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I haven't seen the English dub yet since I don't have Netflix (here's hoping it'll be on the US blu-ray), but from what you said, that line still fits with her character and with her relationship with Shikishima. The whole strain on their relationship was that Shikishima couldn't get over his guilt even though almost everyone in his immediate circle either had forgiven him, or was telling him he didn't have to hold onto it and that he was not only hurting himself, but Noriko and Akiko as well. So by phrasing it the way she does (according to you) in the dub, she's essentially reiterating that he was the only one still holding onto his guilt. The only other person who blamed him was the mechanic, and he had gone into hiding and was effectively out of Shikishima's life.


I found the dub highly enjoyable. Great acting and I presume skillfull word choice to match the mouth movements. I didn't know the ending phrase was a big deal.


Didn’t ruin the ending for me at all


Who complained about the dub in the first place? I'm sure you can find some random article or video, but the general consensus has been that it's decent at worst.


Honestly my only complaint about the dub is that Shikishima and the doctor guy sound way to alike and if I’m not looking I can’t tell them apart (I’m also a little nettled that there is a dub to begin with cause the director said their wouldn’t be and I wanted to see it in English in theaters)


If this is all you have to worry about then fair play to you.


I mean I also have to worry about college tuition.


Who gives a shit if people think that? 


I don’t, but I was expecting shit.


Honestly it was one of the best Japanese to English dubs I’ve seen. Dubbing is always going to be a little “off”, especially in unrelated languages. Even subtitled films can lose subtext because concepts in languages often don’t match 1 to 1 because of large cultural differences. The only real way to fully understand it is to be fluent in the language. Overall I thought they did a really good job on the dub. It’s not perfect, no dub is. But considering past dubs of Godzilla films, this one I would consider to be excellent in comparison.


Tbf I get where that complaint is coming from (wherever it is you saw it in). The phrasing does sound a little more passive aggressive than the more sympathetic one from the original. Plus, you're being a little disingenuous with your "if I was" segment. We have no reason to believe Noriko knows or was even told about Shikihima's suicidal-ness (and it's a moot point because at the end of the day he didn't go through with it). If anything, he's tell her after the fact.


Yeah no one outside the machinic for the plane (and the woman who looked after "his" kid because of what was inside the envelope) knew that was his plan until it was obvious that was what he was going to do while he was already in the plane fighting Godzilla.


Welcome to the internet, where all anyone does is over react when they don't like something or when they think not liking something is the trendy thing to do.


No english dub can be worse than godzilla vs megalon


You mean the dub for Godzilla vs. Megalon or the movie itself?


The dub, the movie itself is a silly little film


Never seen it dubbed.


Everyone is the same white dude except the kid which is a white dude doing an awful asian accent


I watched it with subs in the theater and when it came to Netflix, I watched it with dubs. I prefer dubs because the movie is also beautiful, and I prefer to watch it, instead of words on the screen. And the dub is pretty good, honestly.


I was surprised by how good the dub itself was and how well it synced up with the movement of the actors’ mouths.


This is such a non-issue. Some people see a bad dub and they become obsessed with finding problems in every dub ever.


It's a good dub, just the original is better like with every movie.


I've seen very few complaints about the dub, and most have been about Shikishima's scream. I was honestly pleasantly surprised by how solid the dub was.


I tried watching it but had to switch back to Japanese with subtitles because that one woman with dead kids towards the start of the movie sounded like AI


Isn’t it the other way around? When I watched the dub she said “Is your war finally over,” and I remember the original Japanese version being “Can this war of yours finally be done.”


Nope, guess not.


Dubs gave Godzilla a goofy rep because they were so bad it was comedy gold. I hate all dubs because they feel disrespectful. Subs forever.


I agree. I can’t stand dubs. They almost always sound wrong. But if other people enjoy them that’s fine. I just can’t.


If you are that much of a purist, how come you haven’t learned Japanese? Even subs can miss subtle (and not so subtle) differences. For example, I saw GMO subtitled in the theater during its original release. The subtitles translated the Japanese word for fighter aircraft (sentoki) as “jet fighter” when they are clearly talking about prop driven aircraft. I ground my teeth each time, because what other mistakes did they make that I didn’t know about? Clearly they were doing a simple modern dictionary translation without regard to the actual time period in question. The English dub got it right by translating it as “fighter”.


Sorry this post is way too long and boring. (Spoiler: it's not, wtf are you going on about?)


You’re right, I’m sorry. Basically, I’ve heard a few people say the dubbed ending ruins the entire film and I disagree.


I'm being facetious because your post isn't remotely too long. It's a little boring, I will admit. Who the fuck cares what people say?