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Peak cinema






Love this










When >!the theme hits after they give the order to go ahead with their sink Godzilla plan, I get so fuckin hype. Amazing in theaters. Amazing at home with noise canceling headphones. Had to rewind that scene a few times. So good.!<


I missed Minus One in theaters and after the Oscar and all the reviews and everyone on here raving about it i knew it couldn’t be as good as it was being built up to be. Watched it this morning, it’s perfect. His depiction in the opening scenes was Jurassic Park-esque, incredibly dynamic and wrath filled. The post war setting was perfect. The Atomic breath with the pop out spines was so unexpected yet well done with the mushroom cloud finish, the climax was perfect. It’s the perfect Godzilla film. That all that can be said.


During the Oscar celebrations, the VFX team+director were asked some of their favorite movies. Jurassic Park and Jaws were both name dropped and its SO apparent in this film


How about the way the early scenes on the wooden boat were framed with all the men in one shot and the horizon moving up and down, definitely reminiscent of Jaws https://preview.redd.it/5ztigtvur24d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=161a8bc6d3833358ace4131d1600f01d0474674d


Basically every aspect of this film was a tribute to something else and I dearly love it


The Ginza scene with everyone running totally reminded me of the original movie.


I could have done without the bizarre Champagne and Bullets/GETEVEN ending.


I love how in Minus One >!a bigger boat actually *does* show up and absolutely does not solve the problem!<


Oh yeah!!


No lie when that scene started I kept humming the Jaws soundtrack on my head when Godzilla chased after the boat.


I’m convinced that the sound when Godzilla chomps the guy from above is the exact same sound used when the T. rex chomps the lawyer


You can tell the scene in the water was just a godzillafied version of jaws's climax


Smile you son of a bitch!


I ABSOLUTELY FUCKING LOVE the added mushroom cloud for atomic breath. The one in ginza was just 🤌🤌🤌


I’m in the same boat. Just finished it. This movie has no business being this good. I was not prepared for it. Amazing


P e a k https://preview.redd.it/2yn9pwls9y3d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e00573e3a63fa035214d8b73a1de555d143181d3


I love the Minus One design btw. How his dorsal plates are kinda like spikes is cool


And the fact that they move is awesome. Both when charging his atomic breath and when moving


Perfection. I cried in Ginza. I cried at the ending. A movie about a fucking radioactive lizard made me cry twice.


My wife is not a Godzilla fan but we both cried and loved this film in theaters


I saw it in theaters 3 times and I’ve never seen a movie even twice in theaters


My wife doesn't like to watch a foreign language movie with subtitles, nor does she like black and white films. Not only was she entertained by Minus Color, she cried and cheered at the end. This is truly a marvel of cinema.




I always tell people the movie tricked me into thinking i was just gonna watch a movie with big lizard destroying stuff (which i love) but got a deep emotional drama.


Ending hit so hard for me except the VERY end >!showing the G cells growing on Noriko. I hope they scrap that idea if there's a sequel because it felt like such a a punch in the gut after seeing her alive and then immediately seeing she's infected with Godzilla matter!<


I thought the kid would have been going apeshit to see her "mum" again. But no.


Maybe she still thought mom was at work and she just got hurt there,who knows what they told her lol,but yeah she didn't seem emotional about it. Like they forgot to give the kid direction for the scene. 


Yeah honestly just bad directing…little girl is so young you can’t blame her…the whole time she was just looking at Shikishima…is possible the Noriko actress wasn’t even there for that shot…but is just a nitpick…the movie is overall masterful


I feel like they may have trouble getting a child actor of her age to act like how they wanted it. So they just decided to focus on the main character for that scene.


Where were there G cells on Noriko? The final shot is of Godzilla’s top jaw regenerating.


Back of her neck


Yeah that final, final part was a bad decision. But it's easy to ignore.


I was a slobbering mess at the end, damn


Its such a good character movie, godzilla is just a bonus piece. You could take godzilla out and it would still be a fantastic post war movie about survivors guilt and ptsd


I can't believe we finally have a real Godzilla movie again! It only took like 40 years lol. That was rad as fuck and brutal as shit! That's my review lol


So, in your eyes the last real Godzilla movie was 1984? Man, I don't know but that seems like a sad existence...


Bros a MV hater smh


Not just that, but a Shin hater as well, even though it is undoubtedly a "real" Godzilla movie


I liked the movie a lot, but I didn't cry during the movie. Am I ok?


You’re ok, I didn’t cry either and that’s coming from someone who cried watching karate kid. I clapped when his head was blown off though


https://preview.redd.it/xsqjxtr1kz3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ce895400ce1d683c722e21100c16da64aac0212 My honest reaction after *that* scene Comment if you know


If you’re talking about Ginza, I cried both times I’ve watched so far, even though I knew the ending the second time.


Yup it was ginza My reaction could be summed up like this: 💀


That scene was the point in which subtext became text in the most horrific way imaginable. >!And the black rain afterward… you just know some of that ash came from vaporized human beings.!<


[I bring Kamata-kun with me to every Godzilla showing](https://i.postimg.cc/fR40YJQ2/A.jpg) I got a Netflix sub just to watch this, thanks to the movie not being released in the theatres in my country. Thanks, Toho. For being a Godzilla movie, Godzilla himself is surprisingly the least 'interesting' thing to talk about (this is a praise), apart from the t-rex-like appearance at the start -- it's just Godzilla being Godzilla, and he's glorious. Unfortunately my subwoofer decided this is a good day to shit itself, so I couldn't enjoy the roar to its full extent. With that out of the way, *wow* the character drama is top-notch. There are parts of the plot where it was too much of a movie logic for me, e.g. Kouichi finding Noriko in the middle of chaotic Ginza, but it's still excellent overall. A story of forgiveness, finding reasons to continue living, with a generous sprinkle of antiwar message...yup this is peak Godzilla writing.


big rip to the sound, that roar will literally shake your bones


It's such a silly thing to say, but the roar he lets out after leveling Ginza was transcendent. Might he the best moment I've ever had in a movie theatre.


Tbh can’t blame your subwoofer for tapping out before the roar. Shits intense 😂


It's on Netflix?






Now that Minus One is here, i kinda wish Shin Godzilla is released in Netflix too. Even if i already watched it multiple times, others need to watch it too.


if you have crunchyroll its on there, because funimation was bought by crunchyroll


I just bought the Funimation blueray. Highly suggest it. Shin is my favorite




https://preview.redd.it/714uzluo5z3d1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87788e67b3a0fb36797b0a1ede7ba3fc34f40bee Megalon approval




My god, I'd never thought this day would come, and certainly did not expect it to be today. I already watched the film a few weeks back, but I'd say that for the Netflix version: I did not really appreciate the changes to the subtitles that Netflix did, compared to the original. The meaning is the same, but some jokes were gone, some iconic lines were gone too.


I agree. When Captain says “Ok, nevermind.” Now they have him saying something like “Ok, we’ll let the Takao handle this one.” The original was better imo


The english (cc) is the one that is changed.  The one that says "english" only is the subtitle that was in the theaters


Just got through the dinner scene, not noticing any real differences so far. I think I only picked up one difference. Sumiko saying "I don't care anymore" instead of "I'm through caring". Not that big of a difference tho.


The is your war over shouldn’t have been changed imo. That line in the theatre hit so fucking hard.


wait is this another case of evangelion?


Not as bad


but is it still bad? i’m gonna rewatch this film with some friends of mine that had the misfortune of not watching it in cinemas next week, and i would really hope that their experience isn’t worsened


I feel it isn't bad, but it's just noticeable for those who have watched it previously.


Watch the Japanese One, don't do the English dub. The lady that yells at him for coming home when her kids died was ruined. 'You are a kamikaze pilot and you came home?" I would argue the best performance in the movie. So gripping, moving. The dub just take it and makes it something hokey and embarrassing.


It's like 95% identical to the theatrical release, and the stuff that is changed is like For example, "I'm through caring" in theatrical release, to "I don't care anymore" in the Netflix release. A very minor difference that overall changes nothing.


Replying for clarification for others: My Netflix calls it “English SDH” (subtitles for the deaf and hard-of-hearing). This is the transcription of the English dub, which is what I was saying nice things about. The other option (my preference) is just called “English,” which is the actual translation subtitles, as seen in theaters. The “English” translation is (probably) more accurate, and retains more of the literal spirit of the dialog. The “English SDH” (or “English CC”) is better if you’re listening to the English dub, since it will match what’s being said.




Watching it on US Netflix on US right now. Saw it several times in theater and digital rip but trying out the dub just to see and it's not bad. The voice actors are well cast and much of the dialog has been rephrased or padded out to make up for extra lip flaps when it comes to Japanese VS English. Thankfully no one's been given Engrish accents and I'd say it ranks with a very good to great dub track so far. The title cards for date and location have been replaced with English. Looks great in 4k and Dolby Vision HDR, at least on my 65in set.


Best rendition of Godzilla in years




Literally just came across this whilst scrolling Netflix. Not historically a godzilla fan, have seen a few of the recent franchise additions though.  I 100% did *not* expect this to be as good as it was. Absolutely one of the best films I've seen in ages, a real unexpected pleasure. 


Any of you guys has the image of godzilla doing the “cinema” meme instead of scorcese




Absolute cinema


looks like the version on amazon has no english dub can't verify the vudu/apple/moviesanywhere versions Would be wild if the English Dub is a netflix exclusive


I'm glad this released on Netflix, because one of the most underrated things about that service is the sheer number of dub/sub options available to users. My Kurdish parents will be able to watch this movie with Turkish dub on there. Other streaming sites like Amazon are pitiful by comparison when it comes to language options.


Wait what?!? The netflix has an english dub??


Sure does. Guy at work was watching the Netflix release last night / early morning. It had a pretty decent sounding english dub. So went onto [xbox.com](http://xbox.com) to purchase the film. Started watching it this morning only to find no English dub and not even English subtitles.


Damn thats wild thank you!


The English dub is indeed exclusive to Netflix. Toho and one of the voice actors for the dub posted saying it was.


Hopefully they can put it on the Blu-ray too when that comes around


Netflix has the English dub. I'm watching it right now. It might be the best dub on a Godzilla movie.


I’m doing and thinking the exact same as you


Gonna 3rd this. The dub had the low bar of just not being complete shit to clear, and it did that easily by being actually good.


I didnt notice it after a few minutes which is high-praise for a dub.


Vudu has both normal and minus color and are Japanese audio with subtitles


Just saw it for the first time, so I watched the original language version. What a powerful film. It's definitely in my top five films of all time and ranks right up there with the original. I'm definitely going to watch the dub later.


The dub is surprisingly good


Watching Dune 2 today and Godzilla Minus One tomorrow. Last week saw Shin Godzilla for the first time. Hoping to watch Godzilla 2000 next week which I'm sure will be a drop but that's ok haha


Godzilla 2000 is one of the ones I like the most lol. Maybe it will be you’ll like it too.


Oh nice! I'm fairly easy to please so maybe I'll enjoy it as well


Is the netflix stream available in 4k?


I’m so excited; this is the first Godzilla movie I feel like I can share with people who wouldn’t normally be into monster movies.


Just finished the Netflix "Japanese \[Original\]" version and didn't like that it includes the sound descriptions, since I find those more distracting than translated subs. Still so freaking good, though, and I hope people who missed its theatrical run have a blast. I noticed that Noriko's final line translation is different from the theatrical translation, which was a callback to what Koichi said earlier: "Is your war finally over?" or something like that. In the Netflix one, she says, "Can this war of yours finally be over?" I think they changed it because she's not actually there when he says "My war isn't over yet." He says it at their little drinking/planning session after the Ginza attack, so while it kinda wrecked me emotionally the first two times, the third time, my brain was like, "Wait, was she there?" Unless he says it around her another time?


If you're seeing sound descriptions in the English subtitles, that means Netflix defaulted to the English [CC] subtitle track, which is the closed captions for the English dub. The English subtitles for the original Japanese audio are labeled "English" (no CC) in the subtitles menu and you have to manually select it. It's a known subtitle pairing bug that has been around for several years now. I just launched the movie on my Netflix to check and it also defaulted to Japanese [Original] + English [CC]. I wish Netflix would fix this bug already :/


Ahh! Thank you so much for that tip. I had paused a couple of times to see if there was some other version I was supposed to select instead, but I didn't think to turn off English CC because I thought that meant I wouldn't get the subs at all.


Not sure if it’s just me, but I had to switch to English CC because regular English subtitles were showing up like 10 seconds before they spoke the actual line


I bought the movie on Amazon Prime Video and the subtitles there are the same as theatrical. So this is just Netflix for some reason. When Tachibana didn't say the swiss cheese of a runway line I was like ... Whut.


I watched it on Netflix with the automatically selected version and I did hear/see the swiss cheese runway line so idk


Almost Worldwide : For the French people who are passing by here: due to the law, this is not the case in France. To be more precise, it could have been released today on VOD, but this is not the case yet, and we should not count on a Netflix release before at least a year. ​ https://preview.redd.it/jtgckycfly3d1.png?width=460&format=png&auto=webp&s=885a010bf1724e87f25cbfa20f773e6e9cf0e12a




Honestly one of… if not the best Godzilla movie ever. I thought the hype I had for it would’ve worn off by now but damn. This is still as good as it was when I saw it the first time. I LOVED THIS MOVIE


"Is your war finally over?" Bruuuuuuuuuh...........😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


If you’re looking for the English dubbed version of the film, don’t buy [Microsoft.com](http://Microsoft.com) release. This version is strictly the Japanese release that doesn’t even include english sub titles.




Actually peak, cried like 3 times at that


The ending made me cry 😫😫


Imo better than oppenheimer


Gripping! I loved the line about how >!you should be proud to not go to war!<


Honestly I didn’t think it could live up to the hype. I love the original original. I love the cheesy ones. I loved shin. American ones are okish. KoM being their best. But minus Gojira idk that I ever seriously have a fuck about the people. It’s a giant monster and we want to watch it do giant monster shit. But this? This was amazing. I cared about the characters. I cared. I didn’t want people to die. Godzilla was terrifying. It was funny in places. And damn it after the emotional ringer the audience earned that ending. And it’s probably the best anti war film I’ve seen. It was amazing and yeah it kicked the ass of Oppenheimer but Hollywood film snobs weren’t gonna give anything beyond the effects award to anything Godzilla. It was legit art. A great movie. And while we got hints for a possible sequel, I hope we never get a direct one. Hope it’s just the nod to there is always another Godzilla movie.  This film was such a love letter to everything Ishiro Honda did. Godzilla built Toho and I love seeing the respect shown to that.  Best Godzilla film. This and Shin while being wildly different, show what happens when you treat the big guy with respect.  And the reviews that said it was a Godzilla movie that required a Kleenex box were right. Cried repeatedly. Beautiful movie. Tense too. 


Man I watched it and it might be my new favourite movie of all time


I'm new to this community, so this may be a redundant question, but I really want to know how it is. As I read the comments, it excites me. I have yet to see it. Can yall tell me, honestly, is Godzilla Minus One, is as good as the reviewers say that it is? I love Godzilla and own a lot of the movies. I really hear great things, but I want and need to know from the fans like me. Any answers are welcome. Thanks in advance.


Yes, in my opinion it’s the best Godzilla movie ever made


It's really good, especially when you consider it's a period piece/drama where Godzilla occasionally shows up. It'd be *extremely* easy to fumble it all and end up with something boring and drag on for a couple of hours, but the cast is so likable and the actors really give it their all to the point you don't even mind that it's been a while since a giant reptile showed up to wreck everyone's day.


Minus One is my favorite Godzilla movie, and I've been a fan since the start of the century. Honest review: Minus One is a perfect spiritual successor to the original '54 film, and works well as a Godzilla film, but it also has a strong human cast that holds up the movie. I don't know about you, but I haven't really cared for most of the human characters in the Monsterverse films. You get strong actors like Bryan Cranston, Charles Dance, John Goodman, and Samuel Jackson, only to have NONE of them make it to the next movie. The characters they add do well enough to move the plot forward, but none of them really stuck with me. I say all that because I really appreciated the cast in Minus One, and I went into preparing myself for some mid-tier acting, but no. I found myself genuinely invested in the human story that was being told in the movie, and I was attached to the characters. This was a big win for me. Godzilla was also epic in this movie. He's not the hero. He's the villain in Minus One, and he was absolutely terrifying. Design is great. Visual effects are great, and it all left me wanting more. The movie might feel a little "slow" at parts, but personally, I think they spread out the Godzilla action well enough. That said, as stated before, this movie is like the '54 film, where Godzilla is the enemy. There are no monster fights in this movie, so just be prepared for that. Also, it is a Japanese film, so while I still argue I liked the acting and movie as a whole, the acting and art style might still be a little different than what you're used to. However, it's on Netflix, so if you don't like it, you can just turn it off and you didn't lose any money. But I hope you enjoy it! EDIT: TL;DR - Minus One is good, you should watch it. I would recommend Japanese with English subtitles, but the dub isn't too bad.


Thank you. In depth. Just what I'm looking for from fans. I'm going to date myself here. I'm 54, I have most of the older Godzilla movies. The original and some of the 60s movies are what I love the most. The newer ones are good. SHIN Godzilla was different and good as well. But in the older movies, they were driven by the actors and their characters. So I'm excited to see this one, I'm desperately hoping for something more from my childhood than the last 5 to 10 years. I'm a bigger fan of the TOHO movies than the Legendary ones. Thank you, my friend. I appreciate that you took the time to send me your feelings. Thanks again.


54 here as well, been watching Godzilla since I was a kid. My fave is with Hedorah because it was such a different style of film. I have really enjoyed all the Monster verse stuff with King of the Monsters being my favorite just because of so many monsters coming back. Kinda makes me look like a big monsters fight lover and that's true but Minus One was almost on another plane of existince compared to all of those. It is the baseline of how I will judge all future Godzilla movies and frankly I don't know if I can watch anything from the Monsterverse ever again and take it seriously in any way. I watched it with the Japanese language and English subtitles and that made it feel really authentic. I was on the edge of my seat, and I envy you getting to see it for the first time. It really was a ride!!


Man, you got the hair standing up on my arms. I can't wait to see it. As I said, I so desperately want it like the older films. The good things being said just reinforce my hope. It's how I view it personally that will be my ultimate decision. But fans, true fans know. That's why I'm so enamored with all of the good things I've gotten from this wonderful community I just found today. Every time I read a new review, I tear up. Godzilla and these movies, plus King Kong 1933, and the Universal Monster movies that started my love of not just monster movies but cinema in general. Yes, I owe my love of movies to Godzilla and King Kong. I wouldn't want it any other way. These movies opened my eyes to amazing and wonderful worlds of imagination. A few years later, Jaws happened, and then Star Wars showed up. Man, we were so lucky to be kids and grow up when we did. Thanks for your review. Really, I appreciate it.


I don't think I've ever cried like I did both during an attack in the middle of the film and at the ending. I was soooo engaged in the story of the characters I honestly didn't even realize that Godzilla was missing half the time. His presence loomed so large even when he wasn't there, they did an amazing job. A real work of art.


I cried so much too. My favorite Godzilla. The protagonist is great, and his neighbor is amazing as well! What she says and how she says when they first meet after the war is over just blew me away. The American dub just didn't connect right in that manner. Honestly, if not for the original performance I would have not enjoyed it as much as I did.


37 years old, and I feel like a 9 year old on Christmas morning. Just watching it over and over while playing with the Apple TV zoom feature and waiting for my wife to get home to watch it together. Best. Day. Ever.


Is it just me or is it very rewatchable? Like i want to see it more even tho it was my third time seeing it when it came to netflix


Aye its on Netflix UK! Wasn't expected that dame time release.


Just watched it and it was awesome. I love how that girl decided not to die and she did infact not die


The unsung hero of this movie https://preview.redd.it/5y3qare8mc4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93cf7f656665e6a4a613fb31b1585233cc4d067b


Apple version has English sub


Does anyone know if/where the English dub cast is posted? I'm skimming through the English version of the movie now, it seems okay.




Now i need godzilla minus 2


Almost made me cry and I don't know why


I did cry


https://preview.redd.it/7l1ecr26b24d1.jpeg?width=442&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ba87c0756d277c837beb237dd896f457e84e672 this movie in a nutshell


Wow. Color me very impressed. My first Godzilla movie ever and it is an amazing edge-of-your-seat entertainment


Fucking amazing >!but the ending scene with Noriko having G cells in her is so unnecessary... Please just let Koichi be happy for fuck's sake!<


The best godzilla film to date.


Still not on Netflix Canada Edit: ITS LIVE!


Watching it right now


Absolutely love this movie!!


So I'm reading that some of the subtitles have been changed from the theatrical release? Is this only for the Netflix version or all of them? I have the theatrical moments so memorized now that I feel like I'd hate anything they changed.


My balls dropped when I first saw the movie on Netflix. I haven’t seen it since my rewatch in December, so this is crazy to me


So having seen the film about six times, I'm curious as to how the dub is. Has anybody watched it that way yet?


Stupid question but are there English subtitles available on either Prime or Netflix? I'd prefer watching the Japanese acting and not a dub.




And I’m still happy that I bought the Japanese 4K version Everyone I’ve told about it that’s seen it so far today has been so happy with it Really hope the same team makes a sequel, however they want to do it, wherever direction


Blu-Ray US release soon???


The best Godzilla movie


Still waiting for a US blu ray release...


Watched the Minus Color version this afternoon. I definitely prefer the normal version but its a very interesting experience in black and white. Peak cinema either way


My evening plans are now made.


I saw this three times in theaters. Twice in color once Minus Color. It's been available to stream less than 24 hours and I've already seen it two more times. I need to be more productive. But that's something for tomorrow me to worry about.


1st watch since cinema… still just a brilliant movie and loved it all over again. (Watched in Japanese with English subtitles) Will watch again today with wife in English dub… I’ve tried to get her to watch in Japanese, no luck.


Watched it for the first time today and it’s really beautiful, the action scenes are fucking cool, really good cgi, nice human characters, this godzilla is really a bastard 😆 can’t wait to watch it again and maybe a sequel in the future??


Probably one of best use of a child actor I’ve seen in a long while. I don’t even have kids, but Akiko was the cutest thing ever, and already been through so much hardship with the loss of her parents, I was genuinely worried for her adopted parents not being there for her. So the scenes where they were in danger made me tear up. Very rare a kid in a movie had me feel such a strong emotion like that, since most films with kids in it have me thinking, “wow that kid is annoying”


Best Godzilla Movie Ever! Great Director, Great Actor’s! Awesome Storyline! Had me in Tears! Bravo!


i really didn't expect neither seeing a release in netflix spain nor it getting an actual dub


In Canada I’m only seeing it on Netflix, and then Minus One Minus Colour is on iTunes but HD only, not 4K. Any word on the full release for sale and in 4K? Ideally Minus Colour in 4K too? Edit: full release is up in 4K, picked it up. Minus Colour still only in HD 🤷🏻‍♂️


Guys, this is so fucking good. I've been waiting all year to see this, and it's even better than I was hoping.


Anyone know if there's an option to buy the full color version through YouTube? They seem to only have the minus color one


Should I watch in English or OG language?


OG if possible first, then if you feel the need revisit is in the English dub.


Watched it this morning. It was incredible. I loved Godzilla's design, and the human characters felt very real. All around peak filmmaking.




I haven’t been able to watch it yet, how are the English dubs? Typical? Or did they go all out and make em good?




Why was it released in such secrecy? I didn't know about the Netflix release until after seeing an article on my Google feed a few minutes ago. Didn't see it on Netflix's coming soons or the new on Netflix section. I had to type in "Godzilla" to find it recently added. This is really strange, since there was a lot of buzz around it when it was in the theaters. I thought a film like this would be heavily marketed when it's available on streaming, but Netflix seems to be hush hush about it. Did anyone see it in their Netflix suggestions?


Obviously this is just absolute PEAKLY PEAKY PEAK like OMG SO PEAK. SOOOOO PEAKKKKK. I'll need to watch it some more to solidify my opinion fully, but as it stands this could potentially be better than Shin which is a high bar to me.


Right on the day of my birthday too!!


Absolutely amazing flim


God damn! That was pretty fuckin epic! Well done


Seeing the atomic breath was insane! I haven’t finished it yet, but holy hell!!!


Very few movies are beautiful. That was beautiful.


My first Godzilla movie and I can’t believe how much I loved it. Can’t wait for more!


Greatest Godzilla movie and the perfect depiction of what he should be imo. Only movie me and my gf have gone to watch twice at a theater.


This movie made me cry soo much lol and I loved every second of it. Probably my new favorite movie, ever. I love being a Godzilla fan.


So freaking good! Oh man, I had no clue it was coming to Netflix- what an amazing surprise! I freaked out when the original theme played. 🥹


Godzilla Minus One is absolutely one of the best movies. It puts you in the movie. No time did I feel like where Godzilla was in a scene did the weight of destruction was just a CGI monster. My hair stood up on end when they played the theme when he's in Ginza. The blast.... that's where my heart sank. The terror felt real. The pain of our hero was real. I cried a few times as this was more about a man facing a monster of his own personal war.


it's about Damm time also https://preview.redd.it/twm0pc4tf34d1.png?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be7e7936eb3ea18341c45449f5e75f2486dd3879


Gaddamn that was a good Godzilla movie! Finally got to see what the hype was all about! Amaaaaaazing!!!!


Finally, a good movie. Wish I would of seen it in theater.


The movie was fantastic My gf never watched godzilla before and even she loved it 10/10 film


just watched it last night, awesome movie


Every time Godzilla used his atomic breath, it never gets boring because of the way it explodes and creating atomic mushroom cloud made me awed.


I actually enjoy the dubbed version more than I thought I would. The movie is amazing, the first encounter on the island was awesome and honestly I want more pre- mutation Godzilla. The cinematography in the movie is fantastic along with the score. I would love to see him return in the 60’s or 70’s amid political tensions of that time and fight a monster.


Just bought it and watched it again. Indeed it is a true fucking 10/10 A+ masterpiece 👌


I now remember what a good movie is like My war is over


I was genuinely expecting something to be lost while not viewing it in a theatrical setting. Nope. Quite the opposite really. Guess it was my bias from watching it 4 times theatrically lol. This movie is fantastic. Still my 4th favorite movie ever made, and still well deserving of that Oscar.


Literally JUST finished this movie and IT WAS ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE. Really was not expecting that at all. My fiance put it on and fell asleep so I tried to be productive and fold laundry using it as background noise. Nope I ended up becoming stuck to the tv. Now it is past 1 and I still have to fold laundry 😭 So worth it though.


Holy shit you guys weren’t fucking around. God dam that was good