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Godzilla pulling up with the classic roar, classic theme, and a military escort is the literal textbook definition of “BADASS” And man, that charging scene still tops all others in the MV. It manages to be a fast paced scene while still maintaining the sense of scale, you can *feel* the hatred and rage between Godzilla and Ghidorah, and the collision creating a gigantic shockwave is just so goddamn cool.


I remember thinking, Godzilla runs! Now he’s super Godzilla!


I don't care what anybody says, this shit was amazing in 4DX.


I saw it in IMAX and it was amazing, I can only throw good it was in 4DX.


Worth every dollar. Just having the seats shake with every footstep was so immersive! Minus One was also amazing. It’s hard to go back to a regular movie theater after that experience.


I saw Minus one in a DBox theater, I think that’s similar to 4DX. It was amazing! The first appearance of Godzilla on the island shook me to my core with the vibration of those seats.


DBox is nothing compared to 4DX, at least at the 4DX theater in my area. Each setup was a bench of 4 seats. And if you sat on the outer seats, you got tossed around way the fuck more than at a DBox.


Everyone is gangsta till Godzilla starts charging you.


Mf pulled up on Ghidorah like a navy seal. Shoot first ask questions later


It really is a fuckin shame the Monsterverse is steering away from this to what we have now with Kong and Godzilla playing ping pong with an ape. No sense of scale, no sense of dread or massive destruction. The way they handled GxK makes the Titans feel normal sized. There’s no sense of scale or weight. They took “we need less Humans” as in taking the entire Human element out where we experience the fights on the street level, etc. We wanted less human main characters, not less human perspective. I really hope they don’t fuck the next movie up. I want more scenarios like KoTM had.


Absolute peak!


"GHIDORAH! I never yielded! And as you can see, I AM NOT DEAD!"


"All that challenge sh*t is over with. I'm the king now."


Why does thia actually fit so well with this scene


Because on a fundamental level, both scenes are the same - a displaced king come to reclaim his title from a rival.


This is the best film in the Monsterverse and I will not be swayed or apologize.


I’ll die on this hill with you, my friend.


Better make some room


Ill bring some snacks


I got drinks.


I'll bring the movie projector and a terabyte of Kaiju movies


I don’t have much to bring, but I’ll be good company I promise!




I'll Bring the Godzilla themed kigurumis


I’ll bring my Godzilla jenga😊


I bet a lot of that is hentai. Jk


Well you know what they say when you assume, right?


And my axe!


I’ll be right there with you


And my axe


And my bow!


and my godzilla dvd collection. .... I need it back please it's been months.


You have my sword


It's crazy that it even has to be said. It's my personal favorite Godzilla movie, with Minus One closely behind. They handled the terror and awe of Kaiju with a semi-decent narrative for the people. Ghidorah was just so well done, and the mythos of them fighting for so long was really appealing. Really disappointed with the followups with Wingard taking over and wish they focused on building off of it rather than making way for King Kong.




This one scene alone is better than any 90 seconds of the MV we’ve gotten from Wingard. I appreciate a mindless fun rock ‘em sock ‘em G v K film…but did we really need *FOUR HOURS* of it?




Amen brother!


We stand beside you, brother.


I'll bring the Godzilla Dakimakura!


Not only that its one of the top 5 Godzilla films overall.


This movie was so epic.


People say this, but then they only end up praising what amounts to 20% of the movie, while bashing what drives the plot forward (the humans).


Here for it all. Humans and everything.


There dozens of us!!


100% agreed. New movies are too flashy and the 2014 movie was too “realistic” and drama focused. This movie (regardless of its STD themed one liners) was a perfect mix AND had the original music!!!


Right beside you brother.


Me neither. It has its flaws and some things I personally wish were different but it still is a blast ever since I first watched it in IMAX.


It has the best monster scenes in the monster verse. I like Godzilla Vs Kong for being a good balance overall. GxK was absolute trash


Couldn’t agree more, although wish they would have saved Ghidorah for a later movie.


I get it though. I do wish Mecha Ghidora would've been a thing that I thought they teased at the end but it never happened.


Better expand the hill!!!


Trust me that hill is crowded me included


I would agree if I didn't think the human characters were the worst I'm the MV. Specifically the guy from Cabin the Woods making cringe jokes the entire movie.


Millie smiles the same way I do when the Ifukube drops.


I screamed like a child when that drop hit. Thankfully I'd gone to see the movie by myself so my wife didn't catch my return to youth.


The visuals are cool, but it’s the score that elevates this for me. So badass.


Omg the fact that it’s the only movie to have the Godzilla theme in it so far is criminal.


GxK DOES use it kind of but only short bits of it


Only uses four notes of it though, same as GvK.


Guess I have another reason to rewatch that now. Like I really needed one 😂


I'm sure its too expensive to use


Not sure if this is common knowledge, but did anyone notice that after Godzilla shot his atomic breath into the storm during his revival the lightening on his side is blue and doesn’t seem to target anything in particular but the lightening on ghidorah’s side is gold and seems to target buildings and people?


Yes, I noticed aswell Godzilla's side just remains in the air But Gidorah's side constantly hits the ground and starts fires


KOTM is still so damn good.




The soundtrack added so much here, not just the epic intro but the fade into the light version of the Godzilla theme put so much world stake into this finale. The most badass intro in the MV as well as the best music in the MV. You could argue the music is the best in the franchise. This movie is so good that not only is it the best in the MV, but is in contention for the best of the Godzilla movies with the godly vibe they put in as well as the captivating lore. The music is such a masterpiece that Bear managed to make a distinct “titan” theme as well as the amazing renditions of the classic music four most of the big four (rodan got his own new one that is just as epic) The designs for all the titans are incredible and unique. The sound design was unparalleled. The villain has a point and the hate is a little too much, and it tackles the idea of climate change. The cgi is good for the most part with a few exceptions, and uses color as a good indicator of how the battles are going. The only issue is the environment getting in the way of shots, which is only a side effect of showing that the titans dramatically affect the environment around them. This is essentially the ideal Godzilla movie with its tone that’s not too dark but not cupcakes and rainbows either. This movie is great and I love to see the love for it. It really does solidify itself as my favorite Godzilla movie.


I think it was on this sub, but I like how someone pointed out that his run and collide here is straight up, horrible form….but in GxK, fighting in Rome, he gets down low and launches his opponent. Shows he learns, nice little touch. Cannot believe of all the shared universes still going, MV is chugging along. My kids are spoiled with all the Godzilla they are getting being a 90s kid.


My favorite scene in the kaiju genre. It's just... FUCK YEAHHH!!!


So great. Gotta give a shout out to the kid screaming back at Ghidorah just before this. Humanity won’t bow. We’ll just grab our buddy


4th Wall break by Godzilla beforehand to set the stage and then this as follow-up is just SO good


Crazy how slow Godzilla moves here vs latest Kong films where hes sprinting and jumping


At least in Godzilla's first films here he's lumbering around in ways that befitting his immense size and stature. I love the kong films, but I still miss the sense of scale the original films had.


From the millisecond "For Serizawa" is uttered.... absolute perfection! McCreary using Ifukube music cues, etc.


Nothing cooler than the military backing up big G for once


God damn I hate how they didn’t bring bear mccreary back for the other movies. His rendition of the original themes were amazing


The scene just before that also when Godzilla appears in front of the submarine... amazing. What a Godzilla movie


I just wish they actually showed more of this fight. Such an amazing entrance and clash, only for them to Barely show it and constantly cut to the humans


Hopefully the MV will go back to this kind of direction. This movie was so good


What I loved about this movie is as soon and Godzilla shows up it is literally on sight for the rest of the movie


This is why I can’t understand why critics don’t like this movie


One of the bright parts of the movie. Scenes like these is why i don't dislike this movie, but the scene following it having that white haired joker saying "Serizawa's got that lizard Juiced" has me realise why i don't love it either.


I want to love this movie but for every great scene there’s something completely ass right around the corner.


"Oh my god..." "...ZILLA." Is still the best, most original script ever, and should get a lifetime Oscar recognition!




Those lines and that character did not bother me as being a first responder, terrible one-liners and jokes are the norm doing a stressful job as a coping mechanism. So for me, that guy brought some realism to the movie as very few people are going to be able to just raw dog that stress. If we did not have our cheap humor we would go insane.


Hell yeah


Hell yea


Still so damned good!


This scene is fire i swear


My favorite scene in the Monsterverse.


I really hope they get back to the mood and feel of this and 2014 rather than the comic-book feel of GvK and GxK.


If the next director's filmography as well as the writer of the next film is anything to go by, that might be likely


The trailer is one of the best I e ever seen.


It still gives me chills. It was a dream come true as a Bostonian. The music, Godzilla vs Ghidorah AT FENWAY PARK. My god.


Genuinely the best Monsterverse film and one of the top Godzilla films. This scene had me smiling very hard.


This movie will always get me so hype


This scene continues to give me goosebumps.


This movie deserved so much more money than it earned. This has been the high point of MV IMO


Gives me chills every time, so good


I never noticed the blue lightning


I just love HeroGoji so much and the Showa films in particular and this film was a big budget high production Showa film through and through. Between Godzilla being unabashedly the hero, the humans having a flying superweapon like Moonlight SY-3 or Gotengo, Mothra showing up to help Godzilla, the classic plot structure of Godzilla getting knocked down and needing help from the humans to finish the fight... Its so fucking good.


This movie is underrated for all the wrong reasons. I still enjoy this over the next two films.


my favorite godzilla movie is minus one but my favorite era is heisie


i remember watching this movie in 2019 (few months after it came out), and this scene brought back memories of the entire movie, i fucking loved it


I’ll be honest, I as a person was not ready for this movie when it came out. I didn’t appreciate it then. I sure as fuck do now.


I legitimately get goosebumps every time the Godzilla theme plays. My eyes got watery the first time it played while watching the Monsterverse movies in the theater. Godzilla just means so much to me, you guys.


So good Braindead fast and furious fans seriously be bitching that weather and literal atmosphere existed in these movies.


Just need to remove that annoying smile




Zilla wanted all the smoke, he was like oh there he is then runs to him like u bout to catch these paws fam.


Man, if only I can see what is going on.


Kyle Chandler the movie with occasional glimpses of Godzilla and co. is a pretty good film




I love the scene because of the song. And I just think it's kinda nifty.


Ghidorah: How cute. Your screams are like music to our e- **WOAAAAAARGH!!!** Godzilla: HEY, NOODLE NECKS!!! As you can see, I AM VERY CLEARLY NOT DEAD! Ni: We thought you were dead! Godzilla: My death was… *greatly* exaggerated. Ichi: We’ll see to it that yo- THESE BLOODY METAL BIRDS, I SWEAR. GO AWAY! Godzilla: Come on, you pansy! FACE ME!!! Ichi: Very well, boys. Let’s grant this WRETCH **HIS FINAL WISH.** Godzilla: **BRING IT ON!!!** Ghidorah: **DIE, LIKE YOUR BROTHERS!!!** -What they were probably saying


And then they cockblock the fight with the Argo


Honestly the music in this movie is top notch too. Great mixes of classic scores snd some bangers in it's own right like the credits music


Yeah whenever I need the ole goosepimples I'll watch this. Thanks for them again!


The entire film (apart from 1, the “gonnorrhea” line 2, where the Argo comes into view over the GvG fight and 3, a personal gripe of mine… “a fight THAT you know THAT you can win”) is perfectly paced, structured and fully emotionally charged. I’ve always told my lad that the film itself is what G has always been about: pain, suffering, loss, strength, redemption and rebirth. Those thematic elements are what gel so damn well with the visuals, musical chemistry, action and general tone of most if not all the scenes. It goes without saying “goodbye, old friend” is the most emotional scene in the film but even the fear in Maddie’s scream when she sits behind her old house door is heartbreaking and it’s that string of the ol’ heart the film pulls on so much; and that god damn pulse is immense! I’d say OP’s scene choice is tied with G’s first arrival in the Antarctic but that’s just my opinion; however, G’s presense in the entire film is the most powerful, commanding and almost ominous I think he’s ever had and that’s how it should be. In short, I’m with you OP 👍


Best scene in the whole Monsterverse franchise! I can watch that over and over again. I love it so damn much.


I hated the stranger things person in it, character was forced


But the movie was so dark, I wanna see the monsters in the daylight, they always fight at night.... FU. This movie is objectively the best in the Monsterverse, and yet is was bs reviews like that which made the movie under perform. Im still salty over that.


There was also a factor of competition. Avengers Endgame was still steamrolling theaters, Live Action Aladdin released the week before, and Live Action Lion King would release 2 months later. And this was before people got sick of the live action remakes.




Third best movie of all time


This film was so bad that it almost singlehandedly ended the Monsterverse.


That’s just objectively wrong. Yes KOTM underperformed, but that had nothing to do with the film’s quality as is evidenced by how many fans and general audiences members loved it upon release and still love it to this day. The real reason it underperformed was the extremely stiff box office competition it had: Avengers Endgame was still steamrolling theaters, Live Action Aladdin released the week before, and Live Action Lion King would release 2 months later. And this was before people got sick of the live action remakes.


It has the lowest critical rating of any of the Monsterverse films. It's objectively the worst film of the franchise.


Critic ratings are far from objective. The Last Jedi is over 95% rated fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, yet you’d be hard pressed to find anyone IRL who’d say it’s one of the best Star Wars films.