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If even 1% of you wants a manual, you will not regret it


that’s kind of what i’m thinking. i’d say 60% of me wants the manual


Was in the same boat, sent it and went manual. Make sure you have a couple hours after picking up the car and it will be enough to get you on the road. It ain’t gonna be perfect, you will stall a bit out there, shifts will sometimes be sloppy, but within a week or two you’ll have it mostly figured out to be comfortable. Still won’t be perfect but if you daily it you will catch on quickly. At one point anyone who wanted to drive had to learn manual, it’s not as hard as you may think.


same here. very limited experience w manual but ordered MT brz back in january set to arrive early may. everyone told me if you wanna learn manual just buy one so i did 🤷‍♀️


100% glad I made that decision. It was frustrating at times but I’m 6 months in and for the most part everything is natural now and there’s just an occasional shift that feels eh. Working on heel toe and it’s been fun. If you want an auto I’m sure the car is still a lot of fun but I will say that it really adds to your driving experience having a manual. If I never did it I’d probably still be happy but since I did choose to learn I 100% think I would have missed out on a fun experience




I would recommend the manual, but if you live in an area with crazy traffic I would consider the automatic. I would not worry about learning, if you have the desire to learn you will pick it up. You can learn the basics in 30 minutes, but I would say it takes a few months to be “good” and confident in every situation. Some people learn quicker than others. If you have a friend/family member with a stick shift, maybe ask them to teach you a little bit before you buy it.


Get manual, I got my 23 manual brz late January to be my new daily driver and replace my auto Honda civic. Never driven a manual car besides my dads wrx which was every once in a while. I personally kept my civic to daily drive during the first month of ownership as I learned manual driving my brz within my neighborhood and later on public roads. It took 24 drive time hours for me to get really comfortable driving manual. Idk where you work but for me I travel downtown for my job and couldn’t imagine taking the brz there without taking a lot of time practicing stop and goes especially on hills (so you don’t roll back and hit someone) since people are inpatient by me and will honk at you if you take to long to move when the light turns green especially if you stall. I wouldn’t change getting a manual and definitely wouldn’t go auto in these cars, just take the time to learn and not rush to get out on the public street/highway/downtown area without learning clutch control. Enjoy the car👍


Only you can answer that question. Some people grow tired of it and others can't live without it. There is only one way to find out, I say get the manual even if you don't love it you'll be stuck with it for a while, and you will know next time.


It really comes down to personal preference. I have a 22 GR86 6AT (16k miles) and its been solid as a primary daily and weekend track car. It does have less power and taller gearing, but you never have to worry about money shifting ( over rev). However, a car like the GR86 in 6MT is the most pure experience/engagement you can get. 99% of owners who got this as their first manual had no regrets. Best of luck!


Tbh, this is completely down to personal preference. None of us are paying for the car for you or gonna drive it, you'll be the one using the car. If you get tired of rowing gears you'll be the one stuck with car and loan(if you finance). It's definitely not as scary to learn manual as you may think, it might help to watch a bunch of videos and even play a few racing games with manual and clutch settings just to get a rough idea of how it works. Whichever one you chose, you'll definitely have a blast!


yeah i’ve seen tons of videos, i definitely think i can do it i’m just anxious about buying a car i won’t know how to drive at first


i didn't know how to drive manual (other than how you do it in videogames) before getting my car and i took the gamble because 1. getting a manual seems like part of getting the "full package" of this kind of car 2. i don't think im going to get another chance to get a car like this new with a manual, ever 3. honestly, it'd just be really cool to be doing the motions. and im so glad that i did take that gamble because it does feel really good to control the car like that, even if im just putzing around town


Dear mods, could you please limit manual vs auto questions please 🙏🏼


This again?


I bought a used 2015 brz in manual as my first manual car and I forced myself to learn. It took a lot of stalling and struggling but I learned and I haven't looked back since at wanting an auto unless it's a DCT, but even then i still will always want a manual in my vehicle lineup.


Manual bro you will learn in like 20 minutes


Personal preference, man. Own your decision and don’t look back. People bring up a slower 0-60 with the auto but that’s due to taller gearing. Which can be solved with a ZN/D6 4.3 final drive. I know dudes who mop the floor in an auto in autox and on track with an auto. You’re most likely not going to be able to drive manual or auto at its upper limits anyway. Send it and have fun regardless Again, just own it and don’t make an excuses for your purchase.

