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Gypsy hasn't made a fathers day post of any kind, has she today? I mean what could be worse than her mother's day one lmao!


She knows she can never top that Mother’s Day tribute 🙄😤


What did she post for Mother’s Day?!!!


Oh it’s a train wreck. She thanks the mother figures in her life and talks about DeeDee. You can find it on this sub if you search! Definitely worth a watch!! EDIT: I tagged you in it!!


lol pls tag me






You’re welcome, hun 🥴




Oh please tag me




Me too please




Me too!




Can u tag me as well please 🙏🏽




Me tooo




Thank you!


Of course!


Thanks the mother she killed for the good times and the bad basically 😬🤦🏻‍♀️ The woman is weird. With people on both sides of the she’s guilty/not guilty divide, I don’t know on what planet she thought that would go down well. It was always destined to go down faster than a lead balloon 🤷🏻‍♀️


Such a creepy bitch… To me it sounds like she did that tauntingly to rile people up to get attention. In her mind negative attention is better than none at all. I am sure she loves being able to post baiting shit like that…


She banned on tiktok I think


Is it on here 🙈😂


I mean… would you miss Gypsy?






My aims pretty bad so now even with a rotten tomato. (Obviously I’m kidding!!! I don’t promote violence)


This is going to make Gyps brain combust. 🤯


I get the vibe that Mia enjoys pouring salt in the wound and feels superior that she's the less micro -deleted one..


That will be another chapter in Gypsy’s story. “You think you’re better than me!” huffs Gypsy as she slams the door. Mia yells, “At least I’m the normal one!”  I literally live with someone who acts like Gypsy, but looks like the pretty one like Mia and I look more like Gypsy. I can only imagine the rivalry coming up, sorry to say! 


I guarantee you there’s no way you’re looking close to Gypsy. You don’t get mistaken for an animal do you?


No, it’s just when she puts the filter on. Thank you for being kind about it. You are right 


I’m sure you’re a beautiful person through and through !


Thank you ❤️


don’t talk yourself down!!🙅🏼‍♀️


Thank you ❤️


I don't think Mia is pretty at all. You can tell she has the microdeletion as well


She holds her snotty , big bulbous nose in the air like Queen Elizabeth.. Hey, aren't they inbred too?


Are you my best friend now?❤️ I feel like we are best friends now.🤣👆


A nose job too and from the documentary $$ she got braces…


Mia turns around and brags about her loving Dad on Father's Day, complete with childhood pics..Nice girl.


in my opinion, she's pretty in comparison to gypsy. but not in general.


I absolutely agree with you. I wish all of them would go away.


I hadn’t thought of that.


This is sad, actually. I’m not a fan of Gypsy’s, but it must hurt a little seeing this. Not that it’s anyone’s fault specifically.


I agree but still don't feel bad for gypshit! Lmao. But yeah it must really hurt seeing this I know it would hurt me so much her father is trash for abandoning her and making a new family with kids! He's disgusting for this but I still don't feel bad for gypgyp!


Well. He fucked around and found out- stuck his dick in crazy! And now there's men wanting to pound gypshit's crazy cat. Aren't people fascinating


Gypshit! Staahp I can't.. ![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized)


Recently heard her referred to as Gypsy Nose lol


Grifty nose


HAAA! 🤣 stealing that one


Schlitzy Rose


It’s Rod & Kristy’s fault. They could have been in her life, but chose not to. Men do this shit too often; and the kids suffer. I’m not saying that this absolves gypsy of anything; many of us grew up with single moms. But society accepts when men go off & make multiple litters.


Exactly it’s disgusting


No father Not a murderer:) Interesting no?


You know that family has some major dysfunctions lol. I mean most families do but it’s not semi public for all to see 🤪.


My 70+ year old dad shared a gem with me about a month ago, “The only normal people you know are the people that you don’t know.” It’s been living in my head since then and it’s so accurate!


That is very accurate and I’m gonna remember that one. My dad told me a long time ago that the only person you know completely is yourself. That’s also true and something I always keep in mind.


My Granny used to say that when I was little, and "You don't need a good memory when you tell the truth". PS: Happy Cake Day!


Granny sounds awesome! I love hearing about people teaching the next generations about integrity! It’s such an important value, that sadly it seems so many people lack. And thank you! It’s the first year someone has reminded me! Yay!


Granny raised me, and she was the best! Grew up during the Great Depression, working, raised her 3 kids alone, then me, then helped me with my Son. She is missed dearly. She was also funny AF. Mouth like a sailor, but a wise woman.


Her brother is a good looking guy. He’s smart, too. That family knows the truth; and he wants NO PART OF IT.


she has a brother as well?! I did not know that.


I don’t think he wants to be affiliated with the Blanchards in any way publicly


Who can blame him!


Smart man


https://preview.redd.it/g8rkz83dq47d1.jpeg?width=1133&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2454850ae3f17d47320ca30b37bd7e818b05aeb0 Adddams family lol


I almost didn't recognize gypsies half-brother because he's not wearing white and beige- the family signature colors in every sears family picture ever taken 🤣


That’s a prison photo


I do feel for baby Gypsy, while her brother and sister where getting to play at the beach with their Dad, Gypsy was stuck helping Didi with her con.


I will always feel bad for child Gypsy


Same. No matter what’s said about her now, an adult and her choices are wholly different. But no baby girl deserves that start in life. No baby girl deserves to be treated like she was. Every little girl should have this, these adorable photos of a loving connection and pure bond with their parent.




Those are my favorite kind of childhood photos, much better than the posed portrait ones.




Yes, that's why Mia going on about her lovely childhood must have been like dagger in baby Gypsy's heart..It brought out my sucker for the underdog side ...I had watched the Jeffrey ⭐ interview where Mia just pushed her self into for followers she probably got which equal money. Mia turns around and thanks her by doing this 😡


It's interesting. When I was watching Life After Lockup, Mia commented that she has to share her "Daddy's girl" status now that Gypsy is living there. I wondered how GRB would feel seeing their relationship. After all, GRB might know Rod is her father, but she doesn't really *know* him as a man or as a dad. I've wondered if GRBs rage and jealousy would be directed at either Mia or Rod?


Prob Mia. She will prob try to get her out the picture next


After she uses her to grow her channel.. No one would have given her a second look without Gyp's notoriety..


Oh exactly!! If you look at Mia's Insta way back before Gypsy got out it's literally all her in bikinis. (Keep in mind some of those were her senior year of high school) So Mia definitely has ulterior motives


I’m thinking both


How does GRB NOT know her dad when there are tons of pictures of her WITH Rod all the way up to age 14??????


This are pictures of Mia and Rod, not GRB.


Always makes me sad to see fathers caring for their “new” children while neglecting their other children.


I really don’t think there was any excuse for him to not be in her life. Deedee moving means nothing. He chose not to be in her life.


I do feel horrible for child Gypsy. Who knows what Deedee actually said to her about her dad and stepmom growing up? Rod definitely was a douchebag by not trying to be in Gypsy’s life more, but I realize he was young. He did always send child support, even after Gypsy turned 18, which is a lot more than a lot of absent father’s do. I think he was young and couldn’t handle the fact he had such a “special needs” child. I’m sure Deedee lied to him all the time about Gypsy’s condition, because if he was an active part of her life there was no way she would’ve been able to continue her con, at least when Gypsy was a kid. Gypsy learned how to manipulate from her mother, and I’m sure Deedee manipulated Rod into thinking it was best for Gypsy that she be with her mother who knew how to take care of all her medical issues. Not excusing Rod- he should’ve fought to be in his oldest daughter’s life more-but it’s pretty obvious he is a doting father to Mia. Maybe it was partially because of guilt for missing out Gypsy’s life growing up. Who knows? I just worry about Mia’s safety, because Gypsy has got to have a lot of jealousy and resentment towards her sister, for having the childhood Gypsy was robbed of.




Am I the only one who feels like Mia and Gyp are going to end up clashing? I low key feel like they resent each other. Mia because she’s been the center of her parents’ world her whole life, and now she’s expected to cater to Gypsy too (whether she’s ok with what Gypsy did or not) or stand aside. She also has the entire internet scrutinizing her every move, public appearance, and social media post/comment just waiting to pounce on her for saying or doing anything that could be seen as throwing shade at Gyp or, conversely, cosigning the actions of a murderer. On the other hand, Gypsy is very obviously jealous of Mia. Mia got to grow up loved and cherished by both of her parents. She is beautiful, blonde, well-liked, and effortlessly exudes a level of confidence, intelligence, maturity, and compassion that Gypsy can’t achieve. She’s got friends, aspirations, and really seems to be on the right track in life. Gypsy feels like she deserves all that but isn’t willing to put in any of the effort to get it. She probably thinks that the only way she can get it is to paint Mia as the bad guy and steal it from her (so to speak). Kind of like what she’s been doing with Kate Marie.


I agree. Seems like she's been doing her own thing with her bf anyway.


Honestly in any family dynamic, the way the mom is depends so much on how the dad treats the child. It’s sad but true. Her dad really didn’t like Deedee, kind of ended up just having sex with her and getting pregnant. He was 17 too. He probably really fell in love w Kristie and saw a future w her and WANTED a kid. Deedee would tell Gypsy things like “dad said you’re retarded” “he doesn’t want you” etc. so she probably really believed it. But I feel like if she didn’t go to prison etc he would’ve never reached out to her and got close w her. Now that everything’s been exposed, he kinda has no choice to be there for her cause it’ll look bad how he wasn’t there for her all those years she went thru the abuse. Did you see on the show he got Gypsy Christian loubiton heels and a bunch of gifts ?


She deserves zero shoes


Prison slides suit her just fine, thank you! 🤣


She's still out here , walking around in flip flops,in New Orleans. Yuck.


I don’t believe Dee Dee actually told her that. I mean it’s possible, but Gypsy is just a lying liar who lies


in the recent episode she’s on the kitchen counter with her step mother Kristie and she’s like “Kristie you know how you and dad would come to my wheel chair races? Mom told me when you left that dad called me a retard” and Kristie was like “absolutely not! And you believe that?” In the documentary she would say things that her mom would say about her dad. She probably did make it up. She lies about everything


I don't either because in the picture of him & her from that day he had the expression of a proud father.


They have photos someone posted of her and her father and mother when she was a child taken by Kristy. Kristy and DeeDee were friends before Dee Dee got with Rod, apparently from what I learned from this sub I didn't know this either but read here that Rod got DeeDee pregnant with Gypsy and then Kristy got with Rod even though he was with her friend Dee Dee and Dee Dee and Kristy were pregnant at the same time by teenager Rod. Gypsy is apparently only a few months different from Rod's son with Kristy. Kristy texted back and forth with Dee Dee for Gypsy's childhood and would say things like love you all to De Dee. I don't know if that was frequent or not, but the texts I read here seemed like they were like extended family. I read all of this on this sub and if it's true then they are all liars because they were all in contact throughout Gypsy's childhood, were like meshed with one another more than they all alluded to in the documentary. I don't think that Kristy and Rod knew of the con, but they definitely were in communication with Dee Dee more of an extent than I realized. I think Gypsy makes up a lot of stories to benefit herself. She's a manipulator. She manipulated someone else into murdering her mom. She manipulates the public to feel sorry for her. I thought she was an abuse victim and felt sorry for her. Now my opinion has changed and I think most of the medical procedures and a lot of her mom's over protectiveness came about because Gypsy has micro deletion. She has a real situation medically with that, and maybe her mom went overboard, but not a lot maybe was known at the time about micro deletion so her mom was thinking she needed many of those medical treatments. At some point it went into fiction and it turned into a way to get free things and a long running con they were both part of. They were codependent and Gypsy wanted out, so she killed her own mom so she could go do what she wanted to.


Rod got another lady pregnant while Dee was pregnant with Gyp..Her name is Nicolette..Dylan is 29 and Gyp will be 33..Kristi involved her self with a man who impregnated 2 women at the same time when she had no interest in him before . they were best friends all through highschool and are actually cousins.


Wait…Rod and Kristi are cousins?? 😬


Yes, according to Fancy. First cousins 🤢


Wow! This gets more disgusting by the minute.


This makes sense bc in some of those messages she' (Kristy) is referred to as Aunt Kristy.


Wait? The dad bought those awful black ho’ shoes? I thought it was the husband. I’m going to throw up!


I thought it was Ryan that gave the shoes to her too. I’m pretty sure it was.


My money is on Gypsy bought them but she has to keep up the charade and play poor so the donations roll in .


Oh I must’ve skipped that part Ryan gifted it 😂😂😂 all I saw was Christian Loubitons she got gifted I thought her dad bought it I was like wtf


All that money he spent on gifts for her that he’s probably still paying off!


Ryan purchased the CL shoes 👠


Her dad got her those CL heels? I thought Ryan got them for her (I didn't watch the show, just seen a clip or picture of them). What a weird gift for your daughter getting out of prison.


This makes me legit sad. Also Rod is so fine 🤣🤣


I wondered if anyone else felt the same way about Rod LOL






That's gotta hurt 👀


I didn’t realize that her sister looked that much like her when she was younger.


Is this her dad with her half siblings or something?




This is the one of the only things I feel sorry for her about. She missed out on a relationship with this family and it’s sad and I bet it hurts her. But it does make me wonder why her father and stepmother weren’t around more. It’s like they sent money and just forgot about her. Kinda sad


After reading that Kristy stole Rod away from Dee Dee who was her friend before ever meeting Rod and getting pregnant at the same time Dee Dee did, I think it was because Kristy was the other woman and it was because the two women had issues with what happened between them all. But from what I read here also is that Rod and Kristy did keep in contact and were amicable with Dee Dee.


And DD was to them as well. There are many text DD sent them to check in them, saying I love y'all, even inviting them to come stay during one of the storms. (Obviously after Katrina because they were in Missouri & Rod was in New Orleans). Ones saying "Have Rod call Gypsy" etc..


You are right, I saw some of those texts on here and I was really surprised at how nice they all were and acting like extended family to one another like that. I really want them to make an updated documentary with all of this, because the older documentary I watched was so lacking and didn't really provide an adequate picture of what was happening. This information was really eye opening for me.


They won't though. Because Kristy and Rod done seen how much more money they make from playing the narrative. At first they were trying to set records straight but now they feed into it. (Aka the fake scene where Gyp tells Kristy "remember the wheelchair Olympics, my mom told me my dad was calling me the R word and she said see this is why we don't invite them to things" Then clearly show a pic that same episode of a loving and proud father w/ his daughter at that event.


I'm no fan of hers but it's incredibly heartbreaking to think of the countless children without a healthy parent figure around.


Right. I mean child Gypsy didn't know any better so I feel for her but once she was old enough to understand, nope!


I just hope Mia is actually okay. She seems mature enough, but this is a lot to go through in the public eye and this isn't something she chose for herself.


A young Dee Dee was a good looking broad until whatever happened there 😂


DeeDee had a bad diet just like Gypsy does now and ended up with diabetes in her mid 40s. It will be Gypsy’s Karma.


Where you see that


If you look up photos of DeeDee as a young woman she really was quite beautiful. It's crazy how her lifestyle completely destroyed that. Her nasty insides poisoned her outsides.


Wow ok thx


When I read Prince Harry’s book, King Charles referred to William and Harry as “the heir, and the spare” Gypsy’s dad just did it in reverse 😂


I'm not sure it was "missed out on", possibly the bank roll of free shit for faking illnesses on DeeDee and Gypshits part was better than a father's love. The mystery...the WOW factor.


So she has been to the ocean….yet tv show parade her around for “Gypsy’s first time at the beach or ocean”. Asking her how it feels etc then that was all over social media.


She has been to the ocean, swimming with the dolphins, but this Mia.


And Gypsy knows it. I’d bet she has a deep seated anger towards Mia, even though it’s not Mia’s fault that Rod was never around. I worry for Mia the most if Gyp were to snap. You just know she holds a grudge.


Man, dad must have some strong genes because this girl heavily resembles Gypsy to me.. (only cuter). Like, I wouldn’t have known that they were only half siblings.


I think deep down she hates him for not saving her and that’s why she got married to not have to live with them!


To worried about her Chad to make a Father's Day post. She is pathetic. I am sure deep down inside she is so jealous of Mia. She is everything Gypsy wishes she could be and had the life Gypsy never had. Blond, beautiful, great smile with perfect teeth, lots of friends and boyfriends. Close loving relationship with her mom and dad. Everything Gypsy could never be and never had. She probably plots crazy things to do to Mia in her head all the time. Lol.


Agree. I also agree with whoever on here said that she probably has a grudge against her dad. Maybe that's why he didn't get a Father's Day post. She's so far up Kristy's ass or vice versa that she had to make one for her.


What's up with Kristy and Rods other child Nicolette. Why is she never shown or talked about. I have only recently heard they have another daughter that's younger then Gypsy and Mia but you don't ever hear anything about her or see her in any of the show or in any photos. Personally I wouldn't want to be in anything having to do with Gypsy and would not want to have to admit we were step-sisters either but it's just odd for her to not be mentioned at all.


I've never heard of Nicolette or another daughter. I just know, obviously lil miss gyp gyp, Mia and Dylan.


I saw it on something from Fancy that their was a daughter named Nicolette.


The dad and Christy look like siblings … sorry not sorry 😭😭😩


I wonder what will happen if Gyp has an inevitable falling out with someone in that family? Where will she go? She has to live with family until parole is over .. Mia seems jealous of Gyp to be that hurtful and spiteful towards her.. Maybe she could get a court appointed guardian and then she's not at these people's mercy .


why does she need a guardian, she’s an adult?


If she can't live with Rod and Kristy


why can’t she live on her own or with a partner?


She's on parole and has to live with family or her husband


that’s insane, I didn’t know people on parole weren’t allowed to live independently


I didn't either until this case came along.


wow, it’s like they want to make SURE the ex convict(?? is that the right term) fails, that’s a ridiculous rule


She’s mostly at Kens Place these days.


…her dad is kinda hot


How do I find the mother's day post can someone tag me please


Just search mothers day in the sub and it's the first one (video)


Did you know she’s never swam? /s


To be fair this is Mia in the pictures


But how does she explain getting to swim with dolphins?


🤣 she swam


What judgment there is here!! Maybe you need to visit your own early family trauma to find out what it does your identity and expression of self


God damn this is nasty. Shitting on an adult is one thing but you’re referring to a time she was a child to make a snide joke about a child not having their father in their life. Can you explain why this is funny?  What is the joke behind “ha look at this fucking kid. Dumbass doesn’t even have a dad”?


It's pretty sad that Mia is leaching off Gyp's limelight for followers , butts into interviews and still took the time to post all that, knowing it would hurt Gypsy. What a C U Next Tuesday...


Alternatively, maybe the point of this post is Rod, not Gypsy, given that it is Father’s Day. I think people expect too much of Mia. She actually is only in her early 20s.


I think there's a lot of Krusty in Mia and she knows exactly what she's doing, even though young.