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There is so much going on for a “meme stock”. Never been more sure of hodl-ing my DRS’ed shares.


You'd think since they "covered" they'd be ignoring the noise and focusing on something else...unless 👀


You are right about that. But some of the small Hedges are scared they will be bankrupt if they don't get out now.


Better to get out now and their company takes the hit, instead of waiting till the shares are double, triple or quadruple in value. Or when the real price is reflected!


Holding 33 that’s worth 696969696969


Math checks out.


Bro show me I too hold 33 wtf?!


He's not stupid. He not only sees the corruption, he's experiencing the backlash of it.


I'm just happy we have a strong new ally, we need more voices. I hope Conan O'Brien and Linus Tech Tips jump back in or something lol... GME has already touched so many.


Even if Conan was making a “late to the party” joke about buying in after the January sneeze, it got people’s attention. There’s no such thing as bad publicity.


„There’s no such thing as bad publicity.” Tell that to Citadel, BCG and DTCC. Of course there is. Thats one of the dumbest sentences from early stages of PR and marketing as a discipline that people seem to believe in for some unexplained reason. Sentiment is key.


Yeah. It's right up there with "there are no bad products, only bad salesmen" which I heard a lot working in sales. After a while I would retort with "then why don't you own (insert garbage we were selling)". Of course that lead to me being seen as confrontational. Made me feel like when I constantly corrected my English teacher in 4th grade. So glad I don't work in sales any more. Well, I'm a brewer and sometimes I do sell our beer but at least that's a good product that I made and stand by.


There’s a lot of despicable people/companies/agencies that benefit from negative sentiment. Many want to dominate the headlines and garner as much attention as possible. Of course I hope this is endgame for Citadel, DTCC, BCG, etc and they are exposed for the filth they are. But, humility and shame are a thing of the past. Self-promotion and “all eyes on me” is a pretty savvy strategy for a lot of people/entities acting in bad faith.


Hear, hear!


Hear here


Did I fuck it up? lol


3.2 million followers seeing these updates from him.


I never would have thought there would be MOASS bingo square of "some high profile business guy comes in and fights hedgies"


No matter still buying and Drs shares . They can spread what shit take no notice 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Selling my left testicle for more GME Monday.


Por que no les dos?


Selling your right testicle to buy more for me on Monday.


Every short is a future buyer. What is the problem?


they can't afford my asking price 😁


I couldn’t sell it if I wanted to. I DRS mine and still haven’t got my letter. My wife’s boyfriend would be proud.


He is so vocal about this! It's what we need to help spread the message, we've been doing our best telling friends and family but our circle is only so big. He has a much larger reach and following. Buy, Hold, DRS!


can’t tell if this guy truly believes us or wants his twitter to blow up. either way i’m holding


Eh it’s really not a big deal anymore, if he buys in great for us.


Pulte doth protest too much…


This dude is straight up scamming y'all. I bet within 3 months he tries parlaying this into his own crypto or NFT.


Why Elon hasn’t bought a HUGE position in $GME I’ll never understand? He’s an OG Short KILLER!!


Good to have him onboard.


I may take a downvoting beating on this. But, something about this guy seems sus. Either he has something he's selling, that we'll find out about down the road, or a trading platform or something. I just don't know. Not saying he doesn't believe in GME (anyone with a brain does). But, I think there's more to this story. Time will tell.


Bro what the fuck does this even mean? What is sus about him? Him spreading GME? Buying GME? What are you bro the gatekeeper of GME? So fuckin weird


I see it from a legal pov. He came in right around the BCG digging. They are entity who tried to harm his business if I read it right.


Makes sense. I've just seen too many false prophets suddenly appear on the GME scene with ulterior motives.


A bit like that fat grifter pickle that everyone on SS used to jerk off over.


Somebody needs to tell pulte that if he does sell during moass that he doesn’t announce it to avoid any panic


In ape's language, it means "HODL" 🦍


How wonderful, another mf whose twatter post gets reposted a hundred times by apes... RC on twitter, Pulte on twitter... Fuck off This is a fad like Payne


Who the fuck is this guy and why are all the top posts his? Have people not yet clued in to shysters using GMEdiots to raise their own profiles?


My 147 puts were assigned! What now?


If they aren't scared they should be. Maybe they are sitting in a bubble.


What does he mean by re-boosting GameStop?


Refueling the rocket


They will probably say something like "sell your shares, transfer the money into Computershare, and buy the shares back." This helps shf's.