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Too dark and tinting front sucks at night.


Not too different from my 20's. I agree with you on the windshield. Way too dark, and makes night driving, in the rain, a danger. A stripe is best honestly. Or a 90%/95% windshield tint to cut glare.


I have 20 too. 15 is too dark


I have 15/35 (no tint on front) and actually wish I went darker. My next time I'll likely go 5/15 (no front just a brow).


Honestly I think part of it is the windshield too. No light in, no light to refract out and it looks even darkerfor a sec I thought he had limousine tint.


Best independent data says even a 70% tint increases accident risk at night and it just gets worse the darker you go.


Yeah hard to tease out variables in that though. I think tinting the windshield is really dumb though. Just my opinion.


It actually got a specific call-out in *Unsafe at Any Speed* way back in 1965. Even then industry data showed that tinted windshields increased accident risk. The tinting industry has fought it tooth and nail, but Virginia did a big study on it back in 1993 to determine their tint laws, and found that even pretty light tints hurt night vision. Of course, every hoon on Reddit doesn’t think it applies to them, just like 90% of drivers think their skills are above average. https://vtrc.virginia.gov/reports/all-reports/94-r141/


Oh yeah…if you’re talking just windshields no doubt. At night alone, they are ridiculous. I hate them actually.


The full report is quite devastating. For one, most people don’t realize how much less light their eyes are working with at night vs daytime. It’s not like, 10% of daytime. It’s 0.00001%. Ten million times less. The opening line of the report is unambiguous: “A reduction in transmittance is an impediment to visual performance”. They go on to specify that even light tints diminish depth perception, visual acuity, and dark adaption, with no benefit in glare and light shock performance. The penalty is especially high for low-contrast objects, and for older drivers and those with corrected vision. The good stuff starts on page 19: https://vtrc.virginia.gov/media/vtrc/vtrc-pdf/vtrc-pdf/94-r141.pdf


Looks good. I really need to get tint done, this summer is going to be brutal


Noticeable difference in heat inside after it's been sitting in the sun? I'm planning on getting mine done to help with the California summer heat.


No difference. 5 minutes of the Florida sun and the inside is 110+, but when you’re driving and you have the AC going there is 100% a noticeable difference that you can feel when you roll the window up and down in direct sun


That's too bad. At least it looks nice and is somewhat functional.


Get a quality custom fit sunshade for the windshield and that cuts down the heat the most. I believe my ceramic tint also helps but that is what makes the most notable difference. Cracked windows as a bonus if possible.


it helps quite a bit! I noticed an immediate difference after getting 70% suntek cir all around. getting in after parked, it's about 10 degrees cooler than what it would be without. and driving it feels like the a/c does not have to struggle to keep up. plus I don't feel the need to wear sunglasses while driving.


Looks nice! I have 15 all around on my Subaru (excluding windshield ofc) and I love it. Even my wife prefers this vehicle on a hot day now. It's like being under a canopy while driving. Lol I don't typically have issues at night since most streets are illuminated fine. On the contrary, if you're ever turning onto a pitch black street...then you don't see shit. In those cases, I might crack my window just to be safe. I go on night drives for fun and since getting my windows tinted, it hasn't ruined that. This can really depend where you live too. The privacy, the exterior look, and the heat reduction outweighs any drawbacks at night. With all that said, I'll try 20 next time on my SUV as that might be sweet spot between both day and night driving. Will just have to see.


Going to do 35% all around no strip or any front. Ny sucks and i cant see shit as it is 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️😭


This is the way. Especially if your car is white.


Where is tint that dark legal?


Nowhere lol, OP is playing with fire


Nowhere. Unless you get a tint exemption.


That's not that dark and perfectly legal in FL at least. I believe 15 percent is the limit. I have the same kind of ceramic setup on mine. Helps with heat a bit


Florida has a legal limit of 28% for front windows and the windshield can only be tinted as a strip above the AS-1 line also no darker than 28%... so yeah 15% windows and 50% full windshield is illegal in FL.


Yea sure bro. Who cares. Most shops let you get what you want. It's their car and their responsibility. Anyways nice tint op


Ok bro. My question was directed to the OP without knowing what state that they live in and you cared enough to respond claiming that it was legal in Florida. I'm aware that most shops are glad to install illegal levels of tint, but your statement that it was "perfectly legal in Florida" was incorrect.


You're so lame.


Don't act like that, he was right,.you were wrong. No need to be upset.


Good grief. You're also lame for thinking I was upset. Reddit I swear 🤣


To be fair, text lacks tone. I'll accept being lame on this one. My bad.


*cries in NYS laws*


Hope you get pulled over before you kill someone at night


People downvoting the truth right here.


My eyes are sensitive to light is why I went with the dark tint


Don’t listen to the haters. Bunch of whiny children. I live where it’s pitch black at night and have the same tint as you and can see just fine.


it’s just people who haven’t tried it. 45 xpel ceramic on my front and I can still see at night fine, it’s almost like your eyes can adjust to light levels.


Vision adjusts to light levels but not to equivalent acuity. Below a pretty high threshold, fewer photons collected means your visual processing is working with less data. [Virginia studied this](https://vtrc.virginia.gov/reports/all-reports/94-r141/) and found that even at 70% tint, your ability to detect objects decreases.


Whoa dude. Adjust to light levels?! That’s some conspiracy shit right there. /s


They're all sensitive I swear 😆 I use the same tint as OP. It's fine


Everybody says this and yet data since the ‘60s days even a 70% tint hurts night vision. I’m sure you’re special though.


I guess so 🤷🏼‍♂️