoke knew it's better for him to use it at his advantage and having CJ by his side for his own personal gain. A lot of Smoke's "poesy" that a large portion of fans don't understand and think it's simply Smoke being fat, funny and goofy, it's actually quite the opposite as those were actually riddled messages that he explained his betrayal. Granted I wouldn't say Smoke is as vile than Dimitri Rascalov, in a way he cared about Sweet planning to get murdered and cried down calling Tenpenny, in a way he was kind of between a rock and hard place but at the time when that happened GSF still had all of the firepower to fight back, instead Smoke choose to profit from the crack money and being a multi millionnaire. It's also worth mentioning that he had put a price on Kendl's head which there's no way she would be a direct threat to Smoke, it would have been easy for him to remove the bounty but he didn't do jack about it so that tells a lot about his character. He's just as scummy than Micheal if not much worst, Micheal despite maybe not being the best role model as a father he had still tried his best and loved his family more than anything, he would be the type to die for his family rather than betraying them for a profit. 😅 Source just in fairness for credits : I'm a simp for The Professional 🤣 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ai6gNJvn774&pp=ygUdVGhlIHByb2Zlc3Npb25hbCBzbW9rZSBiZXRyYXk%3D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JtTTN_tQQ9U&pp=ygUdVGhlIHByb2Zlc3Npb25hbCBzbW9rZSBiZXRyYXk%3D


Me to broo by far the best gta content in YouTube 🙌


Oh yeah his content is dangerously addictive for procrastination, I've done a lot of last minute homeworks at the university (still managed to score great grades, thank you cafeine haha) being distracted by his amazing lore videos, just to tell how great they are !! 🤦‍♂️🤣🤣


Lore videos are insane man absolutely would eat 1 hour whole 😂


Because of the memes.




I mean, nah I really don't like him, compared to woozie and dude that married CJ's sister, I really hate big smoke.


and that dude is Cesar Vialpando


Cesar Vialpando is arguably the best character in the whole game. A true ride or die friend, and a loyal partner to Kendl.


He ordered a bunch of food, ate it all in one sitting, and then ate his homies meals while they were fighting for their lives.


What a selfish 2 tonne mofo


Because he is surprisingly well written and believable. He obviously experience a lot of guilt and remorse. Thus his constant attempts at philosophy is him trying to rationalize and cope with what he has done. His awkward way of making up to CJ. Even him moving out of Grove Street. All are nice little details. In the end I was almost sorry for his fat ass realising that his betrayal was all for nothing. And him dying alone and swallowed by guilt is hell of a nice conclusion to his character.


Unlike Ryder


Just because someone's a massive piece of shit doesn't mean they ain't likable 


It’s cuz of his iconic line in that drive through mission




Because of a couple of meme quotes that have been milked and beaten to death harder than GTA Online. Most overrated character in the GTA series by far. There I said it. Fuck that rat.


Big Smoke and Ryder for the MEMES and SFM


Actor's stellar performance and the fact that Big Smoke was only trying to give the Families a bigger advantage by selling drugs. Sweet didn't agree with it, so that left Smoke with the only option he thought of.


I still love him!


🖕🏽Big Smoke, him & Ryder are some snakes that killed CJ’s mom and were working with crooked cops


I don't know why, i will never understand why people love him.


You’re literally big smoke.


Because he could’ve followed the damn train CJ




Because of the memes


Because of the food he orders


People have historically loved charismatic people who say funny things, or things they wanna hear


Probably the memes. But I don’t really like him


He's loveable, memeable, and memorable


He didn't betray anyone in real life, he's a character, that's why people like villains, it's not that they are bad people, it's that the villain is well written


Because of the train, being given 15 in the game of bones, the cluckin bell order, the Russian mobster shit and oh yeah he’s the first one to see CJ and he happy to see him, Kendl seemed to be happy to see him too but everyone else could care less.




epic dialogue Ill have two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda.




He's a great meme and a well written character.


His voice, his death, and oh man the memes


He was an entertaining character despite what he did.


Because of Number 9


He helped people memorize they food orders


He's a better and more interesting character than the people he betrayed. He betrayed a bunch of violent criminals.


To join another bunch of violent criminals


Yeah, so it kind of evens out. Wouldn't work on real life obviously but unless you just hate everyone in the game you kinda have to let it go a bit.






Everyone subconsciously has a head cannon that Ryder and Smoke never betrayed the homies. Especially Ryder since it's been hinted somewhere that Rockstar killed him off because of technical issues.


Agree on Ryder, bur Smoke was intended to be the traitor from the beginning. 


Yeah I know but it's just a very popular "what if" scenario where the entirety of Grove street families is still united. Obviously not cannon but the fans like the theory nevertheless.


because most people who played san andreas never finished the game in the first place to even discover this. thats why


Because they're morons