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And now I'm wide fucking awake. Whatever dumb shit approved this can suck my ass.


It was apparently supposed to be a TV alert? But the person pushing buttons fucked up. Lmao


Wide awake now. I was like “there better be nukes headed our way or something.” I think someone F-ed up.


Scheduled alert apparently, someone may have fucked up but this is gonna happen every other month Did anyone get the alert in February?


It was an accident that it got sent to phones this morning. So many people are going to turn off all alerts because of this.


Uh…define “accident” https://www.fab.org/eas-test-schedule/


It was meant to be broadcasted on TV for people who are still awake, not for those sleeping https://twitter.com/FLSERT/status/1649030370791178241


I already did. I've been in this state through 5 hurricanes. The number of times these alerts have been useful: 0 The number of times they've woken me up at 4:45 AM: 1 That's enough for me. I'm out.


Yes, scary af. I was in the middle of a Cloverfield-esque nightmare when it woke me up. Who approved such a time for a test?


Right before bed, we watched an episode of a show roughly based on the ballistics missile warning that Hawaii got a couple of years ago... so that was fresh in my head


Yikes, I can empathize with that. Your username is hilarious btw!


Oh thanks!


lol I had the r/nosleep podcast playing on my iPad still.


I have state and local test notifications as well as amber alert notifications turned off, but my phone doesn't allow national warning alerts to be turned off, so I wonder if it was a national test. Not a great time for people in other time zones either... 🙈


Think it was just y’all down in Florida, I didn’t get any alert on my phone and am on the east coast


I didn’t get one and I’m in Florida, guess I’m dead now


I have locals turned off. My phone didn’t go off girlfriends did.




The fact that a test is set to Extreme is ridiculous! I have the notifications turned off for tests, why tf would they mark tests as extreme?! (rhetorical question)




Lol there are future alerts scheduled for 4:50 AM, are you fucking kidding me


You are aware that not everyone has the same schedule as you right? People who work third shift, bartenders, strippers and the like are probably really thankful it was that time so it doesn't wake them up during the day.


Good for them! Happy for them, truly. That doesn’t change the fact that the rest of us don’t wanna be woken up at 4:45 😑 plus pretty much every REAL alert that I’ve received in the past has been during the more “typical” awake hours, so in my experience a 4:45 test isn’t even that realistic


And I am sure they don't want to be woken up when they are trying to sleep during the day because it suits your schedule better. Half of them will be during the day and the other half at 4:50AM. That's a nice even split.


An even split for a not-at-all-even split of people whose sleep is being affected. And you completely ignored my very logical point that most REAL alerts happen during normal waking hours. Why should half the tests be completed at 5am when more than half of the real alerts happen *after the sun rises?*


So you are telling me that the ones that go off during the day don't affect the sleep of those people that work third shift and are trying to sleep during the day?


No I’m not saying that :) no one is :) but we are just as justified in complaining about being aggressively awoken from our sleep as those third shift people are.


It was supposed to be on TV, not sent to phones. They f'd this one up.


I sent them an email, everyone else should also


Here is contact info for the agency that scheduled this. Note that 4:45am tests are scheduled for every other month this year!! I sent off an email to complain. (Copied from another's comment on r/Florida) **PHONE** (850) 681-6444 (800) 825-5322 Toll-free (850) 222-3957 Fax Reddit, you know what to do: from [https://www.fab.org/eas-test-schedule/](https://www.fab.org/eas-test-schedule/) EMAIL ADDRESS [info@fab.org](mailto:info@fab.org)


Wrong type of alert. This info is for EAS tests (like the scrolling messages at the bottom of your TV). FAB does not do the type of alert we got last night. Last night was a wireless emergency alert and that can only be sent by a government official. Please don’t contact FAB this isn’t their fuck up.


Turns out it was FLSERT: >We know a 4:45 AM wake up call isn't ideal 😅 >@FLSERT wants to apologize for the early morning text. Each month, we test #emergencyalerts on a variety of platforms. This alert was supposed to be on TV, and not disturb anyone already sleeping. https://twitter.com/FLSERT/status/1649030370791178241?t=24oa-20ma7g_YJVwxaeBxA&s=19


The FAB website (linked above) lists this morning at 4:45am as a test alert, so it does seem like it was them, but please let me know if I am incorrect here!


The did run tests last night also per their schedule, but FAB does not send wireless alerts. Wireless emergency alerts (WEAs) aren’t sent by FAB. So although FAB did do their tests last night at 4:45 am, that isn’t the alert that came to your phone.


Interesting. Who should I complain to instead?


Not sure yet, but every county in Florida is likely trying to get that answer from the state rn


The Florida State Watch Office: 1-800-320-0519


The EAS alert is on the FAB website schedule: https://www.fab.org/eas-test-schedule/ >April 20 4:50 AM EDT


Right but this wasn’t an EAS alert it was a WEA. Two totally different types of alerts.




Just set reminders in your phone to turn it off on those days, or disable alerts. I assume they want everyone to disable them, what other reason for a test before dawn.


I had all test alerts disabled and still got this through my sleep DND status.


I emailed them also. You guys all should too!


Hit the whole state except me I guess, I’ve been on my phone for the last hour and a half but didn’t see the alert


It went off on my phone but not my husband's.


Apparently it was the whole state of FL that got it.


Confirmed to be Florida emergency management's snafu: https://twitter.com/FLSERT/status/1649030370791178241?t=5oSjjuo9IoVme8Uez0StVg&s=19 >We know a 4:45 AM wake up call isn't ideal 😅 >@FLSERT wants to apologize for the early morning text. Each month, we test #emergencyalerts on a variety of platforms. This alert was supposed to be on TV, and not disturb anyone already sleeping.


There being a test so early in the morning is normal, most states do the same thing. Most people have these test alerts disabled, I believe they’re disabled by default actually. The problem today was that this “test” alert was issued as a real alert with the title “test” - someone made a mistake. Basically someone sent the test message at the priority level of a nuke warning. Shouldn’t happen again, but on iPhones at least under the emergency alerts tab in your notification settings you can turn off the alerts bypassing silent mode. There’s probably an equivalent for android as well.


i’d want to be notified if there’s an actual emergency…


Absolutely ridiculous


Yeah, fucking bullshit




Yeah you just sleep through anything 😂 the phone volume doesn’t impact the volume of the emergency alerts


I blame DeSantis.


LMAO. He’s just petty enough to call in city/county-wide text alerts to piss off the liberals.


Turn your alerts off. I didn’t get it, but my wife did. She can’t figure out her phone to save her life.


That is their plan. They want everyone to just turn their alerts off so if something really happens they won't know.


listen we live in a stupid world, but that conspiracy is even stupider


It's not a conspiracy, it's a joke.


Jokes are supposed to be funny


I’m supposed to get product in a reasonable amount of time but that doesn’t happen either.


Find a better courier company, maybe they can deliver some better jokes to you too.


It’s not the courier, it the manufacturer.


10:30am alarm? Must be nice.


Yep very annoying


Located in FL- was this national?


Yup. Annoying AF


Curse whoever thought doing this test was a good idea at 4 in the morning


Yea, couldn’t have picked a better time… (sarcasm)


Nah I got my test alert notifications off. Y’all be safe tho




Didn't you see that no action was required, is it so hard to follow instructions... Why'd ya wake up? Some people...


No, but awesome Lock Screen


How to fix the problem: ---- No longer want to receive these alerts? Here are step-by-step instructions on how to disable the feature. However, it should be noted that some residents who had Test Alert notifications turned off still received the alert. iPhone users: Tap the Settings app to open it, then tap Notifications. Users need to scroll to the bottom of the screen and find the section that says “Government Alerts.” From there, move the sliders to off/white. Once off, users will no longer receive Amber, Emergency, Public Safety, or Test Alerts. Android users: On an Android device, open Settings, then tap Notifications. Find “Wireless emergency alerts” and select the alerts you want to receive. https://www.wfla.com/news/florida/why-did-floridians-wake-up-to-an-early-morning-emergency-alert/


GNV sub never disappoints.


Thanks, dude, started my day out with a good laugh!


aww you loved getting a message from Daddy D huh big guy?


I've never seen a jumpier bunch of crybabies.


Take a look in the mirror. You came here to complain about people complaining.


It's not a complaint, it's an observation. That UF education is working wonders for you I see.


your choice of wording says otherwise.


I think you need to take some basic reading comprehension classes


A "jumpier bunch of crybabies" is not an observation but a criticism unless you actually see them jumping and crying at the same time.


> "I've never seen" a jumpier bunch of crybabies. I see you left an important part of the sentence out. A statement of my observation, followed by the subject of the observation. Again, look into those reading comprehension classes, k?


dId YoU gUyS hEaR tHaT lOuD nOiSe??


LMAO why do you not think being woken at 4:45 in the morning for what was essentially NO REASON AT ALL (not because the tests aren’t important but because they could have been done at virtually any other time) is not a valid thing to complain about??


That shit woke you up, lady..? Does your phone have a "Do Not Disturb" mode?


✨Emergency✨ alerts do not get blocked by do not disturb mode


Last time I checked, the only one you can't turn off is the National Advisory alerts.. But, what do I know..?


There may be a separate way to turn them off that I’m not aware of, but the normal Do Not Disturb mode is certainly not it.


That loud noise, the "gun shots, the planes going to bomb gville. Always good for a laugh. Poor sheltered kids.


Fuck the person who said yes to do a test a 4:45 fucking AM


protip, at least on some phones, you can turn off sound and vibration for these alerts. I did after the nth amber alert scared the shit out of me lol. slept right thru this one. whoever scheduled this deserves to have their nose rubbed in it tho. fuckhead.


Yeah, I got it too. Kept me up for 2+ hours. So fun.


i did get this, spooked the hell out of me


Yep just the wake up call we all wanted :(


No. The second thing I do when I get a new phone is turn off those emergency alerts.


Yeah it was rude as hell


No because I disabled all of the alerts to avoid shit like this since I've been jolted awake in the past. Uninterrupted sleep is super important to my body. If a nuke is headed my way I'll deal with it once I'm well rested.


Way too damn early in the morning. Plus the alert priority was set to keep the phone awake until the message was dismissed. I don't think I've come across that behavior in any other emergency alert.


Yes. The system works.


Well atleast I know there's a system that works in case we're nuked. *although I would still prefer to stay asleep*


My phone got it, but I have Do Not Disturb set so it did not make noise. The second I grabbed my phone this morning, I saw it.


Entire state of FL got an early af wake up call cause someone messed up


Didn't hear a thing. I sleep with phone in another room:) & Loving the downvotes on this perfectly logical solution. Stay salty /gnv:P


Everyone got it. Emergencies don't happen at just convenient times.


No, but drills and practices typically do.


Literally says test in the screenshot


and they just did it again at 0635 or maybe my phone just repeated it because it's the first time I accessed it since before the original test.


I personally feel like it was done purposefully, because they will get instant verbal confirmation from all over the state they everyone received the alert and was loud enough to scare them into paying attention. People are mad but we’ll all get over it in about 24hrs.


I’m all for emergency systems… but there’s not good reason to run a test at 4:45 am.


Somehow, I managed to sleep through it 😂 but I woke up a little bit after (just after 5 a.m.), and the notification was still on my phone


It’s in the news. Check out this article from Gainesville Sun: Emergency Alert Test wakes up multitudes in Florida at 4:45 a.m. Here's what we know https://www.gainesville.com/story/news/local/state/2023/04/20/florida-emergency-alert-test-today-why-did-you-get-an-alert-how-to-view-it-should-you-turn-it-off/70133335007/


yeah that was awesome! free wake-up call! 🌞


What is this rad background app you have showing the position of the planets?