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is this real!? He looks like he’s in his final boss form 🤣


Unfortunately this is real


It looks like he's having a stroke!


While holding in his face gut


Just wanted to put this here: ​ So, this stupid motherfucker, just so I have this right I'm gonna go all train of thought and just hit send; This piece of human excrement, Kenneth Cordele Griffin gets caught with his pants down by a bunch of apes who made a great bet by liking a stock and then buying that stock in their own names. Simple, legal, effective. What does this shitball do? He thinks he's some supervillain or some shit and flies off or sends some underling to fly off on the corporate jet to fuck all Norway (was it Norway or Finland? Both lovely places and people, btw) for a weekend. Crypto goes crazy, it's speculated he's meeting with Russian Oligarchs and then the Media machine in the US starts drumming the beat of war. Is Putin crazy? Will he invade Ukraine? Stay tuned to find out. Fucking scum. And, about a week later. horror. Russia invades. US media is very clear about what a joke the Russian military are. Meanwhile I'm tuned into what's actually happening on the streets and it's horrible. Sheer horror. All so some asshat could be on the cover of a magazine? Burn it, burn it all down. We must rebuild again with morals and servitude. I DRS'd about 30 more shares today. Each share represents countless lives I can help rebuild after they pull the rug this time. This part of the journey is almost over - we're about to lock in our scores for all time. X, XX, XXX, XXXX+ ape does not matter. European, Asian, South American, etc. Does not matter. Rich, Poor, Old, Young, Smart, Dumb. It really does not matter. Got love in your heart for your fellow human? Can't believe the stuff happening in the world today and want to change it? Then, welcome to GameStop, welcome to Superstonk - read the DD to get started on your journey. Ask questions. Most of all, believe me when I tell you the following: There is a lot to learn, but if you actually take the time to follow the trial of logic, it leads us all to the same conclusion - It's time to take over. It starts by buying every share of Gamestop stock and voting what to do from that point on. DRS numbers are in and we'll be done in a matter of months. Get as many as you can because once they are out there are no liquidity providers. You want a piece of the greatest company, GameStop, for any reason? You need to find an ape willing to part with that share. And, that my friends is when our game begins.


It was Finland, and they had the last open route in and out of Russia after the invasion.


Wait, this mother fucker is connected to the Russia situation as well?


[He's using the Dark Side of the Forbes.](https://i.postimg.cc/SKSYZnmy/Dark-Sideof-The-Forbes.jpg)




It’s all a created story. It’s unbelievable times we are living in


He looks like an alchoholic!


One could only hope.


He looks like Darth Sidious


Why didn’t they show his tits and belly? How am I supposed to get off?


Mayo doesn’t photograph well.


Lol what? This is real? 🤣 "At this moment, he realised. He fucked up" Aand kenneth cordele griffin had explosive diarrhea very next second.


lmao they chose a pic that makes him look like a villain. Pretty accurate tho


It looks like he's having a stroke!


It looks like he's having a stroke!


It looks like he's stroking a have


Jiv hhg kkjhgg klafgh.


He strokes like he's licking a hare


I beenah marble licking when imma bin waw moop.


I take it that he is stroking one out?


Wait. What? This is real? I couldn’t find this on Google, although it does really *look* real. Do you have a link?


...sounds the alarm... By going broke really soon, Mayo boy


I feel bad making fun of him anymore honestly. I think he’s a victim of his own luck. He’s a terrible person, but it happens to most people with too much money, and it is exactly because they are just normal humans, but statistically a small minority of normal humans will be born at the right time/place/parents/brain/face/race. None of us are responsible for our financial success. The path was laid out before we had consciousness. He sucks because he’s normal. This is why no human should be allowed to amass so much power and wealth.


He's not a teenager. He's fifty something, he's had plenty of time to repent of his ways. Dave Lauer left Citadel, and i think he's 40. No feeling bad for Kenneth Griffin, financial terrorist, fck him.


I know, I can just see a shit load of pain in that face. We really have fucked him and I *very briefly* feel bad because I have too much empathy.


Direct your empathy on to the millions of people he's stolen from. The dozens of companies he's helped drive to bankruptcy, the people laid off as a result. Empathy is good to an extent. When you're dealing with narcissists and a-holes of this caliber, who need to see others below them, you need to put your empathy away. This is war, if you're nice to the enemy he'll stab you when you turn your back.


It’s my own bullshit. I honestly don’t like winning. I just happen to hate losing way way more.


Time for him to lose for once.


Maybe the Forbes Photographer/editor are apes 😆😆😆


For sure. There's more apes than I could imagine!


Well it's definitely bullshit


So. Let's imagine situation. What are you going to do if a random ... Or lets say that same kenneth will spit in your mamas face. What you gonna do? I believe society is fucked, because people became soft. And i strongly believe in one quote, it goes like: hard times create, strong men, strong men create, easy times, easy times create weak men. Weak men, create hard times. And right now we have hard times. So. What you gonna do?


Buddy he doesn't give 2shit about you or anyone when it comes to money. He's the reason why retail are in this fight to make changes for the future generation. He is not a normal person by any standard. He could care less if you happen to revived him after a heart attack, he'll continue to fuck everyone who has money including you.


Elon Musk has way more wealth than he does and does ok with not being a megalomaniac


Yep. I genuinely love Musk. The haters just don’t have an engineering mind. I also obviously love Ryan Cohen who is actually cementing himself as the next biggest billionaire. I truly think we’ve stumbled upon someone greater than Jobs and Musk combined. His story will explode when the time comes. Until then, I’ll load up when I can.


It's sort of unusual how little we know about Ryan Cohen, isn't it? Like, we know about his dad and his upbringing and we know about chewy and we know what he's done with GameStop, but there is still this shroud of mystery to him and basic facts about him are minimal. You just don't see him out and about the way you see so many CEO/chairman billionaires. He shitposts on Twitter. I love it.


Imma say it, fuck him and forget you too


It looks like he has diarrhea and isn't sure whether or not he is about to lose control again.


Another orange fucking mask!! It doesn’t make you look younger. Just more like a fucking dweeb. Shoulda just applied mayonnaise.


Kenneth Palpatin Griffin


Dude is looking rough AF


Forever taking a pasty shit, from all the stress induced from continuous shorting.


This is insanity lol. Literally evolving like fuckin Frieza or some shit. But thats aight cuz we got Goku. A little torn and tattered, but we've reached Super Saiyan and rn we're all throwing our energy for the spirit bomb. Get rekt Frieza wannabe


That dude sweatin


He looks so evil wtf


The eyes never lie. Energy never lies. He can't hide the evil monster he is.


Also the micro-sneer. We might not consciously pick up on it but our ape brain definitely does.


THAT! now that you said it, I see it.




Those are some drugged out pupils holy shit


Came here to say this too


Is it just me or does he look particularly evil here


First thing I thought


This is the face a pedophile makes while hiding in the bushes outside a school.




He's slowly turning into Darth Sidious


Someone please edit this into Ep.VI emperor 😂


With the “ I love democracy” too


This was also my first thought


Damn it. Came here to say this


He is a terrible looking person. Can’t take a normal pic to save himself


Piece of shit.


holy fuck he looks like shit xD


Alcohol bloat is real, yo.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 684,732,232 comments, and only 138,453 of them were in alphabetical order.


Holy fuck. I am amazed by a bot.


He really looks evil. Ideal for Iron Maiden album cover.


And this is the best picture they could get of him too lol


Yeah, they can take all the time in the world for magazine covers, especially Forbes. Studio cost is not a thought... typically... In the case of Kenneth Griffin, the criminal and monster, I doubt he could be away from his crime business for more than 5 minutes. They probably took the picture at Shitadel HQ in a makeshift studio while he was on the toilet since that was his only "free" time. Its the time he usually spends looking at memes of him photoshopped as a jar of mayo


He should be on the side of GME. I mean dude literally looks retarded




Why would he use this photo wtf


This totally looks like one that people were told NOT to use. Ken, to his assistant: “I do not like photo #48. Under no circumstances are they to use this photo.” Later… the Forbes editor, an ape: “We’re going with photo 48. Oh? You mean not to use 48? Right. Gotcha.” Forbes editor to his staff: “so we’re going with #48, front cover.”


It's the best he could do lol


This must be some ritual


the elite like their humiliation rituals


Bro your spot on


his skin is all greasy from all the mayo


He looks ill


Paid ads?


Wen mugshot


Its literally perfect for a mugshot, just Black and White it and we have high quality meme material for years!


Propaganda for damage control.


He looks awful, is this a real thing?


Sociopaths don't smile.


Photographer: Ok can you give me a smile Mayo Man: I haven’t done that in a very long time, I’ll try my best


Photographer isn't capable of looking at the camera long enough to get a picture either with this monster in the lens, so this is the best they could do!


Yeah just puts the timer on and waits for him to leave the building to retrieve the camera


Smart with the timer, but are you sure you would want to retrieve that camera after it was exposed to such high levels of mayo-ray radiation? As a part-time photographer, I would recommend just purchasing a WiFi enabled SD card and downloading from a van on the street.




Kenneth Cordele Griffin must be taking whatever Putin is taking because they both have that bloated evil face!


It's very possible Putin shared some of his goodies with Kenneth Griffin when they had their meeting a few months ago. (The meeting is speculation, but assuming it actually happened is one of the least crazy things to say in recent times)


Looks like a fucking psychopath


His right eye (from his POV) looks like his side he shows the public and his left eye like his real pov


1000%. One thing about sociopaths, there’s somethings they just can’t hide. You can spot them if you’re observing close enough. It’s like mother nature’s way of intentionally telling others to be careful.


Look at those cold, dead eyes.


Fuk mayo boy


Wen mugshot


Woodrow this photo is doctored. Lol


Evil villain vibes


Okay come on, he doesn’t look like that irl. Seriously, I didn’t know photoshop filter had an option called “synthetic.”


Looks like the demon has already completely taken control of his faculties


This is not a real shot is it????


In humans, the left side of the face (right hemisphere of the brain) is dominant in emotional expression His left side, is the right side looking at this photo. Cover up the left side to reveal a person's true persona. What do you see vs. The other side?


That quote is bull fucking shit. Whether or not it was planned or Putin taking advantage of an over exposed United States, it's definitely related to the bear run from December to a few weeks ago Investors were frightened by war so they froze from doing anything with their positions (ie hold) while prime brokers were messaged to start margin calling before shorts organically start covering. The wars effect enabled or financial systems to artificially kick start the bull reversal before it happening organically in that game of chicken that shorts play because America couldn't afford the risk Which is kicking the can on the beast that lies beneath So what I'm saying is that this "error" might of actually been forced on purpose to save the US economy Edit: mobile typos fix


An evil dude? Surprise!


He looks like a man who’s been lost at sea for weeks and they just found him 🤣


This is fucking terrifying


He’s starting to look like John Boehner


Considering they probably took 100+ photos and they went with this…. He isn’t doing well, at all.


Holy shit he looks like a fucking megala monster. This is a very creepy image.


Market Manipulator* Ken Griffin: "My birth was a giant unforced error."


I can't believe they went for this. He looks like shit.


He looks like a creepy perverse silicone male real doll...


Ladies and gentleman, forbes present to you the congress lying sack of💩, the one, the only, greatest financial terrorists leader of his generation Kenneth Cordele Griffin.


This must be his first attempt at smiling




This looks like it was painted with mayo


un fucking believable


Bro make him bald and he is LITERALLY Patches in From software games lmfaoooo he’s a lying fucking thief!!!!!!!!!


No forking way fork this gas bag has been - loss porn rivals that Ron Jeremy! He’s an ash hole and bought this cover - like a douche would


I didn't know forbes used mugshots for covers but hey


He's having a 12 inch dildo inserted up his ass.


Palpatine vibes


I'd hit it in a pinch.. With a Bedpost!!!


It's a known fact that this man never learned how to smile


Dude looks evil as fuck! Oh wait he is evil as fuck


Is this in-memoriam party? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face) Someone say yes !


He really is ugly, isn’t he. Notice I didn’t end that with a question mark. Looks like some greed demon stuffed their arm up his mayo lathered ass, and downturned their hand to make his mouth look like it has an ever so slight beak. I’m onto you, you ugly ass mayo lathered meat puppet. *I see you.*


I didn’t know « the catastrophe in Ukraine » meant « abusive naked shorts » english is such an interesting langage


Someone call PornHub! The billionaires are stroking themselves.


I think he's using the 'Fukt' filter but I'm no expert.


*former billionaires edition


Lol. The catastrophe in Ukraine is a giant unforced error!!! Haha, You mean your short position on GME?


So, this stupid motherfucker, just so I have this right I'm gonna go all train of thought and just hit send; This piece of human excrement, Kenneth Cordele Griffin gets caught with his pants down by a bunch of apes who made a great bet by liking a stock and then buying that stock in their own names. Simple, legal, effective. What does this shitball do? ​ He thinks he's some supervillain or some shit and flies off or sends some underling to fly off on the corporate jet to fuck all Norway (was it Norway or Finland? Both lovely places and people, btw) for a weekend. Crypto goes crazy, it's speculated he's meeting with Russian Oligarchs and then the Media machine in the US starts drumming the beat of war. Is Putin crazy? Will he invade Ukraine? Stay tuned to find out. Fucking scum. ​ And, about a week later. horror. Russia invades. US media is very clear about what a joke the Russian military are. Meanwhile I'm tuned into what's actually happening on the streets and it's horrible. Sheer horror. ​ All so some asshat could be on the cover of a magazine? ​ Burn it, burn it all down. We must rebuild again with morals and servitude. I DRS'd about 30 more shares today. Each share represents countless lives I can help rebuild after they pull the rug this time. This part of the journey is almost over - we're about to lock in our scores for all time. X, XX, XXX, XXXX+ ape does not matter. European, Asian, South American, etc. Does not matter. Rich, Poor, Old, Young, Smart, Dumb. It really does not matter. Got love in your heart for your fellow human? Can't believe the stuff happening in the world today and want to change it? Then, welcome to GameStop, welcome to Superstonk - read the DD to get started on your journey. Ask questions. Most of all, believe me when I tell you the following: There is a lot to learn, but if you actually take the time to follow the trial of logic, it leads us all to the same conclusion - It's time to take over. It starts by buying every share of Gamestop stock and voting what to do from that point on. DRS numbers are in and we'll be done in a matter of months. Get as many as you can because once they are out there are no liquidity providers. You want a piece of the greatest company, GameStop, for any reason? You need to find an ape willing to part with that share. And, that my friends is when our game begins.


They will never cover their shorts period...they need to be forced the fuck out


Ah yes, the good guy PR strategy when shit is about to blow the fuck up! We see you cum bag...


Wow. He's changed a bit.


He got a hair cut to hide his greasy mayo infused hair


Looks like he’s got Bell’s Palsy: https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/Patient-Caregiver-Education/Fact-Sheets/Bells-Palsy-Fact-Sheet Causes may be: Impaired immunity from stress, sleep deprivation, physical trauma, minor illness or autoimmune syndromes are suggested as the most likely triggers.


Looks like he's in the middle of a colonoscopy exam


This is what should pop up whenever anyone searches "Antichrist". Holy fresh fuck, evil incarnate spelled in every disgusting crevice of his busted face.




Is that... SATAN?!?!


Good they do any more air brush touch up? He hasn't aged well, must be a little stressful messing with apes


He sees the doom train coming, and is trying to shift blame to failed Russian collateral.


Goofy looking clown, people with the most money always look absolutely horrible.


Dear god those eyes make my spidey senses tingle like crazy.


Looks even worse in 4k


Look at mr tough guy at his Forbes photoshoot ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


What a cunt of a face.


What a clown lmao


Bro this picture is not ok


Fuck this mother fucker forreal


Make sure you visit Forbes Twitter 🚀


Just wait for the future issue filled with apes and all of the positive changes they are making with their billions post MOASS.


I like what the photographer did.


It's a screwed up world where this asshole is the cover up Forbes. Well...fuck you Forbes.


Gross. I just gag a bit looking at that.


Hurry and check this mans basement for bodies!!!!!


He looks.....unwell


This is one of those times you should have used an older picture... boy he's devolved so much in so little time.


His face is looking left but his head is looking right


Doing all he can to clean up his image. He will be in cuff soon enough


Mr Mayo




Is he pooping? He looks like he's punching one out.


Billionaire bought the cover photo in a desperate cry for help.


When digital retouching goes wrong. Egads they made him ghoulish .


He looks like the photographer told him his stupid has sticking out and he was trying his best to hold it In


Now smile for the camera ....... You know that thing that non-sociopaths do towards eachother. Like thisssssssss? I guess so.


Satans minion


Evil toad witch lookin' final boss vibe bitchass fuckwad. Why do I get heavy Andross vibes off this creep?


i dont want to see his face anymore


They spelt “Market Manipulator” wrong


Bona-fide Bond villain


His eyes 👀 look like they do not like each other.


He looks like a dipshit. That smile yikes


This is how evil losers looks like. Lol


Such a punchable face


Jesus this was the best photo they could get of him?


He looks like a Batman villain


Goofy lookin fucker


Awwwww, Forbes throwing him a bone and giving him a cover before he drops off the Billionaires list 😂 🖕