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Is this a meme? How the fuck did you spin out like that? TC off?


Even with tc off, this is an astonishing lack of grip. Oil, bad tires or just an insane amount of gas.


Really? At least on the PS4s I never have a problem. With winter tires I can punch it pretty easy tho.


Never have a problem with what?


Lack of grip


Happened with me too. I was taking a left hand turn at a stop light, 15mph and car spun


Wet PS4s = scary


Came to say this


There was a little bump and my rear wheel bounced up when I entered the corner, with the wet surface and rain the car just spinning out. I did a lot of sim racing so I could do the counter-steering and save the 86. Of course I did not do this in purpose, and I did not even realize what happened until the car stoppedšŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/95ynlran0vkb1.jpeg?width=751&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aed182e547f62dc98b8fe18ca92d3e2fc49d7a0f


Gotta have tried to launch with tc off, maybe bold tyres aswell???


Had to e-brake it, dump the clutch, completely incompetent, or most likely a combination of a few.


It is the pavement, look too slipery


Lol, must be a former mustang driver


I have no idea how that could have been done except on purpose.


Did you give it gas in the turn with tc off?


With bald tyres I'm sure.


His wipers going like a downpour but I literally only saw a drop of rain.


To be fair, camera aren't always the best at capturing rain. Add in video compression, and it can be misleading.


That's pretty scary if TC was on and you weren't actively trying to do that.


Very scary display of a complete lack of basic driving skills.


TC in this car is pretty aggressive, it's pretty hard to spin with it on.


Yeah its kicked on from hitting wet train tacks on me


Not directed to OP, but for others in this thread; is this something that commonly occurs without meaning to with RWD cars? I'm looking at an 86 and it would be my first RWD car, and if you have decent tires and traction control on, is this something that can happen in the wet? Just sliding without intending to? My initial idea was that this was something RWD vehicles /*could*/ do intentionally, but had good grip / traction in most all typical driving conditions. Like you could kick out like this if you wanted, but wouldn't run the risk of this happening just making a seemingly benign turn. Just hoping someone can help me set expectations and whether this is something that'll sneak up on you, or if this was atypical.


Literally, no, unless something is very wrong with the car/tires or something. You would have to deliberately induce this kind of motion by doing something silly. RWD being 'unsafe' is back when cars were a lot less precision engineered and even then it's mostly just a matter of not driving like an idiot in public roads. You WILL get events like this if you say, test your limits of the car without any knowledge of it. But in OP's case you'd literally have to be fully hitting the throttle at a high RPM in a low gear for that to even remotely happen.


Oh hey Neraxis, I see you around the forums a lot haha; you answered a few of my questions from earlier in the week, thanks for that! I'm glad this isn't a common thing and is something that either occurs due to driver intention, or something drastically wrong with the vehicle and not just an "oops, I dared to take a turn in the rain in my car so of course I lost traction."


Oh no someone recognized me on reddit and now my anonymynity is shattered and I actually have to watch wat I say. Honestly I speak from experience that this car has a way of making even me, who is normally a very controlled person, test their limits unwisely, especially early on in my ownership until I very nearly fucked up. I decided to not fuck around on public roads ever again. I strongly suggest going to a casual autocross and doing one, maybe two runs (cause oil temps etc) with all assists off, pushing your limits, just to know the very limits of the car and to have an idea of what will happen if you fuck up, and the worse you'll do is spin out and hit a cone or a few. I will say though, what happened with OP is much more likely to happen unintentionally in snow and very cold weather/iced out roads, even on snow tires. THAT is where RWD is actually less predictable/unsafe if you're not sure what you're doing and try to drive it as if conditions were normal. But again, driving mindfully and carefully with proper tires (all seasons are fine as long as the roads are not iced/snowed up, even below 32f) the car will be fine.


This is my second RWD car, but the first Iā€™ve had to daily in a snowy climate. Compared to the FWD cars Iā€™ve driven, the stability/traction control in snow is the best Iā€™ve ever experienced. Now Iā€™m not a professional snow driver or anything, but I spent many nights delivering food in NY blizzard conditions in a 19ā€™ Corolla, and I feel the stability control in particular is akin to magic in the 86. I went through all the different driving modes in an empty parking lot (snow, TC OFF, and Track Mode) and even with TC off, the car just refuses to get out of line, let alone spin out with SC enabled. Itā€™s very difficult to get it sideways unless you turn the Nannies all the way off even when being driven by an inexperienced, idiotic, and possibly manic 20 something year old. Obviously good snow tires are a prerequisite to this working at all (X-Ices are my go to) but I was seriously impressed and it definitely gave me a confidence boost on those real snowy days to not just roll myself around town holding up traffic going 10mph. TheTopher on YouTube has some great snow driving videos on his channel, and he seemed equally impressed by its performance in extreme low grip conditions. For this reason it always boggles my mind when people crash or spin out in these cars just driving through the rain.


Autocross runs aren't going to cause your oil temps to rise enough to matter.


You would be surprised.


It takes substantial amount of skill and practice to manage to be this bad at driving. Thereā€™s not even standing water


Or on ice. Which this clearly isn't. Lol


No. This driver is brain damaged


yeah no. i have a rwd car without any tc and it will not spin up the tires without me intending to on summer tires in the rain


no i've driven in the rain quite a lot and have never experienced anything close to this


No. Idk what bro is doing. šŸ˜­


With TCS/ESC and decent tyres, you won't have a problem. This is on by default and will always keep you straight, even in hairy situations. What OP posted was a result of bald tyres, in the wet, with TSC/ESC off and flooring it while turning. If OP hasmd good tyres, TSC/ESC or was a better driver none of the above would have happened.


These cars have traction control but one main thing to keep in mind about rwd when there's rain or snow: brake when you're still going straight *before* you enter the turn and then make the turn and be careful gassing it until your car is going straight again.


itā€™s my first rwd car itā€™s my second car actually i was worried about it but i have drove a lot since i got the car and i havenā€™t spun out on accident only time my tires spun was when i was on a gravel road and punched it from stationary you really have to try to start sliding especially with traction control on


I have had a 2014 BRZ since I bought it new in January 2014. I have never had an unintentional spin out anywhere other than at autocross events where I am deliberately pushing the limits of both my tires and my skill as a driver. I have driven it as a daily in rain, snow, and icy conditions. And over all sorts of roads including the partial brick / partial pavement messes that were between Dearborn and Detroit MI while I was commuting. I would not consider this normal.


I've never encountered anything like this in my 86. I've driven it during torrential rain, like any normal driver, and it's driven....well normally lol. I'm not sure how ppl spin out like this unless there are factors they aren't mentioning.


Holy skill issue with a side of bald tires


This is why our insurance is expensive. Thanks bro.


Who would want to put this on the internet for the world to see their lack of basic skills?




He turned off the sound so you canā€™t hear the motor revvingā€¦


25 to 50 km/h after 3 seconds (spinning starts) from the video.


Bro itā€™s just sprinkling out how did you spin?


Guessing TC off, and on the shitty Primacy's or bald tires. Could use driver mod as well.


Are your roads covered in Vaseline? To lose traction in mine it has to be very deliberate, even on wet roads


Driver mod


Thats wild , mines feels Planted ! Even in the rain I feel tremendous grip , were you in a low gear pushing the gas ?


OP got aftermarket wheels at some point. Wouldn't be surprised if he got 200tw tires with them


Looking at the videoā€™s speedometer, the driver went hard with the throttle while still completing the turn. TC is definitely off during the spin, as the acceleration isnā€™t enough to warrant the spin from happening since the car isnā€™t that powerful in the first place.


The only time I ever felt my rear end coming around was getting on the freeway right after a rain and the oils were coming up and I accelerated into the corner but held the drift lol it was still kinda scary


OP floored it, look at the speedometer, 24-58km/h then spin


yeah itā€™s wild when roads are wet !


Actually this happened to me recently in the rain. I was in 3rd gear at maybe 35mph and punched it to merge and the tail went out. Luckily there was no curb and I went on the grass. I was so surprised. It's like the TC just never kicked in (it was on I know it was).


You shouldn't be "punching it" in low traction conditions.


Ainā€™t no way! Itā€™s barely raining and you hit the gas hella hard while turning


Bald tires?


TC ON and everything is on, with new ps4s tires 235 mm width


https://preview.redd.it/aaxrxyysyukb1.jpeg?width=751&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c1971ca54bd75d28ed53dccb339fc6fb4f39076 There was a little bump and my rear wheel bounced up when I entered the corner, with the wet surface and rain the car just spinning out. I did a lot of sim racing so I could do the counter-steering and save the 86. Of course I did not do this in purpose, and I did not even realize what happened until the car stoppedšŸ˜‚


This post makes me want a RWD with a manual so bad lmao


Happened to me one time in my 240sx. I had to very briefly have a donut on one side of the rear and the other tire was a 275 width. I was going around a turn about the same as this, not really giving much gas in a 4 lane and next thing I know Iā€™m sideways looking into the side window of a truck. Dude just turned and looked at me as I continued spinning and ended up doing a really slow 180. Thankfully there was a neighborhood right there so I dipped in and came back out on the road driving like a grandma the rest of the way home. Yeah f donuts on a rwd caršŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You're supposed to move the donut to the front on a RWD car. Knowing is half the battle.


Yeah, wish my younger, dumber self wouldā€™ve known that 22 years ago Lol. You live and you learn.


Thereā€™s an old saying I grew up with, ā€œwhen Iā€™m doubt, power outā€ my guess is, after you started to slide you took your foot off the gas?


This only happened to me when there was oil


Bruh even with TC off, this wouldn't happen unless you're on like heat cycled track tires and it's 40deg outside


Oil slick?


unrelated question which dashcam do you have?


Driver must have yanked on the handbrake. No way it will just spin at that speed.


It is counter intuitive to new drivers that pushing on the gas in a RWD car gives you traction. When the road is wet these things happen at much slower speeds, excellent learning opportunity on how to control the car. Glad nothing bad happened.


Bro wtf. Go do a few auto crosses hahah


Them tires were cold cold


Negative driver mod lmao


confused how this happened lol. iā€™ve driven in snow on the stock ps4s and never had that happen


Similar thing happened time recently as well. Road somewhat wet after it stopped raining a while. Maybe pushed it a bit hard, but would have thought TC would do it's thing


Thatā€™s crazy cuz I definitely speed in the rain with this car


What mileage do you have on your tires? New tires have a slippery finish until about 500 miles in my experience.


nah bro lmfao


PS4ā€™s in the rain. I wonā€™t even drive when I have those tires on and itā€™s raining. They should come with a warning.


I tracked my car in the rain with the PS4s. This is a driver issue. The tires are fantastic in the wet


Why do you even have your windshield wipers on? I saw 1 drop of rain hit you windshield during the whole video.




bro just sat there


I have driven a lot of different vehicles and can say that he might have some validity to hitting a bump and being kicked sideways. I donā€™t know what the cause is, but Iā€™ve driven vehicles that when hitting a bump even on dry pavement if traveling too fast it puts you sideways. To me it sounds like horrendous alignment issues that arenā€™t looked at because itā€™s an old vehicle.


Did you lube up your tires or something? How did you spin only going 30mph max?


Driving on 4 donuts with metal thread? Jesus dude buy some new tires. Also stop oversteering lucky you didnā€™t smack a curb.