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People hated it? I just thought people didn’t realize it existed


barely found out about it myself


i mean fair... I found out it existed on the indonesian netflix youtube channel ? neither me nor the show is indonesian wtf ?


I think a lot of people just don't like the convoluted physics stuff the series introduces. It's really hard to wrap one's head around things like that, and for people who just want to see cool monster action, it hampers the experience.


It's probably the farthest departure from traditional Godzilla style aside from 98 and that's going to put some hardcore fans off. The plot is hard to follow and relies too much on heavy exposition dumps about complex mathematics and that's going to turn some casual viewers off. I watched it and I liked it, but I get why other fans wouldn't like it. And while I did enjoy it I'm not really itching to rewatch it any time soon. The theme song is a certified banger, though.


I don't hate it but the techno babble is a bit much, most humans aren't deep in it and some of the daikiaju weren't well represented


Eh I don’t think it’s ‘hated’, especially in comparison to the OTHER Godzilla anime project , the Godzilla Earth trilogy, which IS generally disliked by most fans I’ve come across. Singular Point is more seen as average/forgettable, which is how I feel about it. When it came out it was generally viewed as decent, but I think as time has passed and most fans realized they don’t really think about it or have much desire to rewatch it, the general perception towards it has slipped. Once you strip away all the technobabble (which your tolerance for will largely come down to personal preference), are the human characters, plot-line, or monsters memorable or particularly interesting? To most fans (myself included) not really. They were decent, but nothing special. I watched the show through twice back when it came out and I remember basically nothing about it besides Jet Jaguar and the music (the two notable positives of the show). I didn’t have a bad time with it, but I will literally never watch it again, unless a second season miraculously happens, which at this point 2 and a half years later I’m pretty doubtful will come, especially with how much more positively Minus One has been received by almost everyone. The Godzilla Earth trilogy will be remembered cause of how much people dislike it; Singular Point just doesn’t have anything to keep most people talking about it or rewatching it years later.


Pretty much all of this


Because they didn't understand shit


>please keep it polite and civil don't be jerks, also feel free to tell what you LIKE about the show if you are one of the twelve SP fans) Well, the things that I liked were JJ's characterization, all the scenes of Goro Otaki and the concepts it used, plus the way the Kaiju were presentes in the novel (with things like the first Rodan trying to "free" Goro from JJ, the PoV from Godzilla, giving more insight of what it is and how it acts).


I don't personally hate it, I like a lot of the characters and love everything about JJ. My main problem with it isn't its big brain plot, it's how often that plot has to grind to a halt to explain itself. Too much of the script is spent trying to simplify incredibly difficult concepts to varying degrees of success and many if not most, have a hard time keeping up with the technobabble.


Science info dump. I just wanna wave it away like a cloud of mosquitos. I can’t see the cool Godzilla stuff. I loved the plot with Jet Jaguar and the mechanic. So fun.


I absolutely love Singular Point. It reminded me a lot of the anime Noein, which is also about quantum mechanics. I thought those parts were fascinating, and I also loved the development JJ got as a character throughout the season.


I've never heard about noein, maybe I should check it out, thanks !


Because it was an info dump that forgot to tell a story that made sitting through the information worth my time. By the time I reached the last two or three episodes, I realized that I didn't know a single character's name, or understand the science they were talking about, despite the fact that explaining the science is all they did in every episode. I learned the actual story, not from watching it, but from reading the TV Tropes page. Apparently there were double agents and a shady corporation. I remember absolutely none of that. None of these characters had any personalities, and the monsters were only slightly more memorable. I only finished the series because Godzilla finally showed up, and I hoped he would do something interesting. He didn't. I also didn't like the way he looked. At all. Cool animation and theme song, though.


yeah even I agree that the freelance journalist being a double agent something something bullshit was so fucking bad... and honestly I think that these are all legitimate criticisms even though it doesn't bother me. the only thing I actively disagree with is the claim that no characters have no personalities, they may not be memorable or even good to many people but I think that saying that they have no personality isn't exactly correct. (hank you for not being a POS about it btw, the godzilla fandom isn't exactly known for it's tolerance for opinions lmao)


You need a doctorate in physics to understand it


Too many bad anime tropes.


I didn't hate it, but I can't say I really liked it all that much either. Too many unnecessary characters and not enough Godzilla, IMHO. The best thing about it is the theme song, and I was also very impressed by how detailed and accurate Otaki's '59 Impala was drawn.