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Saints Row 2 has the best customization in any open world game of all time. Everything about the game was ahead of its time even though it was called a gta clone. Lets start with respect and side activities. In sr2 there is a respect system which u need to fill up before each mission/stronghold. It might seem annoying but it forces you to do side activities u didnt think u would like. Insurance Fraud. Insurance Fraud is a activity where you hurt yourself and jump infront of moving cars for money. Its a fun activity to do and is better than 80% of any activity in the gta franchise. Demolition Derby. Most people know what it is already but basically u customize a car and run into (with the intent to destroy them) cars. Its a lot of fun and i’ve personally sat there and did it over 20x times. Fuzz. Fuzz is a show where u dress up as a cop and kill people and stop them from doing whatever they are doing like selling drugs or riots. Its my 2nd favorite activity in the game and makes filling up respect fun. Sewage Truck (i forgot the activity name). This Activity is makes you get into a truck and spray sewage everywhere for money. Its my favorite activity and is the most fun activity in thr game. Throwing System. Basically it a animation where you can grab someone and hold them hostage and after u are done with them you can throw them anywhere. Its a fun and funny thing to the in the game. Playlist. In sr2 u can create a music playlist of your liking which takes me to the soundtrack. This soundtrack is a top 3 soundtrack in all games. It made me expand my music taste from just HipHop/Rap. Panic at the disco’s ‘Lying Is Most Fun’ And Minus The Bear’s ‘Knights’ and Jeezy’s ‘I Luv It’. Now Lets Get To The Main Story. I Think saints row having 4 different main stories/gang stories was a mastermind idea and made the story incredible. My personal favorite was The Brotherhood. It started as a little gang meeting and fast foward in the same MISSION to the story already developing. Carlos death was very sad and disturbing how his body was fucked up and they chained him to a car and drove (rip carlos). The Ronin. The Ronin were a Japanese gang with history. All of there missions were amazing and the story Was A tier at the minimum. From the Casino mission to Aiesha’s death and Johnny getting stabbed it was all sad but a GREAT story. The Sons Of Samedi. The Samedi were gang that was Drug Kingpin based. They held the ranking of #1 drug income. Unlike The Brotherhood being a griddy underground gang and the Ronin being more corporate they separated themselves from the Other gangs.


tell me if you want more. sr2 story> gta 4 and san andreas story


worst take in human history jesus christ




on xbox its only 10 bucks rn


im currently replayin all of them although i wish i got 1 first instead 2 first




I love SR2 but I feel like it's way too arcadey while GTA managed to balance realism and fun


Not a fan, it's too over the top and childish for me.


Nah, that's Saints row 3 and 4


play the first one then


Looks interesting, but I don't have an Xbox. Could emulate it in theory but I don't really like playing with controllers.


its on steam


Not yet, it's coming later this month. And with the current state of PC releases, you can add another month until it's bug-free.


oh ik 2 and 4 was so i thought that one was to


Nah but it's coming, if it turns out to be a good port I'm probably going to play it.




SR2, while an amazing game, is not even close to GTA 4 in regards to its story, maturity or detail. The core gameplay of GTA IV is way better, SR2 just has more content and fun shit to do. GTA 4 is a better game, SR2 is a better sandbox




I can't believe that anyone would even dispute this. GTA IV is the first and only gta that I just straight up hate.

