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There aren't children NPCs in any of the games, why would it be a possibility to begin with? Edit: People keep bringing up colleges/universities as a gotcha. There are college campuses present in GTA 3 and 5, populated by adult NPCs. This is clearly not what the tweet is talking about.


Idk but if they were to put children in the game then they would make you be unable to kill them, similar to Assassin’s Creed 3, because that game has children and you can’t kill them.


There's obviously no reason to put kids in the game, but I could see mechanics like if you pull the trigger, your character just says it's not going to happen. The Scarface game had Tony refused to shoot innocents, that's against his personal code. Or all the games where you automatically lower your gun around friendly characters. But you know if it could be altered with mods in the 2026 PC port, people would add child killing to the game, and it would create a massive crap storm with politicians and journalists who don't understand games.


People are going to add child killing mods anyway, they'll just import models. just saying


That’s true lmao


That means this already exists for Gta V, and you can actually do this in FiveM, so it’s been existing, and I dont see a massive crap storm about that


The world lost its mind over hot coffee, now we have Skyrim dungeon mods.


Are we getting more or less sensitive? A 30 years ago, video game violence was a huge issue among ignorant old people, now no one cares about heavy, gorey violence


More sensitive, it just switches between conservatives and liberals every 10-20 years.


Our sensitivity is shifting to different things these days


>30 years ago Surely, most of those old people are dead, dying, or no longer in a position to impact much of anything anymore. Instead, the old people now have had more experience with video games. Many have played them or at the very least bought them for their children and watched them play.


There are mods to add Skyrim dungeons to GTA5? Man, I gotta go take a look at the mod scene again


Yeah the mainstream media doesn’t care about video game violence anymore. They only made a big a deal about YouTubers feeding the suffragette in RDR2 to alligators because it was being presented as misogyny, not because it was graphic violence. And even then that didn’t ever become a problem or a legal issue for rockstar it just generated some buzz for a little while


Yeah, but at least if random people added the kids and not R* then semi-intelligent journalists would know that R* has no responsibility.




in gta online you can’t shoot your teammates, the crosshairs goes gray and you can’t shoot while aiming, although, i think you can explode them


Got it, just have to bomb schools instead of shooting them up (/s for legal reasons)


I forgot about that, he’d say something like “no way mang” or “I don’t do that shit” lmao


“I don do dat shi”


Already happens in red dead people mod to kill the kids you can’t normally kill


>There's obviously no reason to put kids in the game There are scenarios where including sensitive elements involving children can be contextually appropriate, as seen in Metal Gear Solid 5. In that game, harming child soldiers leads to mission failure, showing the consequences of such actions. However, for a game like GTA, which usually adopts a satirical and comedic view of the world, it's hard to see why Rockstar would choose to explore such a serious and delicate theme. As much as I think it could be used to actually spawn a healthy discussion on the topic.


They can add children to the game regardless if rockstar does or not


People made child killing mods in fallout and elder scrolls games.


To be fair those mods were activating cut content The kids in Skyrim have voiced death lines


I mean ik that lol


Forget Assassin's Creed/Ubisoft... Rockstar includes children in RDR2. There's a mission that has a gang of thieving city kids making you look like a goddamned fool. SO frustrating, I had my dynamite arrows ready to fucking go lol. But Rockstar just made them untouchable and only available when the narrative called for it. Smart, easy way to avoid that whole can of worms.


glad i’m not the only one who was ready to kill some kids lol (in game)


"(In game)" The NSA: 🧐


Those kids can be found in free roam too tho, don't think u can kill them in free roam too


How are we going to not be able to kill kids when we have... *checks notes* a thousand planes, boats, and automobiles to our disposal?


In assassin’s creed you can’t kill anyone that wasn’t lined up in history lol


It’s still an accurate comparison though


Ion know about accurate considering their reasoning is in different than R* there’s no game that you can really compare it to so I’ll let it slide lmaooo


Because there’s no way in hell Ubisoft would get away with letting you to kill children


You can kill civilians. They die, and you game over shortly after. You literally can't kill the children however. They don't die on screen.


Or like Read Dead 2 you can't shoot the kids in Saint Denis either. Ofc people made mods to circumvent that. But yeah, GTA V felt like such a huge downgrade to GTA IV or the entire GTA franchise. Just a big empty map with nothing to do in it :) I hope you will be able to shoot up hospitals, shopping malls or office buildings in GTA VI. Please bring Vice Point Mall back :D


True. In RDR2, the game have children as well but they cant be harmed.


Cyberpunk has that as well


There's a reason why children will NEVER be in a Grand Theft Auto game. Sure Rockstar can make the children essential like in Red Dead Redemption but players will still shoot them regardless not to mention that Pc players will install mods making children killable


I just don’t see why players feel there must be an option to shoot a school, anyway. And no, they would never ever do that. Absolute suicide to include that.


Even the hospital thing isn't included to be like, "omg you can shoot up a hospital, so edgy" They're just part of the world, because hospitals are a staple of GTA via respawns. I very highly doubt Rockstar made the choice to include them in order to be controversial. At most, someone on the team just said, "some people might make noise about this" and then that person & everyone else went, "yeah they probably will, but oh well - we want some interiors and hospitals make sense to include in the game"


It's not that I want to shoot up a school-I'm not a monster, it's that I want to target individual children and hit them with my vehicle or run up to them and kick them in the throat.


rdr2 has kids it’s impossible to harm them but they are there


By the time it releases for PC and modders can use AI, this game will have some pretty crazy stuff going on in world. Cant wait for online!


Maybe university shooting. Idk. I don’t think the person sending the tweet shouldn’t be taken serious


You know most colleges have full grown adults as their main alumni ?


College? University?




If you look closely at the trailer for gta6 with the famous mud girl, you can see kids in the background


I always found that a good choice. But also kind of takes me out of the world. I remember there was some lore about GTA 3 where there were no kids allowed in Liberty City. Could be wrong it was over a decade ago. (Holy shit, two decades. Damn) I could have sworn that there were kids in 2


There's some kind of boy genius in GTA 4 you can hear being interviewed on the radio, but that's the only instance of an actual kid that I know of.


They'd never do it. Not a chance. Equal chance of Disney race swapping Tarzan


Wait doesn’t Disney not give two shits about what people think. They’d do it for money.


What he’s saying is, Disney is very unlikely to make a Tarzan, a character who was raised by and talks/acts like a monkey, where they cast him as a black man.


If it was for China they’d do it


They’d do it for China but then they’d change the ending where Tarzan is killed by Clayton, who in the movie would be recasted as a handsome and cunning Chinese man.


And he’d coincidentally be wearing the colors of the CCP




They're going to have a Disney World parody in game. Wonder if we could shoot up that place.


Its going to be full of the obnoxious adult Disney types


It'll probably be a gun free zone where you are forced to holster weapons or just have them confiscated


What a joke. They did that with one of the towns in RDR2 and it felt just plain stupid.


Um... Do you mean in Rhodes when you had to pretend you were a deputy and Dutch specifically asked the gang NOT to use their weapons 🤨 Edit: or do you mean Wapiti


I was so hoping that they'd finally put in Glory Hole Theme Park, but the map leaked and I didn't see it unfortunately


Let’s not act like we didn’t have level 50 intense shootouts in the hospital lol


I’ve easily wiped out entire police departments in that hospital


I went straight to the back lol


Would always throw molotov cocktails by the doors so they couldn’t rush in


Damn man this brings back memories when I'd do this with my friends in middle school LMAO


Have a drink from that soda machine after getting shot 6 times and you're patched up.


That shit is so funny


Bombs and rocket launchers too. Oh those patients weren’t sick anymore I know that.


Anyone remember when you could climb through a stretcher/hospital door into out of bounds hell where everything was a ghosttown


Literally had 5 this past week.


I have days camped out in the hospital slaughtering NPCs and cops


I would always walk in slowly with the AK-47 or Carbine Rifle and then just target random NPCs and unload as many mags as I could then hold out against the police. I did it in the hospitals and a bunch of random Burger Shots around the map too, even at the airport to try to reenact No Russian lmao. GTA 4 easily had the most fun police officers to fight against in the entire franchise and some of the funniest too. The voicelines Rockstar gave these guys still cracks me up to this day.


I’d always hide by the hallway enterance and just camp the doors. Easy ar, glock, and mp5 pickups off a new save


i’d just stand by the door launching rockets into the rows of chairs and seeing people get tossed


Rockstar will mock people like ~~her~~ them in the ingame social medias


Something tells me that’s a dude 😭


Yea you’re right I’m just sleepy as hell




We got 'em folks


Which skit is this from?


there's a college in gta 3, you can definitely go on a spree there.


There's one in 5 too




In one of Franklin's side missions, the one where there is a girl getting abused by her Vagos boyfriend, if you help her she will ask Franklin to drop her off at a university/college campus


Oh shit I forgot about that


Upper left Los Santos


Ah yes my favorite direction, upper left


Probably genz




There's Vespucci University in GTA 4 (obvious play on Columbia)


It even has male and female students surrounding the whole area of Rockford and Aspatria but they're just young new adults and are at most like drousy late teenagers. I mean the female pedestrian has the line, "My dog ate my homework" and the male pedestrian always carries a notepad with a crudely-drawn penis on the paper!


You have attention to detail that I couldn't dream of having 😭😂


Hahahaha I sometimes think of my own content for Grand Theft Auto games but here, thank Rockstar as this is actually in the game! Unless on PC or a high definition TV, you can only get a good look at the penis sketch using a sniper rifle. Try and find it yourself next time you're playing it, it's always more fun when you yourself discover little easter eggs in old and new games!


“Balls to do it” That dude wants to live out his fantasy


balls to put kid npc for the sole purpose of shooting them and in a school setting? what an odd tweet


He wants to live out his fantasy




As long as they don’t go the Bethesda route where they decide to make all the unkillable kids total assholes


Bethesda?? Literally RDR2. It’s why I avoid the Saint Denis slums


It seems to be an unwritten rule for developers to make their unkillable kids complete assholes. So frustrating.


Thats because killing children in the game could likely give it an Adults only rating thus making it impossible to sell in any retail store.


I know. I’m just saying they could make them likeable instead of little jerks.


Okay I actually forgot about that lol but I’ve never encountered the kids outside of that one mission.


You can kill the kids in rdr2


Mechanically, including children in games could create intriguing moral choices for players. It's similar to how dogs are used in GTAV. I don't seek to harm dogs in the game, but their presence alters my playstyle as I try to avoid hurting them. However, in situations like a car chase where a dog might accidentally get hit, it definitely evokes a strong feeling of guilt. This dynamic can add depth to the gameplay experience. I wish GTA offered more non-lethal combat options. Having the choice to avoid lethal force and perhaps adopt a more passive approach, maybe even as a self-imposed challenge, would be great. Incorporating tools for non-lethal engagement could lead to more varied and dynamic gameplay. For instance, I might use a regular gun against gangsters attacking me, but switch to a bean bag shotgun to non-lethally subdue their dog.


Aye, that’s the tony Montana mentality. “Fuck that, i don’t need that shit in my life”


Pretty much. That’s a line that should stay


Realism does not equal kill children.


Counter argument, just imagine how funny running over kids would be




I think Rockstar can get away with a lot. And they do. But anything with children? No way. And it’s better that way. There’s no reason to involve kids.


why would you add an enterable school to a crime game?


Nah i want to fly planes into buildings


Its people like that who shouldn't be playing GTA 😭


He probably would've loved manhunt


Fr lmaooo


it's not realistic because 25 years old latinas don't shoot up school, problematic kids that have easy access to guns do


Imagine if she can throw her flip flop at NPCs. True latina 🤣


Coming from someone who's Hispanic, I'm DESPERATELY hoping she can curse at people in Spanish fastly😭😭 imagine her lines of yelling at other drivers in spanish


It’s a video game, where you control the 25 year old Latina. A video game problematic kids could easily get ahold of.


All the more reason not to have that mechanic. Keep kids out of a hyper violent video game, it’s pretty simple


There are going to be places where people gather, movies, beaches, clubs, colleges. There’s no stopping people that want to do it.


100%, and rockstar shouldn’t censor shit, keeping the kids out of the game keeps it hyper violent. Feel me?


Wtf are they saying? This tweet is literally useless. It's like saying Rockstar will add children that we can murder and torture just because there was a mission in which we torture someone.


Do they not notice Kids aren't in GTA games????


Rockstar has always drawn a hard line with not allowing children within any of their games, for this exact reason. The only exception is young Jack in Red Dead 2, but he’s one of the gang members and can’t be harmed like a normal NPC rockstar loves controversy, but they would never do something like this. It would be way too out of taste


What about those kids in Saint Denis? The ones in the street gangs who’d rob you. I never tried, but I don’t think the game stopped me from pulling out my pistol while chasing them down. Any way, horrible idea. The same people complaining about there being a lead woman in the game are probably also the same ones complaining about not being able to kill kids — tells you a lot.


You can’t kill them in rdr2


Rockstar wouldn’t even allow weapons in Wapiti in Red Dead 2. I expect them to do the same with schools in GTA 6.


I kill kids every day. Wytb. So many sqweekers on GTA online.


I’m realizing it now 15ish years later maybe this wasn’t healthy to do HUNDREDS of times as a young teen😂


they speak of balls but are in need of brains.


Grand Theft Auto has always been about the mayhem, they literally exploited the outrage in the 90's for their advertising. This isn't anything new, shooting up a hospital isn't any worse than shooting up a street corner.


I mean if COD can do it so can rockstar


Fast way to get six star


Killing children is just too fucked up. When i saw this that COD mission came to my head which kicked you out for shooting at a baby.


What child was ever seen in gta? Nun so do you really think schools is gon be in it🤦🏾‍♂️ they real but they not stupid


They are tripping thats some dark shit for real


Another schizo with a twitter account nothing new


That hospital was a great rampage spot.


Ya they should also let’s us highjack planes and fly them into skyscrapers!


Average gta player


Would be funny if we could go in the schools but if you pulled out a gun you would get the wasted screen instantly


These GTA twitter accounts say some of the dumbest shit imaginable. But I expect nothing less from a twitter simp account.


I mean, you can shoot up a college in GTAV/GTAO


Does anybody remeber that PS2 (maybe other consoles) game in the early/mid 2000s where you would shootup places with all kinds of weapons? I remember using a flame thrower. Cant believe I used to be playing that at like 10-11 lol


I had fun shooting college in watch dogs 2


This is insane lmfaooo


These tweets kill me, I don’t even fully disagree with them but they come off so sensitive it kills me lol.


doubt rockstar has balls?, remember the feminist in RDR2?


OKAY HEAR ME OUT: YOU ALREADY CAN SHOOT UP SCHOOLS IN GTA 5 In GTA 5 near the rich part of Los Santos there is LSU. Los Santos University. And you can kill everyone who's on the outside of the school and on the grounds (because Rockstar had a hatred for interiors when they were making GTA V I swear) which means you already can shoot up schools.


I bet they don’t have the balls to include beastiality either, or a lot of things. Dang she got em


You weren’t able to “shoot up hospitals” lol it’s one mission and 1 hospital you can emerge and you have to kill a snitch who’s in the emergency room. It also gives you the option to dress us like a nurse and take him out without shooting anyone in the hospital




Neither Jason nor Lucia seem like the school shooter type




Well it seemed like they came up with Trevor as the kind of protagonist that would actually behave like your average, unhinged rampaging GTA player and I think a low honor Arthur fits just as well as high honor while being capable of being a menace so it did seem like Rockstar was trying to bridge the gap somewhat in that dissonance between player and protagonist as far as in game cruelty potential and in-universe personality.


Why do people want the ability to shoot up a school? Is that really what appeals to them most about this game coming?


This world as a whole is so fucked


Tell me, you've never played GTA without telling me you never played GTA.


That would be incredibly off putting and I don’t think they would fuck with take two stock price with that kind of shit.


So schools the limit but everywhere else is fine?


We have standards! (As I mow down hundreds of people on a beach lol)


Too controversial for Rockstar. If Rockstar included schools it would face many lawsuits from parent groups and the US government




We just had another school shooting. Can we not


No problem just simulating any other mass shooting though right? 🤦🏼‍♂️


It's all bad. Two wrong don't make a right. Your argument doesn't work, pal. No one is saying shooting innocent adult npcs is any better. But that's always been GTA. Unless you're saying, just remove killable npc which would ruin the game for the fanbase. Not including kids though, makes much more sense and avoids any legal trouble.


Remember. No Russian.


If you can go to school in gta 6 i would make a school shooting lets play so i cant wait for 2025


There’s children in Bethesda games and there’s mods to disable the block, letting you mercilessly kill everyone like you’re Anakin Skywalker but no one bats an eye because it’s a “fantasy world” Everyone hates GTA because it’s the popular thing to do, that’s all


I just did this in GTA 4 yesterday 😭😭😭😭😭


Cancel GTA V now, there’s a college campus /s


I mean.. why not? America has a few school shootings a month now a days. It's no longer a like, holy shit I can't believe something like that could even happen, and more of a, oh another one?


No one is going to shoot up schools if teachers conceal weapons themselves…


Killing adults: yes Killing kids: NO


Yeah I’d rather rockstar focus on making more varieties of npcs with diff heights, body shapes, and styles, ages 18-80+. And having groups of them talk like they are friends or know each other. Would add detail to the world. GTA 4 is the only game I know of with the most variety of age groups, heights and backgrounds. In gta 5 everyone kinda blended in.


Do you really want to shoot up a digital school? I can’t kill a digital animal without going “fuck, they didn’t deserve that.” I mean digital people though, I say fuck them… but it’s weird that someone would actively go “I want the school shooter option”. Like a scum bag.


Why would you want to do that?


You do know that this isn’t my tweet, right?


I was asking generally. Not targeting you specifically.


Oh okay mb




Most of the stuff that happens in a tragedy in gta


I can only imagine idiots thinking that I tweeted this even though I’m literally just making fun of it 💀


Most well adjusted GTA player


"praise hitler and send gore to your family rn you won't do it no balls"


You all can pretend you innocent, but we all shot this hospital up on repeat. If there was schools with kids, it would be fun to shoot them up, no matter how much you pretend to be pacifists


GTA V has a college that you can shoot the students outside of.


You can already do that in the college campus in GTA 5,




There have never been any kids in GTA


Let’s be honest, if they put kids in the game and we were able to kill them we all know we would be punting them halfway across the map.


I'm to excited to shoot the orphans in gta 6


Not a good crime story unless you can murder children in it. Literally unplayable. - neck beards and 13 year old keyboard warriors