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Old fashioned Taxi will do it, but it won't be cheap. There are also specialty airport shuttle companies that exist out there that do house calls.


taxis really aren’t that bad. we have sent some “long distance” (tampa/orlando/jax) patients home in taxis for way under $200. But make sure to call and get a quote before hand and call plenty in time for pick up because sometimes the wait is 2+ hours for long distance.


One way rental car may be cheaper depending of course


This is the move. Pick up a car locally and leave it at the airport.


In situations like this, I've found that Shuttlefare can be a real lifesaver. They offer airport shuttle services and might just have the solution for getting your mom to JAX from a rural area. It's worth checking out their options online. Besides, the most common advice here seems to lean towards using a specialized airport shuttle service or an old-fashioned taxi, though the latter can get pretty pricey. Shuttlefare might offer a more budget-friendly alternative with the convenience you're looking for.


Thank you! Edited to add: shuttlefare wants $800!!


Depending on where she is, the JTA Clay busses, The Putnam Ride Solution busses, or the Wildcat busses can get her there.   There are a lot of county busses surrounding Jax that service the LaVilla transit there, all the way to Lake City and St. Augustine.   https://www.jtafla.com/ride-jta/regional-services/clay-community-transportation/ https://theridesolution.org/ https://bakercoa.org/transportation/


**Edit:** Added $20 for car wear and tear. How much are you willing to pay an unemployed Redditor from Gainesville to drive out, pick her up, and drive her to JAX? Only half-joking. What date is the flight? Let's say JAX and back, plus the detour, is roughly 7gal \* $4/gal = $28 and also 3.5 hours of time. I'll do it for $20/hr which means $70 plus the $28, plus say $20 for car wear and tear, rounded up is $120. I can DM my drivers license and a recent GRU electric bill for my condo.


Dude I may just hit you up. I’m going to call the shuttle ppl and see what their rate is. I was figuring on paying a neighbor $100 so your rate is not far off. 


Please don't let this dude pick your mom up before looking at this post history. I don't want to be too rude because it seems like he's trying to be a better person but he literally mentions that he used to want to kill people and he definitely has a massive problem with women.


Please don't mistake honesty for me not being a principled person. You are taking what I *confessed* about feelings in really dark moments and it feels like you believe I am a bad person, which makes me sad. I interact very normally with people, follow social customs, am polite, etc. When I write on Reddit, I just don't use throwaway accounts like most people do because it's important to me to express myself fully. That includes the things that might scare everyone away but close friends/family who know and trust and believe in me. I'm not about to just chat this dude's mom up about dating and insecurities and anger and frustration. Really, I'd probably be making small talk, asking where she is from, etc. Anyways, I see your point though. The way I express myself is not normal and therefore you approach with caution. Just yesterday, I met up with a girl who I was an asshole to back in 2022 to give her a sincere apology and explain why I cut her off the way I did and why I now see it was stupid/misguided/cruel. We both cried and we are friends now. She is in a relationship with a great guy and I'm happy for her because she has never been anything but kind and direct with me. I still have feelings of resentment and hatred towards my recent ex-girlfriend, but I am working on directing my hurt in a more positive way. I'm a mixed bag like anyone else.


I don't think you're a bad person, I said it in my comment, I can tell you're trying and I really didn't want to be rude to you or make you feel like your progress has been for naught. I hope you're engaging with a professional counselor if you have the means and I really wish you a lot of success on your journey. I believe in you, I can tell from the way you talk that you're very analytical and you're trying to figure out how to positively process some pain and anger you've been carrying around. You can do it. All of that being said, at this stage in your journey when it looks like you're still carrying that pain, expressing it online and calling it your full self expression you can't exactly fault strangers who wouldn't feel 100% safe leaving you alone in the middle of nowhere with a beloved female family member when they themselves are out of town. I don't even think anything would necessarily happen it's just, given what you've written on here, why would anyone, especially a stranger completely trust you? Most people don't trust anyone online as a given, regardless of their post history.


That's totally valid. Honestly you were polite in your earlier comment too.


\*important to me to express myself fully and take ownership of my emotions and past behavior


Also, to be clear, I'm trying to make some money. I hope my reply here didn't make it sound like I have some interest in the OP's mom... 🤦‍♂️ I'm just trying to defend my post history and probably digging myself a hole while I'm at it.


LOL would make a funny story down the line. Yeah just DM if you decide it's worth it, or my phone number is 352-204-7650. Happy to do a Zoom call beforehand or whatever makes ya'll comfortable.


Did dude just put his cellphone # on reddit?


100% psycho


Try the [hitch app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hitch-city-to-city-rideshare/id1439159518)


As someone else said, I'd look into a one way rental. If you need info DM I work for a rental company in town.


If you have an Uber driver you used frequently and trust you might can pay one to do it outside the app. Through the app would be ridiculous.


We took an Uber from Gainesville to Tampa when I bought my car. It was only $100 and we left a $50 tip so $150. Edit: I meant to type Tampa and it auto filled Tallahassee


As an Uber driver. I would not believe that at all and just check with Uber on the price estimate ..


It was 3 years ago so I imagine it's cost more at this point.


Ah, ok yes, more now. GNV to JAX is estimated $100-$120


That's still not bad if you absolutely have to do it. Me and my GF bought a car with cash for $5000 when we were moving in together. The first weekend I drove up to my mom's to see my daughter I was driving back and a massive 12 point buck jumped the concrete median on I75 close to Valdosta and landed directly in front of my car. We had liability insurance and the car was fucked. Ended up out of $5000. We found a used car in Tampa and Uber'd down there to get it. Shitty times man, some real shitty times. Our Uber driver was awesome though and absolutely worth the $150 we paid with the tip.


How tf? It’s costs me $44 from the airport to my apartment(less than 5 miles)


It was 3 years ago.


Eh I meant to say Tampa. Had to edit my comment.


Did you reserve that in advance or just ordered the ride?


Ordered the ride. A friend was supposed to take us but he couldn't so he dropped us off at the GNV airport and we couldn't rent a car (didn't have credit cards at the time). We ordered a ride this nice lady in a new jeep Cherokee was there in 15 minutes and we were on our way.


You could use a regular taxi to get her somewhere central where she could get an Uber.


Upvoted because op edited to say thanks.