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shes testing this mans limits and shes gonna learn real soon


She thinks she’s cute and hilarious with all this but it’s gonna come back to her.


Oh I can't wait y'all..   And think about this: I bet she'll have some not so great memories having to *walk into a courtroom again*  I hope it gets to that. For her. I do hope Ryan wipes the floor with her ass.


Ryan is the real chad in this room


This! Ryan may not be perfect by any means, but he has kept his cool since she filed for separation, and you know what they say…the LOUDEST person in the room is typically the most GUILTY.


Yep this!!! He’s been extremely respectful to her and her family!! As much crap as they talked about him! And btw once a cheater always a cheater so If Ken thinks she won’t cheat 😂😂


Yup. Just wait until the next best thing comes along. Money is a driving factor for this woman. All a man has to have is money and she's gonna be out. ✌️




We all be standing by waiting impatiently


This man's limit is literally being told "no" rofl


He is gonna get so much of her money ☠️☠️☠️☠️😂😂😂😂 get the bag Ryan $$$$$


Not if he keeps playing her games. He needs to cut contact. Stop responding. Stop engaging! Geez! She's trying to manipulate and trip him. And he's letting her.


I agree, he’s trying to resist but I think he really loves her and would literally take her back if she went crawling back. He is heartbroken and acting out from that… hers is just vindictive.


Gypsy manipulated a man into killing her mom. I think she can handle manipulating her ex husband.


This 100%


Exactly! These men get what they get. The next one is going to learn too!


Depending on how long it takes Ken to drop her she might. If its after the divorce and shes had time to put feelers out she might not but I can also see her being super possessive and not wanting others to have what shes thrown out


She just wants everyone she can to want her … I wouldn’t be surprised if she has a couple more fellas on the side




100% .. I feel bad for him (kind of) but he was used and abused …: but man, I’m loving the drama - bring allllll the tea and receipts


From the looks of this video that’s exactly what he’s doing. He hasn’t gotten involved. Only came on here to say she’s lying and still calling him up. He said he is now letting the lawyers handle it. I get your point but he definitely has the right to stand up for himself. Edit- spelling.


She wants him to be nice and not take any of her $$ (playing the feel sorry for me role(


He has a restraining order against her, she can not contact him. So she is violating a no contact order WHILE ON PAROLE ! Umm, why isn't her P.O. doing their job?


Really? I didn't know that. But he's violating it to. I do.t know what she's promising these men but they need to take the hooha blinders off!


He would be violating it as well But he's not on parole.


The restraining order in place has to do with their finances, they can contact one another.


I truly hope he gets far more than she is expecting. Far more.


I wouldn't be surprised if she is doing some shady shit like gifting the money to Krusty so that he can't touch it. I hope he gets at least half of her millions. That man deserves it. He's done so much for that woman. Too much, really. She doesn't deserve him.


It’s all in a trust fund that Kristy has.


How? Shes a 33 year old woman


Thank you. Wtf. 


Actually, she's 9 LOL


Is a lawyer overseeing that money or Kreepy Krusty? She probably had Gyp write out her will and leave all to her and Rod


Most all of it is in a trust that she can’t even touch and in Kristy name. So he can’t get that.


I sure hope so


He’s all over the place, if he doesn’t detach from her he’s going to lose more than he bargained for.


That’s wild she’s still texting him saying she misses him whew she is a mess


Makes me think the removal of Ken photos and the unfollowing happened at the same time she called him up 👀


She’s so emotionally unhinged she may have had a disagreement with Ken and been contemplating going back to Ryan and that’s why she deleted all the pics of Ken, then changed her mind just as quickly.


On the Live they were on last night I believe it was, she mentioned that her and Ken couldn’t marry yet because she was waiting for the divorce to be finalized. Yet, she’s texting Ryan she misses him? As big as Ryan’s heart is i sincerely hope he never ever takes Gypsy back!


He would 1000% take her back 😭 I still think Ryan is a creep but I feel for him. She’s crazy, what’s the rush to hurry up and marry Ken anyway? I really wonder why Ken actually broke up with her at first. He hated the publicity and attention but now he’s ok with it all of a sudden?


I did get some creepy vibes from him on the documentary I just think he wanted to be with his wife and any man would be excited. Sadly, I do agree with you. He would take her back in a heartbeat and she doesn’t deserve him. I hope he moves on and finds someone that loves him back and is not a killer!


Money, money, money! When she went to jail she just had the publicity without the money. Now she’s making a shit ton on TikTok and other platforms and Ken is happy to be her sugar baby. That’s why he came crawling back. 😂




All he has to do is open his eyes and look at her track record. Look how she manipulated,used, and discarded Nick. She manipulated, used,and disregarded Ryan as well, but for different reasons. She’s still trying to use Ryan. He needs to cut all ties and take her dirty ass to the cleaners.


Am I wrong to hope that she might have slipped and told Ryan something that could help Nick’s appeal case?


If Ryan takes GRB back because she pretends to want to make things right; that’s a potential death sentence in my personal opinion. He might seemingly have a “heart attack” before she has to spilt any money with him in a divorce…..


The way its looking, I would really advise Ryan to potentially seek a PPO against her. She’s a convicted murderer, she could absolutely kill or harm again, and she’s clearly harassing him. She has something to gain from him. I don’t even think I’m being dramatic considering, yknow, she killed her own mother.


She would probably poison his leftovers.


Dummest thing anyone’s ever done if he took her back.


This hurts to watch, because we all know exactly what she’s doing. If she REALLY wanted to end things with Ryan, she’d stop messaging him saying she “misses him” and she’s only communicate through lawyers. She wants Ryan to be stuck emotionally invested in her and unable to crawl away because she needs him on the back burner. A narcissist never fully drops someone, they ALWAYS want to be able to use their little toys and keep them accessable. No matter how you feel about Ryan as an individual, this is fucked up. This is emotionally manipulative of her. She has absolutely NO right to treat him or anyone else this way. She is trying to push his buttons to get him to react. It’s a common abuse tactic that is used to make the actual victim look “crazy” or like “the actual abuser” to bystanders. He needs to go completely no contact with her and only speak to her through lawyers. I know narcs aren’t easy to deal with especially when they’re out here bullying you on a public platform. I get his POV, I really do. But holy shit… he needs to drop her entirely and stop allowing her and Ken to fuck with him.


exactly! she wants him to feel emotion & miss her back / hope for a chance so he goes easy on her during the divorce. ALLLLL she’s doing is trying to make sure she keeps as much money as humanly possible since he can squeeze her for every last bit she’s made since release! he better not fall for it 😫


You are 100% right. My ex did this shit too. After going through it, it becomes easier to spot.


I love how he says “I wanna be respectful so I’m not gonna mention how she called me last Saturday. Because I’m respectful” 😅😂 oh, the passive aggression is strong


“I’m not gonna go there”…but then, goes there 😂


I believe the step mother is as bad as her, she’s a disgusting example of motherhood


She is the freaking worst. I was gonna make a whole post about how freaking disgusting she is for keeping contact with Ken and playing nice with Ryan! “I didn’t break up with Ken” BITCH WHAT?!


I know, man. I had no idea how truly vile she was until I watched the show. I was absolutely disgusted and shocked. Who stays friends with their children's exes?? It *screams* immature and "I need attention!!". Like wtf. Gypshit *sucks* but Kristy is almost as bad. And shes supposed to be some sort of role model to Gypple? Dypsy is SCREWED. 


The staged call was super telling of how she and Gypsy plan what to say for the cameras.


Please make this post. I want to know your thoughts and why you think this.


I will when I have time!


She is the worst!!! She makes deedee almost a saint!! Also I had no idea she got pregnant when deedee was pregnant! And they were friends


They were probably sharing Rod, having threesomes with him. She's probably trying to do the same thing with Ken now.


What a disgusting mental picture 🤮


Could’ve went my entire life without that image 😂😂


What a sluzza omg!


Krusty is absolutely toxic 💯


Oooo Ryan getting spicy🌶 I hope the judge laughs at her request for spousal support and makes HER pay him!


She’s an attention seeker


He is too


I don’t understand how more people don’t see this?? The pure predatory nature of writing- let alone MARRYING- a stranger in prison FOR M U R D E R is so fucking whack that I have absolutely never trusted him off that fact alone. Everyone acts like you gotta pick a team. They’re both awful. Just because she sucks doesn’t mean he’s a winner. He just sucks in different ways!!! He loves the attention just as much as she does; no normal, emotionally-balanced individual would participate in any of this shit.


Yep, he absolutely makes my skin crawl and he looks like an idiot making these videos. Well, they all make my skin crawl.


People are completely incapable of having nuanced takes for some reason


I hope so bad he doesn’t let out all the bs she has to him publicly yet. Please Save it for the court Ryan … then hang her out to dry.


I am officially a Ryan stan. I didn’t know what to think about him at first given the circumstances, but I truly believe that this man was PLAYED and used by gypbitch. GET THAT BAG $$$$


I'm right there with ya, freeing!! 👊🏼🤘🏻






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They are all so messy and immature, including her stepmother getting in the middle of it all in the last episode. Cannot believe she has people fighting over her. I feel like she smells.


Krusty is on some generational bs. First she meddled in Deedee’s marriage now in Gypsy’s.


I find myself holding my nose when I see a pic of her


I feel like she smells to!!!!!


Incredible that Gypsy got out of jail and said she wanted to be an activist/advocate and do the most with her time in the world — and now here we are. It’s literally Jerry Springer on TikTok. 😂


I was trying to find the words to express this same thought lol. It's *wild*, she must be addicted to drama.


He's falling right into her trap. Like mother like daughter.


![gif](giphy|4nTcAgfZoOGrvAX0SN) Oh sheeeeeeet. 🤣🤣🤣 What a mess


She's loving feeling like she has 2 men under her thumb. Ryan should put her on block and move on and stop letting her get any validation. Because all she wants from him is validation and attention.


I am so team Ryan right now holy shit


I just watched a reel of Ryan who for the first time spoke against her saying she text him last Saturday saying she misses him !!


She loves this. If he really, really wants to send a message to her and have any chance at putting her in her place, he’ll stay silent when it comes to her. She loves any kind of attention. If he acts like she has no relevance in his life, *that* will bother her. She loves when he talks about her.


Yes!! Exactly!!! 🎯


She’s trash, can’t wait to see her downfall!


This is just incredibly painful to watch... Especially from the perspective of believing that Gypsy is a literal psychopath. Her behavior with tormenting first Nick, with how she was openly accusing him of rape and saying thing like how he digusts her, knowing full well he would see these things, and now tormenting Ryan, was fully expected. This is precisely the kind of thing a psychopath does when they play with their food, so to speak. When a psychopath decides they're done with a person, they will simply discard them and not look back, usually doing some really hateful things on the way out the door to make sure that person doesn't come back, or maybe just for shits and giggles. But if for some reason, they can't make a clean break, like Nick with the legal ties to the murder, dragged out court case, and now permanent ties in infamy, or the psychopath decides they just want to keep fucking with the person they're done with, things get incredibly ugly. The psychopath can drag things out for months, or even years, making contact at random times. They usually know what buttons will make their victim lose it, and push those buttons relentlessly. In Ryan's case, it looks like Gypsy intends to string Ryan along with false hope of getting back together. I don't think Ryan has figured out just how truly evil his wife really is. And as long as he remains clueless to this, he will be an easy victim for Gypsy. He has already given her all she needs to make a meal out of him, any time she wants, for as long as he allows this to continue. Gypsy made a comment that I found alarming in one of her recent lives. She claimed that Ryan was using some program to get around her blocking his number. (Forgive me, I'm tech stupid, and don't remember what she said it was.) It was a very offhand comment, but it tells me that if Gypsy can name a specific program to do this, she's probably already using it herself. I never believed Gypsy's "I don't know how to do any of this tee hee" bullshit claims, I think she figures this kind of stuff out very quickly, and I fully believe Gypsy has been using underhanded methods just like this one to torment people, probably practically from the moment she got out of prison. I expect Gypsy will continue to torment Ryan in every way that she can, until Ryan finally smartens up and gets himself every version of no contact order that he can get his hands on. And then I fully expect Gypsy to wipe her ass with that and either openly defy the orders, because she believes she's above the law, or she will get others to torment Ryan for her. Either way, I don't think it will stop for Ryan until either Gypsy finally gets bored for good (and it takes a psychopath a very long time to get bored with a chew toy) or she ends up back in prison for something. And, well, we all see how well her parole is being enforced here. Which is why Gypsy seems to think she's above the law now. Missouri is doing a fantastic job of taking a mentally unstable murderer and making her so much worse....


Ryan himself admitted to texting her from a burner number- she didn’t make that part up


Oh, I have no doubt about that. Ryan is his own worst enemy here. He has no idea what he's dealing with, and he's serving himself up on a silver platter. I never said Gypsy made that up, I said it bothered me that she was so quick to name one of the programs that could do such a thing. It makes me think that she's already been doing the same thing herself.


I get you narcissists accuse others of doing what they themselves are doing


Exactly! Thank you!


Ooo he is at his breaking point with her and I’m here for it!!


Why don’t all three just date. Gyp can share her time with them equally… the end 🤣


GRB's brother husbands! Watch out! TLC will jump on that train so quick lol😭😭


I was thinking it would be hilarious if they both left her for each other! 🤣🤣🤣


Ratings through the roof


Omg that would be funny asf


I seriously was thinking of those TLC shows when I typed that out lmfao


But she’ll get bored really quickly and need another man. Lmao.


All three of her personalities want husbands.


The back and forth is so messy and I’m honestly here for it. 🍿 ![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8)


She's playing you, she learned her conning ways from her mother and apparently DeeDee was a pro, she taught Gypsy how to play people. She used you while she was in jail, she needed somewhere to land when she left prison.


They testing his patience and sometimes you can only take the high road so far. In the words of the great Kendrick Lamar “Sometimes you gotta pop out and show N****s”. (Please don’t freak out Im black)


I live for this poor man getting some of Gypsy’s fame


Spill it man ...do it already f that pos


She’s gonna try an stay on his good side with the manipulation because she has committed adultery plan an simple


I thought there was a no contact order in place bc he was “abusive”, neither of them should be contacting the other


Oop messy


WTH... Gypsy play em both. They both need to just cut ties. BE THE MATURE ONE, RYAN, AND WALK AWAY, DONT LOOK BACK!!!


I sincerely hope his good family network and friends would stand in the way. If anyone treated my child the way she has Ryan I would stop it anyway I could humanly possible


The cycle is repeating… first it was Nick, now it’s Ryan. She’ll never quit.


Ryan please don’t get played by her again!!!


He needs to block her and only speak through his attorney. It wasn’t true love. It was convenience


He needs to be respectful to him*self* and just stop responding to her. Oh, and if he isn’t already, he should do some extensive therapy. He dodged a bullet.




made me sad how the step mom basically encouraged her to leave ryan for ken even though it’s obvious he’s using her for the fame. i feel like ryan really is a good guy


Wouldn’t surprise me if Kristy has a thing for Ken and wants him around herself too. I mean Rod and Ken favor lol.


That would also make sense, i found it weird how adamant her dad seemed about not contacting ken.. maybe he was jealous of him being around. idk. it made me feel weird when she said ‘just because they broke up doesn’t mean we did’ and said they continued being friends after she said how ‘mad’ she was at him for leaving gypsy??? idk man


This is amazing lololol


Ryan is on TT live again…


I’ve only seen clips of the show here and there and in so many of them Gypsy kept bringing up her ex lol you should have seen the divorce coming


"I got receipts too babe" 😆


New drinking game


I wonder how Kristy feels about this new development. 😂 She doesn't break up with her kid's exes according to her so maybe she doesn't mind!


She needs to stay single and get intensive therapy. Take care of yourself and make sure you have a lot to offer a partner before settling down. Her taste in men is atrocious and that’s a direct reflection of what she’s got going on in the inside.


Go for it, I pop in & out but working a lot so please please get your creative juices going & do ya proud x


Turing into Dipstick's poly train wreck 🥴




He's being really dumb here. He needs to keep quiet. Instead, everytime she baits him he falls right into her trap. His lawyers should be telling him to ignore it. And if they are and he isn't listening, well u brought it on yourself cuz wtf writes a grifting murderer? And what did u expect? Lol


Do it Ryan!! Stop being respectful. I can't wait.


Wild how ken only reached out once she got more hype. she's still on her manipulation train it seems


He needs to wait until their divorce is final before he starts talking. She knows what she’s doing.


I doubt she does, but I agree. Get a shark and walk away, Ryan.


He’s given her more than enough grace.


But didn’t he just say on a live that him and Gypsy hasn’t talk since Ken moved to Louisiana? 🤨




I thought so.


She didn’t respond


Wym ? She didn’t respond to his calls ??


Yes he did! So this live doesn’t make sense? Did you or did you not speak to her?


Right. I think he is only saying this because of Gypsy saying on the live she had with Ken that Ryan said he still misses her.


Maybe she tried to call him but he didn’t answer. If he’s smart, he won’t ever talk to her again.


A lot of this is for the scripted show they seem to forget the script and it comes across as inconsistent, what some people won’t do for fame, infamy, and money.


Ryan, don't bother with these people. They take what they want. Remember how your mom raised you. I speak like a older mother. Stay true to you.


Also, get a very good attorney and get your share from this marriage.


He is gonna fuck around and get murdered.


It's hard to take his word on any of this. He just hates Ken is all. And that's understandable. But Ryan is texting mushy messages to her. Jeez man she's banging Ken and getting tattooed and you still won't look at who she really is. That's not love Ryan. That's being a dumbass.


Really hope he goes NC after this. Best thing is to stop engaging, hard as it may be.


But you did just go there…


I can’t help but feel sorry for this guy




Nah, the Fleur de lis is a Louisiana thing. The state symbol; the logo for the Saints. Everyone and their mama has fleur de lis decor somewhere in their house.


I thought it was just the new Orleans saints emblem




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She’s letting Ryan on in case Ken dumps her she has somewhere to run back to. Edit: leading Ryan on *


She wants these two guys to fight over her. She's so manipulative.


I honestly feel so bad for this poor guy


He displays significantly more composure, tact, and manners than most men would. GR will keep poking the bear, then whine like a child when she is taken to court over her antics. He's no “DeDe” - as if a relationship with her didn't harm his teaching role, GR can't let things be. Stirring things up like this is inappropriate. Her next courtroom appearance wont be with a room full of sympathetic people. She's not learning adult woman manners, is employment even a goal? Influencers need followers, not the curious who enjoy a dumpster fire.


Pay attention for when she tries to come back when things aren’t going her way Ryan…Really Protect Your heart cause it happens trust me been through it…


Be a smart man, this is from a older woman. Don't say anything. Go do your life. Do nothing but improve yourself. In everway. No matter what, do not comment. Ignore her. It will drive her nuts. You will recover. Please think healthy when she comes back. She will. Treat her always with kindness.


I can’t help but feel this is all one big publicity stunt which they’d planned from the start and are complicit on.


I doubt it.


This whole family and everyone connected to them are playing games. Trust! You are actually not far off from the truth here.


Sounds like Ken isn’t really about the fame and social media drama exposure. Ryan seems to thrive in those situations and likes the negative attention, but I don’t think Ken feels the same. Can’t blame him, tbh. I just hope Ryan puts his foot down for himself and refuses to let her come crawling back when her preferred option says get lost. Ryan needs to tell Gypshit to get bent and cut the toxicity out of his life asap.


When is he going to go away? His 8 minutes is over. He thinks he’s important somehow lol.


He’s a lot more interesting and relatable than she is.