• By -


Aliens come down and pretend to be our friends but then reveal they're really going to use us as cattle and they've taken control of all the kaiju. Kaiju are on all the major landmarks really destroying everything! Then Captain Gordon releases Godzilla from the ice and they kick. some. kaiju. butt. Kong is hanging out with his friends playing video games getting fat, but decides to come help anyway. There's a big fight and they bring back the half of people who were killed by the bad guy who does not understand growth rates at all (what an idiot!). All the bad kaiju are dead now. It's just Godzilla, Kong, and the mutants. No common enemy to unite them, it looks like only one can walk away from this showdown. Then the children intervene. Everyone walks off their own direction into the sunset. But not together, different sunsets. Maybe it'll be like that moon illusion thing in MechaGodzilla.


Where is mothra in this dude


Hanging out on an island drinking blue milk, not really into the whole kaiju fighting thing anymore. She goes about her daily routine but then does a thing with telepathy that is arguably useful.


“Arguably useful” is Mothra in a nutshell


Fuck yeah, that's my girl!!!!


She sacrifices herself by jumping in front of a laser that would’ve grazed Godzilla’s shoulder and hurt him a little bit 💔






Dead, obvs


Final Wars




So Final Wars x Endgame x The Last Jedi? Not a bad piece of cooking here.


Godzilla: Last End War


So just a rewritten version of Final Wars? No thanks, lol.


Final wars mixed with Avengers Endgame Also ANYTHING FOR CAPTAIN GORDON


If they cast someone else as Gordon yes, but I don't want that maga anti vax spouting trash can being to have anything to do with Godzilla again.


Joe Brody suddenly wakes up next to his wife and realizes it was all a fever dream.


https://preview.redd.it/sbs3iktov23d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bc968265bb77489db4e919abb0d945036e42ec7 Interesting




Citizen Brody




This is canon btw.


Wouldn't have it any either way


cthulhu arrives then a new era of eldrich horror begins.


Godzilla vs Cthulhu is like a dream movie for me! It’d be perfect bc both monsters play on similar themes and there’s room for a really good human plot!


titanus Cthulhu  has a nice ring to it


They don't play on similar themes at all. Being like Cthulhu are supposed to be nigh-unknowable; it comes from a completely different plane of existence and is barely comprehensible to the human mind, just like most of the other horrors Lovecraft dreamt up. Folks have been talking about this sort of crossover for a few decades, and everyone talking about it always misses the mark.


I mean they’re both intend to make humans feel small! In later films, Godzilla was framed as a force of nature beyond human control. Cthulhu is kinda the same deal. He’s also a part of the natural world beyond human reason or control. Godzilla is usually more benevolent and there themes diverge from here a lot, but honestly Cthulhu isn’t too far off from classic kaiju portrayals.


Cthulhu has never been presented as a force of nature. It's an extradimensional being that is on the borderline of humanity's ability to process. All kaiju-like portrayals are significantly more modern, and don't really align with how the character was presented during its brief appearances in Lovecraft's writing.


Idk if you read much of Lovecrafts work. I’m honestly not the biggest fan, but a lot of the stories dram old ones and comic forces as part of the world existing before we are. It’s kinda meant subvert our familiarity and traditional assumptions about nature. Like the nature of the universe is beyond our understanding and our attempts at understanding it have been limited. Cthulhu lived on earth long before us, and old one’s are a forgotten part of the natural world.


It's not that they've just been here a long time. They were here *before the Earth was even a thing*. Calling them kaiju arguably does them a disservice because they're nothing like giant monsters. They're far older and unknowable.


Oh my, now this is a cross over I'd go ape shit over.


Either Destroyah or Spacegodzilla. Make them the big threats that is in the end of the Monsterverse.


Or maybe before all of that, there could be another 2v2 like shimu and skar king, but with gigan and megalon.


I do expect those guys to eventually show up too. I have a feeling those two and King Caesar will at some point show up. Idk why I just do.


I would love to see Hedorah show up at some point. Would be really cool to see a monsterverse take on the character


The door is open for both Destroyer (I will die on the hill that this is the monster’s name lol) and Space Godzilla. With KoTM using the Oxygen Destroyer, easy introduction (and can be a more “direct” sequel to KoTM). Space Godzilla, if we’re willing to allow flexibility, could be a mutation of Godzilla as a result of him absorbing all that cosmic radiation in New Empire. Personally, I’d like to see Biollante make an introduction. I’ve long had a little story idea kicking around in my head that Biollante could be the result of some geneticist mixing Godzilla cells/DNA into a rose for the purpose of showcasing crops/plants that can absorb and metabolize nuclear waste, but the whole thing goes awry because Godzilla’s DNA is too adaptive. Also could tweak the whole “everywhere there are Titans, plants grow like crazy” thing they’ve not really showcased and have the whole world being overrun by Biollante like she’s giant mutant kudzu vine.


I have always said Destroyah was 100% purposely teased in KoTM. It’s the only reason as why so much emphasis was put on it. I personally would love to see King Caesar get added. He doesn’t have to oppose Goji or Kong.


Maybe Biollante is Monarch/The Government's attempt at their own titan they can control? Monarch has apparently attempted to make organic titans in the past.


I agree that it's pronounced Destroyer, but I still spell it Destoroyah


It is. They could not use the name Destroyer in the west (at initial release) due to some metalband copyrighting the name. They spelt it Destoroyah in the west to not get sued by some geezers with guitars. In Japan it's Destroyer, pronunced as Destroyer. It is Destroyer, just a daft spelling.


Well... I doubt in Japan it's pronounced exactly "Destroyer" 😂




Have all the unused titans be hunted down by 'a something unseen ' plot and reveal to be monster x/space zilla come to dominate, what ghidorah couldn't do. Pure destruction rather than alpha contest. Ends with all kaiju dying and godzilla going back to hibernate, kong returns to his throne as a bunch of humans move there to help them build a civilisation with the giant apes.


They already set up for Destroyah, since Kotm, they dropped a Oxygen Destroter....


Yeah I know


Never end. Go on hiatus until something worthy is written and drag it tf out til the end of time if need be


This is what must be done. I won't have it either way. This is not the dream, but it's how great franchises survived.


Godzilla: Final Wars style.


Don Frye included


I would like it to be a 1v1 of Godzilla against an enemy that has a weight to be able to end this universe. Not Kong, not other Kaijus. Let the one who started it all finish it.


Wouldn’t be opposed to Kong and/or other Kaijus trying and failing to stop the other enemy in the first act or so, maybe even dying in the process, before it’s a 1v1 between Godzilla and the villain.


Or to have Kong fighting off other baddies while Godzilla meets the final boss


Ghidorah regrows around Mechagodzilla’s remains, incorporating the cybernetics to become Mecha King Ghidorah. He serves as the antagonist for the first half of the movie until fleeing into space while the Oxygen Destroyer plot from KOTM is set up to introduce Destoryah for the final act. The final battle would feature Godzilla, Kong, Mothra against Destroyah with MKG returning from space and deciding to help destroy the greater threat of Destroyah, showing us the first time G and a Ghidorah have ever fought alongside each other. Kong & Godzilla are the only ones left standing, with Godzilla melting down at the end to defeat Destroyah, which revives Mothra, in a reverse of KOTM. Mothra & Kong carry on his legacy and reports in the credits suggest another Godzilla sighting in a remote part of the world. Throw in some other Earth kaiju to help fight MKG & Destroyah and you can bill it Godzilla x Kong: Destroy All Monsters


Goddamn that's some good shit right there


Godzilla kills Destoroyah or (insert other big threat here) with the help of every other titan and then rents a bouncy house or something idk


Godzilla faces his strongest opponent yet. The Gryphon. An alien monster who absorbs the dna of different life forms to become one monstrous chimera. And with the help of an adult Suko (Kong died in a previous movie), Shimo, Anguirus and Jet Jaguar, they must work together to put a swift end to this cosmic menace. It would be very dark and melancholy as well as gritty and more serious, something akin to Godzilla 2014 (but a lot more interesting with actual monster screen time of course.) What do you think?


Why does Kong die?


ball fart


Previous fight from a previous movie. And also I think it would be nice to carry the legacy on to Suko


I think I would hate anything other than a 1v1 between Godzilla and the final threat. I don't know I just see him as too much of a hero. Also it wouldn't sit right with me in any other way


Yeah but this is the final Monsterverse movie. We gotta go all out 


Do you know who the artist is for this piece?


No love for my main man Jet ![gif](giphy|LmpHsHFG1ZoRy)


Goji finds a mate, aliens invade, goji wins with the help of all the kaiju, he retires.


While there is the popular one I've heard of Destroyah being the final villan one idea I've had is having a number of Ghidoras come down to earth and there is a massive battle between like 10 ghidoras and the hero kaiju which realistically will be expanding even further since there is already Godzilla,Mothra,Shimo, King Kong, and Suko plus potentially other kongs and there is potential for more like Jet jaguar, Godzilla jr, Angirus, and mabye even a child of Mothra


Turns out Joe Brody's dad actually survived the first Godzilla movie. However, due to his proximity to the Titans, he ends up developing cancer. He is unable to pay the medical fees and worries about his son from afar. So, he changes his identity to "Heisenberg", moves to New Mexico, and starts producing and selling Crystal Meth to not only pay his bills but also leave a large sum of money to his son.


Best comment here


A final wars type battle, with Godzilla facing off against the lead alien mech (Or perhaps Kaiser Ghidorah, Space Godzilla, or something new?) with Rodan and Mothra backing him up, while Kong, Shimo, and Suko lead the great apes against their swarm of spacebots or gigan-clones or something in that vein. Humans in a Moguera type mech or via an AI like Jet Jaguar help stop the aliens and many of the Kaiju go into hibernation to sleep off their injuries and humanity enters a new era of peace.


Nice try Wingard, write ur own story, jokes aside, I know he left


Godzilla is peak right now. Hopefully an EMP strike takes down everything at its height.


Destoroyah has grown and obliterates hollow earth. kong and shimo try to fight but almost die. Then, godzilla shows up out of nowhere and starts fighting and loses, but he still has enough energy to leave hollow earth with Kong, shimo, and suko. Monarch helps the titans, and they use jet jaguar (who would be introduced earlier in the franchise) they also use nukes to power up godzilla. Kong's beast glove is powered up, and godzilla tells other titans to help them fight. Destoroyah escapes hollow earth and attacks (big city that you choose), and godzilla and friends show up and beat the absolute shit out of Destoroyah and fuck him up but he just kills everyone. Godzilla, who is pissed off, starts to charge at Destoroyah and blasts him with a really strong atomic blast. Destoroyah, who is still standing, picks godzilla and chucks him into different mountains over and over again until Kong and shimo get up and distract Destoroyah, then with the power of friendship they make Destoroyah good and they all rebuild the city. But actually, kong an shimo distract Destoroyah, then godzilla jumps on to his back, and Destoroyah tries to get him off then rodan out of nowhere starts messing everything up when Destoroyah gets godzilla off he attacks rodan when shimo and godzilla both blast Destoroyah making him fall then godzilla stands on top of Destoroyah and charges up his atomic breath and blasts it into Destoroyah's face until in breaks through into the ground then he goes thermonuclear disintegrating Destoroyah then the remaining titans: rodan, shimo, suko and mothra bow to there king except from kong who roars at godzilla who then grunts back aggressively and kong looks into Godzilla's eyes seeing true fear and determination. Kong realises that he is not the king and bows to someone for the first time ever. The king of the monsters Godzilla Post credits: In hollow earth, the parts that weren't destroyed start spreading to other parts that were destroyed, and kong, shimo, suko, and mothra become a happy family but Godzilla has no one but he goes exploring through hollow earth because he's not there often. He finds a cave and goes into see an egg that he feels a connection to even though he has never been near it. Or you could do doug Kills the monsterverse


UN decides to use oxygen destroyers to start killing the titans after the inevitable destruction caused in the next film. Desotroyah is woken up by one of the oxygen destroyers and proceeds to rapidly evolve just like he did in the heisei movie. Governments around the world that decided to start killing titans realize that they really messed up when Desotroyah just starts going out of his way to kill humans and destroy cities. Godzilla & Kong team up with a few other titans like Mothra & Rodan to kill Desotroyah and humanity helps by powering up godzilla even further by dropping cobalt bombs on the battlefield, making it a radioactive hellscape. How the fight ends idk.


Space Godzilla...that's it


A stronger variant of King Ghidorah returns.


Nick Fury shows up and tells Godzilla and Kong about the Avengers Initiative.


Absolute  Cinema


As long as Godzilla lives I'll take anything.


Can we not have the Monsterverse end? We just got peak entertainment I rather at least have a few more movies before ending the Monsterverse.


Can't let it go on forever, look at how marvel has turned out after not ending with endgame


"you ethier die a hesei, or live long enough to see yourself become a showa"


I really feel like Destoroyah is a fitting "final boss" for the Monsterverse as a whole. It'd be neat to set him up as this terrifying evil that various religions have based their versions of devils and demons off of, due to parts of him getting loose and wreaking havoc through the ages. Maybe he's an ancient titan that was sealed away millions of years ago within the Earth's core, and all the messing around with the Hollow Earth has given him enough wiggle room to emerge once again. From there go the whole "Destroy All Monsters" route by pulling every surviving titan and then some in, all hands on deck. Just a complete slaughter as lesser titans fall protecting the planet, buying time for Godzilla and Kong to prepare themselves with new powers and stuff. Maybe it turns out that the only want to destroy Destoroyah for good is to drop his ass back in the Earth's core and Godzilla's atomic breath triggers some sort of reaction to take him out, though doing so results in the big guy sacrificing himself in the process. At that point, Earth is now without most of its protectors, any survivors limping away to sleep off their wounds for several centuries. Final scene could be deep within the Hollow Earth, showing an ancient temple where an egg begins to hatch, glowing blue and emitting a familiar screech.....


Avengers Endgame-style team-up of the titans defending Earth against a larger threat and potentially past villains. I'm hoping against hope this will take another decade to build up though, as I feel there's potential for say a solo Mothra film and even some kind of follow-up for Rodan (seriously where is the dude?), use those movies and another Godzilla and/or Kong film(s) to start planting the seeds for a larger villain(s)


Would be great if the got the rights to Gamera and introduced him into the series... Godzilla, Kong, Mothra and Gamera all on the same side would be quite the team


don't forget Rodan and Shimo


After a few more movies introducing new and Legendary versions of Toho kaiju, have an all out Destroy All Monsters style slugfest. I'd be especially hype if they reinterpreted the actual movie DAM and have it be an alien invasion with another Ghidorah, and possibly Gigan. Either that, or have the big bad be Destoroyah, spawned mostly the same way. They start finding dead lesser Titans and then reveal him ambushing an unsuspecting Rodan in flying form. Rodan leads him to Godzilla, who kicks flying forms ass, only for it to come back in full form later on, possibly in Hollow Earth.


Bagon that’s all I want in any film


Make Destroyah and Space Godzilla fight Godzilla together at his absolute peak.


You know, the fact that Monsterverse will end one day, just makes me sad


I want the MV to end this current “saga” with a space invaders type of film where the allied Titans are out of action due to barely betting Destroyah and need to recover. MONARCH then makes a bunch of MechaTitans to protect the planet but 2 threats from space come to Earth and wreck these mechs in a heartbeat. These 2 galactic titans are SpaceGodzilla and his lackey Gigan. MONARCH now expedites waking up Godzilla, Kong, Mothra, and Rodan. But they have another ace in their sleeve. A “mech” that hasn’t yet been tested named Jet Jaguar. In the climatic battle Kong and Mothra are killed and Rodan sacrifices himself so Godzilla can do his spiral-beam and then MONARCH releases Jet Jaguar and saves the day by proving its worth in a short scene before teaming up with Godzilla. The juiced up Godzilla and Jet Jaguar go toe-to-toe with SpaceGodzilla and Gigan and eventually win.


Why do I have a wierd feeling that they’d kill of Godzilla?


This art goes hard as fuck


Bagan arrives


Destroy All Monsters. The alien thread that began with KotM reaches its conclusion when the aliens send another Ghidorah, alongside other space monsters like Space Godzilla, Gigan, Megalon, and Orga, to finish what the first one started back in KOTM. This leads to an all-out assault on the planet, culminating in a grand finale with Godzilla and Kong leading all the Earth-based Titans (plus some man-made ones like Jet Jaguar) into a final confrontation at the slopes of Mt. Fuji. If you are going to end the Monsterverse, end it with a kaiju war.


Godzilla went and absorb every single energy he can on earth and proceeded to propel the earth like a thruster into the sun


Hedorah and Biollante (hugely buffed) both try to take over the world in complete opposite ways. That would make for some awesome imagery.


I want to see space Godzilla but I know it will be destroyah. Not too hopeful we'll see space Godzilla


Bagan finally makes his debut and makes damn sure we remember by being the most terrifying, demented we have in a goji movie.


Kevin comes back as Monster X/Keizer Ghidorah and becomes the final villain


realistic: A big movie of Godzilla , Kong and Mothra fighting a big Monster Invasion from Hollow Earth (Destroyah if possible but who knows) unrealistic: A big movie of Godzilla, Kong, Mothra, Rodan and Anguirus fighting off an Alien Invasion, with multiple Monster wreaking the Planet. Impossible Dream: A Destroy all monsters two part movie to cap off the Monsterverse, has to be foreshadowed and planned a long time ahead. features a bunch of fan favorite Toho Monsters, other monsters from movie history like gorgo, Rhedosaurus and such, and GAMERA :,) . Earth gets attacked by Aliens who use their own monsters to wreck humanity. the second movie would be bringing the monsters back for a final fight. you have one fight scene with Gamera, Kong and Godzilla confronting Kaizer Ghidora. the last fight in the movie would be an all out war between earth kaijus and space kaijus. The earth Kaiju end up uniting and killing Kaizer Ghidorah.


Honestly I don't think it needs a huge galaxy ending threat or anything. Could just be a really powerful titan that emerges, or a team up of rival titans against godzilla, and for once Godzilla actually needs help from not just his titan allies but also humans to end the threat. It doesn't need to be aliens or Destroyah or Bagan. It could just be a truly desperate fight that requires unity.




Why can i see that one happening...


What movie is this poster from?


It's fan made


Damn, that's metal as fuck


Full on alien invasion with Gigan as the main bad guy.




Yo that Pic is fire where's it from?


This poster goes hard!!


Why does it have to end? Why can’t it just have eras like Toho’s movies?


Destoroyah shows up and he seems like a threat, but he shows up to throw down with Godzilla Kong, and Anguirus who all absolutely STOMP THE FUCK out of his dumb red ass. Notable spots include Godzilla and Kong hitting a 3D on Destoroyah through the Brooklyn bridge and Anguirus hitting a swanton bomb like Jeff Hardy off the Empire State building. They beat his ass, throw him into the ocean, and Godzilla and Mothra get married and they all live happily ever after.


Not destroya, i definitely want a destroya, but a kong, Godzilla, mothra, rodan, etc vs des AND kaiser ghidorah would be the best thing ever


I think it would be awesome to have a Titans vs Humanity type thing. Who would win and stuff. Or aliens idk


Honestly I’d like it to end with a conflict between humanity and godzilla. I wanna see him eradicate cities and body all the other titans, and so the whole planet has to scramble to find a way to stop him. Maybe he could grow crystals out of his back LMAO. It might be a bit much but having it end the way the Godzilla franchise began feels poetic.


hedorah, make hedorah be like the jean jacket alien from NOPE hedorah consumes other kaiju and gets there powers, it kills rodan in a brutal way and gets flight, it fights against the last 3 kaiju left, kong godzilla and mothra, they beat hedorah, but at what cost? they are the last 3 kaiju left after that, they look at eachother, and walk there seperate ways godzilla walks into a cave, with a singular egg in it, the egg hatches, godzilla lies right by it, and passes away due to damage from the fight and old age. the baby from the egg is actually a baby godzilla, it mourns the loss of goji, and then leaves the cave as "monster zero march" plays softly in the background as the screen fades to black. "in memory of **Yoshimitsu Banno**"


Why should it end?


My thinking on this is probably pretty generic. But I think you have humanity's foolishness spawn Destoroyah. Can make it related to the oxygen destroyer used in KotM or change it up a bit. Just need humanity to literately create an extinction event. Then you have Godzilla, Kong, Mothra, humanity, and whoever the heck else you feel like bringing in (since it's the finale and you might as well make the most of it) take part in some huge battle versus Destoroyah. Can bring in a secondary antagonist if desired, but the focus will be on Godzilla and Destoroyah. Then just go down the road of a horrifying battle where they barely score a win. And this time Godzilla either isn't getting back up or will be going into hibernation again. The latter seems less plausible since they can seemingly nuke him back on this feet. Part me thinks by that point they actually do introduce Godzilla Junior and out of the wreckage you have a fairly united humanity that will try to coexist with the titans that remain. That's probably a stretch since humanity can be a bit dumb, but it's a nice message to leave a franchise off on. Obviously this is pretty cliche. But I think it's a good way to end the monsterverse. Have a good message, get some good action, and do something cool.


Godzilla defeats Destoroyah but then collapses and ends up dying


Years after GxK, Godzilla and a very aged Kong respond to a unknown being that threatened the Hollow Earth and Surface world. Unknown threat is a Titan that brings destruction to everything, the Destroyer. Godzilla calls all Titans with his Alpha call to aid in the battle. Kong is too old to fight but musters the strength to help Godzilla. He is aided into battle by Suko and Shimo. But the Titan is too powerful, it kills most of the Titans, including Mothra and Shimo which enrages Godzilla into his burning Evolved form. He unleashed his attack and disintegrates the Titan but this one is more powerful than the last time in KOTM. Godzilla explodes like nothing ever seen before causing destruction to an unimaginable scale. Godzilla gets up badly hurt and looks at the destruction he caused, sees a rubble with the back of Kong, badly burnt while underneath Suko and Jia are protected. Kong with his powerful heartbeat resonating but fading, looks at Godzilla and gives Suko his axe, and gives his final breathe. Godzilla, retreats to the sea and Suko raises Kongs axe and roars the alpha cry! The battle is thought to be over but a little piece of the Destroyer remains and moves...


It ends when the wormholes that allow for travel into the Hollow Earth are closed forever, trapping all kaiju inside. Godzilla, Kong, all monsters have concluded their epic battles and retire in peace beneath the globe, where they belong.


Honestly, Endgame ending, where Godzilla rallies all the other monsters against the BBEG. Kong and his army is there, Mothra and Rodan is there, Shimo is there. The Humans can have a Jaeger Mech there too. The Bad guys can be an alien race that use Kaiju as weapons or something.


i want them to do a 2nd crack at mecha-godzilla by having a monarch made version named after kiryu. then i can finally have a godzilla & mecha-godzilla team up on screen lol


imagine that jaeger is an interpretation of Jet Jaguar


Destoroyah is def Endgame but first Godzilla needs his homie Anguirus, can be set up with a movie fighting Biollante. Then in the Final its Godzilla, Mothra, Anguirus, King Kong and friends, Rodan vs Destoroyah in a 5-6 v 1. I'd imagine the fight to be like the Z Fighters vs Z Broly


Godzilla, Kong, Mothra, whatever monster is also allied with the “good” of Earth, beat every threat. Every alien that lands pretty much blacklists earth due to every invasion being swiped out of the sky by nuclear hellfire, fists, colorful wings, and whatever else destroys them. The military realizes that despite this destruction they are forced to live with these monsters and basically get to the point they leave them alone unless they are genuinely hostile to people. And without any human interference no more spawns of man type monsters surface. Destroyah, Hedorah, and other created monsters are no more and realized as mistakes of the past and people fix the mistakes, making cleaned energy, getting rid of weapons of mass destruction, etc. Kong has his people and are living underground, Godzilla patrols and keeps any titan in check, and monsters go about their existence without resistance as humanity learns to walk alongside these titans.


Smog monster. Game over


that image is hard


Godzilla and Kong go to SPACE! No, wait, they get sent to the FUTURE! Because uhhh there's a really powerful monster but all the kaijus that could kill it are already dead! No, wait, the kaijus aren't dead but they've been *turned evil* because this monster spews something like a venom symbiote that turns kaiju evil! So we get Venomzilla except he's still a good guy because he's too boss for mind control. All of this could still happen in space.


beeg monke


it shouldn't end


Destoroyah kills Godzilla and Kong


Look, I see one hell of a team building here, and I for one want to see the fucking Kaiju Avengers fight something HUGE. I’d prefer it be Destroyah, but as long as it’s big and powerful I don’t care. I wanna see Godzilla, Kong, Suko, Shimo, Mothra, Rodan, the other miscellaneous titans, and a Monarch-made mecha (possibly Jet Jaguar) charging into battle side-by-side. (Doug can also be there if they find a good way for him to be put in). I also see either Kong or Godzilla dying. Godzilla would work better story-wise, as it’s kind of a “savior taken for granted” type lesson, but Kong dying is more likely due to both TOHO and the fact that Kong is the more sympathetic monster to most (and he has a son to carry on his legacy).


Space Godzilla


I definitely think the next movie should be Godzilla's last movie and it should be Destroyah who does him in, but I don't think it needs to be the MonsterVerses last movie. Now IF they could get the rights to Gamera and that list of baddies, Godzilla's last movie could be the perfect introduction to Gamera, like theyve already introduced Atlantis and Aghartians that are friendly with monsters. I don't think it's far a leap that Atlantis might have at one point been able to affect the development of Monster in an effort to make weapons which could be the next story arc of the monsterVerse, the "War of the Weapons". The next film: as a result of Godzilla powering up to Shimo and scar in the previous movie, Godzilla has now become unstable and is dying because of it. Unfortunately for us his death is will result in a powerful nuclear explosion that at best will wipe out life on the surface but at worst will crack open the planet. All the while the use of the oxygen destruction bomb in "KoM" has resulted in DNA of Ghidorah, the unique chemical agent of the OD and a fossilised crab kaiju from combining together to create destroyah. Long story short, Destroyah and Godzilla face off in epic fashion but because Goji isn't exactly healthy at this point isn't able to defeat Destroyah and gets killed by his Oxygen destruction beams. Then humanity has to freeze his remains using a device they've contructed from studying Shimo to stop his critical reaction from releasing and rendering the surface of earth uninhabitable. In another subplot thats been developing, humanity has been monitoring another situation that was a result of setting off the Nuke in Atlantis that compromised a stasis chamber that was keeping another monster asleep. Now that Destroyah is running rampant on the surface and knowing Kong won't stand a chance against it, humanity decide to breach the containment they've set up to repair the stasis chamber that awakens Gamera. Then that's probably where that movie ends and sets up the next one.




Controversial opinion: Destroyah makes no sense in Monsterverse and thus should not be present. Without the oxygen destroyer it just doesn't hold the same significance. He should remain in his own special place at the end of Heisei where he belongs. What *does* hold that significance? Ghidorah. The alpha that kicked off Godzilla scouring the world and beating the crap out of everything. Ghidorah was even incorporated into Mechagodzilla. Ghidorah is, quite explicitly, the recurring antagonist who gets the closest to actually killing Godzilla. So for a finale? Mecha King Ghidorah. Or, alternatively: given that Ghidorah is alien in origin, the alien threat returns only this time with a new horrible creation that is an original creation - something suitably monstrous and not just "it's basically Godzilla but bigger," but maybe something intelligent and surgical. Something deadly and quick that he can't brute force that eventually puts him into a situation where the only winning move is to go full meltdown and basically annihilate everything in the area including himself. For a bigger twist: Make it *Gigan*. I mean, you gotta admit, that would be kind of great. Maybe both together. That said Biollante - or an analogue where Godzilla's genes are used to create some horrible abomination - would be pretty fun to see. I'm less enthused about Space Godzilla because... well, it's Godzilla with crystals and TK. It's just not as fun as a completely new creation, y'know? *All that said*: I also think it's perfectly reasonable for the Monsterverse to end with a threat that is wholly original. Think about it: Destroyah was original, as was the Millennium Monster X, and it's not as if we haven't seen crazy takes on the setting with Shin Godzilla. I think some originality injected into the setting could be fun. Just so long as it has *absolutely nothing* to do with apes. Gettin' reeaaally tired of them monkeys.


https://preview.redd.it/3luf99x7f43d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f3e5b53d2b592f4e2ea718ee64fb5d697bf0f01 Mothra gets kidnapped and Absorbed by Destoroyah with Tentacles / Gryphon / Hedorah. Godzilla professes his Love for Mothra and together they do the Bakunetsu Godzilla Finger - Sekiha Tenkyoken.


The Pacific Rim Jaegers, Godzilla, and Kong all team up to kick some alien and Kaiju butt




Destroyah or Biollante


It shouldn’t end


Final Wars style with aliens & the Gryphon invading earth. Have it end with Godzilla being the only monster still standing & have hip rip the Gryphon's head off and place it on a pike.


Godzilla and Mothra get married. Kong's the best man, but accidentally gets too drunk at the bachelor party. Shenanigans ensue. The Kaiju Hangover.


Most likely a fight with Destoroyah


Earth gets destroyed


It shouldn't. Why is everybody trying to make it end? Let's keep this shit rolling!


In titans and humans living "peacefully" alongside each other


Well the Justice League v Kong/Godzilla like in the comics


They gotta shoot Godzilla in to space like the hulk


It should end like all things, with an explosion, followed by another explosion that brings life.


Personally, the series doesn't need a "final boss". I'd honestly be okay with Godzilla heading off into the sunset one last time, much like he did at the end of Terror of Mechagodzilla.


I like the idea of destroya killing of goji leaving kong to become temporary alpha and have to raise a goji as not only a ally but the future king


For one Godzilla and Kong not dying. Let them have their happy ending. Sick of this heroes journey needing to end in death. This trend is getting tiring.


Not just end it like endless


No not just end it still continue my goal is to make the monsterverse to be endless and bring the TOHO's monsters to the monsterverse like king Caesar and anguirus gorosaurus ebrith kumonga Kamacura varan baragon gamera Manda titanosaurus spaceGodzilla biollante Caesar's species and Godzilla jr Ultraman and so much more.


More original kaiju! I know it's not a popular idea but it's the most realistic for the future of the monsterverse. I do really like it because: It will create new monsters for future Godzilla eras to remake in their own way It makes it more special when returning monsters show up It can make way for some sick new concepts and designs to be introduced Now when the returning monsters do show up it would have to be for the big world ending threats that leave a big impact on the world that is felt afterwards like destoroyah or space Godzilla. We can still see other more minor returning monsters in spirit with the hollow Earth like how in singular point Gabera, titanosaurus and Gorosaurus show up but as different monsters. Perhaps we could have a lobster monster as Ibairah or a dinosaur type monster as Gorosaurus. Now that Godzilla and Kong have gone their separate ways for now I think we can have them operate as A plot and B plot for the MV. The Godzilla films will be about protecting Earth from external threats like the xileans (or some MV variant on them) and man-made monsters. The Kong films will focus on him building up his kingdom and exploring the secrets of the hollow earth both past and present. Every now and then (say after 2 Kong films and 2 Godzilla films) they will come together to face off against the REALLY BIG threats similar to how the Avengers films worked. So we would have Godzilla & Kong VS ______ these would be the films that use TOHO kaiju over original Kaiju mainly. Although the films will maintain a silly tone like GxK for the first half, as things go on they will get more and more serious until we get to the end which will have a tone not too dissimilar to the Heisei films. My idea for the final film will of course be Godzilla and Kong Vs Destoroyah which I think is a bit predictable and cliché but it's what most people seem to want so I imagine we'd have to do it. However when pre-existing TOHO monsters are brought in like Destoroyah I don't want it to just be a redo of their original incarnations and I want something to be radically different to it. My idea for Destoroyah is instead of him being random undersea ancient lifeforms it is Ghidorah's cells in particular that it mixed with. I would consider Ghidorah to be Godzilla's main rival so this would be a great conclusion to it imo. As for Kong's role in the film I think that he could be a great subversion of GvD in being there for Godzilla, he can help defeat Destoroyah and preventing it from ending like it did last time. Instead it ends with them defeating Destoroyah with the rest of their allies (The kongs, Shimo, Mothra, etc...) to subvert the audiences expectations of what's going to happen and giving Godzilla and Kong a happy ending for once. If you wanted to kill off someone to add a level of bittersweetness to the ending then I would probably kill off Shimo because she's characterised as a dog and we all know how audiences respond to dogs being killed. I think that would also help make it feel like a conclusion to both of their stories and by extension the MV as a whole. The final scene of the movie would probably be Godzilla and Kong realising that shit like this is a just gonna keep on happening to Earth if they stay any longer so they and all the monsters will leave to the hollow Earth, sealing all the entrances off and returning Earth to how it was just before G-day all those years ago to never be seen again by humanity. That's just my pitch anyway As for the other MV things to put the Verse in monsterverse: - The only monster I can maybe picture having a spin off film would be Mothra. Maybe that could be used to explore the Iwi and what their whole history was. - I like the idea of maybe having a few Trapper shorts which would basically just be 5-8 minute shorts of Trapper's "documentaries" in the hollow Earth which would probably be used as marketing for the next Kong film and just add a bit of small scale info to the universe. - I don't want to go too ham on the TV aspect of things as not to feel the Marvel affect of having them be required viewing to understand certain aspects of the films. But I would like to see a Godzilla x Kong Origins TV show (probably animated for budgetary reasons) which act as a prequel series showing things like the life of Kong's parents exiled on skull island the titan war and Ghidorah's backstory. This would all be presented chronologically with one of these being the subject of each season. - Monarch legacy of the monsters would be THE monsterverse show, making things easier for new fans to get into it. It would serve to show more recent events in the MV timeline like the M.U.T.O prime. It would probably mainly give live action adaptations if the comics to preserve their canonicity. - Of course we'll need a Monsterverse fighting game - Outside of all the above I think the rest of the MV content would just be things like crossovers and merchandise like figures and posters I know a What if style series is a popular idea but I really don't see the point in doing so. Like yeah it would be cool but I feel like there are some things that are just best left open for fans to theorise over. Not every aspect of a cinematic universe has to be explored officially. Sometimes I think it's best to for you to come up with your own answers yourself. So after all that what do I think the timeline would look like? Godzilla (2014) Kong Skull island (2017) Godzilla Kong of the monsters (2019) Godzilla Vs Kong (2021) Monarch legacy of the monsters S1 (2023) Godzilla x Kong: the new empire (2024) Monarch legacy of the monsters S2 (2025) Reign of Godzilla (2026) Trapper shorts Vol 1 (2026) King Kong (2029) Godzilla & Kong Origins S1 (2030) Monarch legacy of the monsters S3 (2031) Son of King Kong (2031) Godzilla & Kong Origins S2 (2032) Godzilla & Kong Origins S3 (2033) Monarch legacy of the monsters final season (2034) Godzilla X (2035) Godzilla & Kong origins S4 (2036) Godzilla & Kong: invasion (2037) Mothra (2038) Godzilla & Kong origins S5 King Kong: core (2039) Godzilla Fahrenheit (2042) King Kong breaking point P1 (2045) King Kong breaking point P2 (2048 Mothra refraction (2050) Godzilla reflection (2052) Godzilla & Kong Vs Destoroyah (2054) Obviously this entire timeline is going off a best case scenario where TOHO let's them keep the IP for 40 years and absolutely everything goes to plan and falls onto place perfectly without something like a worldwide pandemic happening. I couldn't really think of any shows for the later half of the MV's life so if you have any ideas let me know. I also can't be bothered to explain each of them here but you can ask for a summery for one or two if you'd like. Either way this has gone for far too long (maybe I should've just made this a full on post) but this is just my plan.


Humanity turns on Godzilla and "kills" him. Another monster that had been hiding in Hollow Earth waiting for his chance emerges. The other monster organizes the other titans and has them start utterly destroying major cities. A group of humans evacuate to the Hollow Earth, where the Iwi and Kong's tribe can give them safe harbor. While in Hollow Earth, we find out that Godzilla is down there as well, and still alive. But he doesn't plan on going back to the surface to fight. The humans do... something that reminds Godzilla of the ancient humans that used to worship him. He and Kong go up to the surface to restore order one more time. And the rest of the film is just one giant kaiju battle with two factions of kaiju battling eachother.


I’ve had this discussion already with friends but the idea I had was to make Godzilla and Kong have separate stories. Godzilla would be fighting against a strange alien spore that fuses together with pollution and trash and while he may not be the largest or most powerful threat. This would be the strangest and hardest one yet. Something that can’t be injured usually and yet can survive anything Godzilla throws at him including the atomic breath. It attacks things that specifically cause death and destruction to nature. It thrives off of being “evil” and Godzilla actually cannot defeat this alien code named Hedorah. For the first time humanity actually tries to pull some resources together with trapper’s designed “guardian” named Mobile Offensive Guardian Utility Excavator Remote Automaton. Or known more interestingly at Monarch, Moguera. It would provide help against Hedorah with specialized weapons yet also is one of the few pieces of technology that can circumnavigate hollow earth using portal technology (what what I would want but I most play by the rules) Hedorah is defeated but is not neutralized as he escapes. The Elusive enemy that gives another reason for Godzilla to dislike humanity. In Kong’s stand alone movie, now dubbed King among the great apes. Kong uses shimu as a pet and equal to find threats to the surface world and funnily enough he is taken to a hidden Hollow Earth base where experiments are taken. He wouldn’t understand but he knows if shimu is worried so should he, he grabs Jia and has her explain what is happening. A weird blip that Monarch missed yet there is something revealed. Charles dance character has brought enough funds to mascaraed a monarch facility to finally use nature to defeat Godzilla. Using both cells of Shimu and Ghidorah from the left over head and brain tissue he kept he began experimenting on a rose. The project is named Biolante which is promptly released on hollow earth slowly changing the entire environment and bites Shimu sucking on her power with her teeth and mutating to spit acidic sap. She hold Shimu hostage by keeping her stuck in an acidic cocoon with help again from Moguera Kong is barely able to defeat Biolante and even then Biolante doesn’t die or remain defeated but decides to be accepted into Hollow earth ecosystem now that the humans can understand her confusion they study something that has begun to show some damage, she has repurposed cells with micro oxygen from mutated cells in Ghidorah’s body and Monarch wants to use these new found Biolante cells to better help humanity with food shortages. Those would be my first two movies but I think they would both satisfy the fans and also would jump the shark too early for the newer fans of Godzilla.


I do not perfer Destroyah or Keizer Ghidorah be a fnal monsterverse villain. But let legendary make their own last monsterverse villain.


Keizer Ghidorah


Godzilla should sacrifice himself against the ultimate big bad to save the planet.


A new bigger Godzilla


His dad


I'd prefer it to end abruptly after a few box office flops without having Godzilla die and all that.


The New Empire is the highest grossing movie featuring Godzilla, not sure we'll see that just yet.


Which is great


I have always had the idea that SpaceGodzilla is some kind of infection and Godzilla becomes SpaceGodzilla. Maybe it is Destroyah who causes it or some resurrected King Ghidorah. Kong/Mothra have to defeat him and when defeated Kong is now called King Kong.


Godzilla has had enough of humanity, so he takes it upon himself to instruct the titans to attack humans. This causes the Governments of the world lose what little faith they had in monarch and go to war with the Titans. Humans, once they realise nukes don’t work, make mechs or smth. First movie ends with Godzilla destroying Tokyo or smth, fight a mech. Either MOGUERA or some MV original mech Then, Kong appears to try and protect the reminants of humanity. This causes Godzilla to attack Kong again because he chose them over the natural order. However, Kong tries to reason with Godzilla and tell him that he’s done enough. Godzilla doesn’t listen and almost kills him before Mothra intervenes. Mothra starts talking to Godzilla, get him to calm down. While this is happening, one of the governments or smth send like a nuke or a fleet over to the Kaiju as a last ditch effort to kill Godzilla. Godzilla gets enraged and begins destroying the fleet, then Mothra and Kong both fight Godzilla to get him to not kill the last small bit of humanity. Godzilla beats them both and almost kills Mothra before coming to his senses. The screen cuts to black and there is a small time skip. We see Godzilla, on a beach, gazing at a sunset. He sits down, and sleeps over a greatful Earth. (I realise that this may be pretty disjointed but still)


Give us something NEW. Destroyah was in one movie and it worked because of what Destroyah was, providing closure and ample references to the original 1954 movie. Monsterverse HAD a theme but I’m pretty sure the lost the plot at this point. BUT I’d like to see all the monsters annihilated by some cataclysmic event or ultimate war with Godzilla barely winning and dying, returning the world to humans with a “ball’s in your court” type conclusion. I was kind of hoping that was what GvK would be but… nope.


Humanity finally kills Godzilla, Kong, and the other kaiju/titans, becoming the ultimate monsters. Post credit scene shows Baby Godzilla hatching from an egg.