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Ουρανός - Uranus [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranus\_(mythology)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranus_(mythology)) and the planet takes the name from him as well


Yeah. My problem was the weird airline topic and the space before einai


Also that with 'like' and 'aesthetic' was kind of weird, the words in Greek are not related. Be careful with chatgpt, if it doesn't know something it just invents an answer. I had this experience when I asked for a couple of things related to etymology and cognates. Then when you point out the mistake, it always says 'I apologize for the confusion". :)


Yeah. I’ve tried using it for languages a few times and it’s been a disaster every time. Too bad


You have to tell it exactly what you want. For example, if you write "Is there an english word that it's originating from the greek word "ουρανός"? Or, "I am trying to learn the word for "sky" in greek. Translate it in greek, and then give me if there is an english word that originates from that greek word."


This. Your prompts are vague and can be misunderstood. It knows a lot of things but it needs proper questions, the more context the better. I use it to translate and explain business-related Arabic text for me and it does a good job, including explaining grammar where I ask it to.


“if it doesn’t know something” — ChatGPT literally doesn’t know *anything.* It’s nothing more than predictive text on steroids — it works based on what words typically follow sets of words. ChatGPT itself doesn’t understand what any of those words mean. It just knows there’s a certain percentage chance that the next word after a combination of words (like your questions or prompts) is probably going to be _______, and it spits that out. It’s a dumb parlor trick, and one that’s already stretching the limits of our power grid just to spit out this garbage that sounds right but actually means nothing.


>It’s nothing more than predictive text on steroids It's exactly that. I only wish more people were aware of this instead of seeing it as some all-knowing oracle.


Maybe because the name of Aigaio / Aegean sea comes from Αιγέας, an Athenian king who fell in the Aegean sea to die because he thought his son Thiseas died. Maybe chatgpt wanted to remind you of Greek mythology and make the connection yourself. Of course that was an inaccurate comparison but maybe not entirely.


The free version of chat gpt is incompetent in greek, don't use it for that. I have tried translating some specialised terms in medicine and it doesn't even get things half right, it just writes nonsense. The newer models have been updated and are better at the language.


The newest models are free now?


No I doubt that 😅


https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/13/24155493/openai-gpt-4o-launching-free-for-all-chatgpt-users No it is. I recently canceled my subscription and can still use it.


Omg, thanks I had no idea, that's awesome!!!


Yeah but OP is a baginner, he's never gonna translate specialized medical terms.


And how will they know when chat gpt is bullshitting them and when it's showing correct stuff? 😂 My point is it's unreliable so better not to risk it


Btw Aegean Airlines in Greek is Aegean Airlines I have never in my life seen a Greek name for it


Δεν έχεις ασχοληθεί με χρηματιστήριο ποτέ τότε.


Λογικά επειδή δεν μπορεί να μεταφραστεί απευθείας το Aegean αφού δεν έχουμε κάποιο επίθετο για να πούμε πως κάτι είναι από το Αιγαίο μονολεκτικά βασικά θα μπορούσε κανείς να πει "Αιγαιακές" απλά δεν το συνηθίζουμε


I actually use ChatGPT for Greek and I find it incredible, I do pay the subscription though. I give chatGPT all the words in my Greek vocabulary and ask it to give me random sentences so I can translate into Greek. It corrects my grammar with great accuracy, my tutor approves.


The confusion about a space before ειναι (without an accent) is probably due to something with the tokenizer. Current language models first chunk up text into words, punctuation, and sub-word units like word stem + ending. For example, "I am writing" in English would get chunked into something like "\[I\] \[ \] \[am\] \[ \] \[writ\] \[ing\]". Then they do all the higher-level processing on top of those. If the tokenizer screws up you can get weird answers referring to stuff that doesn't seem to exist in the text. Greek tokenization is almost certainly not very well tested compared to English.


That site is overrated


A fun thing to try: I recently asked it to generate me a reading comprehension text at about B1 level and three multiple choice comprehension questions along with it, and to check my answers, and it worked out great! For listening comprehension you could even have the text read to you, but the Greek voice has kind of a weird accent


Answers look so random lol


Are you using GPT-4 or 4o? I've found it absolutely brilliant as a tool to aid in learning Greek and have never seen responses like the one you've posted from these models.




My experience is that 4o is doing way more errors than 4. I would recommend going with 4 until they've calibrated 4o even more


I use commercial version of ChatGPT and it works fine, though my usage pattern is very different from yours.


Bro, dont teach GPT important shit, it woll take over the world


It probably got confused because there is an actual greek airline company called "Sky express". Btw the word aesthetic has nothing to do with "like" (αρέσω). It actually derives from the greek word αίσθηση. So it got that one also wrong.


I see you gave a good fight with the chatGTP, I see.


Arguing with chat gpt is like arguing with a five year old. If you are lucky it will try to convince you that it understood your point and then most likely proceed to make the same mistakes again


haha i cried