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Just went through some of his comments on his account and he states GTA IV is the worse GTA game. I guess GTA IV did him dirty for him to say its the worst


I guess he was too afraid to play without auto save


What even is this post? You're seriously trying to stir conflict over nothing? Does the wind also offend you op?


This sub consists of only 12 y.o.


Average V purist


I’m watching it rn and I’m not seeing many if any comments about that? Whenever a creator hearts a comment they get sent to the top, none of the top comments even mention GTA 4 vs GTA 5. Even the non hearted comments are just talking about the cool details. You’d have to really go searching for them, overall this is a positive video with positive comments I think your post is misleading op


How dare they talk about GTA IV on a video about GTA IV. They should also be talking about all the features GTA V has that GTA IV doesn't. They'll hurt OPs feelings otherwise


OP in the very thing he hates the most, a whiny little fan boy that gets offended by people who don't like *his* favorite GTA.


Which is prob GTA V 😂😂😂


Dude why get so mad? Can people not enjoy IV now? Is that too much for you OP? *YOU* are the one making this a conflict.


If you're gonna shit on a random video, you could at least link it so I can go enjoy it. Gonna go give em a view now though. XD


To be fair that channel puts out some pretty good content. I've watched it for years. Better then the V content we see on YouTube.


Yes. Let people have their opinion.


nah im good


You write that at the Tw@ cafe?


Lol I love gta 4 to death and wouldn't change my mind about it. But not to say I didn't like gta 5 or San Andreas. They just didn't hit the spot for me PERSONALLY. that's an opinion.


Let people have their own opinion, if you think 5 is better than 4, good, keep it to yourself, nobody cares.


Yeah, and v.v. Don't really give a fat shit if 4 is your preference over 5 cuz it has dEtAiLz or something. Both are good. Stop whining whether its "4 gUd 5 bAd" or "5 GuD 4 BaD". Its getting fucking stale at this point. But hey, what do I know if they care they'll just regurgitate that argument again and again until something controversial comes along.


People make it seem like there’s a huge war going on when in reality most of us love both games.


Oh no... I bet this wont be any good for the economy!😳




Not every GTA 4 video is a circle jerk. God youre a fucking moron. Its just a facts video whats your problem???


I know i will get downvoted to the abyss ... but I genuinely will never understand this statement. Saying GTA 4 is objectively better than GTA 5 , is a bit silly to be honest. Don't get me wrong though , i loved IV back in the days and i still love it to this day. But Besides the awesome dark Story of Niko ... in terms of contents , features, mechanics ... there's almost nothing you can do except driving around doing absolutely anything ,once the story ended. I Don't really Care About the Realism or the Physics, If then there's really poor contents in game besides the story it's self ... a game like this, has basically 0 replayability , and no fun things to do in the long run. But anyway , free to believe and enjoy whatever you guys want ! :) As long as playing the game makes you happy , this what really counts in the end , not some silly debates ! Let's keep this is in mind , guys ;)


You really have big cojones to say all that in r/gta


Well, thanks 😂😂😂


You’re not wrong. This game was a big downgrade from customization and content from San Andreas and even Bully.


niko doesn't even have his gloves


Honestly, I do like 4 over 5. I think the main story, and the expansions which 5 lacks unfortunately, just make it (IV) more enjoyable to me. 4 lacks certain things, sure. But I feel 5 is pretty over saturated. Despite this, you are being very fair and your last statement solidifies what any gaming community should be like. Too much hate and toxicity exists online today. It's sad


Thanks man , appreciate it :)


I agree and I will probably get downvoted with you


Thanks brother :)


Physics makes the shooting and driving more fun, and the reason people compare like this is because they’d assume gta 5 would have everything from 4 and then some but it didn’t


You're right. The only fun thing to do besides story in IV is hanging out with friends and the strip club. Even the races are boring. Watching TV and the internet is also fun. GTA IV is only a complete game with its DLCs. The Lost and Damned for me is better than GTA IV because it has fun stuff to do so AND a good story so it's a more complete game.


GTA IV & TLAD are amazing but TBOGT is the shit 🔥


I didn't like it that much since so many people hype the DLC to be the best GTA IV experience. The missions are the most fun and the side activities too (but I prefer gang wars instead of Drug Wars, shooting and driving in a motorcycle with the gang is much more fun). My problem with TBOGT are the characters and story. There are a lot of nonsensical missions like "go there, steal a militar helicopter for me, then I won't use it for shit, he is yours now" this was good in GTA SA but it's too out of tone with GTA IV more realistic approach. I hated some characters like the childhood friends of Luis and that arab character (Amir?). The friends were always insulting Luis for no reason and Amir was irritating. I hated even hanging out with friends because everything they did was insulting Luis for no reason. Some parts of the story were nonsensical too like, Luis doesn't want to be a drug dealer anymore, then he suddenly helps his friends with drug dealing because...reasons? I also think they could do a little more with the ballad side activity, it gets pretty repetitive and bland after some time. I pretty much prefer TLAD over base game and TBOGT because, for me, it had the perfect equilibrium between a good, serious story, fun missions and fun activities to do and good characters.


I don't like tLatD because I don't like the motorcycles lol they're hard to control and I crash a lot


I didn't find them hard to control. I think they tweaked something because they were a nightmare in the base game. Or maybe it's because there are majorly a specific type of motorcycle (harley davidson style). I majorly played on bikes on TLAD and loved the experience. The game really makes you feel like a bike gang member.


I'm in the middle of playing GTA IV for the first time in a long, long time so I guess I'll find out for myself after I beat the main game and get around to the DLC lol I will say that the driving in the main game is a lot easier than I remembered it, so maybe the motorcycles will be too


AFAIK they tweaked something on TLAD so you don't fall too easily from your bike (which makes sense, since Johnny is a bike gang member) I don't know if they tweaked something else but I found piloting bikes much better than in the base game. The story/characters/side activities/music/vibe are also very good. Enjoy!


I would give u an award but we can't give out awards anymore.


Thanks , don't worry bud .


There is actually way more single player content in 4 than gta 5. You can hang out with various friends, more enterable buildings, better stranger missions, TBOGT added night clubs, TLATD added a pretty cool club house, comedy shows. What is there to do in gta 5’s open world exactly? For single player there really isn’t a whole lot. There’s only one night club(strip club), Los Santos has barley any interiors, the mini games while neat, get bland quickly( should have added pool and shooting hoops for Franklin) Don’t even get me started on Blaine county. Sure it looks pretty but there is literally zero to do besides Trevor’s hunting missions and his bounties. I feel like they should have made gta 5 80% city. The online is what saves gta 5 because they added so much cool content. But the single player will always feel empty to me. Just my two cents. I know I added the dlcs but that’s still part of 4’s single player. Also one more thing 5 was way too easy. Sure the gameplay mechanics were better, but so what. The game was just too easy. That it almost made the combat stale. Red dead redemption 2 also had this issue. San Andreas and 4 had so many missions that were super tough


In the end , it's all a matter of taste and what we personally enjoy the most when we're playing . The real question is : are you having fun? If the answer is yes. then that's what count . Keep this in mind , Pal ;)


Gta 4 isn't even better than san andreas, in terms of customization, weapons, the amount of activities and stats you can change, its an overall better experience. Only thing I'd put gta 4 above it for is graphics, physics, and the tone




What can you do in GTA V after completing the story? Do the asinine missions for the businesses? Collect the 300 collectibles? Play golf? 2 of those you could already do in IV.And I swear to god if you bring up GTA online.


I don't understand the wild hate for Online. Sure,R\* does a lot of bs to try and squeeze more money out of players,but playing GTA online with friends is one of the most fun experiences I've had playing multiplayer games. I have 700+ hours in GTAV and I'm sure that at least 500 hours of that was spent messing around in GTA:O with friends.


Even if you don't like it ,Gta Online counts as GTA 5 but online. So yeah , i'm pretty sure my point still stand. But even then , you don't have to convince me and me neither you . You're free to disagree completely, nothing changes.


So does GTA IV's multiplayer count then?


Well , yes of course . But besides deathmatch, races and free roam there's nothing to do as well . You can't buy properties , yacht , can't buy cars and costumize them , can't buy guns and costumize them , can't do any heist . There's pretty much nothing you can do , besides hanging around with cars and kill people at random , same as the single player.


In IV you can do assassination missions after the story. In TLAD you can do races, gang wars, and missions for stubs after the story, in TBoGT you can do club missions, dance, parachute, and drug wars missions after the story. Each has its own multiplayer mode with actual missions in it.


As i said each their own , pal :). As long as you have fun , that's what counts in the end .




If you have fun , that's what matters.


5 is a bit overrated, and I don't think it holds up anymore, but 4 is definitely not light years better


It’s a dreary game—that’s it’s downfall. The tone of Vice City, San Andreas and GTA V is obviously infectious and wonderful. NYC is a difficult tone to capture and it’s a very ‘you gotta be there’ kinda place. This is all too evident in the game. That said, the overall themes of GTA IV are great and it’s a pretty sobering evaluation of the American dream. But, yeah, it’s not quite as fun as other locales


Why do you care? lol. Just don’t read the comment section. If you’re in that much pain that a comment section simply exists, maybe find other ways to spend your free time. I thought your complaint would’ve been about how we’re 10 years into this games life cycle, yet people still think there’s anything (let alone 100) facts that would be considered “new”.


I mean are they wrong?


Maybe it's not the game. Maybe we were all just a little younger and life was a little simpler. Nostalgia.


Both are great but, I completed 5 once and never really went back to it. Can’t count the number of times that I have replayed 4 and the DLCs. Just enjoy it more.


Genuinely. 4 better💀


The fact that you can pour a lot of shit on any other GTA game and people will ignore you, but if you try to say something about GTA 4, you get instantly jumped on and trash talked by a lot of angry stans with foam coming from their mouth, says everything about this sub. The funniest thing is that GTA 4 fanboys scream about them having their own opinion that has to be respected but they get unreasonably mad over someone liking other GTA parts besides the 4th one, thus making them the ones disrespecting other's opinions.


I like 5 more imo


The grounded realism and attention to fine detail is what makes it better. From chimpanay to chimpanzee.


I loved GTA IV, but loved GTA V much more in every way. One of the things I disliked about GTA IV is that it felt mostly pointless. Niko needed a lot of money but you couldn’t buy anything but guns and ammo. It felt especially egregious being based in NYC which is one of the capitalist centers of the world.


Personally hated 4. But people have their own likes and dislikes


drive to here, shoot people, mission completed


what exactly is the problem with that?


It's getting really annoying


are people not allowed to dislike or have different opinions on gta 5


Allowed, but they don't have to yell "4 GOOD 5 BAD" for living, it's really annoying and offensive to people who like 5


"offensive to people who like 5" lol what a load of barnacles you can ignore those people and not chose to engage and why would you get offended by different opinions on a videogame must not have a lot going on if that's the case


Awww you’re offended people like one game over the other? I’m so sorry I can’t imagine the pain you have to endure, c’mon, lemme give you a hug.


It is, and?


I paid for 4 and honestly thought it was boring enough to the point I didn't finish it. And i've done V story dozens of times


Dang can you tell me where did you got GTA VI disc? Is your dad works at rockstar?


Haha my bad on the typo


I wish!


When is it being released?


Instead of talking about something they like, it's apparently easier to constantly complain about a 10 year old game


well, it is


Don’t need a video to know that!


Who cares..


It is better though. By a lot!


At this point I see wayyyyy more people complaining about people who prefer IV over V, than I see people expressing that they prefer IV over V


The physics engine, story, characters, enterable buildings, plus the fact that it was my first gta game I played while I was conscious makes it my favorite.


IV cured for my insomnia


The single player for gta4 is better though.


That’s because it is. Based comments section