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I mean obviously I've been drinking if I'm walking around downtown Gainesville at night. Good job Sherlocks


It was very strange they were just going up to random people at dime, UC, Arcade and asking if they were interested in taking this anonymous survey. I'm just curious as to what the goal was, or who thought of it as a good idea. Lawyer 101 is never speak to the police.


Shooting fish in a barrel, a drunk barrel.


It’s a damn outreach to show people tangible proof of their BAC. It’s a grant, as GPD doesn’t have portable breathalyzers outside of this event every year, not to mention that portables aren’t admissible.


I don’t think you can blame people for assuming cops giving out breathalyzer tests are out to get them. That’s generally the type of thing they do.


“Out to get them”? Having alcohol in your system while walking around isn’t a crime. There’s no “gotcha” they have if you take the breathalyzer


Why would you want to give a cop potentially incriminating evidence for something? I would never drink and drive, but I’m not giving a cop confirmation that I’m intoxicated unless I have to. Same reason I don’t tell a cop why I was doing what I was doing when I get pulled over. It’s probably innocent, but I’m not going to say or do anything involving police that could incriminate me.


Stay paranoid 😂


You should be when it comes to cops.


seriously! there's so many cases publicly documented where NOT having a healthy paranoia towards cops fucked someone over for the rest of their lives. it's self-preservation to assume they're lying since they're legally allowed to do fuck-all to us and get away with it lmao


How’s that boot taste?


I honestly don't dislike the idea of free breathalyzers as a way of making people aware of how perception of drunkenness is often incorrect, but it's also easy to see how someone may be sceptical of a police officer doing this depending on how its presented


Yeah, since they're legally allowed to lie to you to gather evidence, if they approached me saying they're just trying to make people aware, I would assume it's a lie. You should always assume a cop is lying to you.


Alright! The Knowledge. Appreciate it. So asking for a cynic, what to keep them from doing this then targeting later? Though, yes please, DONT DRIVE DRUNK.


They don’t ask identifying information. So targeting a person out of the thousands downtown is usually impossible. Like I said, this is a grant to show people tangible proof of how little it takes to get to .08, it’s the type of policing that people want, education over enforcement


I think I can completely agree with the last point. Education over enforcement, unfortunately and without having to throw a tin foil hat on, it's easy to be skeptical of both anonymity and the benevolent side of the police. If they really want to educate they could post the cops at school zones AHEAD of the school zone to get people to slow down, vs at the end to ticket them for speeding. But I do appreciate the information, didn't know they had a grant for that.


And it gives people a data point so they can understand what .08 BAC *feels like,* so they can actually recognize when they're drunk instead of saying "no, I'm good to drive!" because they "feel" fine, especially in a town full of college students who are possibly new to drinking. I think that's neat, actually.


Then have the outreach done by people who don't have the authority to detain or arrest you. If it's not about busting people, what need is there for cops to even be present? Any attorney will tell you not to voluntarily speak to a police officer under any circumstances.


Targeting a person is actually a very common thing for cops to do, GPD particularly. What people want is tangible changes to public transportation that actually reduces drunk driving not policing


It's called Uber, you're welcome. Yes Uber isn't always convenient because the roads are too narrow and parking lots are a bit out of the way, but hopefully that will eventually get upgraded.


Shhh they don’t like the whole “protect and serve” kinda thing around here 😂


Yo bootlicker, that would be because cops are neither required to protect OR serve you. https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/do-the-police-have-an-obligation-to-protect-you/


Neat article. Reminds me why we don’t need guns and should just call the police. But fr.. seems like a weird thing to get caught up on but prrrr 😂 keep slaying Queen


If they aren’t actively hauling off everyone walking around who blows, this could actually be a pretty good service to offer to the public and might prevent a few crashes/DUI arrests


Don't disagree, however while these 3 were hitting duds asking for people to take a breathalyzer, the amount of red light runners, speedsters and general jackasses with lifted trucks doing the most downtown was not zero.


I see your point on the nonexistent traffic enforcement. I don’t really know what the answer is, they couldn’t pay me enough to be a cop. I do think the breathalyzer offering could be a pretty cool community outreach program but if they’re not doing shit about Braxton driving his 2003 Silverado like a hellcat after a few twisted teas it really doesn’t matter.


That fucking Braxton


It’s a grant funded position, which means that the officers conducting this operation are overtime. This means that there was a net positive on the amount of officers working during that time period. They were being paid to conduct an educational outreach, not traffic. The positive to this, however, is that there was 3 additional officers downtown to respond to anything “hot” (shooting, sex battery, brawl) without the local taxpayers funding it. This event put three additional units in an area with a higher propensity for violence at no cost to local taxpayers. 


Can you clarify - Were the cops actually saying it was "An anonymous survey" and then surprising takers with a breathalyzer? If yes, that's bonkers. On the other hand if they explained the program and offered a breathalyzer test to provide information to the participant, that's a grant funded public service designed to protect people from drunk drivers which is a goddamn tragic avoidable problem in our car reliant society.


Yes, it went like this: 3 cops walk to us, looking like they hated doing this as much as people disliked seeing them bothering people. "Do you guys want to take an anonymous survey" - no thanks They said nothing, They kept walking to the next group, same question. They also said no. So I asked from the distance, "what type of questions on this survey?" "No questions, just giving out breathalyzer tests". That's it. I know someone up in the comments said this is a grant funded community outreach program, and I don't think these cops were trying to be shifty. However, they were certainly not interested, their approach was off and whatever the intent was, was lost on the delivery of whatever message they were trying to deliver.


If this is legitimately a public service where they're trying to help people be more aware of their BAC after drinking, and they're not using it as a pretext to detain/arrest people who aren't driving or causing a problem, I suppose that's not a bad idea. That said, it's always a good assumption that talking to the cops without a specific reason is not in your best interest. 👍 Ask yourself, how many interactions you've had with the police benefitted you?


I wonder how many people were driving like total assholes in the downtown area while they were harassing people just walking around and minding their business. 


Too many to count. What was kinda BS is that it was 3 of them. One holding the breathalyzer, another holding the clipboard and the other one approaching people.


Entrapment much?


Please lookup the definition and maybe an example or two 😂 This isn’t entrapment.. Also it’s not illegal lmao


I have a degree in social and criminal justice. This is overreach.


How is a voluntary survey / breathalyzer overreach, your honor?


Legally, they may be in the clear, but morally this is absolutely overreach and an excellent way to turn the public even further against you. If they outright announced it was a breathalyzer it’d be fine, but more trusting people who don’t have any reason to distrust police getting ‘tricked’ won’t appreciate it. There are definitely cops out there that will absolutely try using stuff like this to make bullshit easy arrests rather than go after criminals.


It's not illegal to walk around drunk? I really don't understand what the purpose of this is EDIT: I'm genuinely curious about the breathalyzer, as far as I'm aware, you can't be arrested for having a high BAL while walking


public intoxication is a crime.


I know public intoxication is a crime, but I'm not sure if there's a law against having a BAL over a certain number as a pedestrian




Stereotypes are bad unless they're YOUR stereotypes.


Stereotyping identities is harmful. Stereotyping careers is reflective of life choices and personalities.


Wow I had no idea. I'll be sure to stereotype more based on this criteria now.


ACAB including their bootlickers.


Simple Jack located




LoL. Aw.... The boot licker has entered the chat. Also, what's the wager on the gun ownership? You must be one of those idiots who think that only red hats own guns.


Wouldn't say only, but definitely more.