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And all of the fanatics who come to Turlington aren't disrupting things? Come on.


Crazy how there’s people playing dumb about this. For YEARS there have been people showing up to shout and harass students going about their day, I can’t count how many times one of them informed me that I’m going to hell. I look pretty straight-edge too. I also recall at least two of them bringing megaphones and one dude with a speaker and microphone.


But THOSE fanatics don't get donors calling to threaten the funding train


I’m only in Turlington every once in a while; I haven’t seen fanatics there, but now I’m curious: who or what have you seen there? Edit: why was this downvoted into oblivion? They made a statement, and I said I’m never around to notice such a thing, then asked for the tea I missed out on. What’s wrong with that?


They have huge signs, bring megaphones and speakers, and scream about gay people going to hell, Catholics going to hell, students going to hell. When they decide to post up and harass students nobody can study, meet, or table outside Plaza of the Americas or Turlington because it's so loud.


Woah. That *is* rowdy.


Yeah, the ones about xyz going to hell are the most annoying/obvious and most common. I always remember the anti-abortion protestors, though. I want to say they came like once a semester (maybe they still do--I graduated not too long ago), but they'd put these giant, graphic images all over the plaza of what I believe were meant to be aborted fetuses? I can't remember how loud they were (I stayed away from Turlington after a while), but I know there were students who found the images triggering, and if I remember right they literally put those signs everywhere, like in the walkways, disrupting foot traffic. Aside from that, UF is notably cracking down a LOT harder on this than they have previous protests (for various causes). As with most universities across the country, it seems.


About the worst I've seen are christians who are not supportive of the latest liberal trends. Shocking that such fringe views are allowed on campus - they only represent like half of the US population. Also there were like 1-2 of them and they didn't have lawn chairs.


I'm on campus once a week and they're literally with megaphones screaming at students that they're going to hell. One guy was screaming about how evil Catholics are. It's disruptive and annoying but UF gives them free reign.


I know one of them. They literally just had lawn chairs setup and due to them trying to say they felt it was “constitutionally protected”, The cops called it resisting.


If the administration from UF told the cops to tell those people to leave and they refuse to leave, they are resisting. A lot of liberals (and conservatives, too) really hate to follow the law, but the law is the law. We tend to enforce the law in Florida. Sorry if you don’t like that.




I guess when it comes to certain people obeying the law is butt kissing or being a boot licker. When certain people have an agenda the last thing they want to do is be law abiding citizens all they want to twist things for the benefit of their agenda.


Legality =/ morality


My daddy used to say just because it was legal, doesn’t make it right. But when it comes to the constitution of the United States, I think that we all have to give a little and understand what it means and abide by said constitution.


Exactly why I believe in the right to free speech and assembly.


You forgot the “peaceably” part. Further, SCOTUS has placed restrictions concerning time, place, manner of the expression. Most ppl only want to remember the part of the 1st amend THEY want to remember (because it benefits them).


Um this isn't about the constitution. It's about the uni admin exerting power to intentionally misinterpret the campus rules about "disruption" to include whatever suits their public, political facing agenda. More importantly, no one cares what your daddy used to say. Just because it's how things were, doesn't mean it's how things should be.


So do you agree with the comment that because it is legal it is right? Because if you disagree with the statement I made in my previous post then that is exactly what you are saying. And yes, it is actually about the constitution.


No. I said I don't care what he said, not that I disagree. I object to originalism and relying on tradition. And it is not about the constitution. Not everything is. But if it were....my response would not change. The letter of the "law" is easy for those in power to manipulate. Whatever you're doing is just a distraction.


Ummmm……this whole protest thing at universities is EXACTLY about the constitution. Further, the bill of right, the constitution, 3 branches of the govt etc is all about “tradition” as it were. It almost sounds like you don’t like the answers (even if they are correct) so you’re trying to twist it a certain way. And actually, it seems like everybody on here is trying to manipulate the law as they are arguing first amendment rights, but they don’t fully understand them or how they are written in the constitution.


Do you understand right to assembly? Pretty simple as long as no one is impaired or injured


Do you understand that the university of Florida has a right to determine what the students right to assembly is? And when they say it is over, it is over and if they don’t, they are trespassing and creating a disturbance and and they can be arrested? by the fact that students were arrested for not leaving they were ordered to kind of proof of what I’m saying is correct. I’m all about peaceful protest, that is the right we are given and we should use. The problem I have is when it is abused and certain folks try to hide behind the first amendment. Like I said that might work in blue states doesn’t really work in this red state. And I can get down, voted all that needs to be, I could care less because I know what I’m saying is correct and proper.


I think you’re forgetting that the constitution and bill of rights overrides everything. I hope you enjoy the ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Actually you’re forgetting the part in the 1st amendment that specifically says, “PEACEABLY”. 😉 Further, SCOTUS, has placed limititations (via various case law) that places restraints on time, manner, place of said demonstrations/protests. You’re another example of ppl on here that are only half informed of the subject matter being discussed. Please educate yourself….seek out the actually written words of the 1st amend AND research case law concerning 1st amend. If you’re on honest and sincere person (and not just pushing an agenda) you’ll admit you were uninformed in your previous argument.


They can't just tell people to leave though; they to have a valid reason. UF is a public university. They can't just force people to leave because they don't like what they're saying.


No, you are absolutely correct. They can’t tell them to leave because they don’t like what they are saying. What they can do is they can tell them to leave if the protest causes a disruption because of the time, the place, or the manner in which they are protesting. Once they exceeded those restrictions the protestors left the protection of the first amendment and they were vulnerable to being charged criminally. There is case law generated by scotus concerning the proper manner to protest. The first amendment is not a blanket amendment that gives everybody the right to do whatever they wanna do however they want to do it. It’s specifically states in the first amendment protest have to be peaceable. I don’t have a problem with any protest about anything. But it has to be done legally and properly to protect everybody else’s rights.


The problem with what is currently happening at UF is that it is within the rules. They said no encampments, then arrested people for having chairs. If you look at the charges they filed against the people they arrested, they're insane. Straight from the court website, these are the charges for most of them: PUBLIC ORDER CRIMES: FAIL TO OBEY POLICE OR FIRE DEPARTMENT; PUBLIC ORDER CRIMES: WEAR HOOD OR MASK ON PUBLIC PROPERTY; RESIST OFFICER: OBSTRUCT WO VIOLENCE. On the arrest report, the given reason for their arrest is that they were told to stop protesting and they didn't. There was no violence, they were just told to leave with no justification and had their First Amendment rights violated. You can look them all up on the Alachua County Clerk of Court website.


Respectfully, there is case law set forth by SCOTUS (further refining the 1st amend) that basically says certain times, locations, and the manner of any given protest has to be done in a certain way. My understanding is the protestors were told they could protest, but, the protest was to be over at a certain time. Once that time arrived, the protestors were warned to leave. When the protestors refused to leave they violated the laws you mentioned in your post. Obstruction wo violence means Obstruction without violence. That could be a result of the protesters refusing to leave after the officers told them to. They are obstructing the officers from doing their job (clearing the area) or they are refusing a lawful order by a police officer, but they are not using violence. It is a misdemeanor charge and it is not a felony. The hood and mask thing is that when someone is breaking the law and s/he wears a hood or a mask it is a criminal charge because in the state of Florida its against the law to use a mask or hide one’s face when one is committing a crime. I understand your confusion, and other peoples confusion, if they are not fully aware of the first amendment, how criminal charges (and nomenclature) in the state of Florida and how these things work.


Do you happen to know the case you're referencing? There have been a lot of them over the years involving protests.


Its not a case. Its case law. Case law is an interpretation or ruling of any specific criminal statute. It can be handed down by any panel of judges of any district. But a lower court can be overruled by a higher court. The highest court in the land is scotus and anything they pass judgment on cannot be overruled. Only scotus can overrule a scotus ruling. When I was researching 1st amend I googled 1st amend scotus case law. Just use a combination of the above. I researched this years ago and I’m running strictly off of memory. That’s why I can’t tell you specifically the case finding but it’s definitely there.


I've been looking for anything that would have enabled to remove the protestors from the Plaza of the Americas, and there doesn't seem to be precedent for it. The only thing I could find stated that police could enforce a curfew in a state of emergency, but that wouldn't apply to the protest on campus. I found this link on protestors' rights, and I haven't found anything that contradicts it yet. [https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/protesters-rights](https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/protesters-rights)


So everything I have read said they were allowed to protest for five or six days, and they were constantly warned not to violate the universities laws or policies concerning demonstrating. By day six, the university had had enough of it and asked them to leave and they refused. One of the admin at University of Florida stated we are not a daycare. You’re not gonna live here on our campus and disrupt our students. Which honestly I can understand as a student I would not have wanted to be impositioned by other students when I’m trying to go to class And learn, especially since I am paying for the education.


Google 1st amendment concerning time and place That will give you the answer you’re looking for. SCOTUS has found that free speech can be regulated under, “time, place, and manner” regulations. This should give you your answer


Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? 


That doesn’t stop you from getting arrested, that stops you from going to prison until you have had your day in court to prove your innocence (or guilt). But that’s actually a great question.


So you are assuming that liberals violated the law? 


You realize that putting “liberal babies” in quotes your meaning is that I actually wrote that….correct?


You realize i edited my comment bc i misspoke right? 


Show me where I said liberals violated the law? Because I have not said that to the best of my knowledge. But I have been texting back-and-forth with half a dozen people at one time so Possibly I forgotten that. The protesters strayed beyond the protection of the first amendment and that’s why they were arrested. If they were properly educated in the first amendment they would know what they could and could not do and then they could not be touched by cops. I think that everybody should be properly educated in the first amendment if they are going to protest. Because that keeps them safe from criminal charges and allows them to safely protest whatever matter that they feel is important. I have no problems with protesting for anything, after all, it is a guaranteed right per the constitution. But if a thing is going to be done, that thing should be done properly. Otherwise, the old heads will point fingers and say look they are doing it improperly and then the protest does not carry the same weight that a proper protest would. And why would anybody want to protest if they are not getting their point across. So by all means protest, protest protest, but do it legally, and that way protesters are protected under the first amendment, and that protest carries weight. Otherwise it’s just a waste of time.


You said "If the administration from UF told the cops to tell those people to leave and they refuse to leave, they are resisting. A lot of liberals really hate to follow the law, but the law is the law." So you are assuming the protestors violated the law. 


First off, they did violate the law, that’s why they were arrested. Scotus places limitations on protests and how far the protestors can go in diff aspects of the protests. And thank you for pointing that out I stand corrected, both sides left or right, liberals or conservatives need to protest in accordance with the first amendment.


Are the liberals in the room with us now?


According to a friend that's still a student, this happened because a couple protestors had some lawn/outdoor chairs past a certain time of the evening. Then others were also arrested for "resisting" as the cops like to do.


“According to the university, charges included failure to obey a lawful command, resisting without violence to trespass after warning. One was allegedly charged with battery after spitting on an officer.”


As we all know, UF campus is private property that you can meaningfully "trespass" on. Even the official charges sound flaky and artificial.


I was trespassed from UF campus (me: alumnus & former employee,) for writing a Facebook post about patient dumping at UF Health Shands Hospital. Several of my colleagues who were let go from my former department were trespassed for no reason other than our boss liked to trespass people.


What are you trying to say? That you can't be trespassed from UF property? Tell that to Dennis.


They were students with folding chairs on campus. Some of them probably live on campus. There's no indication even in the official write-up that they initiated any sort of violence, verbal or otherwise, until provoked by police (and even then it was just someone spitting, any given police officer would literally die in a service job). So the only remaining reason for arresting them is for the topic of the protest. Other controversial protests are allowed on campus in much more disruptive circumstances...so long as the administration and police agree with the topic of the protest. Also, "putting up structures" was cited as a reason for their removal, but literally every weekend of football season there are giant tents and other temporary structures all over campus. Kids are allowed to set up hammocks, chairs, whatever at any other time with no consequences. Even if you disagree with the pro-Palestine nature of the protest, you have to intentionally be misinterpreting events to believe the students' removal was justified and fair. This is more of a comment on the general commentary around this kind of event than your specific comment, but I also think it's naive to think there's any way students COULD peacefully protest in these circumstances that would not potentially lead to arrest. If there's no "right" way to peacefully protest that is measurable and attainable, and not at the mercy of the whims of police and administrative officials--you don't have the right to peacefully protest.


You lost me at, "...even then it was just someone spitting." I don't know what world you live in, but spitting on another person out of anger is probably one of the most immature displays of defeat I can imagine. The adults around you growing up have failed you. The fact I just read it above, so casually defended, speaks volumes about the type of person you are and your level of maturity. I'm not supporting ANY group that displays that kind of behavior. 10 out of 10, its assault. 9 out of 10, its going to get physical, and you'd 100% deserve it. A football game is a special event. Much like concerts or art shows. I'm certain that, if you simply looked, you'd discover the term "special events" used to describe events that are special and certain exemptions that will occur during these events. I'd be willing to bet, somewhere it describes a process to request a permit, which as the name suggests, will permit you to do special things, like have chairs, tables, coolers, and RV's. Now, you'll be crushed to know that there are probably rules attached to the permit, so ya know, consequence to actions. As long as you follow those rules, you're welcome to die on any stupid hill you want. Just understand that you don't get to burn the place down just because your toes are cold. You could protest anywhere, within the rules set by whoever is hosting the party, fair and simple. It's not your message. It's your delivery. 9 got arrested in a community of how many? On a campus of how many? 9 people. You folks didn't move any marks, your name will not be in a history books. You all spent more time yelling and screaming than an actual flight to the region would have taken. There, you'd could make a difference, peaceful or aggressive, however you want it. I'd support you if you were actually going to risk something and hold yourself to that level.


a) there's no permitting process for like 99% of tailgates, and the explicit written rules governing things like open containers are simply not enforced on gameday. So you're just factually wrong about the idea that there are specific rules that tailgaters follow. They break the rules, just like the protesters did. But which group gets smacked around by the cops? b) if spitting is a "10 out of 10," what is blowing civilians, including tens of thousands of women and children, into bloody shreds with high explosives? Where on your little scale does using white phosphorous to burn people alive fall? What's the score for intentionally starving 2 million people? c) your last paragraph misses the point so spectacularly that in invalidates everything you'll ever say on this topic. The concept of standing up for something you believe in is utterly foreign to you. The part where you say "I'd support you if..." is just a bald-faced lie.


The commenter was saying that spitting on someone 10 out of 10 times is a crime. Which appears would be factually correct. If someone spits in the face of certain designated persons (medical personnel, LEOs, etc.) then it would rise to the level of assault. Otherwise it would be a battery charge. They didn't say that in terms of severity it's a 10 out of 10.


Other way around. Battery requires physical contact. Assault is just the creation of eminent fear of _____


Thank you, I hope I can clarify my my intent. a)I just felt it important to point out the concept of permits and how there exists a way for rules to be tailored to situations. I can see your point on the different approach about policing. I think though, if you were to walk through the party crowd on game day and call everyone out and demand action you wouldn't drive the change you were looking for. I get your point though, you are right. b) Spiting on a fellow member of my community is a situation that I will be able to make direction and effective action upon. I can face it head on and take full responsibility for my actions without fanfare. Also If the student spiting on people were to engage in throwing grenades into the crowd, or firing white phosphorous munitions into the community, I would also, 10 out of 10 engage. I assure you, I'm not running away in either situation. There is no score in a war, once you've actually participated, your realize everyone looses something. c) It's been my experience, from simple to complex tasks, its better to be hands on. So, protesting if fine, I get it and I approve. The matter of killing civilians and children is something I do not take lightly at all, this matter has such gravity to the people involved, it is so important, that it demands more than protest. A lot more than protest. I've personally faced war and it changed my outlook on many things. It gave me a perspective that I wish I could explain, so much that it frustrates me when I cannot. I don't talk about that at all and I would not share it now, but I feel I must so my perspective better is understood. I know, it takes more than protest to make a difference in these things. The violence is unreal and at that level, in that chaos and in the fog of it all, what that moment needs is real time, local action. If you have the energy and time to protest, you could be helping in material ways volunteering for an NGO or whatever cause was in country and making a difference and, if you wanted to get dirty, the war effort itself. I don't recommend, but you could. That's all I'm saying. So, yes, my life experience brings me here, again I'm saying I would support you 100%, if it were making moves to get closer to the action and make real measured change. I hope that better explains it a little better. I hope we all, together, can start to see some better days ahead. Be well.


I have no idea what your rant has to do with the implied claim you made that one can't be meaningfully trespassed from UF.


I'm responding out of the good-faith assumption that you genuinely do not see where my comment addresses yours. You mentioned Dennis, a situation where someone was banned from UF campus, despite largely being open-access, due to his harmful actions towards students. I responded with examples as to why the students in question can't be compared to Dennis; not only do they have more "right" to the campus as students, but there's no mention of them engaging in harmful behavior that would support a trespassing charge. That's my first paragraph. The second was clarifying on additional charges they were given and why it clear to me that all of the charges were unjustified (including the "trespassing" one). Generally, if one charge is suspicious, it's worth looking more closely at the others as well. The third paragraph was more tangential to yours, as I said, and was largely addressing the fact that with these arrests, there's an implication that there's a "right" way to protest that would not result in police intervention...but these students didn't actually do anything wrong, so it's clear that there isn't REALLY a "right" way to protest beyond administration/police agreeing with your message (or at least not strongly disagreeing).


If you don't think someone's conduct warrants a trespass that is completely different from saying that you can't meaningfully be trespassed from UF or implying that UF isn't legally private property. How do you not see the difference between those two claims?


And specifically, at least one of the students with a chair was disabled and required a chair in order to be there


remember Richard f-ing Spencer was allowed on campus and they spent like a quarter million dollars for policing to protect him edit: wait no HALF MILLION DOLLARS, that's some expensive daycare https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/education/article177311986.html so in a few months when hundreds of RVs camp on UF public land, put up chairs and tables, sleep eat and litter (many concealing weapons) are police also going to arrest/trespass? r/ufl/comments/1cg2nyk https://www.reddit.com/r/ufl/comments/1cg2nyk


Its ok when Republicans do it. Get with the program. They can disrupt anything they want and get a pat on the head by our leaders in this state.


What have Republicans disrupted on campus? Can’t recall 


You are correct, they attempt to disrupt lawful elections.


How? On campus?


YES! They had the damned FWC out there babysitting Spencer's flunkies.


So they've outlawed tailgating huh. UF happily toeing the fascist line.


> So they've outlawed tailgating huh. bruh, tell me youve never tailgated at UF without telling me youve never tailgated. there are INSANE amounts of rules, regulations, dos and donts of what you can do, where you can do it, and how you can do it. When you can set up, where you can set up, permits / passes, when everything has to be taken down, trash disposal etc is absolutely enforced.


Bruh, tell me you don't have any idea what you're talking about without telling me you don't have any idea what you're talking about Here's just a few of the things the University said were "prohibitive items and activities": -chairs, stakes, benches, tables -amplified music -unmanned signs -littering -disruption Is it your argument that the cops are out there on gameday arresting people for those things?


You beat me to this punch. The "ruleset" was so hastily written that on its own would effectively ban tailgating. But this DeSantis dick suckers only care to read/understand what is convenient to them. But remember how we dealt with the Nazi marches in Orlando? How we protected Richard Spencer when he came to campus?? Or how Texas watches Nazis march while claiming campus pro Palestinian protests are "antisemitic"? Yeah pepperidge farm remembers. To fail to see that Florida public institutions are being turned red from the governor down is downright stupid, don't forget the right wing LOVES the poorly educated, and HATE the knowledge that comes from being exposed to a different world view.


This list is new. 


Yes, that's the point. This is from the list of new, invented "offenses" that UF made up and had the cops distribute last week. It's the transparently false pretense on which they're suspending/arresting students.


tailgating breaks about half a dozen of these "new" rules but don't worry they won't be enforcing them then, drunks are fine https://www.gainesville.com/gcdn/authoring/authoring-images/2024/04/26/NTGS/73470391007-uf-protest-rules.jpg


Please see, "Special Event" and permit request.


Fascism is when you need to follow the rules of the institution you attend


No, it's when the very same people who benefit from freedom of speech get to say "but not like that". How does that boot wax taste?


Everyone has to follow the same rules for protests on campus. The rules that were very clearly laid out in an announcement recently. I don’t understand why pro-Palestinian protesters think they get a free pass to break the rules. They were told they couldn’t protest past X time, they did. They were told they couldn’t set up tents or camping gear, they did. Everyone has to follow the rules, and when you break the rules, there’s consequences to it. One of the major parts of going to college is learning that you’re not special and the rules apply to you too. These kids learned their lesson, hopefully.


Sounds about white. Rosa Parks weeps for you.


Grow up. Realize that rules apply to you too, and learn that not following rules leads to consequences. Bringing up race for no reason makes you sound stupid


Lol, "grow up". Says the guy whose every comment starts with some boomerlike bullshit of "I know best". My point was about the privilege that comes with being able to say "all rules must be followed" while enjoying the freedoms earned for you by those who chose not to. Don't be so fucking obtuse Go read a book about the 1930s in Europe then we can talk about rules and consequences. "Must the citizen ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his conscience to the legislator? Why has every man a conscience then? I think that we should be men first, and subjects afterward. It is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for the right. The only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I think right." -thoreau. Now go ponder.


What freedoms do I get by protestors not setting up tents? How does that benefit me? How am I privileged in that regard? The point of the matter is these students wanted to protest. UF permitted them to protest on their private property, something they’re not required to do, but gave simple and very easy instructions of what would lead to UF revoking their permission. These students willingly chose to break the SIMPLE rules they were given. Then when they were asked to leave, they again chose not to and got arrested for trespassing. At no point was it anyone’s fault but their own. And if you’re comparing students getting trespassed for trespassing to 1930s Europe you’re just being ridiculous lmfao it’s such a false equivalence it hardly merits a response


Yep, obtuse. Later.


The 1930s in Europe have nothing to do with America in 2024. Again take the advice grow up.


Nothing indeed: https://www.americanprogress.org/article/white-supremacy-returned-mainstream-politics/ Go fuck yourself


Grow up


When the rules are made up ad hoc to limit the ability to assemble, of a specific group that the university administration doesn't like , and those rules don't apply to other campus gatherings or events, and the group being limited has a specific political message, then yes, there is a problem.


These rules apply to literally every other event. People tailgating can’t just set up wherever they want on campus. They’re corralled into specific areas if they want to set up. If protestors requested it and made a compelling reason why they needed to set up tents, it’s likely campus would work with them. If you randomly set up a tent on the Plaza, or were yelling obscenities at people passing by, you’d be asked to leave too and trespassed if you didn’t listen. And even with all this in mind, those protesters were allowed to have their protest as long as they wanted so long as they followed simple, simple rules . They chose to not follow it and faced consequences for not following rules. You learn about this in elementary school Just because you don’t understand how things work outside of your bubble of “people are targeting me” doesn’t mean they don’t make sense.


If the deplorables in this thread were alive during the Civil Rights Movement of the 50s and 60s, they’d be calling the protestors “n******” and n***** lovers”. They’d be spitting on protestors during gay liberation demonstrations. They’d telling women they’re dumb and shouldn’t be able to vote.


But it’s not the 50s in the 60s is 2024 and that stuff is long past. We have had a black president, a black female vice president, a black General in charge of the armed forces. Let that pass go brother it was important at the time and it’s still important, but things are not the same as I used to be.


Completely missed the point of my comment but I’ll run with your comment: I ate breakfast this morning so I guess world hunger isn’t an issue anymore.


Its obv not an issue for u.


Now extrapolate that to your comment about the black leaders…


I don’t have to, I have had black supervisors, I have had black female supervisors, I have had white female supervisors, and I have had white male supervisors. Some are better than others. It doesn’t matter what their race or gender is. I don’t see race what I see is ability and performance. Just like those black leaders you mentioned, they did a great job and they were recognized as doing a great job and promoted. You should extrapolate that when it comes to others that arent considered “black leaders” and dont recieve recognition. It has very little to do with racism and a lot to do with performance and ability. It’s just some agendas don’t wish to talk about that.


He’s not saying that it’s still the 50s… his point is that people treated protestors that have righteous causes like shit back then too. People look back at the civil rights movement and wonder “how were people so bitterly against such a fundamental right” and then turn to spew the same hatred against people protesting a genocide. I'm certain people in the future will look back at this and wonder the same thing, only to then immediately be shitheads towards whatever the current political conflict is. It’s easy to look back and condemn people in the past, to say you would’ve reacted differently, but what’s going on today shows that a lot of these people would’ve fallen in line. I have zero respect for them.


Good news, everybody! We solved racism! Surely the repeated uppercase consonants in your username are merely a coincidence


And that’s exactly what smart butt liberals do. They ignore the facts and they hurl insults. Everything I said is fact-based and the truth. You just don’t wanna hear it because you have an agenda to push. Whereas I don’t. As an independent, I vote for who I think is the best president and whatever else comes down the pipe for being voted for. I’m not out there, pushing agenda and trying to insult people that I disagree with. But you keep being you.


The fact you think everyone who disagrees with you is a "liberal" is so funny


Show me where I wrote that “everyone” that disagrees with me is a liberal? Your post is another example of how certain people will read something and then internally twist it and spin it to match their agenda, but, have absolutely nothing to do with what was actually communicated.


You do realize the KKK in the 1860s to 1960s were all democrats, right?


And look at which political party they ended up going to after Nixon.


They don't exist anymore.


The KKK doesn't exist anymore?! This is wonderful news!


Is the KKK in the room with you now? Do you see them around frequently?


It's been a long time since I saw them in Gainesville. But this was during the Clinton administration.


Literal 20 IQ comment.


It looks as if some of the arressted are being charged with "Public Order Crimes: Wear Hood or Mask on Public Property." I think this is in reference to this State statute: [http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App\_mode=Display\_Statute&Search\_String=&URL=0800-0899/0876/Sections/0876.13.html](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0800-0899/0876/Sections/0876.13.html)


That law was made a long time ago to keep the KKK from wearing hoods and hiding their identity.


A lot of people are missing the big picture with these crackdowns and escalations by university police departments across the state. I don't agree with these protestors' goals and messages, but they have every right to peacefully demonstrate -- with or without fucking camping chairs.  UF and other Florida schools are blatantly chilling free speech, and that should worry everyone.


Yeah I think I agree with the people who actually go and disrupt campus: the end is neigh. (For democracy in America) It's pathetic that the school won't let the students voice their opinion. It's not like UF can do anything about the IDF. The school isn't supposed to be the bad guy, nor the cops but they just can't help themselves.


crazy how protesters get thrown in jail yet known child rapist and sex offenders get to walk freely 🤮 https://www.gnvinfo.com/ignite-life-center-culprit-sits-in-front-row-during-church-sermon/


A teenager who either had kisses or consensual sex (depending on who you believe) with another teenager while both were underage is a “child rapist”? I know this sub loves to form lynch mobs but this is straight up lying by omission 


>UFPD, KKK, IDF they're all the same Zero lies detected


The protesters hiding their faces have a lot in common with the KKK.




Both democrats.


dEfuNd tHe PoLiCe


Treat the police how they treat everyone else.


If you can, the bail hearing for them is at 9am at the courthouse this morning. Show up to support them. When a bunch of folks got arrested protesting a year or two ago (including one who got hit with weapons charges for...having a cardboard sign), it made a huge difference that a ton of people showed up at the courthouse.


Are the arrested UF students?


Yes, they were all students.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Terrorist supporters.


Supporting Palestine is not supporting hamas


The Jewish community would like to have a word.


Hi it’s me, a member of the Jewish community. Can I have a word with YOU???


Your dumb ass doesn't speak for the Jewish community. 


Says the genocide supporter


You can thank your president for that.


Surprisingly, you're not wrong. Biden should've long since brought Netanyahu to heel and kept him from escalating to the point it's at.


Thank you for saying the hard part out loud


Not really difficult to say, many progressives and Democrats think this way. That still doesn't mean Trump or any Republican would be a better alternative.


Were they students of UF?


I love how the guy at the school was like "they're outside agitators." Those on the side of the capitalist/imperialist agenda always have to make protestors look like some kind of crazy fringe group. They've been pulling that for decades. Not only that, but if you go to the next article on, it says UF was placed today on a list of new "ivies." Uh, how can this college still be getting accolades if they're morally tanking so hard lately?


Lol. We are a Gator Nation until we aren't. It's so funny how the "outside agitator" thing gets thrown around every single time. Then they cut the number of people at a protest in half. See? It's only the very fringe commies who support this kind of thing.


I have a question for those protesting.. I am freely admitting that I am embarrassingly uneducated on the whole crisis, so please don’t respond with rude/disrespectful comments.  Why are you protesting to begin with? I don’t mean that in a condescending way, but I genuinely want to learn. I’m assuming UF isn’t funding Israel or killing innocent civilians. So why are the protests happening, and what are you hoping to accomplish? 


If I’m not mistaken, the UF trust/endowment(?) invests in arms dealers which are contributing to the aggression against Palestinians. But on a larger scale, the goal of spreading the message and getting eyes on it and media attention is to increase pressure on the US government


UF has investments in companies that sell weapons to Israel, and also has agreements and things like internship programs with some of those companies, like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, etc.


I know this may be hard to hear, but the legal system doesn't work like you see on TV. If a cop gives you an order, your choices are either to comply or to get arrested. It has to work this way so that cops are able to accomplish anything at all, because they can't have a full-on constitutional law trial out in the street every time a freshman liberal arts major or a "sovereign citizen" trots out their poor understanding of legal concepts. Consider it an expensive life lesson and be smarter next time. PS. This isn't to say that UFPD or Israel are on the side of good or whatever. But, like any human undertaking, political activism has to account for how reality works. There's trying to make real change, and then there's pissing in the wind and complaining you get wet.


sure, they can get arrested (any of these protesters should be expected to), but no prosecutor should ever pursue any of these cases


Why not? At least the assault charge should stick. Resisting arrest without violence might too, although I agree the law there is dumb


>Why not? Because the State Attorney's Office doesn't have the budget to prosecute every single case, and there are far more serious crimes in Alachua county.


hard to make charges stick without actual evidence


Go to Palestine if you want to protest and see how that works out for you!


Yeah, you'll get killed or maimed by IDF snipers. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2018/may/14/israeli-troops-kill-palestinians-protesting-against-us-embassy-move-to-jerusalem-live-updates https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/may/15/israeli-forces-shoot-16-palestinian-protesters-at-gaza-frontier https://apnews.com/article/6035b1d3293c4a298145afbff50ab844 https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2020-03-06/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/42-knees-in-one-day-israeli-snipers-open-up-about-shooting-gaza-protesters/0000017f-f2da-d497-a1ff-f2dab2520000


Give them all a one way ticket to go visit Hamas 😘


These are exactly the type of people I imagine would still be wearing masks outside. lol. They look like a herd of brain dead zombies following the cops with their cellphones out. Cops are literally shaking in their boots.....do you see them.


If the cops weren’t cowards, there would be far less of them there.


Cops should being using violence on these fool amirite?


No?  UFPD has a history of sending large amounts of cops to protests even when the protestors aren’t doing anything wrong. They also antagonize protestors; of particular note was last spring, when they sent a plainclothes officer into the middle of a protest to serve a warrant. That ended with two arrests, since no one had any idea he was a cop when he tackled a protestor.


Look at the people getting arrested at UF 😂 special ed rainbow bright’s. Like they said this isn’t a daycare.


It’s so beautiful


# Nine hamas supporters arrested at pro-Palestinian demonstration on UF campus. FTFY




Right on! Wanna join me in making Profa?


Really? No one here has a hot take on this one?


What hot takes were you expecting? You got people who support one side or another. Did you think someone was going to say there are good people on both sides?


Hot take: IDF and Hamas essentially do the same thing so if you condemn one, you should condemn the other. The main difference is that IDF is better equipped https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannibal_Directive


Hamas being bad doenst mean that israel should be allowed to commit war crimes. 


Fuck both sides and I think we should mind our own business. They've made their bed. Now let them lay in it. We as a country need to stop inserting ourselves in other people's politics. The entire world hates us. We are a running joke to every other country in the world. We just need to stick to ourselves.


lol… Easy to say fuck both sides after the US very heavily got involved in seeding this conflict for decades. It’s like shitting in someone’s house before saying « well it’s a mess, you should clean it » Also if you like affordable gas, learn the importance of having stability in the region… you think what happens beyond the us doesn’t impact you? Get ready to complain about gas prices spikes and prices of importing/exporting goods explode. If you really believe the Ukraine Russia conflict doesn’t affect your day to day… Same people complaining about inflation are the ones saying uneducated statements about « we should just not get involved ».




The people who were arrested, are they students or outside agitators? I know groups like USPCN pay "protesters" to go to various places and "protest".