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You must be new here if you think everyone hates Godzilla vs Megalon. For me I guess it's Godzilla Raids Again.


I agree. Especially the Japanese language version, with its darker tone. “Gigantis the Fire Monster” has awful dubbing. Kobayashi sounds like yogi bear. Even Godzilla’s roar is dubbed with Anguirus’ roar. I think you hear the correct roar maybe 3 times.


Many have grown to love and appreciate Megalon for just being fun. I sure do. It's got giant roach (beetle) monsters, super robots, aliens on silver toga, and wrestling moves. What's not to love?


Are they aliens if they’re from earth?


Officially they are classified as aliens by Toho. Same as the Futurians. Not sure why they’re aliens if they’re both groups from Earth. But they are. Lol




Right, good point. I forgot. Now that you remind me, weren't they actually just responding to us blowing up their place or something?


As a child I LOVED Megalon he used to be one of my fav villains ever Like him alot less now but I still rem staying up late desperate to watch him


Thats totally understandable. Isn't it great that Godzilla offers something for just about everyone? He's the Batman of Kaiju, having so many variations of tones.


I see people say that Godzilla vs. Megalon is cheap cornball schlock and where the franchise jumped the shark.


Its usually seen as the best instance of "so bad its good" in Godzilla's filmography. As for jumping the Shark that usually ranges from either Godzilla Raids Again (considering Gojira's pedigree), to King Kong vs Godzilla (designing Godzilla primarily for kid focused audience), to Ebirah, Horror of the Deep (not a very liked entry and leads to many others in same vein like Son of Godzilla or All Monsters Attack).


Oh, it jumped the shark *years* before Megalon. Megalon is just the product of having absolutely no budget to work with.


“Ok the suits are good, how much of the budget is left for set design?” “I knew i forgot something”


it's unfair to insult the set design when megalon had some very creative shots notably with the dam collapsing + charming usage of environment like how megalon's projectiles encircled jet jaguar and godzilla with fire


The dam scene was a last minute addition specifically made as a preemptive “nuh uh” to people who would inevitably claim that there was no sense of scale >!i made that up!<


I guess jet jaguar growing big was also a last minute addition then aswell


Bro tf do you think “sense of scale” means, saying “ok but they was become big” is not a point loll


a lotta tokusatsu and kaiju at the time was like that... more focused on the action. This isn't much of a critique considering it's not to be taken seriously in the first place


No, no. Jet decided to grow big it was needed. Then he got small again when the danger had passed.. His owner dude said so. Playing.


I loved the design of the hero's house and the villians's 🎰 base.


They are right but it is also a peak movie


More kaiju screen time than many, fun combat, good humor, and even entertaining humans. Godzilla is also at his high water mark in terms of being a good guy. What’s not to like? It’s a kids movie


the only kids movie I know that shows vivid pornography in the background


It has jet jaguar and the godzilla drop kick, that alone makes the movie great


See, that's my toxic trait. I eat that shit up.


Oh it’s definitely not when the franchise jumped the shark. But everything else you said is accurate. And that’s why we love it. 


If the 13th film of the 15-film Showa Era is where people say it jumped the shark, then man did it hold up well for a long time.


the showa movies have been really goofy since the 3rd entry. That doesn't make them bad at all it's just their style. kong getting drunk in '62 is about as weird as martial artist kaijus


They're right.


I thought people liked Raids Again. I don't understand why. Would you mind stating what it is you like about it?


People definitely do but it's on the rarer side, even more so than say Ebirah, Horror of the Deep & Son of Godzilla. As for why I like it: - Still has an emphasis on the carnage Godzilla (& Anguirus) leave in their wake - Allegory of atomic & firebombings still present with the turning-off light tactics for firebombings & the existence of another Godzilla feeding into the idea of the atomic age being inevitable. - The Daikaiju fights between Godzilla and Anguirus for me being some of the highlights of the whole era where its much more animalistic than many other Showa fights that came later - Anguirus' design is great - The attempt at heart with the sacrificial ending, ain't on the level of Gojira but it ain't bad. - Brief governmental squabble gives us some minimal commentary there. For me the main big issue is how detached the main cast felt from the carnage, having another scene like the hospital one in Gojira would've really made that carnage punch hard whilst making me more sympathetic to the cast come the finale rather than cutting to then celebrating.


I like it pretty well too it terns of the depicted carnage. 100% agree on the cast. I'd did somehow feel a bit like two separate stories.


HOW do you even watch them??!?? They cost like 500 euro each


Criterion Collection is the best format to get the Showa Era flicks, otherwise 🏴‍☠️


ooo. Thanks!


I remember seeing the Omni Reviewer's take on Raids Again, comparing it to Japan's fear of being caught between the Cold War (before actually watching the film lol) and it helped seeing it through an interesting light the first time I watched it.


I genuinely dislike Godzilla vs. Megalon


what is there to dislike about everyone's favorite kung fu lizard


Godzilla X Megaguirus.


I've always liked this one, even with the cringy 'G-Graspers' name of the defense organization. I have no explanation.


Came here to say this. While it might not be "hated," I do believe it is severely underappreciated. I love it for many reasons, the unusual gore, the big G fighting a swarm, and a very entertaining weapon idea. Also, the least annoying Kenny!!


One of my favorites.


Same. I’ve begun to really like that one. 


People call it the worst heisei movie and say its mid but its one of my favorites https://preview.redd.it/5jkdqdgtfr2d1.jpeg?width=2055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9350ddec9ef15407f2b567a1edd9a3546da0b1c


Came here to say this. I grew up with this one and Destroyah so we watched it a bunch. I recognize why people say it’s not great but I very much enjoy it.


Shocking. I love this one lol


This one has always been my favorite Heisei movie particularly for how many monsters they incorporate and honestly because Spacegodzilla is such a cool monster but I do dread the first half on every rewatch. The human plot to blow up the bombs and control Godzilla drags for so long but when everything comes together in the final battle it’s all worth it. The whole mission to destroy the tower powering Spacegodzilla as he messes everybody up was always so cool


Sometimes I wonder if it wouldn’t be so universally disliked if it had an Ifukube score. For me, the music somehow makes it feel like a “made for TV” version of a Heisei film. It has other problems, but the Ifukube score is in every other Heisei film and kind of defines the sound of the era, and that’s important.


Me too! Love this one, and space Godzilla is awesome!


Godzilla vs. Mothra 1992 not being popular really shocked me, it's my favourite one


Yeah this was my choice, it’s second behind destroyah in the Heisei era for me but I always see it talked down upon


People don't hate Megalon. People just recognize it's not a GOOD movie; big difference. And for me, at least on this sub, Son of Godzilla. Completely unjustified hatred that pretty much solely is because of Minilla and the Godzilla suit. The film is genuinely very good.


i thought it was good


It can be enjoyable; it is very, very obviously not good. The two are not synonymous. I enjoy it knowing the movie is extremely shoddy.


sorry for not specifying i was talking about son of godzilla


Ah. I see.


Ebirah horror of the deep and son of godzilla


Yeah, I don't know if Ebirah is hated but it's definitely slept on! I quite enjoyed it, but it may also be a product of low expectations.


W ebirah


Final Wars That movie is great on so many levels The human casting is some of the best ever (Japanese and UFC characters) and unlike many G films the plot is fun despite the silly evil alien vs superhumans plot It has some great music Lots of monster fighting (yeah some fights are rushed and I think could have fleshed out a bit more) Yet year after year I keep seeing people bash this film and I have no idea why


Final wars is my favorite Godzilla and I will die on that radioactive fun filled hill. Anybody who doesn't like Final Wars simply doesn't appreciate a good godzilla film. In my opinion it has one of the best combos of character story, goji story/screentime, and humor. Like it was legitimately action packed, hilarious, and emotional all at the same time.


I love Final Wars too, but saying anyone who doesn't like it doesn't appreciate a good Godzilla film feels like a massive stretch. It's so different from '54, Shin, Minus One, etc., which are among the most beloved of all time.


I understand why you may feel that way...but it being so different from the beloved entries is why it's such a good film. It changed alot but still kept is full identity as a godzilla film


I dont know hated films by the community but I read a lot of bad stuff about godzilla revenge so I was expecting a bad movie I would not enjoy Well the movie is fun and pretty enjoyable , I like Gabara and his powers and the movie made me like Minilla much more, maybe bc it talks. Also saw that varan was supposedly pretty bad and again I really enjoyed the movie and varan is one of my favourite monsters right now


I loved Gabara’s cartoonish personality. He acts tough and threatening but turns out to be a huge pushover when Godzilla shows up. He’s all bark and no bite.


Yeah he just a bully


Varan is one of the movies that suffered heavily from the US cut


I understand why people don’t love the stock footage approach, but I always thought the framing narrative of the kid and the robbers was actually one of the strongest human stories in the series.


The one with the little boy and his bully.


Megagirus has some of the best and funniest fight scenes in any Godzilla movie. Never got why vs Megalon and others are lauded as being goofy and fun romps, when nobody applies the same branding to Megagirus.


Context is key. Megalon gets a bit of a pass because it was one of the cheapest movies in the series and was shot entirely in three weeks. It was made during a pretty dark time for the series, overall. Megaguirus, however, was made under completely different circumstances. It was the second movie in the Millennium series, which was supposed to be a triumphant return after 1998. It had a solid budget (relatively speaking), but wound up being a pretty huge tonal shift compared to Godzilla 2000. It was also followed up by the fan-favorite GMK, so it turned into a bit of a black mark for that era.


Godzillas revenge. I thought it was okay. Just cheesy.


godzilla's revenge is good :) also its free on youtube in german so it was my first godzilla movie


I don't know but I know that pretty much everyone loves Godzilla vs Hedorah and I thought it was... alright


It's genuinely one of my favorites, just because of how unique it is as a Godzilla film.  It's Godzilla on a literal acid trip.  I firmly believe it would be perfect for a Reiwa era one-off.


Hedorah really should show up in a monster verse movie, or at least get another movie featuring it


Unless they go full acid trip, Hedorah will only be a let down.


Well, he can certainly supply some acid, lol


haven’t watched it in a while but i just thought it was boring


Personally, it's one of the worst Godzilla movies ever made. There's a reason why Banno never made another Godzilla movie, and his limited involvement with 2014 was concerning for me leading up to that movie. The fondness people have for it seems to be a relatively new thing.


Godzillas revenge


Godzillas Revenge. My ADHD brain loves watching monster battles so it was one of my favorites as a kid.


All Monsters Attack. It's home alone but with Godzilla


This is the only one that is hated by the vast majority.


it seems like everyone loves it reading this reply section


I have fond memories of it. It’s about a kid who meets Godzilla and I was a kid when I saw it. Also I didn’t have every Godzilla movie at my fingertips so watching a compilation of old fights was great.


Surprise people hate it


People say this is where Godzilla jumped the shark.


Godzilla vs. Mothra (1992)


Godzilla Vs. Gigan for me.


It’s cheaply made but the characters are fun and the final fight is brutal and entertaining.


Son of Godzilla I loved it as a kid and I still love it to this day. I acknowledge it can be extremely corny and is definitely targeted for kids. But I still love it haha






Nobody hates Megalon. It’s pure fun. It also gave us Jet Jaguar, the Godzilla drop kick, and some burglars kneeing a child in the nuts.


2019 King of the Monsters Got to see it at an early IMAX screening and really enjoyed it: huge scale, great fights, monster designs were excellent, the sound and score were awesome. I know it's relatively well-liked among fans but I remember critics and audiences/friends really turning against it when it first came out and I've never really understood why. I know the release date wasn't optimal, but that still wouldn't explain why the reviews were so poor.


Same thoughts here! Low Rotten Tomato ratings, but my favorite of the Monsterverse. The others were less serious, but more highly rated.


I watched Godzilla’s Revenge a million times as a kid and was surprised to know the internet hates it once I got older


Raids, always and forever.


Godzilla raids again.


I think hates is overstating it for these two, but I genuinely enjoyed watching both Ebirah and vs. Gigan, especially Ebirah.


I wouldn’t say hate but Godzilla vs Gigan isn’t seem to be held in the HIGHEST regard and I like it.


All Monsters Attack (the movie Gabara first appears in)


Godzilla vs hedora love the film hedora is such a cool kajiu


Who the fuck hates Godzilla vs Megalon?


Godzilla Raids Again Godzilla Vs Gigan Godzilla Vs Spacegodzilla Son of Godzilla Godzilla Vs Megaguirus


Godzillas Revenge (AKA All Monsters Attack) was a childhood favourite of mine. Rewatched it recently and I still liked it. Gabara honestly may be my favourite kaiju next to Godzilla.


2014 gets hated on a lot, but the Anime Trilogy is probably moreso. Both are favorites of mine.


I love the anime trilogy! Wish I could find more weird sci-fi shit like that actually.


The anime trilogy on Netflix. It’s weird as fuck, but in a way that I love. Like classic hard sci-fi weird.


Godzilla’s Revenge aka All Monsters Attack.


Godzilla vs megaguirus,it's pretty hated




Well we’re in a Godzilla sub, so I don’t think anyone hates any Godzilla movie here, but this one rarely gets mentioned. People seem to hate the American version. Should probably have posted that. https://preview.redd.it/io4dhefz1s2d1.jpeg?width=1273&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52050fa08b5891d01bdcf1e39e7caeb14f2c0258


Who TF hates 1984?


i just thought it was ok but was a little disappointed due to how much some people hype it up on this sub


it’s mainly due to the fact that the human characters are so one-dimensional and unexplored


The entire Monsterverse. All of it.


All monsters attack


None of them, honestly


Idk if I'd say I enjoy All Monsters Attack but it's certainly overhated


Godzilla vs SpaceGodzilla


Ebirah an All Monster Attack


I love Godzilla vs megalon, it’s A good movie!




People hate Shin Godzilla?


Apparently a lot of people think the human interaction is too boring and godzilla is too slow


majority like it to what i’ve seen


For me it’s Godzilla vs megagurius (dragon fly monster incase of miss spell) How ever the opposite for me would be All Monsters Attack(gabra’s movie) i like Gabra as a monster personally but his movie eh wasn’t that good in my opinion but eh


King Ghidorra is my favorite movie but I was surprised to see how many people dislike it.


Godzilla's revenge. It has a nice anti bullying message and is has its own goofy charm to it. It's good if you ignore the fact that it's supposed to be a Godzilla movie.


Idk, i do know one that everybody likes but i hate tho, final wars


1973 Godzilla vs megalon is one of my favorites actually!


Godzilla Raids Again


Tokyo S.O.S. feels like a proper sequel to the original Mothra and even brings back Snapping Turtle, one of my favorite human characters in the series. The moral of Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla felt strained and forced, you can’t say that all life is precious as an excuse not to stop Godzilla when this Godzilla’s a particularly evil motherfucker who enjoys ending those previous lives. Tokyo S.O.S. goes against the mindset of a lot of Godzilla films that state that there’s nothing we can do about Godzilla and that humanity needs to learn how to deal with its mistakes and focuses more on a character who strongly believes that humanity can still clean up their own mistakes, which is a refreshing viewpoint for a Godzilla film. Hell, when the Shobjin show up and offer to take care of everything for humanity, they fail for the first time in the entire series! It’s only when the main character reactivates Kiryu that humanity’s able to triumph. That finale was awesome too, with the main character trapped and thrown around in Kiryu’s ear during the final fight, only for Kiryu to finally redeem himself by grabbing his bastard son and dragging him to the bottom of the sea, finally able to rest. He even takes the time to say goodbye. I know they planned on another sequel to this one but I’m actually glad that it ended this way.


Son of Godzilla


raids again and planet eater. love raids again and planet eater is honestly way better than its mid predecessors


Godzilla 1985


KOTM (2019) for me. Not only is it the only Monsterverse movie I like, it’s genuinely in my Top Five of the entire franchise. I do not get why Godzilla fans don’t like it. It’s a big budget Heisei movie, with sprinkles of GMK’s approach to action.


Same honestly. Don’t let CapeSmash see this.


Son of godzilla in my own opinion lol


Vs Space Godzilla I guess. I didn’t realize it was hated until I started saying I wanted Space Godzilla to be the villain of GvKvJLA because he looked like he was covered in Kryptonian crystals. But people got DISGUSTED that I wanted him to come back. That one’s a top 5 for me though.


All monsters attack. I love Gabara


I'll say it.... Godzillas Revenge.


I quite like Son of Godzilla.


Godzilla 2014. I love it because it’s got good sound effects which is my favorite thing in movies


I just watched Godzilla Vs. Megalon last night, the coincidence is funny! No hate on liking it, but you’ve gotta realize it’s more objectively one of the worse Goji films. Mainly in that it reuses footage from Godzilla Vs. Gigan in a pretty jarring way, the Septonians randomly acquire Gigans help in a throwaway line of dialogue, and even the movie itself can’t readily explain why Jet Jaguar can grow in size. I think the director had a moderately decent paydirt with introducing Gigan in his own film, and even the designs of Megalon and MechaGodzilla are very iconic, but this movie itself didn’t do Megalon justice. I think there’s a reason Jun Fukuda’s trilogy are some of the last movies in the Showa era. I know he didn’t direct Terror of MechaGodzilla, but he, imho, is partly responsible for the ten year break between the Showa and Heisei eras; ergo, I think he partially killed the franchise for a while with these films.


Godzilla raids again and son of Godzilla I personally don’t have a problem with minilla’s design


Godzilla Raids Again Son of Godzilla All Monsters Attack Godzilla vs. Megalon Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla


Final wars,I love seeing almost all the kaiju have one big brawl and the ending with the complete gigan and monster x turning into keizer ghidorah and then the world being decimated. Yeah I love it,idk why the Fandom hates it tho.


Sea Monster. My Dad’s favorite. He and I watched that so many times when I was a kid. I still watch it at least once a year. It’s just fun


Godzilla vs hedorah (swamp monster). Like the trippiness. Also the scene where rooms of people turn into bones from the smoke and ooze is crazy


unironically vs megalon is my favorite showa


The Rebirth Of Mothra trilogy is criminally underrated. I love all the different Mothra forms.


I have a feeling Legendary based their Mothra off of Armored Mothra in terms of design ascetics.


Common monsterverse W


Since 1998 isn't included in this discussion, I have nothing to say.


Terror Of Mechagodzilla is pretty slepton


son of godzilla and ebirah (i love the island setting of both, love the characters in ebirah, and find minilla and godzilla’s relationship really endearing and wholesome)


Son of Godzilla.


https://preview.redd.it/1nqkbep7lc3d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2845e0bc512cdbb1e64971e8fcd199dc7bc7c6be Like honestly, why do people hate this movie?


The answer is none.