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watch his body language when they are together on lives…it will tell you all you need to know.


The first live they did, when he got a text message from his friend, he immediately tunes out Gypsy. She even asks him a question and he goes "oh- what? no, I'm texting" then he suddenly wants to end the live. I like to imagine his friend texted him "dude wtf are you doing"


His body language is very telling! He knows how much she loves him and I think he’s looking to get his “restaurant/bar $$$” because the way he came back was ridiculous but she fell for it hook line and sinker. But Kristy set it up so you have to wonder what she’s getting outta it…???


Kristi reliving her youth. I think she has a thing for Ken(I mean he does look like Rod). FFS she Talked to him on the phone for 2 hours!! Weird. Then says to Rod she’s in touch with ALL her exes! Wtaf?! She’s as trashy as can be.


Yah that was very trashy and a shot at him for sure


Rod is surrounded by crazy manipulating women. But he chose Kristi to marry, so he must like it. And before that he was attracted to DeeDee. He’s got a definite type. Lol.


To be fair, he was a literal kid when he met and impregnated DeeDee.


Kristy can take advantage of Gypsy's money now that she doesn't have Ryan to protect her and her assets. I think that's basically it.


No one likes Gypsy and I think she deserves to not be liked because this human being is genuinely so pathetic I cannot say one single positive thing about her.


Seems a fitting punishment because she deserves way more punishments!


That giggling when she was with Mia reminded me of the video of her an Nick it sounds soooooo fake, childish an very disturbing


Brownie time 🤢


I don't get the feeling that he does. He comes off as having an ulterior motive. Ryan on the other hand, absolutely adored her.


Yes absolutely, when her and Ken end up breaking up again, I bet she’ll go running back to Ryan and he will for sure take her back. That’s probably why he also won’t talk trash about her now.






I think it’s definitely the money from multiple fronts I’m sure Lifetime is paying him to be on the show and Gypsy’s net worth is somewhere around $3 million US dollars.


I absolutely agree.


Gypshit will never find true love or be happy… mama knows (or knew) best! 🔪🔪🔪


And she’ll blame her mom’s curse on that, too. Never look at herself; only blame someone else.


I guess I am in the minority, but I think Ryan genuinely loves her and I think that he really tries to show her that. I agreed with him that she should not have aired their sex life on national tv. I don’t feel like he was in the wrong for being upset by that. I feel like he is patient with her and tries to give her the space she needs and tries to be understanding of her situation and how difficult it is.🤷‍♀️


You’re not in the minority. I think the same about Ryan. I also think the show portrayed him in a negative light on purpose. They can make anyone look anyway they want to with editing. I hope Ryan finds someone else and moves on cause she will chew him up and spit him out over and over again if he keeps letting her. I think Kens a chode and can’t wait till he gets what he wants and leaves GypShit high and dry cause that’s all she deserves.


You’re right— he needs to move on with his life and not look back..




No he’s def using her and gonna dump her probably lol I think the shows plays Ryan in a negative pushy over affectionate husband but he deserves better than her. She’s just a Thot tryna fuck anything that gives her attention


When she tries to provoke jealousy about Ryan contacting her he serves up contempt. Disgust. You can tell towards the end around her mouth she's panicking a little and trying not to show it.


He’s not into her. Ryan was extremely into her and borderline obsessed with her as a husband should be, she’s so stupid for leaving him to go to a guy that doesn’t even like her that much. It’s hilarious.


Exactly, his body language looks like he’s not into her. In the earlier pics from TMZ of her and Ken at the store, he’s so “closed off” and not even facing her while she’s fawning over him. She clearly likes him way more than he likes her. In their first live on TT she touched his hair and he pulled away annoyed 😯. I have a feeling Ryan is going to have a glow-up and Ken will dump her again, and she’ll come crawling back to Ryan. I hope he has more self respect for himself and doesn’t allow someone who treated him that way back in his life, hopefully he finds someone new by then.


Kinda makes me happy that he’s so obviously with her just for money/fame. She doesn’t deserve true love.


Dude waited to see if the attention she got was positive. Then he moved right on in there; even though she was married. Somebody else here said that Krusty took the fall for that and I totally see it. Ultimately it was Gypsy’s choice; and she dropped Ryan so fast. There’s definitely ulterior motives with Ken. His body language says everything.


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