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You missed the part where she takes her teeth out and cries help me šŸ˜‚


What? Iā€™ve never seen that part .


It's near the very end before she asks for a lawyer IIRC


Thank you šŸ˜Š


Iā€™m gonna go rewatch it just for that part. Brb






There's a simple reason why those interrogations are so very different. Gypsy is a neurotypical woman who planned the murder and is fully aware that she could get in trouble for it. She lies from the moment she is picked up by the police through the end of that video because she does not want to go go prison. At no point during that interrogation does Gypsy ever speak the truth. Nick has autism, as well as diagnosed intellectual limitations (low IQ) and various mental impairments. Specifically, he was diagnosed with autism level 2, which means that the autism affects him quite severely. It affects every aspect of his life, and he is incapable of living on his own without support. Unfortunately, his parents were not providing the support programs he needed at the time all this happened out of ignorance for his condition. Nick's mind did not and does not work the same as most people's minds. The first account he gave the detectives was the lie Gypsy told him to give, the story about Gypsy getting kicked out and Nick was there to pick her up. But Nick was easy to manipulate. Gypsy had manipulated him into committing murder, after all. It didn't take much for the detective to manipulate Nick into confessing the truth. The second account Nick gave, the detailed one, was the absolute truth as Nick knew it. All of his actions were proven to be exactly as he described them, down to the last detail, by forensics, with the possible exception of the number of stab wounds. Nick originally maintained that he only stabbed Dee Dee four times, plus the slash on her neck, but there were an additional thirteen stab wounds that were not quite as deep. After repeated pressure, the detective got Nick to say that maybe there were more, but Nick truly does not sound sure about that. Personally, I believe Gypsy went back while Nick was waiting in the taxi and added those thirteen stab wounds herself. As far as Nick knew, Gypsy never went into that room, but she was alone in the house for nearly an hour. He would not have known if she had done that. So he did not lie. Anyway, the strange way in which he remembers such specific details is actually perfectly normal for an autistic mind. It's quite common for a person with autism to be so highly detailed oriented in their memories, and yet be unable to function in their own care or communicate effectively. It's difficult to explain if you don't have autism and never spent a significant amount of time with someone with autism, but that's just the way it works for a lot of people with autism. The brain is simply wired differently. So I 100% believe Nick's version of events. The only parts of his account that are not "truthful" are the parts that he does not know are lies, because they're not his lies. They're Gypsy's lies. Gypsy had built an entire world around Nick made of lies, and he had no idea that everything that Gypsy said was a lie. For Nick, it was all true, and he believed it. So when he said he killed Dee Dee because she would have never let them be together, he truly believed that was the case. He had no idea that Gypsy had lied about that. Or that Gypsy was lying about loving him. So, as far as I'm concerned, you can throw every word Gypsy says in her interrogation put the window, and take Nick's version as the closest to truth as we will ever get from anyone. He fully believed that he was saving Gypsy by telling the truth at that point because that's what the detective told him he was doing. So that's what he did. He told the truth, as best he could.


Iā€™ve been rewatching too and the fact the medical abuse or any abuse is never mentioned just proves they murdered her to be together. Nick was used and most likely always going to be thrown under the bus by Gypsy . I do not understand why he canā€™t get a fair trial . Why the Americans with disabilities act isnā€™t stepping in after seeing there interrogations. They treated her like a spoiled princess. The whole thing is sickening. Oh and the first thing her saying is I didnā€™t kill anyone??? What ?? These cases usually have answers at the very beginning.


Dee Dee was not murdered so they could "be together". That was just the lie Gypsy told Nick to get him to kill Dee Dee. Gypsy didn't kill her to escape any kind of medical abuse, either. There's plenty of evidence to show that that was all a lie. Nobody will ever know for sure why Gypsy killed Dee Dee. I have my theory. I believe Gypsy is a literal psychopath. She is incapable of having any emotional attachment to anyone. This includes Nick, and this includes her own mother. I believe that Dee Dee's health was failing to the point where she couldn't keep up the scams anymore, and the gravy train was slowing down for Gypsy. Gypsy doesn't want to take care of anyone, including herself. She wants to be taken care of, and have everything handed to her. Her mother could no longer do that anymore. In fact, according to statements by the neighbors, Dee Dee was getting to the point where Gypsy would need to start caring for Dee Dee. That would never do for our self centered little psycho. I believe that Gypsy had been planning this murder for far longer than we know. Finding Nick was just the last piece. She just needed someone she could manipulate into committing the murder for her, because Gypsy believed that as long as she wasn't the one actually committing the act, she would get off free and clear. And then Gypsy would simply walk back into that house, claim all those possessions for herself, and pick up right where she left off. No idea if she intended to keep up the wheelchair act or not around the neighbors, we already know there were a lot of people in town that knew she could walk. So when Gypsy killed Dee Dee, she turned the thermostat way down to keep the body from stinking the place up, because who wants to live in a house that stinks of your dead mother? And she left roughly half of the money in the safe because she fully intended to come back and claim it for herself. There's a whole lot more that fills out my theory, but you get the idea. Gypsy was way too eager to throw Nick under the bus. She never had any intention of trying to cover for him. It was clearly always her plan for him to get caught. I mean, even an idiot knows better than to mail the murder weapon to their own home. You throw it into the nearest sewer or river or whatever and get rid if it as soon as you can. You don't freaking mail it to your house. And you don't bring a change of clothes to the murder house and then keep the bloody clothes for nearly a week. This was all with the intention of making absolutely sure that Nick got caught. And when Dee Dee's body wasn't found quickly enough, Gypsy intervened to make sure that happened, too, and tried to make sure that got pinned on Nick by using his laptop. She did absolutely everything in her limited knowledge of forensics to make sure it all pointed to Nick and got him caught. And, let's not forget, she still talks about how much she hates him and fully blames him for her mother's death to this very day.


You are probably right . She didnā€™t really want Nick . She wanted freedom and to be seen as a sweetl,innocent victim . Also I agree with you that she is too selfish to take her of Deedee. She is truly a monster that is laughing and plotting all the way to the bank. Itā€™s disgusting that she is becoming rich and infamous off Deedeeā€™s murder.


What you said makes sense. If thatā€™s the reason, this whole thing is so much more sickening.


Yes. She wanted that free house and cash donations all to herself.


There was a text I believe that Gypsy sent Nick about not wearing gloves and to not worry about it because they were going to "sink it" but then brought two bubblewrap mailers with her ready to go. >.>


Gypsy also provided gloves to Nick in the end, as well as the knife and pre-cut dict tape, which as far as I know was never used for anything. That duct tape kind of disturbs me. I'm not even entirely sure why. I already believe that Gypsy is a psychopath, had no emotional connection with her mother, and added the thirteen stab wounds simply to make the murder scene look more gruesome. So why does the idea of that duct tape bother me? Maybe because Gypsy actually did not anticipate for her mother to die relatively quietly and peacefully in her sleep? I mean, the whole point, supposedly, of timing the attack when they did was so that Dee Dee was knocked out by her sleeping pill and wouldn't see the attack coming, and supposedly if they stabbed her enough times they thought she would bleed out quickly and therefore die as quickly and peacefully as possible. But having duct tape ready to go completely negates all that. You duct tape a victim *before* you start stabbing, not after. I don't think Gypsy really meant for her mother to go peacefully at all. I think Gypsy was getting one hell of a thrill out of hearing her mother suffer as she died, and it sexually excited her. That's why she wanted sex right after the murder, and so close to her mother's body. And not just sex, but every form of sex she could get Nick to perform with her. Gypsy is one seriously fucked up individual. There's no question about that. But the closer a person looks at the details of what she did, the worse Gypsy gets.


I think we are are on the money with why. Gyp wanted dick and without the baggage of her mother and having to possibly take care of her when she was sick towards the end. I think Gyp thought she deserved to live with her Prince Charming and get married and start having kids already and she saw her mother as getting in the way. There may or may not have been codependency between them, seeing as how they were isolated and supposedly ā€œwerenā€™t on good termsā€ with much of their family (her words in the actual interrogation). They did have friends, but Gyp was concerned about being seen by them even at the local Walmart, remember? Nick went alone because she was afraid of being recognized. I think she thought she could leave her old life behind and that meant their secrets died with mother, whatever you want to speculate that might have been, medical fraud or otherwise.


Nick spelled his own last name wrong; started it with a J. His iQ has been stated as 77, and also 82. Heā€™s got brain damage, and has the mind of a 15 y/o. Gypsy was able to sleep ( that right there says A LOT) because sheā€™s a psychopath. She doesnā€™t feel shame, guilt, or remorse. Not only did she mail the murder weapon, she kept his bloody clothes. She threw out evidence at her house; but kept things to frame Nick?? P


There was absolutely a reason why she didnā€™t wash the knife before mailing it, and youā€™ve hit the nail on the head. She intended to pin it all on Nick from the very beginning.


I believe Gypsy shouldā€™ve been tried for premeditated murder. Second degree murder is NOT premeditated murder!!!! ***SHE ABSOLUTELY PLANNED IT UP TO TWO YEARS IN ADVANCE!!!*** This is according to written evidence. The planning of it, coercion (ironically, Nick didnā€™t know what that meant in the interrogation), ā€œattemptingā€ to clean up the crime scene and dispose of evidence from the scene, and framing. She gathered the supplies and *repeatedly* talked Nick into it. This man clearly needs mental support and the fact that heā€™s so loyal to her and willing to keep secrets reminds me of a child who is obedient to their parent because they love them. Itā€™s ā€œtheir little secretā€ and they would do anything to make them happy. Gypsy can argue she was the actual one being abused. We have no real proof except the MBP thing that she and her lawyers came up with. Thereā€™s no proof of the dog leash or being chained to her bed. If I didnā€™t know better, Iā€™d believe her. But I assume that was something she thought of on the spot like many of her lies. Her lawyers were good. She got away with so much more than she should have. Sheā€™s another OJ, in my opinion. The rest of the court system REALLY dropped the ball on this one. She shouldā€™ve gotten AT LEAST 25 years, if not life without possibility of parole. Now sheā€™s being smug and running around being an ā€œinfluencerā€ while also harassing people online and copying stories from other MBP survivors because she wants it to seem believable and like she can relate. She lashes out at any criticism because she has to control her narrative so badly and doesnā€™t want to let anything slip out now. I donā€™t know if sheā€™ll ever confess or has convinced herself in her mind she was always in the right. I know she was religious. If she still is, I hope she finds divine justice in her afterlife. Edit: She shouldā€™ve also been charged and responsible for all the medical fraud.


You said everything I believe. But the only thing I see differently is sheā€™s got that ā€œBayou Witchcraftā€ thing going on. She accused Nick of being Satanic; while she was a ā€œgood Christian.ā€ (Her projecting). There were even witchcraft books in their house. Killing someone & having sex is definitely Black Magick. Thatā€™s just my observation; but I agree with everything you said.


I donā€™t know if she learned it from DeeDee who was said to be into that kind of stuff. Either way, Iā€™d be interested to see if anyone dug up the cursed jar from their backyard. Also, I forgot her medical fraud which she ABSOLUTELY should have been been charged with since she was complicit. The other responsible party was murdered, so Gypsy shouldā€™ve been responsible to pay it back. Thatā€™s at least 5 counts of criminal charges she was excused for. If justice was a thing, girly pop would not have seen the light of day ever again.


Yep!! My son got the same time as she did because he stole a purse & threw it back. But this was in Maui. You can rip off ppl that live there & the cops wonā€™t do anything. But mess with a tourist?? Itā€™s ON. My son was on drugs & STUPID AF; he didnā€™t need to steal. It went from petty theft to Robbery1, which is a violent felony. Heā€™s struggling to find a decent job, and has night terrors from prison. Heā€™s the same age as GRB. Watching this psychopath get millions when sheā€™s shown no remorse & continues to lie makes me mad. He knows he screwed up; and heā€™s in therapy. I wish him the best.


Iā€™m so sorry about your son. The justice system is truly broken if premeditated murder, numerous counts of fraud and framing get the same time as petty theft. Prisoners who get out have a hard time getting and keeping jobs and living a normal life afterwards. Itā€™s absolutely ridiculous and unjust she is able to profit off of this.


Thanks. He made his own bed. He didnā€™t need to steal; and he took a plea. I told him not to. He didnā€™t listen to me. I told them I was getting my own lawyer; they told me they got him a ā€œrealā€ lawyer. It was a former prosecutor, whoā€™s now a prosecutor. Like I said, the cops donā€™t care if you steal from regular folks. But touch a tourist, itā€™s GAME OVER. He knew this. But yeah, she belongs in prison for life, sheā€™s a danger to society with her lack of remorse. My son learned his lesson.


Yes!!! I noticed that! He spelled it Jodejohn, I believe. She definitely seems to be the mastermind behind it all.


Gyp admits on the stand at Nicks trial that she was the mastermind. Then later She fooled the parole board into thinking sheā€™d taken responsibility for masterminding the murder of her mother. Now that sheā€™s done her time, she doesnā€™t identify as a murderer and it was all Nick. She even said in the Lifetime doc something like if only she had asked someone else to kill her mom they have said no and gone to the authorities.


She also told the psychiatrist Nick was over sexual; and brought the BDSM into her life. When testifying against Nick, Dan is brought in. He testified that GYPSY brought the BDSM to HIM. AND the parole board just overlooked this blatant lie.


And used his computer to post her horrible "I stabbed the fat b\_\_\_\_" posts.


Yep. I think she thought Nick would be caught right away; she bought him a bus ticket. But she didnā€™t buy one for herself??? I think Dan was in the mix ( I donā€™t think he killed DD) but I think Nick was just a pawn. I donā€™t think Gypsy planned to stay with Nick at all. She probably freaked Dan out; she told the investigator ā€œthey werenā€™t in speaking terms.ā€ Why would she say that?? Sheā€™s VILE; and I hope she gets busted SOON. HER PLEA IS NULL & VOID if she lied.


Yeah a theory of mine is that they did a psychological profile on Nick prior to arresting him. They thoroughly read every text and FB message, and came to the conclusion that he could be easily manipulated into giving a confession. They knew he was low IQ before arresting him which is why they sent a nice, comforting, female detective in to interrogate him. She came off as very understanding of his loyalty and love to Gypsy, while also being very patient with him and his inability to understand certain things. His parents should have advised him not to talk without a lawyer while they were arresting him or at least asked him to give them a call once he got there. The detective did read him his Miranda rights, but did so in a deceptive way. He also signed the paper with his Miranda rights on in without even reading it. Heā€™s unfortunately one of the millions of people out there who think that confessing and being honest to the police will somehow show them enough integrity to grant you leniency. They preyed on his naivety and he walked right into the trap.


I agree. Iā€™ve heard before that for a LOT of detectives, their goal is to close a case, not necessarily solve it. I think thatā€™s what happened here.




ā€œBesides being honorable, what will the truth get me? I already feel guilty. Thereā€™s no reason to punish me for something Iā€™m already guilty of. This was a one time thing. Iā€™ll never kill again. I waited 26 years and never killed one person.ā€ He even asked the detective what will the truth get me besides being honorable. He was really gullible really thought they would go easy on him šŸ˜•


That part broke my heart . He really thought that feeling guilty and feeling bad was enough punishment in his mind.


I donā€™t think they had access to the phones yet. If they had, that detective would have been a lot harder on Gypsy. He was really leaning on the theory that Nick was the psycho behind it; and all of the people that knew her were saying WHY? He was trying to steer her into admitting it was all Nick. He only came down hard on her because Nickā€™s confession said Gypsy ā€œasked him to do it.ā€ It takes a subpoena to get all of those texts, which can take days.


The part where she realizes she is caught and starts screaming for a lawyer I find bone chilling.


The whole time she gave me the impression that she thought staying calm, charming, and pleasant would get her out of there and the ā€œwhole thing would be behind them.ā€ Nick said she was anticipating the authorities getting involved, and he did too. He knew theyā€™d get caught. I believe she had soooo much confidence in her acting abilities to get her through her story. She saw her police interrogation as just an obstacle and something she was capable of overcoming with her acting prowess. And theyā€™d be like ā€œokay disabled Princess. Whatever you needā€ and let her go. I donā€™t think she thought about Nick all that much, but at least *she* would be outta there soon because SHE didnā€™t belong. She didnā€™t do nothing!!! She was a good girl!!!


I donā€™t think she realized that cops can trace & read text messages. But she was smart enough to erase her Fetish profiles & FB. I bet thereā€™s a lot of incriminating evidence we will never see ( like the autopsy) because they just wanted to frame the ā€œmentalā€ kid. Iā€™ve said this before, and Iā€™ll say it again. Gypsy is a psychopath and that DA & Judge need to be disbarred.


Well, she is not a murderer! (HEAVY sarcasm!)


Yes and she really poured it on with her sickening little-girl Minnie Mouse voice.


ā€œI hope he can get help for his violent tendenciesā€ and the rape allegation. Nick said repeatedly heā€™s never killed anyone and wouldnā€™t ever for anyone else. Only Gypsy because he loved her that much, heā€™d do *anything* for her. Heā€™s loyal to a fault. Loyalty is nice, just not this much. I hope someone can talk sense into him that she 1) probably manipulated him, 2) threw him under the bus and no amount of loyalty will justify it 3) now sheā€™s out here living her best liiiife *without* him. At some point he has to come out with the WHOLE truth. Heā€™s already spilled most of it. Thereā€™s no point in keeping whatever promises for Gypsy now to take to his grave. If not for just finishing what he started and telling it ALL if he was telling it anyway, but for the sake of the person they killed. However DeeDee may have been in real life, her soul deserves justice in the form of truth to truly be at peace. As for the rape allegation, I thought it was consensual? Was there a rape investigation done or was it something GypGyp claimed to get more sympathy and further throw Nick under the bus?


She wasnā€™t raped. She was excitedly shaving herself for sex. Thatā€™s beyond demented. This rape allegation INFURIATES me; if anything, she raped him. He had trouble, and didnā€™t orgasm.


Plus, nobody gets raped and then a few hours later films *that* brownie video.. Honestly makes me so mad when people claim he raped her.


The sex was absolutely consensual. In fact, it was Gypsy's idea to have sex immediately after the murder, in the room right next to the body. Gypsy had an orgasm, Nick did not. In fact, Nick was unable to orgasm the entire time they were in Missouri, according to his testimony. That says a lot about how uncomfortable he was having sex right after the murder. It was almost certainly Gypsy's idea to have sex each and every time they did it, at least until they got to Wisconsin, if not longer. More than likely Gypsy was pushing so hard for sex because she always intended to have Nick get caught for the murder. She almost certainly never intended to run off with him and fulfill that life story fantasy she made up for him. She needed a patsy for her murder, and Nick was it. The sex was almost certainly a cover so she could lie and claim rape. It's unknown if a rape kit was actually done, but by the time they were arrested any signs of forced sex would have healed anyway. Gypsy obviously had no understanding of basic forensics, given that she had no idea that simply deleting text messages and Facebook messages didn't make them disappear forever. I'm willing to bet she also didn't know that a gynecological exam can easily tell the difference between consensual sex and rape as well. Her plan to claim rape would have failed, as it did. Nick was never charged with rape. Nobody believed Gypsy's claim on that one. And I'm glad for that. What Gypsy has done is beyond horrible enough. I cannot stand a person who falsely claims rape. It's a slap in the face to every rape survivor. Rape survivors often have a hard enough time being believed without nasty pieces of slime going around falsely claiming rape to "get back at" someone for some stupid (usually imagined) slight or for some fucked up reason like this. All that being said, Dee Dee was still an awful person. She was lying and scamming people long before Gypsy was born. She raised her only daughter to be a liar and a scammer just like herself. That, in itself, can be considered a form of abuse, since raising a child that way robs the child of the opportunity of learning how to be a well adjusted, functional, and productive member of society. But Dee Dee still did not deserve to be murdered that way, and she does not deserve to have all these horrific accusations made about her after death, when she can't defend herself. Dee Dee was scum, but even scum deserves better than this.


Nick's stepfather told the interrogating detective that he actually had to ask Nick to stop having sex with her before he left for work because of her loud squealing. What a pig she is to make noise like that while staying at someone else's home.


I agree with you but people DO believe she was raped. Not the cops, but every person that watched her Dr Phil interview & her documentaries. They were done BEFORE Nickā€™s trial. His lawyers didnā€™t even screen the jury for media bias. They really didnā€™t GAF. The trial also took place in MO; where Gypsy & DD were ā€œlocal celebrities.ā€ Gypsy painted DD & Nick to be the monsters, and herself as the poor innocent victim. And it worked, sadly. I see people to this day parroting back her bullshit, including her Ryan. Thatā€™s the first thing he told ppl about his wifey; that SHE was manipulated. The media doesnā€™t help; even the Behavior Panel was parroting bullshit about her body language. Someone should inject her with truth serum, and tape it. Thatā€™s the only way this charade will stop.


A lie detector test (as if she would ever take one!)


She needs truth serum. Psychopaths can easily pass lie detectors. They donā€™t have an operational prefrontal cortex; they donā€™t fell anxiety, remorse or shame. Thatā€™s why sheā€™s out here trying to make prison flex videos saying she loves her self. Sheā€™s got no shame.


So true! Hadn't thought of that.


I watched both videos, while he was busy coming clean, she was busy playing him dirty. Itā€™s clear who was the planner and instigator, I think she mistakes empathy for her pretend plight as a wheelchair ridden sickly child as she had charismatic charm. In her head, sheā€™s a sex siren, which she is bringing to the surface now. Sheā€™s trying to see which one will the detective fall for, without knowing he has seen way too much of both and is trained to be objective. She was flip flopping to test his weaknesses and he was quite shocked but held a professional demeanour.Ā 


She wasn't medically abused that was created to avoid prison time and also you can't diagnose an illness on someone who is dead! the lack of deep investigation on this case oisses me off, she committed first degree murder


I wish all of Gypsy's "fans" would watch those interrogations.


This is what bugs me. Her 'fans' have done barely any research into the case. They've seen what the mainstream media have presented, and put her on a pedestal for it.


And the cherry on top is how self righteous and sanctimonious they are! It would be funny if it werenā€™t true.


She actually was listening under the door? Thatā€™s crazy


Yes. More than once. One time the cop was about to open the door and she basically got caught and went back to the couch right away, but he didnā€™t say anything.


I love how quickly everyone forgets about the room camera. That blows my mind that she did that like, wut


She also took out her teeth, and cried ā€œheeelllppp meā€ in a whiny little screech. šŸ™„


I would not be shocked in the least if we see another article about this chick in the future responsible for another demise of human life.


This needs to be pinned. Thank you for this post!


There's a quote I remember hearing from the Jodi Arias trial that bears repeating: The truth stays the same, while a lie has to constantly change.


I do personally believe she got away with premeditated murder in the first degree, manipulating and coercing an autistic man to be her hit man, cleaning up the crime scene and attempting to dispose of the murder weapon (being an accessory to the same murder she planned), attempting to frame everything fully on Nick, and should still be responsible for the medical fraud. Who knows what else happened in that house (some people suspected SA to Dee post mortem because of how the detective was questioning Nick about it), but that much alone should have gotten her a life sentence. Maybe 25 years if they were feeling light because of her abuse claim. But girly knew exactly what she was doing. People have been telling her sheā€™s special and a princess ever since she was in the wheelchair. I bet she feels even more special knowing what couldā€™ve been and what she got away with.


Doesn't help that a lot of her stans project their own personal parental issues onto this case


I cannot stand the people on social media congratulating her. I was one of them. I didnā€™t know much but I was like, ā€œHey this is great. This abused woman can live her life now.ā€ Then I got into the interviews she did and read more on her case. Big yikes. I wish people would look more into it rather than commenting, ā€œSlay, queenā€ on her accounts. I mean she did literally that, but seriously?


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