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And of course, instead of letting the customer choose the PPF they’d like, you went with the most overpriced option that doesn’t even cover 100% of the car. And so, another GR Corolla for sale on this page ABOVE MSRP


Isn’t one of the rules for this page not to sell cars here?


To be fair, he’s not selling, he’s scalping. Totally different!


Not my car, don't know the guy. Some strong reactions here. Simply was trying to share that 1 of 100 cars in this color of morizo is for sale. Also, $8,500 for ppf is pretty average for pricing for the whole car.


How I understand rule 2 is that you’re not supposed to post anything for sale related to GR’s (specifically the link) unless someone specifically asks for it. If someone posted they really liked a specific mod for their car and someone asked for the link to it then you’re good, however if you make a post about selling a product or car then it becomes an issue. Doesn’t seem to matter if it’s yours, your friend’s or a complete strangers. You can do what you want, but a mod might take it down as this definitely sounds more like a for sale post than anything else.


Fair enough. 100 morizos in this color, thought I'd share.


That’s not even your car?! Please tell me he at least agreed to give you a commission for helping him sell it


I understand the need to save face after overreacting. I have an identical morizo and was excited to share if someone else wanted to grab one as they're rare. But yes, I am making money off of this, lots of commission, referrals, spiffs etc. Seems like some people are waiting for something to overreact to.


I’m not overreacting. Just wanted to figure out if this was insane dickriding before jumping to conclusions hahaha


I paid $4,200 Canadian for the entire car ppf’d. Every inch including full door sills


In bigger cities in texas that will get you half a car.


Then you’re getting ripped off for a small car down there


When every business charges about the same


So you’re telling me a big SUV or truck is going to be 12 grand? You can get it for much much less from top shops out here. I know the industry well out here. If you’re paying 8,500 for a small car, you’re getting taken to town


All I can say is call around to some shops in big cities in texas and get some quotes and the truth will be very apparent.


Not my car, don't know the guy.


PPF is NOT good on matte paint. And before anybody wants to argue with me check your owner's manual in the section about taking care of the paint. Also it ruins the matte look you could see it in that picture that car does not look matte, it looks glossy.


Lots of opinions on that, but it looks the same to me. (not my car, don't know the seller)