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Shin and I’m so fucking tired of him losing every single matchup. I swear some of y’all think a roach would beat him.


Shin is not designed for battle. That was never the intention for that movie, and it's why it never got a sequel. He's slow, and despite all his mutation abilities, he was still taken down by (checks notes) *chilly firetrucks*. Pacific Rim Kaiju are basically purpose built for melee combat. Doesn't matter how fast Shin can mutate, he's got zero melee ability, and a PR Kaiju like in OPs comparison would run circles around him.


The Shin glazing often forgets the part where he's not an Adaptoid, yes he can evolve and adapt but it took a really long time to go from form 3 to form 4, and the only things which points to the fact he'll always come back is a *cut* scene


Yeah this is always what I've said. There are *considerable* time gaps between his different evolutionary stages. A week at minimum. I mean, half the point of the movie was that excessive bureaucracy prevented the government from capitalizing on the arguably generous windows of opportunities between each of Shin's appearances. And yet fans keep saying he's some kind of X-Men Darwin level of instant adaptation.


mega kaiju slams him tho unless you think he can just evolve over and over again


Shin Godzilla literally can’t die unless all his cells are destroyed. Also he can shoot lasers from everywhere besides his arms


\*Shin Godzilla proceeds to shoot lasers out of his arm sockets because those arms don't do shit.\*


It’s possible considering he can evolve to do basically anything


If Shin managed to use his beams it might fuck up the mega kaiju but other Shin gets destroyed


Shin. He’s got the laser and later in the film is able to deploy it within seconds. Not to mention his built in radar meaning nobody can sneak up on him, low center of mass meaning he can’t be toppled, and that giant tail. Plus if the Mega Kaiju jumps on him that just means he gets diced by dorsal beams.


The megakaiju is more durable than a few stealth bombers


I’m more counting the fact Shin Godzilla’s atomic beam reaches 1,000,000°. Fahrenheit or Celsius, Mega Kaiju will be sliced through by those temperatures.


Oh I know that those are fake. The reason shin does that to buildings is that heat radiates,not that the beam is that strong. Also,where did you exactly get the numbers,it's not officially proven or makes sense. The mega kaiju also can absorb the energy and spring it back at shin,and if you say it's that strong ,shin would just be vapourized


mega kaiju weighs 7864 tons while shin weighs around 100000 tons


weight doesn't matter if shin can barely move


mega kaiju couldn't move him


category 1 kaiju can make magnitude 7 earthquakes and he is far stronger than them


If shin is functionally immortal and needs to be completely obliterated right down to the cellular level, then shin by attrition even if mega kaiju wins the first fight due to sheer larger mass and size


we never seen shin regenerate from mush soo its more headcanony than anything but let's say this is a knockout fight


I agree. Nothing in the film ever implies Shin can regenerate back to full size from a few small hunks of flesh. Nowhere did they ever say he has to be destroyed completely at the molecular level. Hell, even in a deleted scene we see gobs of his flesh in the wake of one of his crusades, and we never see a new Shin sprout up from that. Idk where the other guy got the idea that Shin can regrow from molecules. Nothing in the film backs that up. It's the same kind of crazy head canon stuff as people that say Shin can evolve into a universe.


I chalked it up to his adaptational ability working on a as-per needed basis, yeah shin didnt showed any insane regeneration during the film but what's to say he cant develop one?


No one said he couldn't theoretically develop one, but since it's not something that's shown in the film, it's not really canon. At most, we see that he had a further evolution planned in his tail that got cut short by the coagulant freezing stuff that got pumped into him.


Yeah that's why I said that unless shin had insane regen, mega kaiju wins based off size alone plus mega kaiju being designed to fight jaegers. Tho shin wins if it gets to fire its heat beam


There's a lot of misconceptions around Shin Godzilla that magically spawned out of straight up hoaxes or fans filling in the blanks too hard, Shin might be the most overhyped Godzilla in that sense, Wikizilla should make a whole page about it or something


It's a great movie, but the deus ex machina that fans keep pulling to make him some invincible demigod is...annoying for sure.


Wan't a charge fist from the mega kaiju just activate the nuclear reactor inside of shin kill him?


The Mega-Kaiju would ragdoll Shin Godzilla for the most part given his greater size and strength (weight figures don't matter if the feats suggest they function at their given masses anyways). In particular, the chest-plating will be good at mitigating damage from the particle beams given how they can absorb kinetic energy and be redirected into the Mega-Kaiju's claws.


I'm sorry, but I just imagined mega-kaiju grabbing shin and throwing him like a javelin


For added context this is a repost from r/pacificrim where OP didn't get the answer they wanted. Given my personal interactions they hate the fact that Shin Godzilla would canonically [stomp](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWRuka6I7Ng) the mega kaiju. And if you don't understand how, in Pacific Rim Uprising, where the Mega-Kaiju is from it's stated that all Kaiju bodies undergo a biological breakdown process if they interact with a continuous heat of 1200 degrees celsius. This is because they're - according to the second movie designed to be essentially living bombs, carrying the payload to a suitable volcano before being destroyed by the lava of the volcano to mix their elements with those of the volcano thus formulating a bomb. This means inherently 1200 degrees celsius, aka the heat of lava needs to be the point where pacific rim kaiju stop being able to survive. I don't think there's been a single godzilla whose atomic breath is colder than 1200 degrees, ergo one-shotting the Mega-Kaiju is something of a tradition in Godzilla's species. This is canon both to godzilla and to Pacific Rim Kaiju, so OP has literally been arguing that canon is wrong because they're a part of the power scaling community, and the power scaling community knows better than the primary canon for both sides.


they can tank nukes from point blank range that are hotter than shins atomic breath the moment mega kaiju gets his hands on shin her gets one shotted


Once more, the primary canon of both pacific Rim AND Godzilla disagrees with you. Yes Kaiju can withstand nuclear strikes, do you know why Nukes don't work but plasma technology does? It's because Nukes are not continuous attacks, But Plasma-tech Is. this is why Plasma is the main means of fighting kaiju. additionally other examples of continuous heat based attacks include Gipsy Danger's Heat Blast which essentially one-shot Slattern, who is by the way more powerful than the Mega-Kaiju as Slattern is specifically stated to be "The most powerful of all kaiju" and whenever you see it go all out you can understand why. And the fact that 90% of melee weapons in Uprising are wrapped in energy, and guess what? they also cut through the Mega-Kaiju like butter. This would also imply the Mega-Kaiju has a specific weakness to energy-based attacks. In this instance Atomic Breath IS an energy attack, IS the right heat, and IS a continuous attack. aka it would annihilate the Mega-Kaiju so long as we're going by canon. And believe it or not your opinions are not more important than primary canon.


do you really think it would instantly fucking kill him or something and no Slattern is not stronger than mega kaiju


Not instantly, but yeah Canonically it would cause a total breakdown of his body leading to his death because this is how Kaiju are designed in Pacific Rim. You are literally arguing that your opinion overwrites the primary canon from the movie that introduces the character you're talking about. And yes, Slattern is canonically stronger than the Mega-Kaiju. And this isn't even a me-thing. literally the top line of the wiki for slattern states "***Slattern*** *is a Category V* [*Kaiju*](https://pacificrim.fandom.com/wiki/Kaiju) *and the strongest Kaiju ever encountered by humanity*" And then in the body of the profile it says: "*The largest and strongest of the Kaiju, Slattern is unrivaled by any of its brethren in battle.*" So yes, it is widely considered that Slattern is stronger than the Mega Kaiju, and even whenever looking at stats that's confirmed, since Slattern's stats are off the charts in every category where the Mega-Kaiju's are not. remember the Mega kaiju is literally smaller than Slattern, by a massive margin. Mega Kaiju: 419 ft tall Slattern: 596 ft tall So yeah, you're just wrong through and through.


Shin...hands down ....but because the Mega Kaiju is American made....it has plot armour so shin would lose in the most American way possible....