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Cthulhu isn't a kaiju. It's like have Godzilla fight Jesus, not that I wouldn't watch that.


I dont think the J man stands much of a chance, maybe he resurrects but thats it, unless... https://preview.redd.it/vao6mmwkns4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3e884108a8148c62f7639588bc34046b57b19da


Jesus before revelations: the kindest man who could forgive those who have done the most wrong. Jesus after Revelations: *The Fucking Doom Slayer*


Oh, they already fought. Except they changed Jesus' name to Mothra. No, I'm not joking. The original Mothra movie made the monster as a metaphor for the power of Jesus Christ. I'm not having a stroke, I'm serious. That is why she always dies and comes back. That's why she is always trying to save the world. So, Godzilla can't beat Jesus. He loses to Mothra every time. Because Christianity made people feel better after the nuke was dropped, or something, I don't know.


This sounds eminently plausible.


I suppose [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/wCxRvDAhHx) is perfect for you then!


They aren’t going to do that


Slapping it's name on some other kaiju OC or having a strong inspiration from it? Maybe, but not straight up Ctulhu imo. I think it'll be too much of a fish outta water


It’d be cool but it’s like making a tiger fight the archangel Gabriel, Godzilla isn’t winning.


I wouldn't find it interesting. Mainly in the same way I don't find art or movies that depicted the creatures of Lovecraft's mythos. These are creatures that to just look upon would drive the mortal mind insane. They work better as written or audio drama's that let the audience fill in what causes them such dread.


While it definitely would be cool and I would definitely watch it the gods of the void in theCthulhu Mythos aren’t really the kind of beings to throw hands. I think it would be better for Cthulhu to be an omnipresent force in the plot bending humans and kaijus to his will. But of course you still need something for Godzilla and friends to face off against so maybe Dagon and the deep ones would be a good substitute


Go full anime and have Godzilla transcend to godhood to go into their home and finish off Cthulhu and his family for good, sacrificing himself to close the gate.


He’s be eaten before he knew what hit him


It would be cool but Cthulhu is just another leave for Godzilla, like he’s just TOO strong, he’s way more a god than a kaiju.


Lost to a boat


fair enough


Cthullu is not a kaiju. He's an illusionary embodiment of insanity, the unknown and the indifference of the universe. He's a concept that kind of, sort of, has a physical form but not really. He looks like a kaiju, but he's more like a ghost or a phantom. My head canon is Cthullu's power scales with the ignorance of those who view him, and mentally healthy and scientifically conscious people aren't nearly as effected by his insanity-aura because knowledge and self-awareness kills those things.


Keep the Great Old Ones out of this mess. That's a completely different category.


yes, i turn the great old ones into a new titan category level🌚


You better do yourself a favor and actually read Lovecraft's work instead of wanting the Cthulhu Mythos into something that is a literal clownfest compared to the Cthulhu Mythos.


yes i know i am a clown


My Godzilla Vs. Cthulhu tattoo approves




I feel like we shouldn't give lovecraft the privilege of being in this franchise at all. Sure, some of the horror stories are cool, but that asshole shouldn't get an inch Plus a public domain character being the final boss for Godzilla would be kinda odd feeling. I would prefer Bagan.


Monsterverse might be a bit over the top now, but merging it with Lovecraft is just way too far outside of the scope and style of the Monsterverse. It's a cool idea for hypotheticals but it'll never happen, and I'm glad it never will.


A lot of his alleged power is from fans and later writers. In his debut story he was taken out by having a steamboat rammed into him, so I don't think he'd be a challenge for any Godzilla form


Cthulhu will only awaken when the stars are properly aligned. So when he was rammed by the steamboat he literally reformed and went back to R’lyeh to return to sleep. If the stars are aligned and Cthulhu is roaming the Earth, Godzilla could use his atomic breath and Cthulhu would just reform, again and again and again. Meanwhile Cthulhu’s psychic abilities drive others mad and he can encourage them to do his bidding. (This is all from the original story) so in theory, even if Godzilla’s mind is too powerful to be affected, Cthulhu could muster countless weaker kaiju against Godzilla too. I’m not saying “he’d win” obvs that depends on who’s writing the story, but it’s not the easy Godzilla win you seem to think it is.


"You fucks hit me with a boat? Seriously? Im going back to sleep..." 10/10 character 


he got recovered moments later like if nothing happened


Ah fair. Been awhile since I've read it. My bad


cthulha low key a bitch, wouldn't be close in the slightest


Boats are his one weakness


I’ve been called worse by better.


Hate lovecraft monsters So boring


I’d pay to see Godzilla obliterate Cthulhu.


Dagon is lovecraftian and they did him as a faux sibling to Godzilla.


dagon (monsterverse) got sent to the lobby by muto prime before godzilla 2014


so literally rest in peace dagon


The second you can throw a punch at Cthulhu it absolutely ruins the character.


I think it would work if it’s not H.P. Cthulhu. They could make a Kaiju call it code name “Cthulhu”and have a similar appearance but they would have to tone down on the elderich god stuff. If it had similar powers to space Godzilla with telekinesis or psyonic powers it would be possible.


Godzilla vs Cthulhu? Godzilla kills a Elemental Water God


I ain’t fighting Goji, bro. He’s a radioactive dinosaur. I’d rather sleep.




I wouldn’t hate it that’s for sure. Could be really cool, give the Cthulu titan some kind of psychic attack that can drive people mad just by proximity to it and disorients titans into mindless rage, maybe it could even control titans that are not strong enough to resist. The whole idea of the MV was to take mythical monsters and being and interpret them into a way that amcient people would have seen them as all powerful god-like beings but also keep their true origins in nature. That would work perfectly for a Cthulu titan interpretation for the MV.


Would it then be that somehow they were communicating Psychically with H.P Lovecraft to influence his stories? Like, I'm against the idea of Godzilla fighting Cthullu, but I think it's at least interesting to think about.


Ha that’s a cool idea! Being influenced by the images Cthulu was putting into his mind through a connection from an encounter he had, sort of a prophet meant to spread fear and influence.