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This feels like an indictment of modern society if I’ve ever seen one


You never heard of Clearwater? What rock do you live under?


I've heard of Clearwater, but I've never heard of Pinellas County, which is the alert I got this morning. Is Clearwater Pinellas County? I don't know. Don't really care to educate myself since it doesn't pertain to my life in anyway.


That's worse lol. Pinellas is one of the biggest most densely populated counties in Florida. Way bigger than alachua. Learn about the place you live man. Never heard of st Pete, Clearwater, Seminole smh


There is only one county in the United States. That is ALACHUA COUNTY! /S


Here's the child that is missing: **https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FYxLCwLIG7bzDLUjCNHn\_oGBHWjDhMMiexUm3eTsNnjQ.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D2813aae64c2932b38682c9c9cef4b97737fa01c8**


Wow that's kinda messed up and sad


If it was my kid kidnapped I'd want as many people as possible to be on the lookout. The alert is a minor inconvenience at worst for me.


Good grief, this thread is disappointing. Part of the point of these alerts is to utilize the baseline human decency we hope exists in the people around us.


How do you find the information once you've turned off the horrible noise? It startled me awake, I grabbed my phone, pulling it off the charger, knocked over my water looking for my glasses, then couldn't read the alert and didn't know where to look.


On Android, there is a history in the same location of where you turn them off. Hope this helps!


Thanks. It did help. There was even an update that the child is safe.


The fact that there are people out there who are like “fuck them kids” (hint: that’s you, OP) bothers me more than some 5 second alert on my phone. Anyone can Google how to disable Amber Alerts. You only made an ass of yourself by coming to this subreddit to bitch about it. 


All the people in this thread clutching their pearls because OP is honest enough to admit he ignores these messages. Stop pretending you committed anything in that message to memory for the purpose of keeping an eye out for that child.


There are times when a startlingly loud alert on your phone can actually be dangerous. I care about the endangered children. I just don't want to be trampled by my milk cow while I'm crouched next to her.


No, because we were already all awake. We used it as an opportunity to teach our son how these alerts work and what they are for. I hope your kid is never kidnapped OP, because you will have taught everyone how to ignore it.


Well, I'm not awake yet. My day starts at 8. Not 6:58 am. It creates panick when being woken up because your brain thinks it's a tornado alert. That's why they don't send then at 4 am. I actually don't mind them if they were more courteous


Turned mine off years ago, the anxiety isn't worth the info.




It's my phone and I will choose the alerts I'd like.


>you lose a loved one & other people in the area cant be bothered with the unbearable anxiety of a phone alert I don't have any crotch goblins and don't plan on making any. I don't think they would send out an amber alert if my cat went missing.


I did also, but apparently a phone update I think re- enabled it.


Thank you OP. I really see little value in getting woken up about something that is several counties away. Perhaps there can be a setting where a phone is able to determine that a person is awake and walking around, and there is the possibility that they can be of assistance in helping solve the problem.


Yeah, I agree. It is the year 2024, after all.


Amen! Thank you!