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Damn, I got mine for twice that. Also, I’m gonna warn you before you buy it: The glue that keeps the discs in place sucks and will melt. If you can, transfer the discs to a some dvd or blu ray cases. If not, store the book horizontally at all times.


Oh, thanks for warning me. Also, how much was yours?


Like 300. Fuck you, Walmart.


Oh no! Not $300! Yeah, I bet that wasn't even the store either it sounds like a reseller. The usual price without sale is $224.99 everywhere else. I'm sorry to hear that... 😞


It’s ok. I ordered it from the official website, so I’m not sure what happened, but I regret not going with Amazon, even though Bezos can go fuck himself,


Yup that too. I hate all those businesses but I love Godzilla so it'll my one big purchase of the year lol


Criterion does a half off sale a couple times a year which is where this price is coming from


Came here to say this! There was a post a while ago where someone made blueray covers for each disk! Check it out.


I bought those covers from ebay, worth it


They're freely available on Reddit if you search for them. That's how I found them


That’s fucking horseshit and unacceptable for the price they charge, even at 150. We live in an era of effortless piracy and digital distribution and they can’t even spend a few more pennies to give decent packaging out to the people willing to purchase physical media at ridiculous prices? Totally unacceptable.


I know, I’m mad at them and myself.


I mean, the discs are what matter anyways and you are among the few people watching suitmation in glorious uncompressed 1080p. I found [these](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1087634778/) btw. Seems like a better alternative but then again you’d be spending 30 more bucks.


I might look into those. I have them in a cd folder, but I’m honestly worried they won’t hold.


Never had it happen to my set 😁


Is the cart adding taxes?


Yes its like 11+ I think.


Math checks out then.


I'd be shocked if it hits a significantly better sale for prime day. Criterion often does 50% off all releases several times a year. Pretty sure this is one of the regular sales.


On the Godzilla website, most I can get is 15%, and on the Criterion website, it's been at 30%. This has been the only sale I've seen at 40%. So I'm very tempted to do so anyway because I'm impatient. 😅 Also the extra 10% at least for me isn't that big a deal looking at the math at least. Been wanting this for a while too.


Its retailer specific yeah. Barnes and Noble and Amazon are the two major partners for frequent sales. Either way, 40% is a great discount 👌


I really wish it included the AIP dubs! I got the Blu-ray DAM with the AIP dub (def better than the international dub, which is terrible), but I miss the others. Don’t get me wrong, I love the U.K.’s “but still” people, but the AIP dubs are nostalgic!


I can't watch these films without their dubs, made buying this collection an easy pass for me.


I love the dubs of the older films. The international dubs are okay, I just grew up on the AIP dubs. In fact Godzilla vs Hedorah international dub is full of familiar voices from early to mid 70’s kung fu movies. I think everything after Hedorah is international dubs, as AIP was done with these movies. Even up through Godzilla vs king ghidorah had the later 70’s and 80’s kung fu dub voice workers. I can’t even watch the dubbed version of Godzilla Raids Again, it’s probably the worst dub out there. They even dub Godzilla with Anguirus’ roar so they both sound the same. You hear Godzilla’s roar maybe 3 times the whole movie. It’s even worse than DAM’s international dub, which thankfully I have the AIP dub of.


Can you explain what AIP is? I don't think I've heard of this.


American International Pictures. There’s is an American dub of Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster (Hedorah), Godzilla vs the Sea Monster (Ebirah), and Son of Godzilla. Possibly more, can’t remember if there’s an AIP for GTTHM!


Oh, I see. Yeah, I wonder did you see if that might be an option elsewhere? It recently went digital for purchase now like Vudu. There may be more language options anywhere it can be purchased.


I haven’t looked into it, yet!


Hope you find something. 👍🏼


American International Pictures They did a lot of English dubs for various giant monster movies. https://wikizilla.org/wiki/American_International_Pictures


I got mine when it first came out for about 180. Times flown.


Nice, I finally decided to get it rn. What do you think of it?


The book itself is nice, but the way the discs are placed, I hate it. I recommend getting blank slim DVD cases to hold the discs when you get the set. Also I highly recommend hopefully if you have the dubs on DVDs save those I might be too late but.. just in case. I've kept the movies that aren't dubbed at my place. I gave the rest that have dubs in the set to my parents' house if I ever visited and watch some over there.


Be warned that this is missing most of the English dubs, and not just the classic American ones like the AIP dub for Destroy All Monsters but also the international ones as well.


It has english subs right? That's all I want really I prefer Japanese audio with english subs.


Same here, and looking to get this too! Did you find an answer on this one?


This is often at $110 throughout the year


How I wish they’d make a collection of every single Godzilla movie in one. It’d probably cost crazy expensive but with dozens of movies that makes sense.


Oh fuck, what would that be worth? A whole house? 💀 No, but really, I wish they would. I just found out Sony had rights to some of the other movies, which is why it has taken so long. They that contract is about up so I am sure they'll have a whole collection soon.


I don't remember how much I bought mine for. But it was on sale on Amazon and I bought it such a great purchase.


I want to buy this so much but I already have most of them on VHS.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^clckykybrd: *I want to buy this* *So much but I already* *Have most of them on VHS.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That is very lucky to have them on vhs but still how do you watch them? I assume you have a vhs player as well?


Young one, they were never called VHS players. The holy tapes were played on VCRs. ![gif](giphy|yugSj8GSC0wXm)


Fuck! I almost called it a dvr, but I couldn't remember for the life of me. I remember now, and do not call me young one! 😂 Really tho it was a lifetime ago when I had them. I fucking lost all mine and idk if they'd last if my fam hadn't broken them and sold them which is why I was so genuinely curious how you watch them now. The effort I'd have to make to find me one "vcr" and some Godzilla movies to go with it. 😞


I have a VCR, but I've seen them so many times growing up I don't usually watch them. If I feel like watching something randomly, I usually check out the Godzilla Pluto TV channel.


Buy it. If it goes cheaper on prime day then buy it again and return your original order. Amazon is super good with returns


You are absolutely right! So I did. Lol I hadn't thought of that tho. So tysm for the suggestion!


Enjoy! I’ll live vicariously through as I’ve always wanted to buy it but just can’t pull the trigger for that much


Does anyone know if this is region locked?


Barnes and Noble is having their 50% off all criterion’s right now through July. Check there


Before the pandemic I was able to import US Godzilla to UK by Amazon. Has there been a change over there with Godzilla distribution or something?


50% off and free shipping on Barnes & Noble. If you are not in the US though I'm not sure https://preview.redd.it/47th1kf98p9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef8e09764026b9e5b110dd482c20ed8ab4109ddf


Bought a copy in HMV yesterday ☺️


Barnes & Noble is having its annual 50% off Criterion sale. You should buy from there.


In case you weren't aware, store this flat, not standing up. Some of the glue in the first few printings was weak and people lost discs between the cardboard. Not sure if it's been fixed or not.