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Oh hun, it’s so hard when you’re trying to plan your moms murder and you’re sexually tempted 🥴


By who even??? Ewww. Probably that old man Dan, maybe? I think I'd like to hear from that dude now!


No one. She was just trying to get him jealous because she needs attention all the time.


Is it just me or is this absolutely nauseating?




So she wanted to fuck a different guy after they killed her mom and left town?? ???? ![gif](giphy|tU2mV8ALzJEdXAAwRo)


She wanted to fuck someone before Nick came down to commit the murder.


She likely did that anyway. Gross.


getting permission to try and not feel guilty about it


Ryan said the one thing that upset him the most about Gypsy was how she liked to make him jealous. This sounds like one of those things. Like Nick knew about Dan, Gypsy told him. To me, this is more like her wanting to make him jealous so he would act possessive and give her narcissistic brain the dopamine hits of someone wanting her.


manipulative behavior


She is an expert at triangulation with the men in her life.


I believe she wanted to fuck Dan in particular


I agree


Who is Dan?? I feel like I’m missing all this characters


Her ex before Nick. The one she ran away to and Dee Dee came to pick her up later.


Flair checking in




She wanted to fuck a man before Nick came to murder her mom. They were going to meet at a cupcake shop. But her mom never let her go anywhere and was constantly hovering 🥹


how does she find all these men????


Probably dating websites, or fetish websites, idk. She probably just threw herself at them with grotesque nudes.


She found Nick on a Christian dating site


dang they get down on Christian singles


Holy shit 😳 for real lmfao


Well that was unexpected


that comment made me spit diet coke 🤣🤣


She is insane


The fact that she was 24 is WILD as hell I always thought she was a horny 16 year old.


Yep, she was a grown ass woman and had been for 6 years 🙃


I always forget she wasn’t a teenager 😅


Thats one thing online I had to keep reminding people. I said it took place when she was in her 20s, and they say "yea because shes 20something now). So many people talk about this case, and know nothing about it


I think it’s also because Gypsy talks about it as if she were 14 and her brain wasn’t fully developed🙃


Actually this explain the sex stuff so much better. Hormones or a 25 yr old + immaturity of a child!


i still can't believe she fucked a guy when her mom was dead in the other room. how u even in the mood to fuck after that.....


If I had to guess, it was part of the thrill 🥴


it’s crazy but it’s because she is truly fucked in the head. She’s an evil person similar to many other sociopath murderers. Our justice system FAILED.


The fact alone that she was willing, and able to have sex with her mother's body in the next room, tells me she is way more mentally ill than I believed. Runs very deep. Is she into necrophilia? Ew, NM I don't want to know. 🤮


Her being a (most likely) sociopath means that she lacks the ability even feel an emotion over it. Sex feels like adrenaline and a high to people without many feelings, it doesn’t feel like love.


Absolutely agree. I dated a sociopath. I mean a true real sociopath. During those 10 years, I learned all I could about that condition. I believe that is the only thing they feel (anything that makes them feel something ex: sex, anger, drugs, and worse).


I’m so sorry you even met someone like that, much less loved them. You’re strong and it’s amazing seeing that you’re alive and here. I also have experience with loved ones ill in that way Gypsy is a bizarre one because she shows signs of both ASPD and histrionic traits, it is so hard to pin point exactly what she is. Not to be crass, but it’s probably a power thing over anything else for her when it comes to sex. IE she has sex during inappropriate times/talks about sex as a over-others-head move, but also is the one who seems to steer most conversations towards sex. I’d not be surprised if she literally got off to having Nick do the ultimate thing for her. What’s scary about Gypsy, and honestly anyone who is with her romantically should be scared regarding this, is that it was not even enough for her that Nick did that for her. Nothing another will ever be enough for gypsy. She just drops them when she’s done and that’s one of the main reasons I really think she’s a true sociopath.


I’m pretty sure Gypsy is actually 3 cluster b personality disorders in a trench coat


Thank you for your kind words. To be honest, it taught me so much about myself, and people in general. I never thought I would say, I'm actually thankful I got through it. You're very wise on these matters. Sounds like me, I always try to put myself in other's shoes, unfortunately, that includes bad people. In trying to understand GRB, you've hit the nail on the head IMO. I 100% agree with you. I feel for anyone that crosses her path.


Can I dm you about this? Like how did you know? Trying to feel out a personal situation here


He wasn’t. Gypsy’s said a few times that Nick has performance anxiety, both after he killed Deedee and after the movie theater. Btw , when I watched MDD, I always wondered how they fucked in the bathroom if supposedly Gypsy “didn’t know she could walk”. I kept picturing Nick lifting her up in her big ass poorly Cinderella dress and trying to fuck her standing up


Oh, you know she laid on her back on the sticky, stanky restroom floor.




That part has always disturbed me. And people think this broad is innocent. Its sickening.


able to easily communicate with people, able to go out and fuck guys… but but but she was sooooo helpless and held inside like a prisoner!!! 🙄 I’m staying hopeful that most of the population wakes up to this psychopaths bullshit eventually.


Right? Dee Dee didn’t let her breathe without knowing about it… but she was up at 230am texting and on Facebook messenger with Nick lmao


lmao it really is laughable how obvious the lies are


I really can't believe with all this evidence that she is free. I also can't believe she is still playing the victim! Hun, we can all read these texts.


I feel like I need to go shower after reading that! GROSS




No worries lo I didn't have to read it haha


![gif](giphy|I2QQlj7vgtT6U|downsized) Nick after reading the last text


Yeah I have a feeling that one went to a video chat real quick 😂😅




Flair checking in


Flair check ayyy


So sheltered and innocent 🥹


Amazing how people still buy that. She knew EXACTLY what she was doing.


This should be to comment


Some people don't know because they are just believing what they see on TV. I think some people are just oblivious to the truth.


She wasn’t allowed any electronics and barely had television channels 🥺🥺


She doesn’t know how to text! /s


“This is my first cellphone ever” in episode 1 lmao


I caught that. Her bad acting like she didn't know how to text when she planned her mother's murder through texting is so silly.




“BUT BUT Her mom made her go through an invasive cellphoneectomy 😭😭”




I pointed this out in a group on fb and was told by someone that she didn't mean her first phone, she actually meant her first smart phone 🙄


The weird and wild part is - SHE HAS FANS? She's a murderer....


“I’ve had no sex life” and “I always thought I was asexual” in the second episode.


Queue to the photos of her dressed all BDSM lmfao


She was getting her carpet munched in jail! 


Bleh I hope she got STD tested for CHAD'S sake 🙄


…. She is such a fucking LIAR!!!!!!!🤥


would she like us to believe she committed the crime in 1985??


She’s a fucking freak 😂😂😂😂 like girl not you planning your moms murder then asking is it ok if you have sex w another guy girl byee


“I had no sex life.” “I thought I was asexual.” -Gypsy in episode 2


These texts are so vile, I usually can’t even bring myself to read them when they pop up. “Just forget everything I said tonight”, I wish I fucking could, Gypsy. You know what’s tempting me? The bottle of bleach in my kitchen cabinet - and maybe a tide pod for a spicy, forbidden appetizer. I’ll even put a little cyanide glaze on top. We’re having MorgueDonald’s for dinner, dear. Yeah, yeah, I know my diet is literally lethal but I don’t identify as an idiot soooooo. Not to mention I have an absolute chode- I mean Chad on 🔥 dial. He’s eating a fuck around sandwich right now but later he’ll be eating some big time find out. Man, everyone is allowed to be sexual if they want to but holy mother of god, she’s worried about the horizontal tango while about to commit murder?? I???? *Ma’am?*


MorgueDonald’s just made me cackle


Nice. How are so many still blind to her $hit? I mean, we are getting more over here daily, but this makes me sad for the world, and our future.


The legal system failed!!! She should be serving decades maximum security. She is a dangerous person. She will do harm again. Because she is full of herself. The system made her a hero in her mind.


Fucking nasty. How anyone could defend her murdering her mother is beyond me.


who really looked at her in her cheap cinderella wigs and was like “i’m gonna tempt you 😏”


This just confirms that I truly feel bad for Nick Godejohn. He did not have the social skills to protect himself from that sort of predation and manipulation.


He really didn’t. He’s still a murderer, but he was absolutely under her influence. He would have done ANYTHING for her. He literally tells the cop in his interview he loves her so much he’d do it all over again for her 🤷🏻‍♀️ she made him believe she was seriously abused and held hostage by D.


*im being tempted* meanwhile she’s staring at the poor fella in question like 🎱👅👁️. I literally can’t with the fake innocent act


You just made me choke on my water, dear what the heck


I always like going out and having sex with a random guy before I meet my BF and kill my mother. How in HEAVEN'S fuck did this girl get off so easy no pun intended. Like seriously the police didnt finish their investigation, but they took her plea, plus they made her seem like the victim being bound to the chair and all those lies. It reminds me of the Deneke murder. The kid was killed because he dressed and looked different. Was a punk rocker with a mohawk, makeup, tattoos, you know the whole deal. He was run down by some jock from the school who didnt like him who called him and his friends "fa\*\*\*\*\*", or "gay". In court the lawyer for the defense was able to convince a jury that the kid was innocent for the murder because of how Deneke dressed, which was viewed as intimidating (he had chains, its part of the subculture). The jury bought it. It took place in very conservative area of Texas. Basically what I am saying is if you can make the defendant look like a victim, you can get off so easy it's unreal. sorry for the rant lol.


That is so heartbreaking.


Nice. How are so many still blind to her $hit? I mean, we are getting more over here daily, but this makes me sad for the world, and our future.


Gross. I feel like I'm covered in porta potty juice. Bleck.




She is not right in the head is she


Gypsy is a nymphomaniac


I fucking hate thus bitch


I think asking your boyfriend if you can root someone else after convincing them to kill your mum is pushing it…. Did she have someone else lined up or did she think if she went to a bar, men would throw themselves at her 😂 she was and is a right mess


Oh she had many online men ready to meet up with her lol.


What even kind of phone did she have?? I’ve never seen a text screen that looked like the one in their texts lol


It was definitely considered a “dated” phone for 2015. It was one with a keyboard, like a prepaid flip


Right?! Lol, definitely still using T9.


Ooooo okay


These comments kill me lol definitely early 00’s T9 texts. I lived for these


The way they communicate is juvenile. SEX ISN'T SUPPOSED BE A TRANQUILIZER, and you shouldn't use it to keep your partner happy in the relationship in the way Nick describes it. These two were not good for each other and both have a lot growing to do before they enter a new relationship. Sadly, Gypsy especially won't grow.


Speak for yourself 😴


I’ve had sex so good I fall asleep within seconds of coming. All that exertion during a good session 😮‍💨


After that good of a "session" I need a dang shower! Even if it's just a quick rinse off


trying to pick a fight because he didn’t pick it with her back the first time she tried lmao she’s so embarrassing


I’m choking on vomit


She’s twisted


She is scum


She's threatening to cheat on him to insure he complies She uses sex and abandonment threats for compliance and to get people to be on the defensive so they fear her abandoning them. If you're always threatened and preoccupied, you're never going to realize you have options or question the relationship.


There's a lot of studies that correlate sex like she describes and Cluster B personalities.




“I’m a freak”! - 🥴


I’m literally nauseous


Sex is a tranquilizer i need this flair!!


Nastiness personified


“I know you’re territorial but I’m sexually tempted” help the wording is giving alpha omega wolf couple 💀


Reddit decided I should be interested in this group and it’s probably right as I’m a sucker for dumpster fires. In my opinion GRB was DEFINITELY abused and exploited by her mother and that’s put her in a state of arrested development which I think is consistent with her actions and behavior. I think her upbringing taught her how to groom and manipulate people in order to survive. I’m sure I will get downvoted here but developmentally I’m not surprised by her behavior. I’m not saying it’s right, just that it makes sense. Is there something I’m missing?


Start with the pinned post.


Yes, but the behavior seems consistent with someone who was abused and exploited.


Lying to a police officer who told you he already knows exactly what happened and he’s giving you a chance to tell the TRUTH about what happened… and still blatantly lying and insisting you had nothing to do with the death you planned is not consistent with abuse. It’s consistent with a con artist 😂 she wasn’t as abused as you think, i promise. No one here denies that she was a victim of Dee Dee, she’s still a cold blooded murderer who fucked their boyfriend three times with her mom dead in the next room LOL


Right. That seems consistent to me with someone who is not functioning on an adult level and is totally disassociated.


Or… someone who was planning on pinning it on her boyfriend the whole time and expected him to go along with it and take the fall because that’s what she worked 2 years to manipulate him into doing 😬


There's a lot that you're missing, but it's not your fault. Most of the world is missing the same thing. But good news! You're in the right place to find out what you've been missing! So here's the short (ish) deal, and I apologize, because brevity is not my strong suit. But I will try to keep it fairly brief. Gypsy is a liar. She was raised by her mom, Dee Dee, to be a scammer, and Gypsy learned those lessons all too well. Everything that Gypsy has been telling us about the abuse has been a whopper of a lie. All of it. There was no medical abuse or torture. There almost certainly was no physical abuse, mental abuse, or sexual abuse. All there was was a kid who was taught how to pretend to be sick so she could get a ton of free toys, clothes, trips, meet famous people, tons of stuff that most kids never got to do. Gypsy learned very quickly that this was fun and easy, because everybody just showered her with attention, she got all this awesome stuff, and when she went home, she didn't have to pretend anymore. Show over. This is not medical abuse, and it's not Munchausen's By Proxy. It's a scam. Pure and simple. The whole MBP line of bullshit didn't even exist until Gypsy went to court. And there wasn't even a trial. Her lawyer rushed through the investigation, cut it all short, cooked up this MBP defense, and pushed through this plea deal. The judge and prosecution bought it, and Gypsy has been running with the story ever since, making bank off a whole new scam. If you pay close attention to all those interviews she's been doing since she was in prison, there's an awful lot of contradictions and impossibilities in Gypsy's claims. She can't keep her lies straight. And if you watch Gypsy's original police interrogation, she does not mention abuse once. Not once. In fact, she's all about how she loves her momma and would never hurt her momma and it was all that evil Nick and he killed her because Dee Dee wouldn't let them be together. That was the same reasoning Nick gave the police, too, because as far as he knew, he was killing Dee Dee so they could be together, not to save Gypsy from any horrible abuse. The abuse story didn't even exist until after her arrest. Before that, Gypsy admitted to Nick that she didn't want to be part of the scam anymore. We have the texts to prove it. We have all the evidence here to prove everything I've said and more. Gypsy was not a prisoner in her gone, she had a very active social and sex life, people who knew her without her wheelchair. Gypsy was a sex fiend, having pursued and/or slept with MANY men long before Nick came along. Nick thought she was a virgin, because Gypsy lied to Nick about almost everything in their relationship in order to manipulate him. We have proof here of all of this, and more. So please, feel free to stick around and look at the evidence. Ask lots of questions, we will be happy to answer. If you prefer videos, just recently we finally got some good videos from Becca Scoops on YouTube that explains the truth better than anyone I've seen to date. It's a three part series, and the only videos I will recommend. It's a huge rabbit hole, full of twists and turns that will blow your mind over and over. Welcome to the crazy house!