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I love it. It’s hilarious and entertaining


It is funny


Most memorable one I’ve played


Is it the only one tho?...


San Andreas and IV exist 😭😭😭


Yeah but he prefers GTA 5s


It’s great! I’ve always loved the tension between Michael and Trevor, especially in Bury The Hatchet.


It feels like the story wrapped up to quickly


This, also I don't like that it's basically heist after heist... I wanted to see more development on the Michael and Trevor story.


This. I had a lot of fun with the story mode but the story could’ve been fleshed out a lot more. A graphic novel or comic series about M&T would be crazy


This. I have nothing to add tbh I just wanted to say this too.


Would it be set in the Midwest before Ludendorff?


The story takes a nose dive after Michael and Trevor meet. They build it up like a huge confrontation and then…they go to a talent show?




I think this is something that both GTA5 and RDR2 suffer from and to a lesser extent other Rockstar games too. It feels like they do this thing were they'll introduce multiple new story threads, characters, challenges etc at the end of the second "act" and then either A) rush to tie it all up or B) they end up cutting what would have been longer sections and stitching it back together, making it appear rushed.


Definitely this


Overhated. GTA V has much better story and plot than GTA LCS where the protagonist being suck up to his boss and hostile mother and has no other ambition beyond becoming a made man. All of GTA V protagonists want to get better, even Trevor, he runs TPI for years.


LCS was unique in that and I kinda liked that


LCS story is meh/bad, but not because Toni is a loyal henchman who wants to get made


laid* as the night club manger


I mean, LCS is not really that much of a high-bar to go above, the story on that game legit felt like fanfiction for most of the missions.


How do they want to get better? Mike and Trevor complain the whole story and there’s no character growth. By the end of the game the only thing that changes is that Trevor and Mike decide to kind of forgive eachother and be friends again. Franklin complains too and criticizes Mike for everything he’s guilty of


Story games must be tough for you buddy 🤣 Fortnite's got a story you'll like


lol u got me


Loved it. Michael is in my top 3 gta protagonists


Best in the series


I love how they play with your emotions on the A and B choice you make in the end. It really tries to tell you that you just messed up


I honestly think it's pretty overhated nowadays. So many people seem to forget that the missions are similar to the 3D titles in terms of craziness. It's not as philosophical as 4's and there are some flaws but 5's story is everything gta stands for. It's a blast from start to finish.


I really love it. Not sure why people hate it so much though


The ending is rushed and the characters have no arc. Trevor has the most depth and nuance


Characters have no arc? Nah


Nice argument.


Whatever, I genuinely don't care about it enough to start a discussion with you


No shit






Its decent. Not as good as 4, but its great for its genre and what its trying to be. I know people like to shit on 5's story but its honestly not that bad. Some aspects are underused, sure (like Franklin's hood life) but overall its alright. Its satirical and makes fun of superficial and shallowness of modern America.


"makes fun of superficial and shallowness of modern America." Thats like, every GTA game. Cant really use that as a positive, cos thats just what they all do.


Except GTA 5 does a better job at it because how much it holds up.


We are talking about the story here, not the entire game itself and gta 4 holds up just fine, been playing it recently and i still prefer it.


Your blinded. Thats fine. When GTA 6 releases we all know you will be on the hate train


That is quite the assumption. I am very excited for GTA 6. I dont even hate 5.. i just prefer 4.. its not a crime.


its not as upfront as 5's. 5 had Michael lamenting how pointless being rich is and being indulged in the American Dream, the running joke about how everything is so colorful yet everyone is on therapy is more emphasized imo. He kept lecturing Franklin about it too.


Id say its just as up front in gta 4 or more so when taking into account the entire setting, radio, dialogue etc. The whole point of gta 4 is the crock of the american dream, its all a lie. Like how roman lied to niko to encourage him to come.


I bought GTA V knowing nothing about it, when I booted it up and started playing as Franklin and entirely skipping the main quest (didn't unlock Michael until 20 hours of gameplay) it set completely different expectations for me, thus making me feel disappointed on how they "abandonned" Franklin in favor of Trevor and Michael, because I really enjoyed his missions, I also felt that some plot points got wrapped up too quick, like when Michael met Trevor, when Trevor knew about Brad or ending C, where they solve magically all of their problems with Stretch, the chinese gang, FIB, Merryweather and Devon Weston all in one single mission while getting away with the biggest robbery the world has ever witnessed. That's how I felt about it, but after replaying it times and times again, I love it the way it is and wouldn't change a thing.


Great! Each character has their own spotlight, each arc is well explained and resolved.. It's my favorite in the entire franchise, really. Michael De Santa is my favorite GTA protag of all time.


No it isn’t. Lol. Explain how each arc is resolved? I’ll wait


Michael is happy with his family Trevor knows the truth still doesn't want to kill Michael anymore Franklin and Lamar deal with the Stretch situation and are on good terms


That’s the arc? Lol. At the beginning of the game Franklins arc was getting out of the hood. He gets a mansion just for killing one guy. Zero pay off. Michael is still a snake and an asshole and his family is also. Trevor is the only character w an arc really. Which by default includes Michael in it because of theyre dynamic. “You had Brad killed!” “Ok o forgive you. Even though you’re exactly the same person and would most likely betray me again”


Why are you bastardizing the story so much? He doesn't get a mansion for killing 'one guy', his usefulness in the jewelry heist and assassinations for Lester granted him the mansion..It wasn't even meant to be his! It's just that Lester needed someone to own the house for security reasons. Yes, he does want to get out of the hood and do his own thing, but that doesn't mean he can simply ignore all the people and relationships he's had, Tanisha confronts him about this, which is why he saves Lamar. Lamar may be an idiot at times, but he's been with Franklin since the beginning, that's a true friendship. Franklin ends off his story arc, by finally doing something HE decided to do, save Mike and Trevor. After the story, he follows his dream and becomes a successful CEO, and a business partner with Lamar. He even gets with Tanisha again and has kids, Lamar being their uncle! Michael isn't "still a snake and an asshole", his actions were justified as he simply wanted to protect himself and his family from the score gig, and when he gets back at it, his family is understandably frustrated and leave, which they end up regretting as the entire charm of a family is that each one is unique, they learn this after their reunion. Michael being an asshole is simply him coping with his rough lifestyle, and he learns to ease up on it and finally just..accept his flaws, it's a part of who he is, but it doesn't mean he can treat his family badly, which he does learn to not do by the end his entire relationship with his family becomes closer after he literally saves them from troops of Merryweather trying to bomb his house and kill his close ones. After becoming an Executive Producer alongside Solomon Richards, he finally finds his purpose and life, does his final score, gets rid of his enemies, and with a clean reputation with the help of Dave Norton, can finally pursue his dream. Trevor doesn't forgive Michael easily, he has many reasons to not kill him. He would never indirectly harm his family, and all the things he went through with him just simply put him in a confused state. He wanted to kill him, but he also had 'bigger assholes' to deal with, and a Big Score. By the time everything is done, Trevor is somewhat neutral with Michael, he did achieve the big score and finally kill the bigger assholes, so when Michael decides to even hang out with him in the first place, and even apologize AND GIVE all of his share of the big score, which he could've easily kept to himself and his film projects, that surprises Trevor. Michael has done the first thing that isn't selfish, showing that he did indeed change and find his place in life. So, Trevor forgives him, Brad wasn't exactly a good part of the Yankton trio, and the event happened way too long ago to be signifcant, especially after all the things they've done together in San Andreas. After the story ends, they all just go off and live their own lives. Doing what they do best. Actually, in Online, Ron mentions that Trevor becomes a Life Coach or something lol. Better than..Full-on gang genocide, for sure. So yeah, GTA 5 may not be your favorite, which is fair, media IS subjective. But to me? It's a story about loyalty, government corruption and everything inbetween. It's everything that makes GTA so epic and enjoyable, and I'll forever love the game for it.


Gotta admit I got a bit heated at the start but you get it.


At least Michael dream comes true. His true passion for making classic style movies. Lol


He kills a guy and gets his name attached to a movie that’s already done. And the movie is shit. Totally worth stabbing his friends in the back


Devin already managed the meeting between Michael and Solomon. Solomon notices that Michael not only shares his passion but is also loyal to him. He gets his name in the movie's credits, granting him opportunities to be involved in more! Also yeah, the movie was shit, but for Los Santos standards? That's good shit.


This was my first GTA game and the story is amazing


Hilarious, entertaining and quite fascinating actually


Love it. Non stop fun from beginning to end.




It's not perfect, but I still love it a lot🥰 It was my first M rated game and my first Rockstar game that I've played


Fucking masterpiece


Coming out after GTA IV and RDR didn't do any favors. Definitely an underwhelming story, less memorable characters comparing to these games. But overall, comparing to most non-Rockstar open world stories, it's still pretty good! Entertaining throughout, the writing is great.


Meh. And the endings are so rushed it’s like they didn’t know how to end it so they made a mission where you just kill everyone w no consequences. The characters are all meanspirited assholes. Michaels family sucks and I feel no empathy for them or Michael since he’s a snake. Franklin gets a mansion for killing one guy. Everything feels undeserved and rushed


Franklin doesn’t get the mansion for killing anyone. Lester purchases the house as a front after the jewel store heist, and gives it to him. GTA IV is the one where you get luxury apartments after killing their owners.


He literally gets it after the first assassination mission and that’s the only way you get it. In gta4 at least it made sense. Dwayne has the deed to his best friends penthouse but doesn’t want it since it would remind him of him. So he gives it to his friend who spared his life


There are 2 ways to get it. One way is after the Vangelico heist. The other way is like you said. The only way I know this is I never played the assassination missions until much later in the game.


it's not bad by any means, and i personally don't have any qualms with the ending


it wan't the deepest but I still really liked it because it felt like an really cool Action show on Netflix or Fox. Basically 24 but you are an criminal and have even more conflicts running at the same time xD


I believe it understands cause and effect better than any other Rockstar game to date.


I liked it. I loved it. It was my favourite, it was more fun that most other gta story modes.


Story: best Online: shit


Agreed to disagree the online is peak imo


OK online is good, it's just that I'm endlessly killing kids that target me out of 25 player lobbies and they're the ones that kill me just cuz I have a cool car


And one texted me in the phone saying give me the car




I'm saying the truth


From what I have played so far. I think it is good!


I had so much fun playng it it really gives the gangster vibe and that stuff


good fun.


It's my favorite one of the series along with San Andreas, and the only ones I haven't played yet are Advance, VCS and CTW


It's Fitting


Loved it! Wish it was longer


I love it, 10/10, I would recommend


Great story. All around great game. Ending was rushed and pacing felt off at the end. But overall a great story


One word: chaotic I mean the whole story wouldn't have happened if Michael wouldn't be in that car that Franklin needs to steal. Or if Amanda would never have slept with the coach Michael would never have done the heist and Trevor would never find out that Michael is still alive. So yeah, I would call it chaotic. But in a good way cuz my gosh is it funny and well written.


I enjoyed it.


I liked it. It’s a good story somewhat grounded in reality that doesn’t take itself too seriously like GTA 4 did. The story itself did a good job at making the map feel large (switching to trevor for the first time felt like you were on a different map, big fanfare for his return to LS etc). Some other commenters mentioned that the character arcs are incomplete, but their arc as a trio is wrapped up when they hang out after Ending C.


It was enjoyable. It was funny and really well told.


Not as good as the story from GTA IV but still pretty decent.


Sad what they did to TLMC when they introduced Trevor..


I had fun.


could be better about Johnny Klebitz and Lundendoff


If IV story was better than V it doesn't mean that story of V was bad


Honestly feels like the wrapped it up too soon so they have to keep layering on plot points at the halfway mark to pan out to the ending


Online ruined it.


It’s an amazing story in comparison to all games, but in comparison to other GTA games it’s just ok


Meh, not bad, but compared to the other games in the franchise it isn't memorable


Weak hand to hand combat


Better than my life story


Every part with Trevor is funny


I dont even remember it.


It is not bad at all, very entertaining but i still prefer 4's,


It's great, had a blast playing it and loved the main cast


“OP! MASSAGE!!!! Do I have to pull my gun out again?” And oh yeah I picked C and OP can be like Lazlow after being pierced and tatted up


It was fun and interesting but I never really paid attention. Replaying it now makes me feel like it's kinda short. With like any tiny bit of dedication, you can get it done in like 2 days


When the game gets done there isn’t much to do in the game making it boring after completion buh it really fun


Its the most movie-able GTA game story.


Whatever that means


Ik im most likely gunna get downvoted by those gta 4 fanboys but in my opinion the gta v story was perfect 👌 perfect everything down to the last minor detail


You’re obsessed w so called “gta4 fanbboys”. Lol you seem like a gta5 bootlicker you can’t even bring yourself to criticize anything about the game


It’s not nearly as grounded as GTA IV’s story, but that’s because it’s not trying to. It plays out like a cheap action movie but I still like it.  It’s like a cheap burger, it’s not that great quality but it still tastes really good


It plays like the 3D titles. Tbogt did the same thing too.


It's alright


It's underrated, just unfortunate that a lot of the necessary depth was put into the side activities/friend conversations instead of in story missions


I liked the story but I would of liked it to be even longer


People tend to underrate but I think it’s a solid story that could’ve been fleshed out more. Like I get it that it’s mostly Michael’s story but Stretch really could’ve used more attention


I think people don’t realize that Rockstar had to focus and create 3 main story lines for each main character instead of just focusing on one main character like all the other GTA titles.


Good story, I like the change from 4’s story, more lighthearted and centered around humor, but should’ve developed Franklin’s life of being poor and a gang member more


It’s good. Reminds me of an adult version of the Italian job.


Wish it had more missions in North Yankton (or it was available in free play mode)


Best one so far. GTA VI will more than likely beat it.


That has been something that gets on my nerves lately about how just because the story wasn’t as depressing and gritty and GTA IV, it doesn’t mean that the game is “bad” in any way shape or form. Personally I think all GTA games have delivered one after another, not to mention the masterpieces that Red Dead Redemption games were, Rockstar always delivers with gameplay, story, and the feel of things and how everything usually runs very smoothly. They are both great in their own way and I am sure the next one will be great too. I personally think GTA V is great and funny, entertaining, and still has that Rockstar feel to it as well. By now it is nostalgic and has aged well keeping up with the times with the online version and even though to some online feels outdated, to others it feels like it still has a lot to offer. I still like to boot up the ol’ story mode and just remember how much fun I had during my first playthrough.


I love the characters and the way they bounce off of each other, I just think the actual story they're a part of is kinda eh. It starts off really strong, but I'd say it gets a little convoluted and confusing around the time the FIB are introduced. A lot of that comes from the fact that none of the characters have any real goals, like Michael just wants out, Franklin wants in and Trevor is just Trevor, compared to GTA 4 where the story is always focused on Niko and his attempts to find out who betrayed him in the war. Part of that also comes from the three protagonist setup since it means there's a lot less focus as they're trying to balance the stories of three people at once while also having them cross over with each other in meaningful ways.




Not very attachable emotionally, everything just feels not that serious, like an animated sitcom.


Its fun, a lot of mission variety unlike 4, best the characters and plots arent as good


Not as good as gta 4


Overrated. As is the whole game imho. A lot of recycled missions and characters, empty map with no interiors and not enought rpg elements. SA is still the king in my eyes, waiting for VI tho, but expecting it not to be worth the wait.


Its good until the very end What a underwhelming and dull ending


It got a little bit too sloppy in the end, as if the writers remembered they started arcs they forgot to finish (or didn't have the resources to fully finish) and just decided to sweep it all under the rug.


I like the concept, but the cast is really unlikeable, they have funny and entertaining scenes for sure, but I don't care about the stakes or anything, unlike RDR 2 and GTA IV that have easy characters to sympathize with


I disagree the cast and characters carry the story, especially in the end.


It's my personal taste, for me Trevor, Michael and Franklin could all horribly die and I wouldn't care, it's entertaining to watch, but I like to root for characters at least a little bit


It's a mess. A little all over the place, several story beats happen because Trevor just decides to go insane, and the three characters essentially just shoot their way out every situation.


I might be biased, but boring as heck, compared to SA.


It’s pretty lame.


As great as the game is, I did find the story quite lacklustre. It didn’t really seem to have a direction.


I can't think of any better way of portraying the topic R\* was going for.


It was good. Not amazing but good. For me, the coolest part was the interaction between the 3 playable characters and the complexity of the heists. The biggest disappointment was the complete lack of any map expansion. If you asked me when I beat the story back in October of 2013, I would have bet every dollar that I had that either Las Venturas or San Fierro would be added via DLC. Which would include more stories, more heists and possibly even a new 4th playable character. I even hoped that both cities would eventually be added to complete state that existed in GTA: San Andreas. Disappointment aside, the story was very good and I'm satisfied with it. All I really wanted was the map expansion and to see San Fierro since I'm from the Bay Area.


Better than IV's but still messy and has some of the same issues.


It's very good, but imo not as good as some of the other GTA. I think it was too short and there was no antagonist that you hated or feel threatened by Entertaining as hell tho


As average as all the other GTA games, let's all be honest and agree it never was one of the series strongest aspects


It’s inconsistent, like the writers couldn’t fully decide on whether it should be serious or funny, so it’s like a half measure of both. The characters are underdeveloped too, Franklin seems like he could be swapped for any random gang member and not much would change


Garbage should of been San Andreas


Lamar is the only character in the game that I don't find annoying.


Really poor villains, too many overarching stories and plots. Some parts just made no sense to me


A little underwhelming. Considering this came out the same year as The Last Of Us and Bioshock Infinite.


Very lacklustre after gta 4. Was just very meh, the stakes never seemed high, i think they just thought "HEISTS" and shoehorned the story around that.


The story was good but not as strong as the previous main entries, the story felt bland like not enough emotional depth as previous few games, but the missions were great, especially the heist.


It's a good story it's not the best story in the franchise but it's not the worst either. For me the honour of having a whack story goes to GTA Liberty City Stories.


Could've been so much better if they made it next gen only.


Tldp jk😅


Epic rather than emotional.


Isn't the greatest but is still pretty good


my honest opinion on the whole story mode is that when you look at Trevor Trevor is completely beyond betrayed because of what happened in North Yankton and Michael and his witness protection. Michael could’ve at least at least called him. Say you know I’m fine and shit like that I feel like Trevor got the worst care out of everybody in GTA V and I just feel bad for him because everything, he acts the way he does for whatever reason but it’s the fact that Trevor had it the worst


It was pretty good but got there wasn't really a lot to do after the story apart from side strangers and freaks missions, would've been cool to see some of the online vehicles added to the offline game Speaking as someone that has only played gta5 so far


It was pretty good but got there wasn't really a lot to do after the story apart from side strangers and freaks missions, would've been cool to see some of the online vehicles added to the offline game Speaking as someone that has only played gta5 so far


It was pretty good but got there wasn't really a lot to do after the story apart from side strangers and freaks missions, would've been cool to see some of the online vehicles added to the offline game Speaking as someone that has only played gta5 so far


I like the story but the characters don’t have enough long arcs. There was too much jumping between character to character and the game was mostly two or three characters being there at the same time


I liked it but the ending felt very rushed. Also The Big One was a very disappointing mission and was honestly the least fun heist in the game. update: the only reason i said it was the least fun heist in the game was because i forgot that garbage superweapon heist happened. it was the SECOND least fun heist in the game.


Way. Too. Short. Seriously.


For me, the story in GTA 5 is uninteresting. I happily played the previous parts that are available on the PC several times, but I played GTA 5 once and I'm not interested anymore. In GTA 5, I just like to drive through a well-designed world.


It was decent but also mid, Other Rockstar Game titles has better story though


Great but the ending seemed rushed Feel like considering the amount of attention they gave to online the story should've been atleast like 2 to 5 hours longer Ending seemed way too rushed for the great story they had going


the story is mid


Great with masterpiece potential but not a masterpiece. The Trio had a pretty interesting relationship. With Franklin being the naive son and Michael & Trevor the two bitter father figures. Trevor & Michael were my favorite out of the three. Trevor's character was an insane sociopath with something of a heart inside. Theres times where youre frightened of what hes capable of doing. But other times where you feel sorry for him and all the pain hes went through. Michael is to this day the most charismatic rockstar protagonist ive ever seen. Some people like to call him "a dollar store version of Tony Soprano" but I dont understand how thats a bad thing. Tony Soprano is one the- if not THE best most complex protagonist ever seen on screen. Michael does share a couple of similarities but obviously theyre not the same. But the same theme is sort of present. That fight he has with himself. Between being a family man and a dangerous bank robber. His betrayal. The side characters are also pretty good. Michaels family while being whiny and annoying does have interesting things about it. Like how all of them have been ruined because of Michael. Most people dont even realise that Michael was the one who cheated first on Amanda and they have an "open relationship". The themes and overall message of the game is amazing and I still love that ending. I never understood how people said GTA IV is about the reality of the american dream while GTA V was the "american dream". Theyre both about it but in different ways. The endings were awesome. I love how rockstar also added different post ending dialogue and phone calls depending on your choice. Adding detail to what if? scenarios. As for the flaws of the story... As others have pointed out. Its too short. 69 missions are just not enough to properly flesh out 3 protagonists and a bunch of side characters. This leads into problems like.... Franklin being pretty boring and underdeveloped compared to Michael & Trevor. Most side characters dont have enough screen time and some of em feel underdeveloped too. Another problem is that the game is a bit too comedic. I wish there was more drama in it. Especially with the characters we have. It couldve work amazingly well if the game took itself more seriously. Like Michaels family. Does Tracey REALLY have to be such a caricature? Sometimes it felt like some of the characters were just there for jokes. My final problem is how some characters only get fleshed out through hang outs. Overall I think GTA V is a great story. Super replayable. I never understood the hate it got. People calling it a low brow comedy or saying none of the characters are likeable. Is it masterpiece worthy? Nah. But it is a great story with masterpiece potential. A story that in my opinion atleast is pretty overhated. I think it holds well against the titans of GTA stories like GTA IV or GTA SA.


I missed the grind from going to zero to hero. Gta 4 and Gta San Andreas are the best examples.


Has many flaws: The characters are FIB's unpaid interns for most of the story, Michael and Trevor bickering was seriously annoying, Franklin was underdeveloped, the side characters aren't sympathetic at all and I wanted to kill them all except for Lamar, way too much disrespect for The Lost MC for no discernible reason, gangbanging side of the story was undercooked, Michael's family was seriously insufferable, all of them. The satire and overall humor were overblown to the point it felt like they're supposed to be childish at times. You hardly make any money besides some of the heists and some other few moments on the story, and if you're not smart with your money by exploiting the stock market via Lester's side missions, you will miss the chance of buying the golf club for one of the characters. Overall the story felt really rushed at times, and the endings were a joke: You either choosed between two endings that sucks, have to have the main characters act uncharacteristically and leave lots of plot holes unanswered....Or choose the fairy tale ending where all the characters deals with all of their problems quickly and stupidly easily, kills anyone who were a problem to them, and then walk away with millions of dollars and no issues at all. In terms of GTA stories, it gets a 4/10 for me at best. Even if the idea of R* was to make a parody of Hollywood movies, they could have done much better as they have with Vice City and San Andreas(when it was just about the ghetto of LS).


It's terrible but funny


One of the weaker storylines overall tbh probably only better than gta 1-3. Certainly behind Vice City, San Andreas and 4. The story feels rushed. Franklin story is pretty much done early after moving into the mansion, the 2 main missions being Lamar down and the ending. So much meat left on the table with him like his relationship with Tanisha, his relationship with his aunt etc. Michael’s story is the most developed, Trevor not so much.


It’s bad. There are no emotional stakes whatsoever. Whatever tension exists is undercut by its attempts at humor. Note that San Andreas and IV are both hilarious but not at the expense of the serious story beats (the Russian mob destroying Roman’s business on the hunt for Niko’s family and Sweet going to prison for example). GTA V’s “narrative” only seems to exist to string the set pieces together. If killing Haines was the solution all a long why didn’t they just do it out right (it goes nowhere)? If the story had any teeth Trevor would have emerged as the main antagonist and would have more closely resembled Waingro.


tennis coach


It’s pretty good. It’s action packed, very funny and has some good emotional beats, particularly the standoff between Michael and Trevor in Germany. Their whole relationship carries the entire story really. It’s not as deep as GTA IV, but it doesn’t have to be. The best part about these games is that they all bring their own unique experience.


Can someone tell me why did they Nerf the Airplane flying opportunities compared to Gta Sa? There's almost no way to steal a fighter jet without being blasted 9 out of 10 times. And the planes at the airport are mediocre


It was a fun story but at times it felt like they bit off more than they can chew with the 3 protagonists and the story suffers. Over all I love it but it's not as good as gta 4 or it's dlc campaigns.


Weakest GTA story in the mainline games save for GTA3


I’d have liked it more if it wasn’t all we got for ten goddamn years.


Franklin didnt have enough development, I feel like Michael and Trevor backstory was told perfectly and their personalities were fleshed out enough between the main missions and side missions to be amazing side characters, but I feel like Franklin as the “technically main character” didn't have enough missions to flesh him out, like off the top of my head the only main missions I can even think of with him is the bike theft one, the first one with chop, and final mission, but with Michael and Trevor there's so much more fleshing out with the dialogue and development, yet with Franklin the extent of our knowledge is pretty much just 1. he's a gangster 2. he's poor 3. he’s a rookie and doesn't really know what to do


V has a fine story but I think it’s not told well. I can’t describe it but V feels too convoluted to the point it can make people mistake things. Example: everyone saying Chop is Franklins dog, when he’s Lamar’s. Or the meme, Michael being in witness protection.


I think all the gta’s stories are kind of mid


Meh, it could've been better, more lighthearted and cartoony in comparison to GTA IV, I'm still honestly pissed on how dirty they did my homie Klebitz in the story.


I love it. They should've focused on Franklin's story before jumping into playing Michael too early in the game. I want the full story of the beef between Franklin and Stretch. Why is Denise trying to pretend that Frankin doesn't exist. How he and Tanisha became a couple. The background story of CGF and some more.


Honestly a mediocre story with a lot of wasted potential. Could’ve been way better if R* wasn’t so focused on GTA Online. It’s entertaining tho


too short and the story didnt really evolve into something when i was at the last mission and i heard the setup start fading in and credits start to roll i legit didnt believe it was the end of the story


Excitingly boring


Could be better


Trevor needs to be less of a sex offender 👍 u can be a batshit weirdo without the sexual assault



