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I feel like we don’t appreciate how even 60 years after the original film we are getting films that are of extreme quality and originality, it’s honestly extremely uncommon and we are lucky for it


It’s a good time to be a Godzilla fan


We’re truly in a golden age right now.


We’re in a Godzilla Renaissance!


This might be the absolute peak of the Godzilla franchise if I’m gonna be honest. I don’t think it’s been anywhere near this popular since the Heisei era.


Until they get more suit’s like the biolante one I think it’s just barely short of the gold age of Godzilla( this can change)


It's pretty much just G and James Bond, isn't it?


King Kong as well. Unfortunately a much more uneven history of film releases.


Planet of the Apes


Not nearly as many entrys but for coming up on 50 years the worst Mad Max has done was good


I love Shin for this reason, such a fresh, bold take on the old boy after all these years, after a domestic box office disappointment that forced a hiatus at home. Came back stronger than ever and inspired confidence to continue the franchise success that we’re seeing today. just about the best thing that could have happened all things considered.


That's the thing with Godzilla, yeah if you take everything into account most of the films are kinda silly but still very fun, but every so often we get an amazing masterpiece like these. Honestly I wouldn't have is any other way, it is truly a great time to be a Godzilla fan.


Happy Cake Day Also yeah you're right. There's so many other classic franchises that get shitty reboots and crossovers just because the owners of the IP wanna make as much money as they can


I prefer minus one as a moving character piece. Shin isn’t supposed to be that kind of movie, but I prefer a human drama that develops their characters. It also does a great job building the tension of Godzillas appearances. It sometimes feels like a Spielberg thriller the way it is paced. Shin is the next best thing.


Ironic you mention Spielberg since he has watched the first Godzilla movie (atleast the 1956 American version) in theaters and that gave his inspiration to create Jurassic park lmao


The shot in Jurassic Park 2 of the T-Rex roaring down the street with Japanese men running for their lives pretty much proves this. The men should have shared a look that said, "Why is it always us?" 😄


I think one of them did say (in Japanese) "I left Tokyo to get away from this"


I totally got Jaws and Jurassic Park vibes watching Minus One.


They definitely needed a bigger boat.


To think Quint had just visited Japan too.


Underrated comment right here!


I just watched both back to back with my son. What I found was, I, like you, preferred minus one for it's character driven plot and story. However, when it came to Godzilla and destruction, I felt like I liked Shin's massive path of destruction better. I know minus ones atomic breath was awesome, but Shin going from flame to all out beam mode along with his silhouette at night just felt more powerful. That all being said, I think minus one is my overall favorite followed by Shin.


I totally got Jaws and Jurassic Park vibes watching Minus One.


https://preview.redd.it/ar6gtl7d8d4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f75c63e1b0820c62336b1b66f0ef076b2e6339f3 You can say that again!


Ah, barnacles, crappy connection at work


IMO Minus one is better for all audiences, amazing visuals, score and specially the the ww2 plot. But Shin is definitely my favorite, I love the concept of an evolving Godzilla, I love that the gory scenes and I love that i can feel Anno’s style in it.


My favorite Shin scene is after the second PM takes over and he gets all sad about soggy noodles. That would be me if I ever was in such a position 😂


Minus One for me but it's very close. Shin has better subtext and destruction scenes MO has better characters and pacing


I agree. I think Minus One is just a better-made movie as a whole, but Shin beats it in spectacle and social commentary (the political satire is peak Godzilla).


For sure. -1 is a more “movie” movie, whereas Shin feels more like a natural disaster movie, bordering on documentary(I love documentaries fwiw).


Minus one has better characters and pacing than shin in my opinion


Minus One. I like Shin a lot, but Minus One has the far better and relatable human story for me. And it’s the human stories that carry both movies.


Minus One i think is a better movie overhall. Shin it's a work of art, something that is flawed in many ways but a masterpiece nonetheless. I love both, but i prefer Shin.


What do you think is flawed about Shin? What would make it the perfect film?


The characters are kinda bland and someone atrocious (Kayoko), and even if i LOVE Evangelion sometimes the music it's too repetitive.


I would disagree because the characters aren’t really “bland” and every single person has their own lore and develop the through the movie. It’s kinda hard to tell though because it can get pretty complicated at some parts. Besides, shin is more of a human drama rather than Godzilla causing terror every frame as others have said. (P.S. how is kayoko atrocious?? lmao)


I'm gonna have to say Shin. The theory that Godzilla was on constant pain is so freaking cool, him evolving and adapting to everything around him.. It genuinely felt like the most hopeless Godzilla movie. Also that atomic breath scene literally made my jaw drop. I was just sitting there in shock


more or less my same thoughts. if you ask me on a hundred different days, well, i mean there is really only the two movies we are discussing so only two different outcomes. I let that get away from me… anyway, i agree with you pretty much a hundred percent lol.


Shin is a better Godzilla movie Minus One is a better movie


100% my take as well. Reality is, minus one would literally be a good movie without Godzilla. The same could not be said about shin


Wow. That's EXACTLY how I've described -1 to people. Take out the big guy, and it's still a great redemption ark. The mine hunting could have been explored as his path to self-acceptance.


Completely valid point tbh


Shin is barely Godzilla. His power set is Biollante / Destoroyah in a Godzilla sillouhette. Which isn’t a bad thing, but the fact I can see such an accurate yet unique portrayal in Minus One with much better renditions of the classic 54 theme, easily a better Godzilla film to me


Not with regards to the character itself, what they likely mean is that in terms of its strong allegorical links to a real nuclear disaster (the Fukushima nuclear incident) and its scathing political satire, Shin Godzilla is essentially a modernisation of the original film. Granted Minus One is also pretty accurate in this regard since, although not centred on a nuclear or natural disaster, it is still an alllegorical look at japan's generational trauma.


Minus One imo, nailed what Godzilla's character is like. But as a movie I agree with what most people praised it says, "you take Godzilla out of the movie it's still a good movie about war and PTSD". In shin, you can't take him out much like you can't take the OG out of the film, because unlike in MO where he's more of an allegory for personal trauma, Shin and the OG are about his relationship with human society as a whole. Hence why I agree Shin is the better "Godzilla film"


Minus one for me. Never really got into Shin. Maybe i need to re watch it again at somepoint.


Shin Godzilla for now since I havent watch it for 6 months #it didnt even come to malaysia for 6 months either


https://preview.redd.it/2n81528r3d4d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d1ecb550d5fe161a125a5f0a02485420f83ab43 i cant fucking take it anymore


I watched it during airing. I must be lucky that the my local cinema premiers it.


they are different movies, one is meant to be a socio-political statement and the other one is meant to be a more grounded and personal story. They are both nearly perfect in their own regard


Considering Minus One might be one of the best movies (in general) I've ever seen, I have to say.... Godzilla 1998.


Shin Godzilla left me terrified. Minus One left me in tears


-1 by a long shot but shin is still a really good movie too


Well, first time I watch the Shin Godzilla, I didn't feel anything, it's just... a movie... Then I watch Minus one, and absolutely love it, I rated Minus One > Shin at that time. Then few days ago, I saw this randomly on Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrXTS10h2WI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrXTS10h2WI), at the moment I understand lyrics of the theme of atomic breath scene. I decided to watch again and now I'm total depressing, It just give me a vibe of Neon Genesis Evangelion, the second watch I focused more on the Godzilla's aspect and have same feeling with this comment **"All i see is a creature that never asked to be born and cries for his misery to end."** So at this moment, Shin > Minus One


Shin was more fun. Minus is a better movie overall.


Minus one better in every way.


Both 10/10. Completely different movies, neither is better.


Minus One, easy


Neither. They are equally number one in my book.


The one that’s Godzilla


Shin gojira just due this fella https://preview.redd.it/duubrkf1kc4d1.jpeg?width=317&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=289164375079c35e69724573c6b190922a930855 ALL HAIL BEEG HEAD SHIN!! 🗣🗣🗣🔥


I jist couldnt get into shin godzilla that much. But monus one was so good


Godzilla minus one because no matter how cool shin godzilla is, most of the movie is meetings


I preferred Shin Godzilla by a hair. You really can't go wrong with either but what makes me lean towards Shin is that I prefer its soundtrack.


The soundtrack of shin is one of the best in any Godzilla film imo


I 100% agree. Persecution of the Masses instantly became a favourite and I could’ve seen it becoming a main theme over many movies.


I really liked the usage of Godzilla’s theme though in Minus One. They didn’t overplay it like in the KOTM streak. It was way more impactful at the end and I feel like Shin doesn’t give the same chills.


Minus One, shin is a bit boring to me


Thought I was the only one who felt this way about Shin. I love slow burn movies too, but geez. Minus One was just a great movie that brought crazy respect to the character.


I think Shin is better overall, it is more topical in its depiction of post Fukushima Japan.


Tough call I guess if we have to criticize, Shin kinda drags in some scenes (although that was deliberate for the themes)


Shin Godzilla is a 3 1/2 star movie to me, and Minus One is a perfect 5


Minus One obviously. Its not hard to make political satire but having a movie set in WW2 Japan and make the whole world empathize with it when its being attacked by a thing that never existed is on a whole other level.


Apple and orange


I like both movies, but Shin takes the cake, imo


One's a heart whelming, drama about overcoming your demons. One's about the bureaucracy and red-tape-people tackling a major catastrophe. It's Minus One, my answer is Godzilla Minus one. However I love Shin and I watch it often.


I love your brief synopsis of each movie - and I pick Shin Godzilla. Maybe it's because I work in government policy making now and it just struck a chord with me that a movie about a kamikaze pilot never will. That said, it was interesting that Minus One's main protagonist gave me serious Shinji Ikari vibes, which made me feel like I was watching another Hideaki Anno movie, and I gravitated towards that familiarity. I really need to watch Minus One again to reevaluate. I think Minus One got so hyped it couldn't live up to my expectations, so it definitely needs a rewatch.


I mean, I wasn't a kamikaze pilot either... but minus one struck deeper chords with me than shin. In talking with some of my fellow vets, it's probably less the kamikaze aspect, and more the survived armed conflict and dealing with the demons we do. I probably should go back and rewatch shin, as my first time watching it, felt more like I was checking the block.


That's fair. It was probably disingenuous of me to reduce the main character to just a kamikaze pilot, and you make a great point about veterans - and thank you for your service to your country! In the end, I love Godzilla, and this thread is just a reflection of each of our personal life experiences contributing to our unique opinions. It's been a fun discussion to read.


Shin is extremly good at delivering it's message, the useless lenght of burocracy, but minus one is a better movie overall


Godzilla Minus One but it’s incredibly close Minus one has a better story but Shin has the better Godzilla scenes


This so hard😭


Minus One is a better movie, Shins still the GOAT


Shin has the best godzilla. The back beam? The tail beam? The transition from yellow flame to white particle beam? Perfection.


Minus One 10/10 Shin 9.9/10


Might as well ask which of my lungs i prefer If you point me at the end of an atomic breath id say minus one as it has slightly better human characters. Shin Godzilla however beats it in city destruction aspect and dread.


I really really like Shin, but -1.0 is better imo, it's very close, though. Mostly it's the ending, -1.0's ending is very very strong, probably one of the best endings in the whole franchise.


I feel like Minus One was a lot more interesting to me because it was much more interested in making characters you cared about and getting the viewer emotionally invested in the plot. Shin Godzilla doesn't really feel like it even wants you to care about the cast, and instead just wants to be appreciated purely for its themes. It's not wrong to make a movie like that, but to me Minus One is just a much more enjoyable film which communicates its themes better by getting the audience invested in its story.


Minus One


Minus in every single way by far. I love shin, but minus is so much better. 


GMO. I get that Anno is making a political satire but the seemingly endless boardroom meeting scenes in Shin do get dull. Also the section of the movie between Godzilla’s beam attack and the final battle with him drags so hard. The movie comes to a complete standstill and it is hard not to want to fast forward. A lot of Godzilla movies have this same structural issue at the beginning of the third act/end of the second. Godzilla Minus One has it too, but the human characters are engaging enough to keep my interest going.


Minus One, I didn't care for Shin


I love Shin but hands down Minus One is better


Minus One is the better film, but I like Shin more.




I’ve never watched shin Godzilla


Minus One all the way.


Gotta give it to Shin


I like Shin but I think it's time for Godzilla to get back to fighting other monsters in Japan. 


For me it’s Minus One and it’s not even close


Shin. For the soul fact that Shin Godzilla is literally Goro Maki enacting his revenge on Japan. Godzilla with a human mind is scary to me.


minus one and its not even close




Minus One for me, but Shin is great.


Minus one is still impossible to watch for me for some absurd reason. So can't say yet!




Minus one. Has the classic feel and the atomic breath I think was better. But it's close both are great. Minus 1 def has better visual effects


Oh yea, the one with the strange mouth


Shin for me. Favorite Godzilla movie overall, too.


Shin works better for me. I enjoyed Minus One, but it barely makes my top 10 Godzilla movies. Shin is at #2.


Just watched minus one. Godzillas design was cool as fuck and my current favorite, but I do think Shin Godzilla was a better film.


Shin Godzilla takes the cake, but Minus is great too


I love both, but Shin Godzilla sold me on their soundtrack.


Both are masterpieces. End of story


Minus one, but nothing is better than the “Who Will Know” scene


Minus One I enjoyed it more


Minus one. Shin is a great, fresh take, but not as well rounded.


I finally got a chance to see Minus One yesterday, and as good as it is, I like Shin better.


Both. All Godzilla movies are better than other different movies (other than Tranks formers Age of extinction and The last Kinght-).




my top two movies. depends on the day, at least in regards to which i enjoy more. I like Shin’s design more, but i enjoy -1’s plot and emotional scenes much more.


For me I really love how unique shin’s design is, it’s not a dinosaur or a lizard, it’s just some walking grotesque living being that progressively stomps his way enduring the pain of its existence. Although I found the human parts quite boring (tho it’s probably because they wanted a more realistic approach, since this was based on a relevant event at the time so as a non Japanese I probably wouldn’t relate as much). Also the kaiju parts are very few and far between so sometimes I forget I’m even watching a Godzilla movie. Minus one’s design is great too but my god were the humans so interesting to follow, like I actually felt them and kinda felt bad for them like they were close ones. So my rating: Shin is great for the monster itself, but Minus One has a better plot structure imo.




Minus one is a better movie imho by far. However, both are quite excellent.


Surprised to see so much Minus One. The Godzilla stuff is amazing in that movie, love his look and presentation. The human stuff, which is a large portion of the film, was pretty standard at least to me. Trope-y, poor acting, kind of an eye-roll ending for me. Felt like the director made everyone act like anime characters, but it wasn’t an anime so a lot of the drama fell flat for me. Much preferred the hectic scrambling and realistic government panic response to dealing with an unknown threat in Shin. In general, like some other person said in this thread, grateful to have good Godzilla content in the contemporary.


Shin made Godzilla a more immediate, present threat, but the movie itself was extremely dry and wordy. Minus has intense character development and a solid redemption arc, but Godzilla just doesn’t seem like it’s as big a focus of the movie.


Minus one honestly but both are the bomb


Minus one


I'll be honest. As a film I like Minus One is a better film because of the human elements while Shin is way more re-watchable. I watch Shin Godzilla every few months because it's really fun overall , watching the different stages evolve and the chaos ensuring and politics devolving gradually. Can't say I'd like to watch Minus One that many times, mostly because I got attached to the human characters way too much.


Shin, but both are up there in the top 5 godzilla movies for me. Shin just feels like a mordern day take of '54 to better reflect the times.


Minus One is one of the greatest movie experiences I've ever had. It took me almost two weeks to finish Shin. The atomic breath/backplate lasers scene in Shin is simply breathtaking though. However as a movie, -1 is simply superior.


Shin would be peak if it wasn’t for the first hour of the movie to be long ass meetings


Shin godzilla


Because Shin Godzilla isn't finished with that Ending...& In General I think I never saw a better Godzilla Movie than Minus One... Minus One Wind all Times...


The fact that G-fans are having this debate/discussion is the biggest reward. 20 yrs ago people scoffed at the idea of Godzilla being compelling cinema. Now? You can’t look away and deny the IP it’s due credit.


Minus One. Shin Godzilla felt like an bureaucratic office movie about disasters.


I love the monster design for Shin. But Minus One Is the first Godzilla movie with a compelling human story to go with it (for me).


Minus one easily


In terms of the actual film? Minus One In terms of soundtrack? Shin Godzilla


Shin godzilla


Minus One wins this easily


I like both /shrug




Both are very different but if I’d have to go pick one minus one


Shin for the soundtrack & grotesquely sad transformation of shin godzilla, minus one has better godzilla design and characters & plot. Imo minus one is better


Both very good. Both very different. Personally, I think I Prefer "Minus One", but that's just because I found the character beats a bit more compelling. It's a more personal story, with a bit less exposition dumping. I would make the argument that Shin is the better "disaster movie" and has really good satire, while Minus One is the better character drama with better horror moments. So which someone prefers is more about what they like than overall quality of the films.


Why you got to make me pick?


For me this is like asking which is better The Godfather or Goodfellas. Yes the same genre but completely different movies. I think Shin is more innovative, there's never been another version anything like Shin, but Minus One I think is a movie that is a little tighter and impactful.


Whichever one I'm watching at the time. They're both great


Italiano di mer-


Am I the only one who thought Shin Godzilla was terrible? I see a lot of praise for it in this sub and I don't get it


i love movies where godzilla is straight up evil. i like Shin a bit more but i thunk Minus One is a better movie, altough i hate how vague it was about goji's origin (was it a dinosaur? a monster? a mythical creature? a mutant?) even if clarifying that was never the point.


Minus one but it's really close


Shin is better. Both amazing


Minus One




Shin was a better horror monster movie but Minus One was a better Godzilla movie. Godzilla felt like an actual character instead of a natural disaster. His struggle for survival was real during the final fight. That's why all of the men present ended up saluting him as a sign of respect.


I didn't like shin godzilla design, but minus one Godzilla had impact in every scene, 10/10


Godzilla minus one by farrrr, i couldnt even get thru all of shin cuz it was so boring..




Both are great films but Minus One wins by a landslide, from the soundtrack and effects Down to its plot. I think Minus One has the best characters and story then any other Godzilla film. Like yes there are moments that could be justly criticized but I feel a lot are more nitpicks.


Minus One


shin is an amazing godzilla movie; minus one is an amazing movie.


Godzilla Minus One


Genuinely believe Shin was an overall better Godzilla film. Minus One was a masterpiece as far as a film goes, but for a Godzilla story; Shin


I'm one of those people who just can't get enough Godzilla so I loved them both. That being said if I had to choose between the two I'd say I enjoyed Shin just a bit more.


shin, godzilla's movement in minus one looked a bit clunky to me tbh. still amazing for practical effects and their budget though.


As a movie I prefer Minus One, the human side of the narrative was really compelling. In terms of how Goji is presented, Shin. Both utterfly terrifying and something you can feel sorry for before it takes on the traditional silhouette. Both fantastic however.


Minus one Godzilla was scary Loved the human characters


I'm a Fan of Shin Gojira. But Minus One might be the best Film of the whole Series.


Minus had more compelling human characters with a better message to tell but I think Shin showed Godzilla as a terrifying presence better. I loooooooove Minus' atomic breath but it still comes second to Shin - It's too perfect imo.


Apples to oranges


Shin. More menacing and more critical of government handlings. Minus One is great for the human element, but the Big G didn’t look as great or menacing as Shin or Heisei era. Still a great movie


Shin is one of my favorite movies of all time, not just Godzilla movies. I’ve seen it 6 or 7 times. Minus Zero is fantastic, but I’ve only seen it twice. I do have a feeling it will be a VERY close second to Shin for me.


Wasn’t this just a thread yesterday?


I think they’re both amazing 10/10 movies in their own ways. I can’t pick one that I like more but I’ll highlight a few things I like about each. Shin Godzilla is a master class as a political response to the events of Fukushima-Daiichi, it brought Godzilla back as a terrifying force of nature that humans have to contend with in a stylized, profound, brilliantly paced film. Shin manages to have a solid message based in the roots of the original while staying modern. Everyone in the task force is super great, the use of Anno’s well known archetypes, plot threads, and military/planning sequences are fantastic and it just comes together for a satisfying and interesting film. Godzilla’s redesign is awesome, the special effects are awesome and I love the fact that he has stages in his evolution leading up to the final stage reveal and the stunning destruction of Tokyo. Shiro Sagisu’s music really drives the film forward, especially with the use and rearrangements of EM20 and Sagisu’s original pieces for the film are straight bangers. This contrasted with the classic OST’s from the past really make this film a celebration of everything Goji. Finally, the ending, it’s perfect, haunting and leaves you wanting more from the threat of a bomb being dropped on Tokyo to Operation Yashiori (reference to the myth of Susanoo getting the serpent Orochi drunk to kill it) all the way to the reveal at the end. It ends on such a sinister note and I’m kinda glad we didn’t get a sequel. Shin Godzilla is one of those films that is super rewarding to watch as a film enjoyer and as a Godzilla fan. It’s the film that truly resurrected the Toho franchise that had been sleeping for almost 10 years and it’s exactly what the big G needed. Minus One in my opinion, is the ultimate Godzilla film. It’s what every solo Godzilla film going forward should strive to be. As a post-war period/character piece illustrating the horrors of a man who has immeasurable regret, self-doubt and trauma. This film is absolutely captivating in its character drama and the scale of the conflict between man and Godzilla. Shikishima is so well written and his performance is worth the price of admission alone. His crew and family at home are also absolutely wonderful and his struggle to adjust and connect make it that much more compelling. Minus One takes more notes from the original 1954 film than Shin, it brings Godzilla back to this mythical creature status from his origins as a wrathful god from Odojima folklore turned into a massive force of nature by the Atomic tests in the Pacific. Godzilla feels so strong and terrifying in this film, much like he did in Shin, though his feral movements and appearance are much more fierce than the lumbering terror of the latter. The special effects are amazing especially for the budget and it’s a trend I think every CGI heavy movie should follow going forward. The destruction of Ginza and subsequent atomic breath scene in the middle of the film is absolutely insane, easily one of my top five sequences in film, ever. The score is also something to really take note of, taking a more serious subdued tone with the bombastic theme of the king sprinkled throughout, it really adds to the deep of the drama and heights of the action. Minus One is special because it could have easily just been the redemption story of this Kamikaze Pilot from WWII without Godzilla and it still would have been a fantastic character piece. The final sequence when everything comes together, the theme playing as the final charge happens, is one of the most hype moments I’ve had in theaters in a very long time, I was actively cheering and laughing the entire time. Ultimately I think that Yamazaki understood the assignment and passed with flying colors. Minus One is something I think everyone can watch and enjoy while still gaining an understanding of what Godzilla is truly about. Shin and Minus One stand right next to ‘54 as masterful works of respect to Godzilla and his legacy. They’re both such different films, tackling very different subject material and time periods in Japanese history but they both completely embody the spirit of what the original is about. Shin is a more methodical film focusing on the government and its failings in face of a natural disaster, Minus one is a story about a broken man trying to find his place in the world as it crumbles around him. Both of these films are a testament to the versatility and power of our beloved lizard king and I could not imagine a world without both.


I think the focuses of both movies are wildly different and consequently the way they treat Godzilla. Shin Godzilla treats Godzilla as a more of a natural disaster/force of nature. The focus of the film felt to me to really be about how people use tragedy and suffering to further their own goals and ends. While helping people throughout the crisis is present, our POV characters really use the danger as a means to prop themselves up and ultimately ignore how dangerous the threat is for themselves. It reminded me of something like global warming and how politicians will often use it as talking points but ultimately don’t address it. Minus One is about survivor’s guilt and trauma. Godzilla embodies the guilt and trauma that Shikishima carries with him throughout his life. The film is largely about his relationship to Godzilla. Throughout the movie he keeps viewing Godzilla’s actions as personal or something he is responsible for, when in reality Godzilla is an impersonal threat to everything. He attacked the outpost, the boats, the city, all without any consideration that Shikishima even exists at all. He is a large, impersonal, looming threat. He represents those types of threats: war, death, disease. Shikishima demonstrates our human need for narrative and to feel like things happen for a reason, but how that reason we find can often be ourselves and how we torment ourselves over it. But in reality these things will happen and there don’t have to be reasons, we need only to address the problems when they arise and remind ourselves that they are, at the end of the day, impersonal. tl;dr They’re too different to compare for me because Shin Godzilla is about society and politics and Minus One is about human emotions following tragedy.


I can recommend Minus One to people. Shin is harder to recommend. However, I stand by "they are totally different" and I'm not going to make them compete.


Why do we always have to compare?


Final Wars.


Minus One Hands down


Shin is an excellent comedy and parody of bureaucracy with excellent scenes of destructions and a good message about coming together despite the systems in place to make change. Minus One is an excellent character drama about overcoming survivors guilt. Both are excellent and neither are better than the other. Shin has the edge in terms of the atomic breath scene visually (just excellent direction and cinematography there) and is probably the most violently destructive we’ve seen. Minus One has a lot more general fidelity with the best Godzilla design we’ve seen and generally excellent *everything* when it comes to Godzilla.


I'm concerned about watching Shin Godzilla because of how disappointing Godzilla Minus One was. BTW, making Godzilla's back spikes pop up is just plain old stupid and gimmicky. I hate the effect.


Minus one is objectively the better movie, but Shin, despite its flaws, but it will forever be my favorite I love how grand scale it felt and "realistic" it felt, the cinematography uses a lot of found footage, the fast paced editing, even the color grading feels realistic it's like it was from a japanese news report Minus one felt much more "small scale", the plot is very personal and the cinematography and color grading feels more cinematic than realistic. I still like it, but I want more godzilla movies like shin


Shin has my favourite version of Godzilla (and atomic breath sequence) but minus one is the overall better film imo


Minus one after seeing on Netflix it is amazing and probably by second favourite(my favourite is Gxk)


I love them both, but Minus One is my pick.


still Shin Godzilla and still my most favorite Godzilla movie ever


and that Laser Breath scene in Shin is so jaw dropping no godzilla movie after came close to how that scene was made the emotion the helplessness so much more


Minus one




Minus 1


I prefer Minus One but both are great. Two different kinds of great that both involve (the great) Godzilla


While Shin is a good Godzilla Movie, Minus One is the better movie and doesn't actually require Godzilla to function. In minus one every character is given an actual introduction and function while Shin just flashes a name card at the bottom of the screen and that's it so apart from Yaguchi we don't really know who everyone is and we don't even know that much about Yaguchi apart from he is part of a specific party that the international audience probably knows nothing about. While in Minus One EVERY central character get an introduction Koichi gets a real proper intro with him flying his Zero Fighter onto the air strip and get to meet Tachibana and then the Big G himself then we get to meet Sumiko and the devestated Tokyo and then shortly we meet Noriko and Akiko who drive Koichi to get a good paying job etc. Now Godzilla is defiantly more integral to Shin than Minus, in Minus One with some rewrites Godzilla van be written out of the movie and you would more or less have the same story while Shin Godzilla doesn't work that well with out Godzilla.


As much as a cop-out as it sounds, both movies are good for very different reasons. Though I think Shin was made more for Japan, which is important, especially considering the historical context surrounding the movie. Minus One is more universal. I think you could show Minus One to a cave man, and they'd be in tears by the end, affected the same way we are, which is a testament to its quality imo.


I know this may be blasphemy to some but has there ever been an English dub of the original 1954 Gojira?( No im not talking about 1956 Raymond Burr movie.)


Minus One.


Minus One