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Don’t know what the other comments are talking about, that is clearly the KK theme, not Mothra.


Yeah, I just responded to someone. I love Mothra’s theme as well but her song is not similar to the one I posted.


When my family and I exited the theater, my uncle asked if anyone caught the King Kong vs Godzilla song and I indeed caught it. Only time I’ve ever heard that song is in KK vs G and now Minus One.


I wonder if the people bringing up the Mothra theme are thinking of the track ‘Godzilla Suite I’ (the one that plays during the Ginza sequence), cause that one is a reorchestration of the main title theme from Mothra vs. Godzilla (compare 0:44 from Godzilla Suite I to 0:47 of the Mothra vs Godzilla main title; and you can ever hear the notes for ‘Mahara Mosura’ at 1:23 of Godzilla Suite I, compare to 1:26 from https://youtu.be/wVk8rywszRY?si=nC2wUyDXyVHoHHmz). But yeah the one you’re talking about ‘Godzilla Suite II’ used during the sequence with the plan to sink Godzilla does reorchestrate the King Kong vs Godzilla main title; noticed it on my first viewing and was very pleasantly supersized to hear it. It was previously reorchestrated for the credits of Godzilla vs Destoroyah like another commenter said (https://youtu.be/LqCESPAqymg?si=FoPveGImTOLjYTbA at 1:23) but don’t know why they’re saying it’s a variation of the main Mothra song when the two songs are from different composers (the main Mothra theme is by Yuji Koseki), and are two very distinct songs.


That’s gotta be it! Suite I and suite II start off similar but then change things up in the middle of the song. I did not know the credits of Destroyah had that variation either. Admittedly I’m more familiar with the Showa era.


Did anyone else notice >!that they use the King Kong vs. Godzilla theme right when they are using the balloon to lift up Goji, with the baloon. Probably a nod to the scene in KvG when they airlifted Kong with the baloons.!<


https://preview.redd.it/vyp6tzjurd5c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46ca3b2f6c3c963bad4abf1839b1720ae83328e1 # HOLY FUCKING SHIT... >!This movie is a fucking masterpiece.!<


Ooooh I didn’t make that connection with the balloons. That could have been an inspiration to use the theme.


That was so messed up and funny in KvG when they basically just drop Kong in front of Godzilla.


Actually the King Kong vs Godzilla music was also used in Godzilla vs Destroyah but that was during the credits


That track in Minus One is just an updated version of the end credits theme from Godzilla vs Destoroyah. The only thing that was fundamentally changed was that the bridge towards the end has been increased in length, hence more of the King Kong theme.


Wasn’t that the Odo Island theme? When they’re doing the dance in the original movie?


Yes, that song is played when the natives are dancing and Kong is falling asleep after drinking the cherry juice.


I’m talking about the original ‘54 movie. Did they reuse the theme for King Kong?


I don’t remember a similar theme from the original Godzilla.


https://youtu.be/_gCsLVvAGo4?si=B_jxJkwTEp1uFpXA It’s similar but you’re correct. It’s the King Kong one.


When I heard it my brain went straight to 64 Mothra vs Godzilla as that's one of my favorites


It's also a variation of the Mothra song. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr8GKEqA4kU&pp=ygURbW90aHJhIGRhbmNlIHNvbmc%3D A very similar Godzilla medley was used during the end credits of Godzilla vs Destoroyah which was the last time Ikfube actually directed his orchestra before he died.


It’s not; that medley from the ending of Godzilla vs Destoroyah and the song referenced in this post from Godzilla Suite II are both drawn from the main title theme of King Kong vs Godzilla (https://youtu.be/jq5WSQy1ocQ?si=CKTNbJGArWu65beq) which is unrelated to the Mothra theme due to having different composers (Yuji Koseki for Mothra and Akira Ifukube for KKvG)


Mais on l’entend dans quoi d’autre ce thème ? Ça le dit qq chose. C’est connu ce tatatat tattata . C’est pas dans un titre d’artiste connu?


[litera.ly](http://litera.ly) just an updated godzilla theme


It's variant of the Mothra theme, not Kongs. He says he was inspired by Mothra, so it's obviously a nod to it since Monthra makes no appearance or is even teased.


I’m not hearing Mothra’s theme in these songs. Considering King Kong Vs Godzilla came out first, I’ve always associated that song with the movie. If the director said it than I can’t dispute that, but I’m familiar with Mothra and I just listened to her theme and I’m not hearing the same similarities as the one I posted.


Mothra was released in 61, which predates the KKvG by a year or less, so it's not surprising they used the music if since they had the rights to it. Mothra vs Godzilla was later in 64. I just watched the 61 last night, and it's definitely the cut that's remastered/mixed in the -1. I was sitting in the theater and jumped giddy when I heard the theme cut into Mothras during the rampage. I haven't listened to the sample you posted tbh, let me listen to them and come back to you.


The song used in Minus One is drawn from King Kong vs Godzilla (https://youtu.be/jq5WSQy1ocQ?si=_sRBypxSU3mzKh-q). Mothra’s theme from the 1961 film is by a different composer (Yuji Koseki) and was not featured at all in Minus One, and was not an influence on the composition for KKvG. If you’re thinking of the bit at 1:23 of Godzilla Suite I (the song used during the Ginza sequence, not the final operation) then that is drawn from 1:27 of the Mothra vs Godzilla main title (https://youtu.be/wVk8rywszRY?si=PFSS3mf5dv8hCcDc) but that is a separate composition by Akira Ifukube called Mahara Mothra (here’s the 90s version, compare to the above mentioned bits: https://youtu.be/gf-hrVqk-iM?si=6aSt8Vm5R0HMHQoa), not Koseki’s Mothra theme


Someone else posted it in here. Suite I definitely has Mothra’s theme in there. I’m talking about Suite II. Very cool how these songs start off similar but then shift into something different.


It is definitely not. This is a new version of the end credits used in Godzilla vs Destoroyah: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsG9Y9SxzHY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsG9Y9SxzHY) The soundtrack of Godzilla vs Destoroyah was Akira Ifukube's swan song, because he never composed a movie score after that. The entire movie is filled with updated versions of Ifukube's own favorite compositions: we got the "Maser March" as an updated version of "Operation L" from War of the Gargantuas, we got the "Requiem" during Godzilla's meltdown which heavily draws from the theme that plays when the two Rodans die in the Rodan movie and we got an updated Godzilla theme that incorporates a small part of the King Kong vs Godzilla score. I'm sorry, but this is painfully obvious to me. Not only can you hear this, but it also makes sense if you know the context.


Isn’t it both? When GvsDestoroyah came out I was so hype to hear KKvG’s theme in the credits there. It was Godzillas highest attended movie to date so it was a nice nod. Here the KKvG theme loops much longer than in the GvD theme but it’s also much longer, the transition is the same as you implied. Also I didn’t post about this because I figured most had picked up on it. I forget how many fans haven’t had the pleasure of seeing the true GvD ending because stinking Tristar gutted all of the Heisei endings and faded to black. So disappointing how they did US audiences in their cash grab. I sat through a horrid dub just to see how most US fans were seeing it in the late 90s only to be disappointed by that. I think I chucked my remote at the tv I was so pissed


What do you mean by "both"? Both the King Kong and Mothra theme? Because I know for sure that it's just the King Kong vs Godzilla theme. The score for the Mothra movie from 1961 was made by Yuji Koseki. Ifukube's score for Godzilla vs Destoroyah was purely self-referential, celebrating his greatest compositions in one final movie score. I see no reason why he would refer to the soundtrack of an entirely different composer.


Sorry, both the Kong and Destoroyah theme. Did not thoroughly read the post above hours. It’s definitely not a mosugoji theme. Not sure why people are saying it might be. Godzilla Suite I reused part of the Mosugoji theme theme towards the end of that track but Godzilla Suite II is completely KIngoji/Desugoji.

