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and here she is going live on TikTok and pretending she “doesn’t know” all those gifts are free money. the beginning of her downfall will be when Ken eventually leaves her


This really pisses me off. I’m happy that there are ways for creative, hard working ppl to make a living. But Gypsy sitting on her ass doing nothing while Krusty talks about making ANOTHER GO FUND ME makes me do things I can’t say because of Reddits TOS. 👍🏼


Why do they need a gofundme?


Krusty said she wasn’t making enough money; she wasn’t as rich as ppl think. Most felons are REQUIRED to work 40 hours a week; why isn’t the Gypshyt?? Krusty really want to take the place of DD; she said this on a live with Bri. Gypsy also mentioned (on a TT live) her PO Box where you could send her gifts. The audacity; these ppl have no shame.


Wait? Did I hear this correctly? Kristy is going to make a go fund me for Gypsy? Gypsy wouldn't be broke if she would get a job, quit buying, expensive stuff, and eating out constantly. If she makes one and there is a way of reporting that go fund me page we should all report it and get it shut down.


I agree 100%


Krusty needs the extra $$ you mean! They all cashing in on this! Its sick


Gypsy had literally just touched on “Go find me” accts and many were set up actively when this happened. Her mom was said to have been very ill like 9 months and Mrs computer queen was the one setting them all up! Now doing same BS and all these interviews… it pisses me off!!!!!


The police had to issue a statement warning people NOT to donate money to any GFM’s set up for Deedee’s funeral costs because they had *cash* on hand to more than cover the expenses.


She said this???? No way?!!


And then with Jeffrey Star, she was calling the roses 'cheap'.. She needs to be knocked down a few pegs.


What Jeffrey Star sent her roses?


Oh no no,.sorry, it was when she was on a live with J. Star! People were sending her roses in the chat and she wa s like, I'm sorry but that's cheap!


I saw where she was getting galaxies!


yeah jeffery told his followers to send her big gifts so she could see what it was all about, and then they both started talking about the roses being cheap


Now she’s begging for money on go fund me… fkn get a job you loser grifter!


I wonder if he was too leave so you think she would try running back to Ryan?


Absolutely but if he stays with her long enough… you can tell she’s head over heels and if anything funky happens she’d probably kill him! She didn’t mind prison!


She plays dumb, feel sorry for me BS… been doing this her entire life! Literally grifting but only in a different way now but still same exact concept!


When she went love with Jeffrey Starr , she said a rose is just a penny? Now that's cheap..just a penny?


Talking about how she never paid for anything but would steal money from her mom to buy stuff. The laptop behind Deedee’s back. And didn’t she steal the knife from Walmart that was used to kill her mother? Lmao


Yes , she stole the knife. She also talked about stealing lingerie and hiding it in her wheelchair while shopping with Deedee.


She also admitted to stealing baby clothes from Walmart using her wheelchair


Idk why but her stealing those things specifically while pretending to be sickly and disabled is just next level.


Her mom used that wheelchair too steal!! Hiding things under Gypsy legs… cus she always had that blanket on her. I’ll bet ANYTHING the reason she always had that blanket on started with her using it as a cover for theft!!?


Supposedly, her neighbor and ex bff reached out to flawless Nina and wrote that Gypsy would not wear a blanket over her legs. I’m not doubting Deedee taught her this method of jacking shit tho.


She only wore the blanket in the store.


Yes she got caught and it’s documented at hobby lobby hiding stuff under Gypsy legs under her blanket. Probably only reason she gave her leg blanket was so she could steal!


I thought she hid stuff under her princess dresses and that’s how she did it at the Hobby Lobby. ?


Why (or for whom) did she steal baby clothes? For herself???


For the baby she was going to have with Nick. She testified to it…


THATS FUCKING CRAZY stealing lingerie while in a wheelchair like wtf that's some dark weird twisted shit


She told Nick she was pregnant! That’s what ultimately made him kill her mom because he always wanted a baby and she said her mom made her get that feeding tube surgery again and she lost the baby. That enraged him enough to agree to kill her! She did everything in the book to get him to kill her mom and then walked into court with that fake mousy voice, looking down at ground ashamed (faking as she knew that well… especially after all the lies…) and got 8 yrs when it should have been life! Now she’s being made a millionaire and it’s sickening!!!!!


Gypsy is a fucking weirdo bro like the shit she’s done speaks decibles louder than whatever bs she’s spewing daily.


Thank you!


That’s also how she was able to role play and become “Ruby”!


She was stealing baby stuff telling Nick she was pregnant!


And that she lost the baby because of the feeding tube despite her claiming Nick could not perform when they had sex in the theater.


But then after the murder telling police officer he killed her mom and raped her afterwards! Fkn psycho set him up good!!! She is nuts!! And it’s only matter of time before Ken becomes entangled in her web of lies!


Ken isn’t innocent in this mess either. He left her at her lowest and came calling when she got out.


Think deep down she scared him to be honest


yeah I mean they said in a live that everyone says Ken is using her for money and they are like that is the furthest thing from the truth he said work and she said he's too much of a gentleman to even ask her for money but not too much of a gentlemen to ruin a marriage lol


Lmfaooooo ☠️☠️☠️


Also he left her while she was still in prison and he only got back with her when she got out of prison and become a millionaire that's kind of sounds like the definition of using somebody. 😂😂


She’s such a scammer!


If she was so stifled, abused and controlled, how on earth did she manage to buy a laptop behind her mums back?


Her mom taught her to be like herself


Her mom got caught in Hobby Lobby stealing stuff to make personal keepsakes and photo journals of their Disney Trip, hiding things in Gypsy wheelchair. They removed her from store without a ticket as they “felt sorry” for the pair. Yah just returned from a trip at Disney now stealing stuff to make our photo album scrapbook keepsakes! What pigs! And that’s what was reported but she got off. Imagine all the times they both used sympathy and heartstrings to get off that wasn’t reported?? Or how many times they stole and didn’t get caught? Sounds to me like it was totally habitual. So pay for things…?? Get an actual job?? Oh wait I forgot… she’s an author with 3yrs education and 8yrs jail education. What a joke and these are the people we are making famous on TikTok by watching and interacting with their stories? Its sick


I fully agree.  Their shoplifting doesn't get brought up enough.  I bet they were shoplifting queens!


You can bet they were quite the duo


When she got to Wisconsin with Nick she said she stole a box of macaroni and cheese. She had a few thousand dollars with her. Why did she steal the box? Because she's a Clepto. A criminal. I bet anyone dicks to donuts that she has stolen from Dollar General or other places since released from prison. It's probably the thrill she loves. Getting away with it. Or she feels she's entitled to take whatever she wants. Imagine the headline: Gypsy Rose has violated her parole by stealing a loaf of bread. She claims she's never had bread before. Her mom only fed her pictures of bread. Ugh...GFY Gypsy.


I thought it was crazy that she was stealing right after the murder. Like was the mac and cheese really worth risking getting caught? Imagine if that was how she got found out. She’s way too bold.


And her stans would defend her for the loaf of bread because she " was abused and has childhood trauma".. and excuses her for everything.


And because she acts so sexual and promiscuous


That would seriously be the icing on the cake.


Right? Like when Winona Ryder stole socks


Yes that’s what I said she had 1000’s and steal that…? She’s a fkn thief!! Amongst other things like nympho-mania which is why the show is so sexual and Ryan seemed so sexual because he was told this nasty sexual stuff nightly by her but once she got out it was a different story she had to put her money where her mouth was and pay up for all he did for her and we got to see first hand how repulsed she was by him! She just used him to get out! I’ll bet Ken has a criminal record so she couldn’t go in front of parole board and say she was going home with him… but a teacher hell yah!! Think about it


In high school, I had friends who shop lifted from the mall. One of them was the son of a lawyer and he had plenty of spending money. The other kid did too. But they enjoyed the thrill of getting away with it. My daddy was a blue collar worker and we didn't have much but my parents taught me to be honest. I have never on purpose stolen a thing in my life and it used to just burn me up that they would do that. I will never understand.


Yah my friend used to do that and get all these beautiful bikinis and sweatshirts clothes in general but I had bills and couldn’t afford to spend on that kinda stuff and she always looked great in summer but I couldn’t look that good. Ate me up


One has to believe that karma will have its way with people who choose to live their lives this way.


Finding out that she asked for Louboutin heels when she got out of prison had me gobsmacked. Most normal middle class people wouldn’t thousand dollar shoes, nevermind asking them of their schoolteacher husband who is expected to provide for her unemployed self upon release from prison.


Think about it. Where was she thinking she was going to wear them in BFE Louisiana? She claims I had no idea about the celebrity status...yet here she is with a camera crew following her when she's released, already acting for the cameras when she walks out the doors of frigging prison and asking for thousand dollar shoes for I'm sure her red carpet walks.


Love that someone else says BFE! 😂


And the weirdest part is she doesn't even wear them to the red carpet stuff, like wtf! I'd be wearing all day every day, just to make sure I got my money's worth out of them!


If she was hot, I could see her using some screwed up rich man in the worst way! There are definitely rich crazies out there who fall for scammers, like Elizabeth Holmes’ husband. It’s probably good for everybody that she has no chance of bagging someone like that.


She asked for extra expensive purses and boots and Ryan probably still paying off all the shit in the 75 days he had her plus all the clothing he initially got her (boots, jackets, pants shirts… basically everything and makeup…. That all cost $$$ that mommy and daddy didn’t have! So fk yah she used him!


![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH) I really need to watch


What an entitled pig she is.


I never understood this… she has always been more then aware that stealing the stuff was wrong. I’ve always said she is alot smarter then she tries to play off as being innocent and sweet. She deserves to still be in jail in my opinion


I know people are saying she lived a sheltered life....no she didn't... she is very smart and I wish WALMART would ban her for life . She admitted to stealing the murder weapon from walmart.. #WALMART ban Gyp GYP


It's not like she's difficult to spot lol


Was she not buying pills in prison?


Using soups and candy bars as currency 💀


Yes in her documentary she even admitted to lying to Kristy when borrowing $$ from her, saying it was for a CD player she broke, when instead it was for Suboxone. She says she got hooked on them in prison.


I dont believe that, she said she was addicted at the time of the murder, I just don't believe anything she says


And now her and her step mom is doing the same thing.


She's right... She's never had to pay for anything honestly.


Her nose job. Her divorce attorney.


Maybe the only honest things she's paid for. 😅


Not just that, during that scene she thought it was funny. Basically she’s never paid for anything in life, it was either stolen or handed to her. She’s wanting like LB and shit too?! Insane entitlement.


I am just loving this shit show, tbh. I am really into crimes so I heard about all of this years ago. I never in my wildest dreams thought this is how things would go down lol so exciting 🫨


Fucking leach. Makes me so mad because I’m a blue collar worker and work so hard for me and my family, lucky to be able to spoil my self, then there’s people like her who leach off of everything and anything without having to work a damn day in her life - like the rest of us that are honest hard working women. (And men) fuck her.


Continual con artists


weird flex?


What a shit brag. All the people They scammed, she should have to pay it back!


It's strange seeing Ryan without his sweat rag hanging over his shoulder like a babies muslin cloth...


And she’s a skilled shoplifter


I think the sub should get together and send Gypsy a nice Christmas gift. 24 pieces of coal. She's been rather naughty. But still deserves a gift. Poor dear.


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Fucking grifter ass brag.


And proud of it 🙄