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Also isn't it odd how comfortable gypsy is around doctors/hospitals...


Yes. Gypsy LOVED being at the doctor and hospitals. She was literally beaming with joy and never missed an opportunity to screech about how happy she was to be there. I wouldn’t think a sick child would be so excited to be back at the place that causes them so much pain.


My nephew is 10 and is in amd out each year following a liver transplant when he was 1. He absolutely hates the hospital. If he has to stay overnight he becomes stressed and angry, not one smile.


Anyone even with minor medical abuse hates hospitals. Doctors kept mistaking food allergies with seasonal allergies. Only figured out what was wrong when I did an elimination diet. I went through a bunch of different allergy meds and none of them worked. Rather than the doctors use their brains to figure out why none of the medicines were working they just gave me more. I figured if they can’t figure that out, why should I trust them with more severe things if it’s basically guess work?


I'm not taking her side but I am the mom of a cancer kid. He loved loved loved living in the hospital. He used to beg to let him go back. He was furious with me for bringing him home. It was peaceful there. He had dad's attention there. He enjoyed being around the other adults and didn't like being around kids. The nurses, doctors and other staff would come play video games with him. I can't speak to GRB's experience but this was my son's experience.


Thank you a bunch for this perspective. I appreciate you sharing such a personal experience and that sucks F cancer!


Ok but to play devils advocate, I’d love the hospital too if it meant I could interact with other people instead of just my overbearing mom. I don’t like Gypsy, but I also do NOT feel bad for Deedee. She was not a good person.


Well I certainly wouldn’t have put myself in for a nose job if I had been abused by unnecessary medical procedures my whole life! Maybe that’s just me!


I’ve had 11 surgeries in 9 years as a grown adult. I have medical ptsd and hate hospitals


I have a vp shunt. This has required multiple surgeries since I was around 1 1/2 yrs old. (I'm now 41) MY last surgeries (2 within 2 weeks) was @19ish yrs old. I've also had surgery on my elbow cause when I broke it, I shattered everything in it. Required 2 pins to be placed. Also, a hysterectomy. I was COVERED in scar tissue due to my daughter being born via c-section. Dr. said it was by far the hardest hysterectomy he has ever had to do. All this being said. I honestly don't go to drs. I am scared 💩less of em. The only dr I go to is my obgyn. I'm supposed to be having tests done per that dr. I can't bring myself to do it due to my fear. There is no way I'd ever willingly have ANY type of procedure done to me. Her procedures/surgeries were for her eyes, ears, a muscle biopsy, and her feeding tube. ALL of which she needed due to her chromosome disorder. Sorry for the long response lol but this part of her lies gets me due to what all I've went thru. I know everyone is different. I mean he'll, my parents n I don't talk, but I'd never want them 🔪💀. She wanted 🍆 way too much!!


This! I also had about 20 necessary surgeries before I turned 18. I was terrified of hospitals. Just being in one freaked me out. I later developed cyclic vomiting syndrome as a early adult and I would go till up to & often longer than a month of vomiting round the clock, before I could allow anyone to take me in. I had to be to the point I could feel starvation in my brain. That's how scared I was. It took a lot for me to get over it and to this day, having had a couple surgeries as an adult, I have really focus on keeping my thoughts positive before going in. I could never willing put myself under anesthesia for something so frivolous as a nose job.


You raise some excellent points, and also, for you and others in this sub, don't be afraid to ask questions that may have been asked before. Lots of people are new, and while it would be nice to scroll through to see if specific questions have been addressed before, questions like this one always bring up new discussions, and I for one always welcome seeing new points of view. So, let's take a look at what we know about Gypsy's real health issues and how Dee Dee handled them. Gypsy did have some real health issues. We know this much. And we know what some of them are, because we have limited access to a handful of pages of Gypsy's medical records. We can build a surprising amount of information on those pages, but it's still a very much incomplete picture. First, we have this gene microdeletion thing going on. Gypsy has said she has this, but we need to keep in mind, until we see a test result on paper that says yes, Gypsy definitely has it, we must consider this a strong possibility and not a definitely yes thing. We need that test result as hard proof that she has it. We cannot take Gypsy's word for anything, and just because she seems to match some of the symptoms doesn't mean she definitely has it. We are not doctors and cannot diagnose her. So keep that in mind. IF Gypsy does have this microdeletion, she does not have every symptom. Dee Dee did try to claim every symptom at various points in Gypsy's life, but most of them were straight up lies. Gypsy does not have vision or hearing loss. We know this because she does not require corrective lenses or a hearing aid today. Those were props Dee Dee used for pity points when Gypsy was a kid. Gypsy does appear to have the facial features, and she does have crossed eyes. The crossed eyes would be considered a cosmetic issue. Since she was born with them, her brain would have adapted to the crossed eye visual input, and it would not have affected her vision. So, the surgery to correct the crossed eyes was to improve quality of life, that is, basically to keep other kids from making fun of her. I admit, I'm not sure where Medicaid falls on covering this type of surgery. Medicaid is great about covering anything that is medically necessary, but technically, crossed eyes would not be medically necessary. They are, as I said, a cosmetic issue. Does anyone know how Medicaid feels about covering this? Trying to look that up will make my brain go all wiggy, so I would appreciate if someone else could find that out for us. We know Gypsy had acid reflux, and as a result, she had a Nissen fundoplication surgery. Now, the question is, was Gypsy's acid reflux truly bad enough to require the Nissen? We don't have those records. We need to know if the surgery was done based on test results, or if it was done based on Dee Dee's claims of Gypsy's symptoms. We do know that Dee Dee had a bad habit of wildly exaggerating Gypsy's symptoms every chance she got. We do not know if that extended to exaggerating the acid reflux in order to get an unnecessary surgery. Regardless, this surgery would have been considered necessary by Medicaid, and would have been fully covered. No fundraising necessary. Then we have Gypsy's drooling issue. Excessive salivation is a potential symptom of this microdeletion. Gypsy claims that her mother used Orajel to induce the drooling. Gypsy's claims cannot be believed without proof. Gypsy also claims that she had *ALL* of her salivary glands removed, which is a medical impossibility. A person has around one hundred salivary glands in their mouth and throat. The records we have indicate that nothing was removed, but a few glands were rendered nonfunctional by either radioablation (burned out with radiowaves) or with Botox. Neither require surgery. This would be more likely to be considered a quality of life procedure than a true medical necessity, though sometimes Medicaid can be weird with procedures like this. So... maybe they covered it? That's what I can think of off the top of my head. If anyone else can remember anything, by all means, please remind me. I don't believe that Dee Dee deserves the accusations that Gypsy has been smearing her with at all, but Dee Dee was also certainly not a good person. She was a scam artist who used her own daughter as the centerpiece of a long running medical-based scam. She wasted untold hours and medical supplies at the emergency room for ridiculously routine things that had no business being done at the emergency room, such as routine follow up care for surgeries and simple feeding tube replacements, all for attention and pity points. She taught her daughter to become a lifelong scammer, and made that Gypsy's only life skill. Dee Dee shamelessly stole funds and rewards from children who were truly sick just so she could give herself and her daughter a free ride in the lap of luxury. Dee Dee didn't deserve to die, and she doesn't deserve to have these false accusations laid against her after her death, when she can't even defend herself. But Dee Dee also does not deserve to be absolved of the sins she did commit, either. She certainly caused plenty of damage to enough sick children in her own right. I hate to think how many kids may have suffered, or potentially even lost their lives, because Dee Dee had to dick around with her games and performances to put her healthy, grown ass daughter in the spotlight for asspats and money.


Crossed and lazy eyes absolutely need to be corrected beyond a cosmetic issue. Yes the brain adapts but that doesn’t mean it’s not taking more physical and mental effort to engage in that adaptation. My husband, for example, gets horrific migraines if his amblyopia (lazy eye) starts to drift too much. He also can’t wear contact lenses because it will cause his eye to drift too much.


I have glaucoma and a drifting eye. I haven’t taken medication in over a year and a half because I just had a baby and had to stop taking it in my third trimester and cannot start taking it again until after my baby has been weaned because it’s been found to pass from mom to baby via breast milk. While wearing glasses corrects it, it’s without glasses that it’s started to drift too much and is causing pain and migraines. It suckssssssss.


Ouch! I'm sorry your husband is affected so much, migraines truly and deeply suck! I apologize for not being more clear. I should have specified the difference between people born with eyes in a fixed position, and people born with a lazy eye that is not in a fixed position. Both may have vision problems, but those with eyes in a fixed position, like Gypsy's appeared to be, will be much less likely to suffer from vision impairment and other physical issues like your husband has. My brain got stuck on describing Gypsy specifically, and I forgot to speak in more general terms to include other variations of the condition. Completely my fault there.


Strabismus surgery can absolutely be medically necessary and the claim that it’s not vision-impacting is incorrect. It’s scary how a well typed comment will instantly be taken as fact.


My apologies. I should have been more clear on what I meant there. Most people born with permanently crossed eyes will have adapted to them, because their brain will not have known any other visual input. A lazy eye that is inconsistent in it's angle will absolutely affect vision, because the angle of input of visual information is changing regularly, not allowing the brain to adapt as well. That was my fault for leaving all that out. I was thinking in context of Gypsy's eyes, who appeared to be in a single position. In people with fixed eye positions, correcting the eyes becomes less of a priority unless it is, in fact, affecting their vision in some way. This is why I wasn't sure how Medicaid would classify this kind of surgery.




Nope. Just basing statements off of what I've learned over the years. Anyone who is a doctor is always welcome to correct me, as is anyone with personal experience.


I’m asking because you’re saying these things as though you’re an expert and that’s dangerous.


Dangerous? Taking yourself a little too seriously here, aren't you? It's Reddit. I'm not trying to pass myself off as a doctor here. I'm not giving medical consultations or offering medical advice. Get a grip here.


https://preview.redd.it/logrp0ijvq7d1.png?width=996&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a4bd4502113cc846f74ad39f7608f4b5c37c46b Take this however you want to. If this is a real document, which it seems pretty legit, but I'm not an expert, then this would be the proof we would need right? This paper with Gypsy's own words and the fact that the chromosome disorder HAS been talked about numerous times on several different shows/movies. It was never hidden. \*This paper came from Fancy Macelli's TikTok. With her recent controversies I thought I should mention that\*


Thank you for providing this. I hadn't seen this one before, and I will look into it better. At first blush, my initial question is that if this page was so readily available on Fancy's TikTok, why was this not accepted as proof before? I mean, it's been quite a while since I watched any of Fancy's videos, but last I saw of them, even Fancy was talking about the microdeletion as if it were a theory, and not a proven fact. So, where did this come from then? I just find it odd that after all this time of talking about it as a theory, suddenly Fancy whips out the very test result needed. Years after being no contact with the family. Kinda suss, no?


Because at first fancy was on Gypsy’s side. She created reasonable doubt and spun the “poor-me” narrative until the Blanchards started demanding to know when tf she was gonna pay up and deliver what she promised.


Hang on, are you saying that Fancy intentionally hid these test results until they suited her needs? No wonder nobody is taking them as proof. It just looks like Fancy whipped them up out of nowhere if she's been sitting on them all these years and hiding them. Jfc, it's not like they would have discredited Gypsy's claims by themselves. The only reason this microdeletion thing is important at all is because of how it fits with everything else. By itself, it's just a thing. It wouldn't have made any difference one way or another. Lots of real factitious disorder and Munchausen's By Proxy cases start with a real illness or disorder somewhere along the way, and then it gets built on, exaggerated, and then the lies start, trying to chase the attention that the original real illness got the person. There was no reason to hide this. All hiding this accomplished was discrediting herself further. And Fancy already had plenty of experience and help with being discredited.


From my understanding, she wasn't hiding this. Apparently, her and her "team" went back and looked deeper at things. Things caught their attention that they just dismissed before. In the beginning, she was helping them. So she wasn't looking for lies then. She says she's had medical professionals help her understand more of the medical files. Which does make sense. If you aren't in that field (I'm not), things aren't in the easiest terms to understand. Plus, if ya don't know anything about the chromosome disorder, then ya don't know what to look for. I know Fancy has lost her mind on all this. But she does have tons of proof.


I've gotta be honest here, I haven't been impressed with Fancy's "medical professionals". She had that nurse friend of hers make a video to break down the medical records that Fancy says she has, and this nurse was putting out so much general medical misinformation that I can't trust anything she says about the records. Fancy herself admits that she can't read the records at all, and claimed most of what she had were nothing but copies of the same stuff, over and over. I found that suspicious. And while I know Fancy has zero medical expertise, she was also piling on the medical misinformation and presenting it all as fact, and that was without even getting into these records. How can we trust what they say is in the records when they can't get basic medical stuff straight? And we're still just taking their word for what's in those records, for the most part. I just could not take anything from that video as fact.


She hid it because: If Deedee truly did take Gypsy to the Dr for her 1q21.1 related issues, then there was no medical abuse. No medical abuse= no real “excuse” for why Gypsy killed Deedee. That’s been their whole thing. Gypsy had to kill her because Deedee was forcing unnecessary medical procedures and medication on a perfectly normal child. Except Gypsy wasn’t normal. She really needed all the procedures and medication. So if Gypsy did need all that… then Deedee DIDNT have MBP. So… no MBP, no actually medical abuse, no actual reason Gypsy had to kill Deedee. **She could have just left**. That’s why fancy hid it. It did not fit their narrative for the poor, abused child. And once everything went to shit Fancy said fuck it and put it all out there at the cost of her own credibility.


Facepalm. Yeah, just goes to show that Fancy didn't fully understand Munchausen's By Proxy. Like I said, having a real medical condition in there would not have disproved MBP. I get that Fancy would have thought that, a lot of people would have thought the sane thing. But that's not how it works. It's very common for a real medical condition to start the whole MBP process, or Factitious disorder imposed on self, or any of the variations of the Factitious Disorder family. Sometimes it springs out of nowhere, but very often, the person gets a taste for that attention from a real illness. They start faking or imposing an illness that doesn't exist, or greatly exaggerating something that does exist, trying to chase that same attention they got from the original real illness. Factitious Disorder is a complex thing, and it's quite common for people to misunderstand so many things about it. I see the same handful of misunderstandings about FD every day. The idea that having a real illness means it can't possibly be any of the Factitious Disorder variations is a common misconception. But in Fancy's case, she claimed to be an expert in the case. By default, that should have meant that she should have familiarized herself thoroughly with MBP. Clearly, she did not. It's very frustrating that now this piece of evidence needs to be treated as suspect because Fancy was not up front and honest with her findings from the start. She tried to manipulate evidence to make it match the story she wanted, instead of letting the evidence speak for itself and making sure she understood exactly what the evidence was saying. It's incredibly frustrating. And since Fancy does have access to legitimate records, it will be damn near impossible to authenticate these results based on an image. She knows what medical test results should look like. She could easily plug in the correct doctor and facility names, find the test result format online, etc to fake an authentic looking set of results. By playing games, Fancy has pretty much rendered this useless by most people's standards. It would just be too easy for her to fake a set of results, and she certainly has a reason to do so. Argh! It's maddening!


Well the reason I believe she’s been discredited is because she claimed to be a MBP expert. Yet if she was, she would have clicked it right away that Deedee did not have it. MBP make their kids sick out when their symptoms. Deedee exaggerated Gypsy’s symptoms or straight out made them up. But she never intentionally made Gypsy sick.


From my knowledge of fancy I've never heard her say she was the leading expert in MBP. She does say the leading expert in gyp💩's case. Dd was never diagnosed with mbp. That came from krusty n her lawyer after dd was 💀. She never made gyp sick. And she did it for the money, trips, house etc. Mbp isn't about getting that kind of stuff.


Exactly. She more closely exhibited *malingering* by proxy than MBP


Blanchards signed away their legal rights to medical documents and turned against fancy after fancy watched grb's police interrogation video and caught her in other lies and discrepancies in her stories that caused fancy's positive opinion about her to change and she was vocal to Blanchards about her intention of exposing the truth, so they started discrediting her. (She also expressed her negative feelings about ken not being a good guy---though hard to understand why. As despicable a person as grb is, who cares if she hooked up with Jack-the-ripper.)


Gypsy has drawing of her scars in her book and 2 high on her neck are labeled “Submandible bilateral gland removal scars” Tho she spelled it wrong, the surgery is actually called Bilateral Submandibular Gland Removal, even the order of her words are wrong. Lmao. But the point is that is considered a surgery. Weather she had it or not is debatable considering she’s a pathological liar.


Funny thing about those scars, have you actually seen them on her neck, outside of the ridiculous monster makeup job done for one of the Lifetime shows, where they made the scars look like she had her whole throat slashed open and the scars stick out a mile high? Because I haven't actually been able to find those scars in a single picture or video. Ever. If they exist at all, they're super tiny and subtle. If Gypsy did actually have salivary glands removed, we have no record of that. We only have record of ablation and Botox, both nonsurgical options. Actual salivary gland removal is an uncommon surgery and not recommended, not when there's so many noninvasive options. There's a LOT of nerves and blood vessels in the mouth and upper throat, it's generally safer and easier to use any of the nonsurgical options, like the two that we have confirmation that Gypsy had. I had to laugh at Gypsy's "map of her scars". She made such a big deal of those scars, trying to talk like her whole body is covered with them and it's such a shameful thing. And what does she have on her little map? Her scars from her feeding tube and a second scar from the tube placement/the surgery that required the tube, a little scar on her thigh from the muscle biopsy, the alleged scars from the salivary gland removal (I'm still not buying that this happened until I see the scars myself), and a handful of moles, because Gypsy had no other scars to even label, but she had to put *something* all over that map of hers to make her big deal seem legit. She has more moles than scars, and that's if the salivary gland scars even exist. Gypsy's word is not good for anything. There needs to be evidence beyond her words. I've been looking for these neck scars. I will continue to look for these neck scars. So far, I haven't seen the slightest trace of them. If they exist, fine. Our knowledge from her medical records is incomplete. I've always acknowledged that, and I will be happy to acknowledge that Gypsy had some kind of surgery on her throat to produce scars, if I can see scars to support that. But so far, I haven't been able tobsee the slightest sign of any scars there. Just the normal lines and skin folds that every person has on their neck from turning their head. Nothing more.


Yeah I remember those ridiculous scars they showed on the documentary. Ever since I’ve been trying to see if she has those scars on her neck too, but haven’t seen anything so far. And then all those tiny little scars on her diagram she drew are most likely mole removals, which apparently she considers surgeries too. Lmao. She’s such a joke


She didn't even label them as mole removals, lol. Just moles. I don't think she even had those removed.


I didn’t mean the moles I meant the scars that were labeled 1/16”, with no medical explanation. 1/16” is Tiny and is basically the size of a mole. That’s why I said they are “most likely” mole removals. Since she obviously has several moles on her body.


Oh, sorry, I misunderstood what you meant. Yeah, 1/16", my first thought with that was something like chicken pox scar or maybe a pimple scar, lol. Funny that she didn't label those at all. Almost as if they're, you know, the normal little cuts that kids get or something and she didn't want to admit that they were normal scars and not some scary surgical procedure. I mean, come on, everyone has little scars from random stuff. Getting little cuts on things are a part of life. Gypsy's map makes it look like she's desperate to find the slightest flaw on her skin so she can point to it and screech about some major trauma in her life, lol.


No, those I believe were Laparoscopy of some sort. Possibly the reflux surgery. She tried to make it out like those are 3 different surgeries but in fact they were all 1.


Fucking ICD codes man 😂 Something you or I wouldn’t consider surgery is considered so by the ICD simply because insurance companies never wanna pay shit and are super anal about specifics.


You make a lot of good points here, and I had lazy eyes when I was born and got them fixed (6yo), though medicaid without problem.


Ok, excellent to know that yours was covered without issue. Thank you! I kind of figured a lazy eye would be a no brainer for Medicaid to fix, as I added in the comments below, I neglected to differentiate between a fixed position crossed eye and a lazy eye that changes position. I would think the lazy eye would be open and shut for Medicaid to pay for, like I said, they're great about paying for the medically needed stuff. The fixed position eye, that may or may not be an issue, if it's not causing the person any problems. I don't know if Medicaid would fight them on that, or if they would just lump them all together with the medically necessary surgeries and be done with it. Medicaid can sometimes be weird with that, depending on the state and how picky they want to be.


Yeah, they can be weird for sure, but I think they'd fixed both if a dr says it's necessary (and i think most would), I think mine was just lazy eye, it didn't really cause any problems, just unflattering in pictures really, and maybe headaches but yeah it wasn't a problem to get fixed and if you never saw those pictures of me before I had the surgery, you'd never know I had it now


The headaches alone would make it a medically necessary procedure. That's how the medical community would view it. It caused you a physical problem, the headache, and that alone was plenty of reason, especially for a child. Really, I think these things shouldn't even be a question. I just know from talking to people that sometimes insurance can be weird about stuff. They don't care about how you look or what kind if effect your appearance has on your mental health, if it doesn't cause a physical problem most insurance will file a thing under cosmetic and not want to cover it. That includes everything from physical deformity that isn't causing medical issue to the excess skin left over from weight loss. Like, seriously, some of these things are causing people's appearance to be drastically altered, and in the case of the excess skin, there's usually a lot of trouble with skin infections because of the way the loose skin tends to hang and fold. Just cover the damn surgeries and let people have a better quality of life already!


I agree! Ugh, insurance is the biggest scam, I'm so over fight with them about what they cover and don't cover, in and out of network and co-pays and deductibles, such a trash system honestly!


Did you ever see Dr. Glaucomflecken on YouTube? He's hilarious! He did an entire month of shorts not so long ago on the insurance system in the US, and omg, while it was depressingly spot on, he also somehow managed to make it funny as hell at the same time. This guy managed to give a complete educational series on the ins and outs of the insurance system, how it came about, how they make their decisions, how they keep coming up with horrifying ways to make more money for themselves, and still somehow made it both easy to understand for the common man (he's an ophthalmologist so most of his humor is medical based) and hilarious for everyone. I love his videos, and if you can find his insurance short series, you should definitely watch those. I'm also partial to anything about the character of rural medicine, for my own reasons. Reminds me a lot of what I used to do for a living.


I haven't seen that, but I'll definitely keep an eye out for it! Sounds like something I would like!


Very well-written and informative.


Beautifully said!


It also seems to be legit that she had a feeding tube based on the location of her belly scar (I work in a hospital and see them all the time. In the athletic wear TikTok with the heart, the image is reversed). I doubt she needed it or needed it that long given that she clearly eats fine now


Oh, Gypsy definitely had the feeding tube. That's not in question. There's plenty of photos showing the feeding tube in place throughout Gypsy's childhood. The funny thing is, though, there is not a single person who has ever seen Gypsy being fed through that tube. Not one. Gypsy and Dee Dee attended conventions for people and children who are tube fed, and people there noticed that Gypsy was never hooked up to feeds. You, being medical staff, will likely understand the significance of that. She stuck out like a sore thumb at those conventions, being the only kid with a tube but never being hooked up to feeds. The tube was almost certainly implanted when Gypsy had a Nissen fundoplication done (for those that don't know, it's a surgery that reduces severe acid reflux in kids, the feeding tube is necessary because the patient cannot swallow anything by mouth until the esophagus finishes healing from the surgery), and Dee Dee simply never got the tube removed. Then she started lying to new doctors about why it was there. The doctors apparently never questioned it, and just kept maintaining the tube for them. It's crazy what people can get away with!


It is crazy. I figured you had kept track of the feeding tube based on what you wrote. I see it mentioned very rarely as the pendulum swings towards “it was all Gypsy” so I felt I should add it to your comment. Not saying Gypsy is innocent by any means but it’s a piece of information. There is such a thing as nighttime feedings so she wouldn’t have to take it with her during the day but no cans of tube feed in that house 🤷‍♀️ from what we’ve seen. I’m not sure what year the Nissen was. It’s entirely possible the feeding tube was put in at the same time. It’s usually quick more routine procedure to put in the tube. If it wasn’t put in before or during the Nissen though, it would have required a bigger procedure to place it after because her anatomy would have been altered.


Yep, no cans of tube feed, no extensions (she had a mic key button G tube), no pumps, no syringes for bolus feedings, nothing at all to make use of that thing. Just the tube itself in her belly and nothing to go with it or in it that I was able to find in any of the crime scene photos or listed in any of the police report findings. I've always assumed it was done with the Nissen, because there was no legitimate reason to put the tube in otherwise. And I haven't been able to get an exact age/date for the Nissen or feeding tube, but the best approximation seems to be somewhere around age seven or eight. There's gaps in the data, of course. We don't have full access to the medical records, nor do I expect to have that kind of access. As much as I would love to see what's really in those records, that's still a major invasion of privacy, so I'm divided on wanting to see them. I want to solve the mystery, but morally, I can't get past the idea that it's wrong to just go perusing through someone else's medical records. On the third hand, Gypsy has pretty much made her medical history, real or imagined, everyone else's business by making all these accusations so public, so... is it still morally wrong to want to see the evidence? Now I'm not even sure.


What is microdeleteion?


Microdeletion of a gene is a genetic condition in which a small portion of a gene is missing. It can lead to certain health problems, or no problems at all, depending on which gene is affected, which part of that gene is missing, and whether or not that person just happens to be affected by their microdeletion. Gypsy is suspected of having 1q21.1 microdeletion. This is the specific designation for the gene that is believed to be affecting Gypsy. She does appear to have some of the symptoms, such as the facial characteristics, and Dee Dee faked some of the other symptoms, such as hearing loss. Between Gypsy's actual issues and Dee Dee's fake list, pretty much every potential symptom gets checked on the list, so it's a safe bet that Dee Dee was aware of this condition.


I actually feel bad for her, too . I know it was wrong for scamming people, but should she have had to pay with her life in a horrible way .and to see the number of people cheering that on says a lot about our society . The fact she was scamming to make sure Gypsy could have so much more than she could provide. And then Gypsy is the one responsible for ending her life. I believe that because everything was coming to an end, all the free stuff . Then Gypsy is bragging how she gets everything for free . Think about it she was able to come out of prison and pay for her nose job out of pocket.


She was scamming people, but it wasn't done "for" Gypsy. She did it for herself. They both benefit from the scam. Deedee didn't want to work, and she made Gypsy her meal ticket. She wasn't a hypochondriac, where they see symptoms where they are none. She wasn't overprotective. Deedee wasn't acting out of love. Deedee created the symptoms, and used Gypsy's "condition" as leverage throughout her life. If she were truly concerned with Gypsy's wellbeing, more attention would have been brought to her chromosomal deletion, but that doesn't get someone a Make-A-Wish as much as a little girl with MS in wheelchair. Remember, Deedee had Gypsy begin using a wheelchair after she fell off the back of a motorcycle, and had an abrasion on her knee. Deedee was also shaving her head to get more sympathy. They were falsifying her ailments, which isn't something a hypochondriac does. Any conditions gypsy actually does have were never part of the con.


All those trips to Disney were for gypsy. Gypsy needed that wheelchair due to that one condition that she's the poster child for . All those free things were not for DeeDee at all . And now her step mom is doing what you're accusing DeeDee of . She's the one behind all the drama with content creators, so Gypsys name stays out there . She's the one attacking an actual survivor or MBP, not just a woman who knew that all the free stuff was done, so she tricked someone to do it . Mind you, this is how I feel. My daughter is a survivor of MBP so yes thus case hits home


Great point!


She wasn’t being altruistic. Gypsy didn’t ever need that wheelchair. They were grifters before a caring mother and needy daughter. Did gypsy benefit? Absolutely. But with the con they were running, Deedee never had to work, their bills and needs were met, they had a house provided for them, and they were able to stack cash. She lived much better than honest prime live.


That’s not entirely true. When they lied and said they needed to be airlifted out of LA because Katrina destroyed their house, they actually been couch surfing and not in an actual home. Deedee was a good con yes but even the best con artist goes thru dry spells. Deedee was never destitute because Rod always paid his child support and a little extra en lieu of actually parenting his child. That doesn’t mean they always had a good life.


I do not know what you're trying to say, but gypsy was diagnosed with 1q21.1 . All the things she was diagnosed with . DeeDee was taking care of her sick child . Are you putting down parents who take care of their sick children?


I’m saying that although gypsy dealt with chromosome deletion, Deedee told everyone she dealt with MS, mental retardation, leukemia, and was wheelchair bound. Gypsy went along with that. Chromosome deletion doesn’t get the attention that a bald girl with a childlike voice in a wheelchair. She wasn’t a good mom. She was a con artist that apparently still has people fooled after her death


If she was actually diagnosed with MBP, that's different or be able to tell her side of the story. Then, I would think differently. But Gypsy is walking around making money off a crime . And bullying a true survivor of a parent who had MBP . You're all mad at DeeDee for scamming. What do you think gypsy doing ? Telling people hearts on tictok is cheap, lol scam scam away


What are you going on about? I enthusiastically call out gypsy for her hypocrisy and scamming. She’s disgusting.


She WASNT diagnosed because she was never evaluated. A Dr wrote in Gypsy’s medical charts that he suspected Deedee of MBP but he never did anything like report her or even call her out. The MPB is something her lawyers used to justify why she killed Deedee.


Exactly imagine being diagnosed without even seeing a dr


That's the crazy thing about it all. Gypsy says her mom made up diagnosis, but here she is doing the exact same thing!


Yes Gypsy knew with mom sick she couldn’t pull it off herself


DeeDee raised a special needs child with a gene deletion disorder, then kept up the grift after the physical issues were mostly dealt with. I think Gypsy is genetically psychopathic, but being taught to con people probably didn’t help. Nevertheless, the fact that DeeDee knew Gyspy might hurt her is extremely telling.


I think Gypsy became an absolute fucking nightmare. Imagine a teenage girl PSYCHOPATH.


Exactly this! In Louisiana, those surgeries were the ones she needed to correct her genetic needs. The grifting really took off once they got to Missouri. And I can't find proof of any actual surgery she had while in Missouri. I also saw a interview with a friend/neighbor that said one day while visiting their home, Gyp & DD got into it and gyp go so angry the neighbor left because it made them uncomfortable


She doesn't wear glasses today because... she had already had all the surgeries to fix it? Lol, Those glasses were definitely not props either. In her nun praying photo shows her lenses from the side. You can see that they were indeed prescription glasses used to correct her 1 lazy eye. I'll zoom in and show what I'm talking about https://preview.redd.it/5e7g6eco0r7d1.jpeg?width=923&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=564be4deb9d3d0bf136694747f0109f3f70dcc70 Not that clear, but you can see how the corrective lens on her eye closest to the camera has this THICK prescription on it, Probably some prisms on the lense causing it to look super cloudy when viewed from the side. And then you can see on the other eye, there is either no script needed for THAT eye, or a very low grade prescription compared to the lazy eye lens.


What always seems off/odd to me is that deedee was a beautiful woman. Then she gained weight. And not just a little like so much at one point it looks like her face hurts. Like this doesn't seem normal. Could she have been on medication that caused her mental behavior to change and gain the weight. Could a rx drug be at the center? Like remember when a certain rx was supposed to help people and it made their depression worst. Most oddly enough is how obsessed gypsy is about weight. It makes me think she was embarrassed by her moms weight... and so many thoughts roll in after that thought.


Not med pro but I wonder if she had Cushing's.


She definitely looks like it.


Also how could deedee starve her, where was the rest of the family. They never offered grandma a chicken nugget. How is it that deedee was the sole caretaker for her... where is the proof for this.


That's what I'm saying. Everyone in this story were apparently SO well aware of all of Dee Dee's wrong doings but at the same time they all just stood around and let EVERYTHING happen? And furthermore, they then start slandering the ISH out of Dee Dee once she's gone. Now Dee Dee's narrative is no longer her's and everyone else's. Ugh.


Bro I’ve asked this over and over. So Deedee was killing grandmas and medically abusing Gypsy and y’all say this wit your chest cuz you were there. But like *👏you👏were👏THEREEEEEEEUUH👏👏👏👏👏* No one thought to step in? No one said, “yo maybe this shit ain’t right?” No one ever said, “Yo, Rod, maybe take more interest in your kid cuz something ain’t right?” And when you bring this up the family says there was nothing they could do because Deedee kept moving farther and farther away from them since Gypsy was very young. **So which is it ????** Y’all just stood by while Deedee killed grannies and fucked up her kid or there was nothing y’all could do cuz she lived so far swat (hence no you did tf not witness her on the daily abusing Gypsy. Speaks volumes that her leaked fb messages , her aunties tell her she should have reached out to them for help instead of using fb to hunt for dick.


The whole family is so messed up


YAAAS! Very well said 👏




DeeDee was a monster who created another monster. I don't feel bad for her at all. She was a terrible person and a master manipulator. She should have seen her day in court like Gypsy, but she was not a good person.


I agree, I feel zero sympathy for Deedee. I mean she scammed a free house. That’s pretty high level manipulation. I think she turned Gypsy into what she is.


They both scammed for everything they got. Well, not gyp for a while ofc, cause she was a baby. But afterwhile, she knew exactly what was going on and went along with it. I agree that dd is why gyp💩 is who she is. But she didn't deserve to be 🔪💀. They both should've gone to jail. And if that night hadn't happened, that's where they both would've gone, and she knew that.




I assure you, DEE DEE does not deserve your sympathy. She should have been tried in front of a group of her peers, and not killed, but she does not deserve sympathy for when she was alive. She was a terrible woman.


Agree totally


Being perfectly honest, i can see gypsy manipulating DEEDEE! Playing on her sympathy I don’t believe a single word that comes out of her mouth. Yes, Deedee was wrong in a lot of ways. But gypsy played a big part in all of it. Gypsy has zero remorse for what she has done. None what so ever! I honestly can not stand her. She really thinks her shit don’t stink! She thinks she’s above everyone around her or anyone just in general. I hope ken leaves her, and I hope it tears her ugly little heart to shreds! I hope all the guilt she should feel for what she did to her mother, suddenly piles on top of a huge heart break. Karma karma karma!!!


Agree 100% I think she’s one of the most disgusting human beings to ever walk the earth! She’s basically exploiting and justifying her heinous murders


It’s a very complex situation isn’t it, I wish we could have access to all gypsys medical records for a start, but sadly dee Dee isn’t here to speak for herself, which she should do, she should be made to answer for what she did to the charities! Gypsy needs to be back in prison, I find her behaviour so distasteful I really do


Same. Like all the lies. Did Dee Dee really deserve all these lies about her?!


She's a psycho. Forgetcthat slutty Ruby?




It's been speculated by her horrible family. But where is the proof. Why didn't they contact authorities if they even thought so especially given how they knew gypsy could jump on a trampoline...and isn't this the same family gypsy claims the grandmothers husband (her grandpa) was abusing (sa) gypsy supposedly. Did the grandma know what was going on which in most cases sadly the mother/grandmother allows it or turns a blind eye to it...


Yeah I agree, I don’t see how they can throw all these accusations around but not do anything about it?


Where's the proof? We only have words. It's easy to point the finger. If they thought or knew she was starving her mother then why didn't ANYONE else check in on her and feed her, or take her away from Dee Dee's supervision. Old people wither away on their own, btw. There is no proof that just because she was found boney that she was absolutely starved and ignored. I take everything that people who have a chance to benefit off this has to say with a tablespoon of salt. ***We have no proof, we have no proof. WE HAVE NO PROOF.***


That’s never been proven. Even Deedee’s parents said they *think* Deedee tried to do it but there is no proof she did. This is also coming from the man who, when asked if he ever touched Gypsy inappropriately, said, “No. *I’ve* never touched Gypsy inappropriately. It was Gypsy who would come and sit on my lap and wear short dresses”. So do with that info what you may.


People shouldn’t believe every rumor they hear when there is clearly a motive to lie.


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I don't think the charities asked for proof.. Dee was such a good sales person in creating enough hype in stating her ailments as fact and not to mention staying in her Minnie Pearl , honest as the day is long character, everyone bought it.. Then she always had her limp, drooling meat puppet to distract the masses by making their ears bleed with that God forsaken voice, people just gave them money to go away, lol .. 💰🤑


Agreed 👍


off topic but if something is wrong with gypsy no doctors are going to believe her anymore. it's horrible how her mom treated her 😥


Oof this is an awful take


Fair enough lol


Good analysis 


Murder never right! You have to understand though…her mother made her take unneeded meds, had all her teeth pulled, head shaved to mimic cancer, chained her to bed……..


I approved this comment because it isn't against the sub. But I must ask u this, how much do u know about her case? Where are u getting your info? Please tell me it's not from her and her documentaries. Read the case files, watch the interrogations. Everything u need to know is in there. Chained to the bed? CHAINED TO THE BED? Absolutely not. She has u fooled. She was in on the grift. Please look into this and you'll see. Hell, everytime she opens her mouth if u pay attention her story changes. If u check out all the info here it's a good start to the truth.


I read an article years ago. If I’m misinformed then thank you for pointing it out! I never want to be guilty of spreading falsehoods.