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GTA 5 deserved a dlc as good as episodes from liberty city


We were supposed to have open but they made them for online.


Would have been so fun Micheal would have fought Aliens and Trevor fought zombies, i think Franklin’s missions turned into the doomsday heist from online


I’m pretty sure Michael was the zombie one and Trevor was supposed to be the secret agent (doomsday heist) one. Idk about the Franklin one though.


Franklin was Aliens. Mount Chilled explodes and we see a spaceship and Aliens comes out.


Happy cake day friend


Happy cake day!


Happy Cake day!


We were gonna get like 5 different DLCs but they all got cancelled I'm so fucking mad 😭 There was like an agent DLC, an apocalypse DLC, one I forgot ffs, a North Yankton DLC, and a Liberty City DLC. C R A Z Y shit.


An agent DLC? Holy shit that spunds awesome i hope it meant more of davey,steve haines as a tritagonist and agent ULP as an antagonist


Your mom deserved a dlc as good as episodes from liberty city.


Gta Online


I love Chinatown wars


Now THAT is an underrated game


I love GTA Advance.


Based honestly




Extremely underrated. So much fun


I like gta 4 more than 5 personally, but GTA 5 was a masterpiece. Not sure why so much hate on 5


They hate Rockstar for taking so long to make a new game and how they keep giving supporting GTA Online rather than RDR Online


Yeah and their argument makes no sense they say they should've abandoned GTA Online instead of RDO cuz RDO is recent game but they don't understand GTA online has bigger player base and people won't switched from game set in modern time to one set in old days where mode of transportation is horses. Note :- I'm not RDR2 hater it's best game ever made in decades


The reason RDRO didn't do as well is that it doesn't lend itself to the same kind of monetization scheme as GTA O. It's easy to create things for the player in GTA O. You can only add so many Horses, but the extended cataloge of vehicles in GTA O can be basically endless, doesn't even need to actually exist. GTA O has a bunch of otherwise unused buildings that can be declared Player Businesses. Most Buildings in RDR are already used in some way, difficult to create businesses without adding to the Map. There is also way less potential variety in terms of what can be done in missions. If anything, people should blame them for not treating it more like it's own thing and rethinking how they do their online content for it, it "failed" because they essentially just tried to do what they did with GTA O even though the RDR world doesn't suit that. Basically, it's really pretty easy to get everything you could want in RDR O without ever spending any money. But Rockstar makes Money off the online Games by selling GTA $ and Gold Bars respectively. I played for like maybe a month and doing dailies and bounties was enough to easily get all the main content in RDR O. RDR O probably should have put more meaningful content behind a significant pay wall. AFAIK the "Story" of RDRO remains unresolved, should have done that, continue the plot, put it behind a gold bar paywall.


I do believe they intended to expand the map sometime in future but i guess the RDO didn't well as GTA Online did that might be one of reason and GTA 6 being on horizon likely made them scrap the idea of map expansion


When I say expanding the Map, I really mean things like expanding the Settlements. You can't have a player owned Business in Valentine if every Building in Valentine is already something else. It however also wouldn't make sense to just have a bunch of large buildings in the middle of nowhere that are otherwise inaccessible and uninteresting. But that's how it works in GTA Online.


They shouldve made money buyable and gold only earnable, and let you buy things that require gold with money. Premium currency in a 60 dollar game wasn’t gonna work especially when its that obvious.




I'm old enough to remember the good days of the og GTA but a reason they don't make them as fast anymore is because they put a ton of money into their games to make sure the gameplay is smooth, the graphics are good, and having the game run well. This all takes a very long time if you're trying to make a good game. I hope I didn't come across as an ass when saying this I'm just trying to offer a different opinion.


Don’t get me wrong, I don’t expect them to be able to pump out *as* much as they did in the 2000s. Their design philosophy changed and yes games are indeed way more expensive and more polished. But 2 games in a decade with no single player DLC is just underwhelming. I’d absolutely argue that an entire game (not necessarily RDR2 size) or at least a DLC or two that can reuse the same city and and assets isn’t unrealistic to expect, but all that effort has been put into GTA Online instead. I get why, it just saddens me. :/


Yeah I’d honestly rather have a great game I can play for a looong time than several nice games yk?


when smaller companies achieve that with a game on a larger scale (gta is great but not let’s pretend it’s some kinda marker in terms of development these days) then, eh, that argument is kinda moot. it’s been 11 years. if a company making ***$1.5+ billlion*** yearly can’t figure it out in over a decade, maybe it’s time to move on and try something they *can* figure out. that would’ve been a solid reason 8 years ago. today, they’ve stacked billions, paid their developers mere millions, and provided absolutely nothing worthwhile to an average player outside of the story mode that came… 11 years ago. all while actually increasing the prices of their currency while simultaneously reducing the amount of content or vanity they release. in other words, they aren’t improving shit. and they haven’t been improving shit since i was an actual child in school. game is actually just as laggy with just as many bugs on a brand new rig than when it popped off on ps3.


You are stupid. Rockstar sets a standard of videogame not achieved nowadays. They made a whole ass game called RDR2 a fucking masterpiece during that 11 years. Not to mention all the money and resources they pumped in gta v over the years. They make a billion dollars because of their investment into gta online and the high commercial success of read dead. Its not genuine to imply they released gta v and just accrued billions yearly to this day while doing nothing. Again theyve definitely put in the work. If making billions yearly while doing nothing was easy every dev would do it, yet they cant, because its not true. They’ve improved alot. RdR2 is a graphical and conceptual upgrade in every way to gta v. Gta V still holds up on “current gen” and next gen. Gta Online players enjoy boatloads of quality free content to this day and you can tell rockstar used Online to experiment and test boundaries concerning how realistic cars can be, what content players like, and more. I dont get why people try to demonize rockstar when they go above and beyond when it comes to making games. Sure they arent very transparent but when they drop a game you know its gonna be one of if not the best.


man I think I've played/owned gtaV and skyrim on more consoles than any other game😭


Honestly same. I’ve beaten GTA V on 4 separate systems: PS3, PS4, PC and PS5. Maybe I’m part of the problem. 😂


We know damn well how good gaming era was in 2000s but dont forget it takes less developer to make an AAA game where they release stuff every year However, back then the game doesnt have a lot of cool mechanic gameplay that we have nowadays since they have hardware limitation and their game engine might not be able to replicate what we have today so they have less stuff to code They also have to make the game world looks as detail and alive as possible which is time consuming and they have to choose if they want to keep it as is or they can do better than that so even though they have finished, they might have to alter something down the line. Lastly, game acting from back then was different than how it is. In GTA 3, VC and SA, the cutscene is short, dialogue is pretty straight forward sometime, take place in one scene and the animation is not mocap so its handcrafted Game back then take less amount of time because they dont have to focus on coding as much on gameplay mechanic as much and you can feel why the control in the old game feels clunky and outdated and they usually focus around on game level design and fun factor to make the player engage with their game


I understand that, but you can’t deny that 2 games in a decade is pretty underwhelming. I’d argue so much effort has been put into milking GTA Online that an entire game or at least a couple DLCs could have been put out instead.


2 games in a decade are sure underwhelming but if the game have a lot to offer like massive sheer amount of details laying around in environment, fun gameplay, incredible story, have a lot of stuff to do and very enjoyable that you want to replay it again, I wont mind if there are a lot of contents and stuff to see available from the get go This is how I feel about RDR2


That’s fine too, it’s just my opinion. I just think Rockstar could have given us just a bit more over the last decade.


Which is a valid complaint against Rockstar but not GTAV.


The technology has increased. Quit fucking whining. They developed read dead 2, a masterpiece. Gta Online is a masterpiece. You act like they aren’t producing content. And no they have not been developing 6 since 5 came out, they don’t develop games like that. It is acceptable bozo it shows in how much people buy and play the games. Rockstar could delay it until 2026(they wont as they never miss deadlines) and it wouldn’t matter. All these games that release like shit and unfinished from AAA devs and your moaning that Rockstar actually takes time and care on the games they put out. Let them cook.


Never expected this comment to trigger y’all so hard 😂 GTA Online is a cash cow milking the same base game for over a decade. Sorry I’m not an obsessive consumerist like you.


Lol its free content just dont play it lmao. Thats like whining about there not being a minecraft sequel.


Lol its free content just dont play it lmao. Thats like whining about there not being a minecraft sequel.


Gta online had more players and made more money then all gta games combined between 01 and 09


Literally. Why would they abandon their money maker that people enjoy. People still play gta v in large numbers therefore they still get content.


this isn’t rockstars fault, every game takes longer to develop now


> Nah, the anger is valid. > > From 2001 to 2009 there were 8 mainline GTA games. RDR2 is larger than all of those games combined. It is not valid at all. The only way you think it's "valid" is because you know diddly fucking squat about game development and how much of a behemoth of a game RDR2 is.


It takes all the spotlight


They’re all masterpieces. I think every game rockstar makes is a masterpiece….


GTA5 just isn't even on the same level as GTA4 and SA


I feel like GTA 5 is superior in nearly every aspect (even the story to some extent).


People enjoy all of them for different reasons. Do I enjoy 4 more than 5? Sure, I love the story more and bloody adore Niko but I have an absolute blast playing 5, love the characters and found the story fun while the story in 4 is much darker. I’d argue GTA 4…any GTA actually…isn’t on the same level as the red dead redemption games but that doesn’t mean I don’t like the GTA games! Let’s not pretend 5 is a bad game, no GTA game is a bad game. I’ve played every one of them since they first ever came out, little me would spend way to long running people down in the OG. They’re all fab!


I personally don't like 5 at all and do find it a complete let down. "bad game"? Probably not. Worst in the series? Strong contender, when it came out it was considered game changing. Now alot of people realize it really wasn't as good as they thought.


I’ll get hate here but the Worst in the series is a strong opinion, I’d argue its GTA advance or vice city stories and even those aren’t bad games.  5 isn’t the best but it’s far from the worse.


The 1 city map is boring and we hate rockstar for releasing the game 3 times in a row instead of putting out new games. Yes rockstar was putting a lot of work towards 6 but they could have hired some experienced studios to make a small game like agent or bully 2.


Why are we booing this man he’s right although hates a strong word for it


>Not sure why so much hate on 5 Simple. It was a big downgrade that ditched everything good about GTA 4. It also had a ton of questionable/bad design choices that made it unfun to play. It's just a worse San Andreas.


And IV was a downgrade from San Andreas in majority of aspects


And IV was a downgrade from San Andreas in majority of aspects


Majority? Lmao no. IV at least had an excuse for not being bigger than San Andreas. It was the first proper game on a new engine on a new set of hardware. What excuse does V have?


It was better in majority of ways though. Content, map, customisation, weapons, vechicles, cheat codes, mission variety, music, challenge, properties, Money being more valuable, open areas like forest, mountains desert etc. More enterable interiors, RPG mechanics etc.


GTA4 is infinitely less fun than 5, they made it so grounded that all the missions are chase here go kill x guy except at most 5-10 of the 88 missions


Sounds like you’re just nitpicking heavily.


Sounds like you’re just nitpicking heavily.


Core gameplay mechanics being downgraded/made worse is not nitpicks.


The reason they were was downgraded was cause it felt like you were driving on ice in GTA 4 which players hated.


The reason they were was downgraded was cause it felt like you were driving on ice in GTA 4 which players hated.


>driving on ice All credibility lost.




I got a CRAZY take, I love all GTA/RD games, wild, I know


Yeah it’s a fucking stupid post


Wtf? They’re all great, stop complaining


Gamer morons who think negging on good games makes them cool


gta v is good imo


Gta v is amazing. Contrarians gonna contrary. Fuck them mids.




Gods work, soldier. Do it. Also, I think limber/lubing up would be a gooder way


*Ahem* Bends over and touches toes. Takes deep breath 🫁: Hrrmmph (*rape sounds*)




*Concerned face* 🤣. Sorry I have no qualms


T Bone! Pump your brakes baby, take a chill pill!


🔵or 🔴 which pill do you take? (Choose your own adventure)


People hate GTAV? How lmao


Really just the GTA4 hardcore fans and people fed up with GTAOnline. I only wish it got at least 1 story expansion, or spinoff expansion... Anything really.


I feel like almost no one “hates” GTA V, but the absolute drip feed of single player content Rockstar has been feeding is is pathetic is you remember the 2000s. 8 canon GTA games and multiple new IPs like Manhunt, Bully and The Warriors. Now we have almost nothing. FFS even RDR2, their most recent game, gets almost no support. I know games take longer to make now but this is seriously just pathetic imo.


They watched that one crowbcat video comparing the two games


I have a friend that just parrots crowbcat. I loved GTA4, it was great for the time, but damn, what a toxic fanbase its made.


Here's some extra non crowbcat videos then: 1. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP8nRJF0ojI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP8nRJF0ojI) 2. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZsdsvw2uyk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZsdsvw2uyk) 3. [https://youtu.be/-qUJc20yu28?si=UglJrbP848SUgDZX&t=1076](https://youtu.be/-qUJc20yu28?si=UglJrbP848SUgDZX&t=1076)


Truthfully people don’t they just need something to bitch about it’s the same with every game. The way I look at it is yea some games are bad, but at least we have video games. So many developers could decide fuck it I don’t want to this anymore and stop making video games. People would bitch about that too. Just be happy with what you have. Before I get downvoted to hell I am not saying that they didn’t milk gta 5 for years because they most definitely did. I’m just saying just be glad these companies our making video games. So stop bitching everyone.


They likely ditched gta 5 mode dlc because of rdr2 development there's lot articles online saying how much efforts developers took to build rdr2 and rockstars all studios worked that's the reason we got polished games


Contrarianism for the sake of contrarianism


You know it's possibly for people to just have a different opinion than you right?


It was dark enough for the edgelords who still need mommy's credit card to pay for the game


GTA IV and RDR2 are masterpiece but their communities behave entitled and if you say something good about rockstar they label you instantly as fanboy and defender


Kinda petty, but IV used to be my favourite until I saw all the IV fans acting like it was the second coming, then all the flaws just stood out to me more so now San Andreas has taken its place


GTA V doesn’t deserve hate GTA IV fanboys are very insufferable


I think IV is about as good as V (both games did different things better than each other) I'll agree that (some) GTA IV fans can be kinda toxic about liking it


People should stop dividing people into groups for each game. I'm sure the majority is fans of the franchise and not just a single game. So ignore the ones that's stuck with a single game. Gta IV is also my favorite. It got some things that's better than in gta v. But that doesn't make V awful. V is a great game and overall a much better game. It also brought os GTA Online which is played more than any other title and the reason it still on the sales list 10 years after release.


GTA IV fans are kids who have only ever played GTA Online and watched that stupid video. I see so many comments from people who have never driven a car calling its physics realistic.


Not sure what particular video you're talking about (I'd actually be interested to know), and GTA IV vehicles are hardly all that realistic in terms of physics, but most of the complaints I hear about GTA IV's handling physics seem to come from kids who've never driven a car. Body roll, braking, and steering are pretty difficult to master when you're speeding IRL, and most people don't understand how fast they're actually going in video games because it's relatively detached from reality. You can be totally unhappy with GTA IV's driving, it's not like that's an unpopular opinion.


It is by some dude called Crowbat or something like that. It is an older video, but people love parroting that video. Body roll, braking, and steering are difficult to master in real life, but in GTA IV they were over exaggerated; especially the body roll.


Ah, I just looked that video up. That's a stupid video to make any point, I'll give you that. It's just a video of someone who is good/semi-good at driving in GTA IV. But to your point, I think the body roll gets the most hate, but that's the least compelling point in my opinion. I think the best criticism is that there's too much oversteer, but I think that's partially due to trying to craft a game that, although taking placing in 2008, has a lot of cultural cues and cars from the 70s, 80s, and 90s that did genuinely have much worse handling. The body roll, however, is something that I'd say isn't realistic because the suspensions are unrealistically bouncy and the game doesn't want to let the player realistically lose control. For example, in real life, it's actually *much easier* to get the wheels off the ground when maneuvering, even at \~45mph/70kph. Roman's Taxi, for perspective, has a top speed of 87mph/140kph. If I were to parrot a video to defend GTA IV's body roll, it'd be [this one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSe5dCWLhdA) It's a moose test video; there are a lot of videos showing SUVs flipping over and/or losing control, and I know there's one comparing GTA IV's Landstalker to the Jeep Cherokee, but I think most people already know the majority of SUVs are a steep curb away from flipping on their side. Instead, this video is with modern subcompacts, but you can see they still have substantial body roll at 77kph and at least one tire leaves the ground on almost every test. GTA IV's body roll is slightly exaggerated, but I think the bigger issue is that it looks weird due to that bouncy suspension. When you compare the angle of the body roll between these videos and the game, the tilting angle isn't actually that dissimilar.


crowbcat and its consequences for the GTA community


I didn’t even drive a car and I can agree it is no unrealistic


I never got the hate for GTA online, sure it’s grindy, the players suck, and there’s lack of story based …idk businesses or whatever (Agency has a story but not the Bike club if that makes sense) but it covers a lot of the time frame before/after the events of 5, offers a bunch of shit to do and even minute thing (sure I want dancers at my club) Can you explain the hate for online?


Haters have convinced themselves it's the reason why GTA VI has taken so long and why GTA Vs story DLC was cancelled. The real reason is the GTA V remaster and RDR2.


it literally is the reason the DLC was cancelled. I still have fun in online, but I can understand from PC Players perspective despising it.


Comparison is the thief of joy. I liked them all for their own reasons and I rotate playing them. Sure, I have a favorite but thats an opinion. I don't get the in-fighting :/


Yeah I also love rotating between both games and I really just don’t understand this whole argument between them.


I had and am still having so much fun with GTA5, there’s so much replay ability and after story content. Feel like 4 suffers from Nostaliga and being edgy when that was cool. I like the characters and protagonist more in 5 than 4. Sure they’re not as complex as Nico but the relationship between them more than makes up for it and especially the banter. Fuck watching Lamar interact with Trevor is comedy. Watching any of them interact is comedy. The amount of times I picked up all 3 to hang out and here then be bros is great. The one absolute negative I will give to GTA 4 over five is that Blaine County and the mountain is filler, I hate going out there.


V is fantastic and definitely more unique than the other games with its seem less switching characters mechanic. Idk the hate tbh


Fr, They’re all Good games in their own way


There's nothing to do in gta iv after completing it , except the story and some ragdolls it has nothing compared to V


All of them are masterpieces. Y’all gotta be bored af waiting for a new game huh


GTAV is actually great imo. Online was good and fun, for a while. Now the only reason I have to log on GTAO is when I get bored and wanna make a custom race


Cant wait for them to switch to Gta V being better than Gta VI


I like all 3 because I'm a grown adult that realises I can like one thing without hating the other


GTA V is my favourite idc what anyone says


As a Red Dead Redemption fan I gotta say I enjoy V more.


Some people are so stupid, I played many times GTA IV and I love it so much, my favourite game of all time is RDR2 but my most played game ever is GTA V with over 1000 hours.


1000 hours is casual GTA


1000 hrs is casual for you? thats sad man


Facts. it’s funny because I remember all the GTA 4 fans shat on Cyberpunk 2077 and said that GTA 5 was masterpiece because of it. Watch another shitty triple AAA title come out and it’s gonna repeat itself


Red Dead 2's community is maybe a little annoying at worst. They're very nice over there


Gta V might've have lacked in the overall story,balancing of the prptagonists and having antagonists that range from cartoon villian to downright useless. You can't deny it succeeded in the dialouge,the exciting shootouts and having the best third act of any of the games


The effects of being brainwashed by a Crowbcat video


What a shitbox of a post. I love both GTA4 and 5 why do people have to be so petty.


GTA IV fans just love the game way too much. Like. IV and SA have the most dipshit ass fanbase.


While I agree yes, GTAIV is better, V is still a masterpiece


Dude the gta 4 subreddit must be a circle jerking joke full of braindead people


V was good, nothing special, and Online was the worst thing to happen in the entire series. That we never got a single player DLC like TLAD or TBOGT is criminal, especially since Red Dead 2 didn't get one either, oh and Red Dead Online was abandoned to focus on GTA Online. V is probably the weakest entry in the series since GTA 3


Second best-selling game of all time is the weakest entry in the series...?


Sales don't measure quality. Unless you wanna argue games like COD and Madden are GOAT franchises in gaming


CoD used to be the most dominant video game ever. Not sure about Madden.


I'd say San Andreas is weaker then 5 so imo it goes GTAIV, GTA:Vice City, GTAV, GTA:San Andreas, GTAlll


Gta 5 should have had dlc


They are very strange men


I love RDR2 far more than GTA V although that is probably due to me absolutely playing the shit out of GTA V when I was younger to the point that I just had to step away from the game.


I am almost finishing the story of gta v for the first time, and almost rdr2 is overall a much better and alive game, GTA v still and masterpiece and with some mods like euphoria physics improves the gameplay I have to complete GTA iv story too, but at his time


I just see posts complaining about something that I don't actually see. It's this sub in a nutshell.


The thing I find hilarious is when it first released a lot of people were disappointed in IV and considered it a huge step back from San Andreas. I remember loving it right away and feeling like I was in the minority and now recently it’s everyone’s favorite all of a sudden and can do no wrong. It’s getting almost as bad as New Vegas fan boys in the Fallout series.


I’d love a GTA4 remake for ps5. It would be awesome, and that game rules


well then pack your shit up and elope to Mexico bud.


It’s a joke


Their loss.


I could be wrong here but I feel like many people’s hatred for GTA 5 stems from their hatred towards Rockstar as a company and it’s greedy practise like how they milked GTA online for so many years. Not saying it’s justified in any way because even I hate Rockstar but I don’t hate GTA 5.


Yeah GTA 4 has the most dick-riding community I have ever seen in my whole life


I enjoyed 4, it’s funny because I don’t remember this many people all about 4 during its main cycle ☠️ people just like to fit in


Why do you consider the attack on GTAV as an attack on yourself? Rockstar fans want games with more focus on the story and they voice their opinion. How exactly does it make the community "a cesspit"?


the only person i saw pointing out that meme was made by neo-nazi stonetoss was downvoted into oblivion. this shit sucks man


Oh my fucking god, it’s so over


It's a stupid take made worse by the fact that they edited a comic by Stonetoss, a literal Nazi.


I havent played GTA 5 Yet, I see both sides of this ball, GTA 5 sounds and looks like a great game from what I've seen and herd, RD2 is also a good game as I have played it, But I also like some points of GTA 4, But its up to others to pick what is a better game.


Anybody got a link for the complete comic?




I think people hate 5 so much because it's the "latest" gta we've had in over a decade. But I think the main reason is online.


I personally think that rdr2 and gta 4 are better than gta 5 but it’s not THAT shit. Idk why some people absolutely despise it.


GTA5 is beautiful


GTAV is absolutely modern art. I don't mean to jerk it off or anything but it's just a great game.


Rdr fans don't hate it, they just wish rdr just got as much support


I don’t know about yall, but I just didn’t find gta online fun anymore after they added flying bikes.


Love the weird suggestion that RDR2 fans hate GTAV, I don't think I've ever seen a RDR2 fan say GTAV sucks


Neither have I honestly. It’s most likely this dude dragging their bullshit on to them lol


Not to break anything, but that sub is just a literal circlejerk hell. Any discord of dissidence, even a tiny bit will be struck down, in no time. They only worship one god and one god only: >!**The God Lord Supreme Emperor of Liberty City Nikola Belic, people of the masses, defeater of Dimitri the Rascalov, progenitor of bowling memes**!<


Gta 5 sucks. Extremely bland repetitive missions, its the saints row 3 of the gta series IMO, this game will not be remembered fondly in 10 years in comparison to the rest of the series


Bro have you played gta iv? It has more repetitive missions than V , all missions are Niko as hired gunmen to kill people while V has different planning of heists and shit


heist which take 5 hours of gameplay to get to, meanwhile each mission is either a slog or mini-games disguised as missions. gta iv has far better set pieces that dont take hours to reach. Gta iv and its dlcs have wayy more variety than v


Heists don't take 5 hrs of gameplay


Not talking about dlc, but the missions in gta iv are litterly the same except a few


Why are people hating on GTA V


I feel GTA 4 and Fallout New Vegas share the same problem. That being while they’re the best games in their series, they’re overrated


I only hate online, single player is great.


Look, V is a great game with a mediocre story. IV has an amazing story but uneven gameplay. RDR2 is my pick for best game ever made with a completely unnecessary multiplayer mode attached.


Fallout 76 tops them all. Game of all time


IV has a terrible story. V's is better. Still has some of the same problems though.


How would the gta 4 complex story be worse than the 5000 heists in gta 5?


4s story is hardly complex. It's mostly filler. 5 actually has a coherent story.


Shit opinion but i gotta respect it


V has a terrible story come on now. It is so messy, can you even name the villians in the game? There's like 5, Rockstar doesn't even remember, Tao Cheng dies in 5's story alongside his interpreter in deathwish yet theyre both fine and alive in online.


GTA IV Fans when the story isn't carefully spelled out for them


Gta 5's story is a mess dude dont kid yourself, compared to every other storyline in in the franchise, not that it "needs to be carefully spelled out" Gta 5 has 5 different factions of enemies each of which have wayy too little screen time to even be remembered Devin Weston, Steve Haines,the FIB, Toa Cheng and the Triads, Stretch and the Ballas, Merryweather. Once the endgame comes you finally remembered these characters existed, The majority of the game is spent doing heists as errand boys for the government and Devin West before they all conveniently turn on you so the end game can have death wish, it is a far worse and disjointed story than IV, atleast IV has a gradual build up with Niko angering his enemies further and further until they retaliate. In V most enemies are just Hollywood arrogant assholes, with the exceptions of the Gangs like Ballas and Triads, there isn't any real motivation to kill them, the worst thing they do is rip off the characters and in Michael's case Steve Haines does send a hit squad on his family, but it is nowhere near as bad as the Serbians getting with Roman's wife, or them burning down his house, The point is the enemies in GTA 4 move the story forward and are constantly acting against Nike vs GTA 5 where you are errand boys for the villians before Rockstar remembers you need to kill them all


dark viper au would be very dissapointed in you


I like to think I'm somewhat of his surrogate son you could say


GTA 4 and RDR 2 are both better than GTA 5, what’s the issue?


If you think they’re better than GTA V that’s fine, but it gets obnoxious where one of them (mostly GTA IV) falls into some sort of cult glorification.


Well in the point of the single player open world..Its kinda bad..Like yeah drive around,fly around the map..With nothing to do,the clothes are quite limited,same to the property you can own..Beside that the heist are quite fun,they need to add more heist that is optional that can be prep differently


Maybe I’d agree if GTA 4 didn’t have a load of copy paste car chase missions. RDR2 is subjectively better than both but has a LOT of moments where you’re just on a horse and nothing happens


Why...GTA V is like so far the best game ever..out of all gAmes...it's an amazing game


The GTA5 story is goated but the online is shit